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钱瑜  白杨 《食品界》2021,(3):64-66
除了争夺奶源地,对益生菌领域布局是近年来各大乳企做的另一件事.近日,光明乳业推出首款益生菌产品——健能JCAN系列益生菌;2020年7月,澳优推出益生菌产品爱益森,这被认为是其益生菌战略正式落地;2019年,合生元推出合生元益生菌滴剂.  相似文献   

赵卓 《食品开发》2013,(3):64-66
5月21日,蒙牛乳业经过半个月的测试,启动了微信版互动答疑平台,试图进一步推进企业与消费者之间的信息透明与对等。通过微信,蒙牛正面回应了近年来几起质量安全问题.并专门介绍了“奶源建设方面的努力”。  相似文献   

目前,国内乳企正面临着内忧外患的双重压力。"松散型公司+农户"的发展模式一直制约着奶源质量保障,但这肯定不是问题的全部。近几年,"致癌"、"汞超标"、"回收过期奶"等乳品安全事件接踵而至,将消费者心中对国产乳品的信任一一击碎。在国内乳企自毁前程的时候,国外进口乳品已经悄悄成了行业领头羊。停不下来的信誉危机国内乳业巨头的自夸自矜,或者牢骚抱怨,都不会让这一行业有任何起色。企业应该为自己的信誉买单"乳制品是国产的好还是国外的好?""当然是国外的好。""为什么?""卫生"、"健康"、"没毒,不致癌"、  相似文献   

自三聚氰胺事件后,国内乳制品的负面报道就不时见诸报端,而奶源问题更是成为致命死穴。在国产乳制品备受诟病的情况下,一些国内乳企将目光投向了海外,以国外奶源作为原材料.甚至直接在海外投资设厂。  相似文献   

历史的车轮进入2021年,乳业的格局也发生了翻天覆地的变化。行业内以往常说的"得奶源者得天下",将真正的体现其内在的价值,曾经以往的"奶比水便宜"现象甚至倒奶的事件可能彻底成为历史了。在政策方面,早在2019年2月,《中共中央国务院关于坚持农业农村优先发展做好三农工作的若干意见》强调要实施"奶业振兴行动",加强优质奶源基地建设。  相似文献   

微信的公众平台的开放 刚刚开放的微信公众平台关闭了企业认证的这个渠道,据微信产品经理反馈,微信产品战略调整,目前已经关闭了所有官方账号的申请.这无疑显示出微信团队对于公众平台的管理规范还处于摸索阶段,微信用户增多以至需要关闭一些途径进行管制,为保持用户体验对功能开放的限制将是微信营销的一个门槛. 微信公众平台开放之后,二维码这个很早之前的信息工具如同被天使棒点化般强力激活,一时间,二维码微信漫天飞,电商、应用、媒体都在求扫二维码获得关注.但是获得关注之后也让企业和微博大号们感到茫然,一方面是来自于微信平台的约束,未认证的官方账号一天只能推送一条信息,已认证的每天可推送两条信息;而另一方面如何互动,一条信息的推送如何实现与用户的有效互动仍是问题.  相似文献   

从8月以来席卷我国南北多地的国产牛奶涨价潮及近期一些地方出现的袋装奶断供现象刺痛了不少消费者的神经。据介绍,业内保守估计今年全国奶源缺口约300~400万吨。今年的奶荒,很可能是近年来最严重的一次。"7、8月份全国天气普遍高温炎热,奶牛产奶量下降。从而造成奶源供应不足、供货偏紧。这种季节性的奶源紧缺其实每年都有。"  相似文献   

利用现代化营销理念,重新认识印刷市场并在此基础上制定、实施可行的营销战略、营销策略,对应对当前印刷业新变化、新挑战具有重要意义。其关键在于,全面认识印刷市场特点,全面评估网络营销、绿色营销等对印刷企业今后营销战略、策略的影响。  相似文献   

通过分析我国乳制品行业发展现状,乳制品行业划分为两超多强的总体格局,并对乳制品行业数据进一步分析,对比两超多强乳品企业的优势,进而从产品质量、产品结构、产品创新、渠道运营、品牌推广、品牌战略六个方面为乳品行业发展提供对策与建议,旨在促进我国乳品行业高效发展。  相似文献   

