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A study of the cis-acting elements involved in the 3' end formation of the RNAs from the major late L4 family of adenovirus-2 was undertaken. Series of 5' or 3' end deletion mutants and mutants harboring either internal deletions or substitutions were prepared and assayed for in vitro cleavage. This first allowed the demonstration of a sequence, located at -6 to -29, relative to AAUAAA, whose deletion or substitution reduces cleavage efficiency at the L4 polyadenylation site two to three fold. This upstream efficiency element 5' AUCUUUGUUGUC/AUCUCUGUGCUG 3' is constituted of a partially repeated 12 nucleotide long, UCG rich sequence. The activities of the 2 sequence elements in cleavage are additive. We also searched for regulatory sequences downstream of the L4 polyadenylation site. We found that the deletion or substitution of a 30 nucleotide long UCG rich sequence, between nucleotides +7 and +35 relative to the cleavage site and harboring a UCCUGU repeat reduces cleavage efficiency at least ten fold. A GUUUUU sequence, starting at +35 had no influence. Thus, the usage of the L4 polyadenylation site requires down-stream sequences different from the canonical GU or U boxes and is regulated by upstream sequence elements.  相似文献   

Regulation of polyadenylation efficiency at the secretory poly(A) site plays an essential role in gene expression at the immunoglobulin (IgM) locus. At this poly(A) site the consensus AAUAAA hexanucleotide sequence is embedded in an extended AU-rich region and there are two downstream GU-rich regions which are suboptimally placed. As these sequences are involved in formation of the polyadenylation pre-initiation complex, we examined their function in vivo and in vitro . We show that the upstream AU-rich region can function in the absence of the consensus hexanucleotide sequence both in vivo and in vitro and that both GU-rich regions are necessary for full polyadenylation activity in vivo and for formation of polyadenylation-specific complexes in vitro . Sequence comparisons reveal that: (i) the dual structure is distinct for the IgM secretory poly(A) site compared with other immunoglobulin isotype secretory poly(A) sites; (ii) the presence of an AU-rich region close to the consensus hexanucleotide is evolutionarily conserved for IgM secretory poly(A) sites. We propose that the dual structure of the IgM secretory poly(A) site provides a flexibility to accommodate changes in polyadenylation complex components during regulation of polyadenylation efficiency.  相似文献   

Sequence conservation among mammalian poly(A) sites is limited to the sequence AAUAAA, coupled with an amorphous downstream U- or GU-rich region. Since these sequences may also occur within the coding region of mRNAs, additional information must be required to define authentic poly(A) sites. Several poly(A) sites have been shown to contain sequences outside the core elements that enhance the efficiency of 3' processing in vivo and in vitro. The human immunodeficiency virus type 1, equine infectious anemia virus, and adenovirus L1 3' processing enhancers have been shown to promote the binding of cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor (CPSF), the factor responsible for recognition of AAUAAA, to the pre-mRNA, thereby facilitating the assembly of a stable 3' processing complex. We have used in vitro selection to examine the mechanism by which the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 3' processing enhancer promotes the interaction of CPSF with the AAUAAA hexamer. Surprisingly, RNAs selected for efficient polyadenylation were related by structure rather than sequence. Therefore, in the absence of extensive sequence conservation, our results strongly suggest that RNA structure is a critical determinant of poly(A) site recognition by CPSF and may play a key role in poly(A) site definition.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a distal GU-rich downstream element of the mouse IgM secretory poly(A) site is important for polyadenylation in vivo and for polyadenylation specific complex formation in vitro. This element can be predicted to form a stem-loop structure with two asymmetric internal loops. As stem-loop structures commonly define protein RNA binding sites, we have probed the biological activity of the secondary structure of this element. We show that mutations affecting the stem of the structure abolish the biological activity of this element in vivo and in vitro at the level of cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor/cleavage stimulation factor complex formation and that both internal loops contribute to the enhancing effect of the sequence in vivo. Lead (II) cleavage patterns and RNase H probing of the sequence element in vitro are consistent with the predicted secondary structure. Furthermore, mobility on native PAGE suggests a bent structure. We propose that the secondary structure of this downstream element optimizes its interaction with components of the polyadenylation complex.  相似文献   

During the development of mouse B cells there is a regulated shift from the production of membrane (mb) to secretory-specific (sec) forms of immunoglobulin (Ig) mRNA. The mRNAs are produced from one gene that is alternatively processed at the 3' end. We have previously shown that there is an increase in polyadenylation efficiency accompanying the developmentally regulated shift to secretory-specific forms of Ig mRNA by DNA transfection experiments (1). When we look in vitro at nuclear extracts prepared from early/memory versus late stage/plasma B cells, we see cell stage-specific differences in the proteins which are crosslinked to poly(A) site-containing RNAs. Here we show that one of these proteins is the mouse homologue of 100 kDa subunit of Hela CPSF by immunoprecipitation and Western analysis of UV crosslinked material. The amount of 100 kDa protein and its mobility on two-dimensional gels do not change between the B cell stages. However, the binding of the 100 kDa polypeptide to poly(A) sites increases in the late stage/plasma cell lines relative to the binding seen in early/memory cell lines. The increased binding may reflect an increase in polyadenylation efficiency at the sec poly(A) site in plasma cells versus early/memory cells seen in vivo.  相似文献   