企业招商,有的是为了迅速开拓网络,而有的企业招商的目的就是为了赤裸裸的圈钱,由于目的不纯正,就导致企业在招商过程中和以后的工作中与正常的招商措施不一样。而这样做的结果往往容易导致企业过早的透支网络,使企业经营陷入恶性循环。随着国家金融环境的变化,导致一般企业想通过银行渠道融资越来越难。于是许多企业就把招商作为企业融资的重要渠道,为了达到融资的目的,企业就成了为融资而融资的招商。  相似文献   

The effect of infusing similar energy equivalents of starch into the rumen, or starch or oil into the abomasum was studied in four midlactation cows in a 4 x 4 Latin square design experiment; controls were ruminally infused with water. Cows were fitted with cannulas in the rumen, abomasum, and ileum, and nutrient digestion in the rumen and small intestine was evaluated with Cr as a digesta marker. Ruminal infusions of starch, or abomasal infusions of starch or oil, were associated with a decrease in voluntary feed organic matter intake. Overall energy intake was reduced in oil-infused, but not in starch-infused cows. Nonstructural carbohydrate digestibility in the rumen and in the small intestine was similar among treatments. In abomasally infused cows 3.4 kg/d of nonstructural carbohydrates was apparently digested in the small intestine. Milk production was reduced in oil-infused cows, but the efficiency of milk energy and protein yield was unaffected by treatments. Plasma glucose, insulin, and IGF-1 concentration, mammary glucose extraction rate, rumen ammonia and plasma urea, and arterial and mammary extraction rate of amino acids were all similar among treatments. Large quantities of starch can be digested in the rumen or small intestine of dairy cows. There appear to be no metabolic advantage to increasing the supply of starch to the rumen or the abomasum of mid-lactation dairy cows maintained on highly concentrated diets and exhibiting a positive energy balance.  相似文献   

阎姝 《饮料工业》2007,10(6):18-20
主要介绍了液态奶的现状以及存在的一些问题,并提出了加强和改善我国液态奶市场的营销建议。  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(11):12079-12093
Most milk replacers (MR) contain more lactose compared with whole milk, which, when fed at a large meal size, could influence gut barrier function in calves. This study evaluated how replacing lactose in MR with fat (on a wt/wt basis) affects intestinal histomorphology and permeability in neonatal dairy calves. Thirty-four Holstein-Friesian bull calves were blocked by dam parity and randomly assigned to 1 of 2 treatments (n = 17): a high-lactose (46.1% lactose, 18.0% crude fat, and 23.9% crude protein of dry matter) or a high-fat MR (HF; 39.9% lactose, 24.6% crude fat, and 24.0% crude protein of dry matter). Calves were individually housed and fed pooled colostrum at 1.5 h and 12 h postnatally, at 18 and 9% of metabolic body weight (BW0.75), respectively. From 24 h postnatally until the end of the study (d 7), calves were transitioned to be fed MR (prepared at 15% solids) at 18% of BW0.75 twice daily at 0700 and 1900 h. During postprandial sampling on d 6, intestinal permeability was assessed by mixing lactulose (1.03 g/kg of BW0.75) and d-mannitol (0.31 g/kg of BW0.75) into the morning meal without altering total meal volume. Sequential blood samples were collected via jugular catheter, and total urine was collected for 12 h to measure the marker content. Calves were euthanized 3 h after the morning meal on d 7, and gastrointestinal tract tissues and digesta were collected for analysis of histomorphology, digesta osmolality, and gene expression. The empty gastrointestinal tracts of HF calves were heavier, although length did not differ and differences in histomorphology were minor. Digesta osmolality changed along the tract without differences between treatments. Plasma lactulose was greater in HF, although plasma d-mannitol and the recovery of both markers in urine were unaffected. No significant differences were detected in gene expression, although HF calves tended to have lower expression of TJP1 and CLDN2 and higher expression of proinflammatory cytokine IL1B in ileum tissue. In conclusion, partially replacing lactose in MR with fat resulted in a heavier and more permeable gut, with minor histomorphological differences.  相似文献   

<正> 受金融危机影响,西方过剩的奶粉,正以超低价大量向我国倾销,国产乳业再遇难题。日前,广东海关统计,2009年广东省进口奶粉5.8万吨,比上年同期增长2倍多。广东省去年进口奶粉金额达1.4亿美元,增长54.1%;与此形成对比的是,洋奶粉进口均价每吨2337美元,下降幅度多达48.2%。商务部数据显示,预计2010年1月份进口奶粉到货超过4万  相似文献   

王东升  何哲 《饮料工业》2008,11(12):12-13
我国奶业市场“三聚氰胺”事律给靖费者和生产者带来了极其严重的伤害,问题根源主要在于营销环境治理不力。指出了“奶业危机”的现状,分析了“奶业危机”的症结所在,提出了应对“奶业危机”的对策。  相似文献   

马勇  王霞  雷昌贵  孟宇竹 《饮料工业》2008,11(12):14-17
以红枣为主料,枸杞、菠萝等为辅料,对红枣枸杞菠萝复合饮料的加工工艺进行了研究。结果表明,果胶酶浸提红枣汁的最佳工艺条件为:果胶酶用量0.08%、酶解温度55℃、酶解时间3h、酶解pH4.0;红枣汁的最佳澄清条件是果胶酶添加量0.02%、55℃下澄清1.5h;红枣枸杞饮料的最佳配比为:红枣汁55%、枸杞汁8%、菠萝汁12%、50%蔗糖溶液25%。  相似文献   

浅析中国葡萄酒行业价格战争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过分析中国葡萄酒市场价格战争的可能性和可行性,结合市场营销管理过程中的竞争优势理论提出了在当前竞争格局下价格战争手段不具有明显的有效性,对葡萄酒行业的健康发展做出了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

Meta-analysis of nutritional risk factors for milk fever in dairy cattle.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Data from 75 published trials were analyzed using meta-analysis techniques (pooling of data from many trials into one analysis) to determine nutritional risk factors for milk fever. Trials included in the analysis represented 1165 cows, 214 of which developed milk fever. Prepartum dietary concentrations of S and dietary anion-cation balance [(Na + K) - (C1 + S)] were the two nutritional factors most strongly correlated to the incidence of milk fever. Logistic regression analysis revealed that dietary S had the greatest influence on the incidence of milk fever. Increasing dietary S concentrations lowered the odds ratio of developing milk fever. Increasing dietary Na and CP increased odds ratios, but to a lesser extent. Relationship of dietary Ca to milk fever was nonlinear; relative risk of milk fever was greatest at 1.16% dietary Ca (DM basis) and was lowered as dietary Ca deviated either direction from 1.16%. Except when dietary Ca was extremely high or low, effects of changes in dietary Ca on the risk of milk fever were minor. Results of the analysis clarified the influence of Ca on the relative risk for milk fever and supported the theory that anion-cation balance exerts a strong, linear effect on the incidence of this disorder.  相似文献   

Twenty-four multiparous and 15 primiparous Holstein cows were fed a total mixed corn silage diet with one of three dietary treatments: 14% crude protein, 22% crude protein (all preformed), or 22% crude protein (preformed plus nonprotein N). Eight multiparous and 5 primiparous cows were randomly assigned to each treatment at calving. The diet contained 23% ADF during wk 1 to 4 postpartum and was lowered to 11% ADF for wk 5 to 12 postpartum. Treatment had no effect on the magnitude of depression in milk fat percentage or milk fat yield in multiparous cows. After fiber was lowered, changes in rumen acetate to propionate ratio, blood glucose, free fatty acids, and insulin were not influenced by treatment. Depression in milk fat percentage for primiparous cows was 19.7, 9.2, and 14.9% for low protein, high protein, and high protein with nonprotein N, respectively. When changed from high fiber to low fiber, the primiparous cows increased milk fat yield 9% for high preformed protein treatment but decreased fat yield for other treatments. Depression in acetate to propionate ratio and increase in blood glucose was least for the high preformed protein group.  相似文献   

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