VP55, the catalytic subunit of vaccinia virus poly(A) polymerase, has the remarkable property of adding 30-35 adenylates to RNA 3' ends in a rapid processive burst before an abrupt transition to slow, non-processive adenylate addition. Here, we demonstrate that this property results from the affinity of the enzyme for uridylate residues within the 3' 31-40 nt of the RNA primer. At physiological salt concentrations, both polyadenylation and stable VP55 binding required the presence of multiple uridylates within a 31-40 nt length of RNA, though specific RNA sequences were not necessary. Even DNA in which the deoxythymidylate residues were replaced with ribouridylates, could be polyadenylated in a processive manner. Both the unmethylated pyrimidine ring and a 2'-OH on the associated sugar are features of ribouridylates that are important for priming. The abrupt termination of processive polyadenylation was attributed to translocation of VP55 along the nascent poly(A) tail, which lacks uridylates for stable binding. As evidence for translocation and interaction with newly synthesized RNA, other homopolymer tails were synthesized by VP55 in the presence of Mn2+, which relaxes its donor nucleotide specificity. Only during poly(U) tail synthesis did processive nucleotide addition fail to terminate.  相似文献   

Most eukaryotic mRNAs possess a 5' cap and a 3' poly(A) tail, both of which are required for efficient translation. In yeast and plants, binding of eIF4G to poly(A)-binding protein (PABP) was implicated in poly(A)-dependent translation. In mammals, however, there has been no evidence that eIF4G binds PABP. Using 5' rapid amplification of cDNA, we have extended the known human eIF4GI open reading frame from the N-terminus by 156 amino acids. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments showed that the extended eIF4GI binds PABP, while the N-terminally truncated original eIF4GI cannot. Deletion analysis identified a 29 amino acid sequence in the new N-terminal region as the PABP-binding site. The 29 amino acid stretch is almost identical in eIF4GI and eIF4GII, and the full-length eIF4GII also binds PABP. As previously shown for yeast, human eIF4G binds to a fragment composed of RRM1 and RRM2 of PABP. In an in vitro translation system, an N-terminal fragment which includes the PABP-binding site inhibits poly(A)-dependent translation, but has no effect on translation of a deadenylated mRNA. These results indicate that, in addition to a recently identified mammalian PABP-binding protein, PAIP-1, eIF4G binds PABP and probably functions in poly(A)-dependent translation in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

The brain damage produced by unilateral cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in the immature rat results from major alterations in cerebral energy metabolism and glucose utilization which begin during the course of the insult and proceed into the recovery period. Consistent with a lack of pathology, the alterations in the hemisphere contralateral to the carotid artery ligation are transient and return to normal within 24 h of recovery, whereas the hemisphere ipsilateral to the ligation exhibits both early and late responses, and infarction. The facilitative glucose transporter proteins mediate glucose transport across the blood-brain barrier (55 kDa GLUT1), and into neurons and glia (GLUT3 and 45 kDa GLUT1), and demonstrate both early and late responses to perinatal hypoxia-ischemia. This study employed in situ hybridization histochemistry to investigate the temporal and regional patterns of GLUT1 and GLUT3 gene expression following a severe (2.5 h) hypoxic-ischemic insult in the 7-day old rat brain. Enhanced GLUT1 mRNA expression was apparent in cerebral microvessels of both hemispheres and remained elevated in the ipsilateral hemisphere through 24 h of recovery, consistent with our previous observation of increased microvascular 55 kDa GLUT1 protein. The expression of the neuronal isoform, GLUT3, was enhanced in penumbral regions, such as piriform cortex and amygdala, but was rapidly reduced in the affected areas of cortex, hippocampus and thalamus, reflecting necrosis. The late response, observed at 72 h of recovery, was characterized by extensive necrosis in the ipsilateral hemisphere, loss of GLUT3 expression, and a gliotic reaction including increased GLUT1 in GFAP-positive astrocytes. This study demonstrates that cerebral hypoxia-ischemia in the immature rat produces both immediate-early and long-term effects on the glucose transporter proteins at the level of gene expression.  相似文献   

We investigated calcium influx in the long lasting potentiation induced in area CA1 of rat hippocampus by brief bath application of the G-protein activator A1F4-(NaF/AlCl3). Brief (10 min) bath application of A1F4 in standard saline (with 2 mM Ca2+) consistently induced a long lasting potentiation which was not observed if A1F4 was bath-applied in nominally calcium free saline. Increasing the potential calcium influx, either by raising extracellular calcium concentration to 3.5 mM or by addition of the voltage operated calcium channel (VOCC) agonist BayK8644, failed to increase the number of slices exhibiting potentiation or the mean level of potentiation. Bath application of AlF4 in the presence of the VOCC antagonist failed to block the potentiation and A1F4- readily induced a long lasting potentiation under voltage clamp conditions, strongly suggesting that the calcium influx required for A1F4-induced potentiation is not through NMDA receptors or VOCC channels. It is suggested that the calcium required may be provided by an ongoing recharging and emptying of IP3 sensitive intracellular Ca2+ stores.  相似文献   

All of the regulatory factors responsible for augmenting microseconds mRNA levels preceding the dramatic increase in secretory IgM production upon B cell activation has not been totally elucidated. Whereas previous experiments have centered on the region of the gene specifying the choice between splicing to mu M exons versus selection of the mu S poly(A) site, we have found that upstream sequences within the Cmu gene, specifically the Cmu 4 acceptor splice site together with intronic sequences between the Cmu 3++ and Cmu 4 exons, play an important role in dictating the precision or the extent of splicing to the mu M exons even under conditions in which functional polyadenylation factors should be in excess. Therefore, splicing of upstream exons can affect remotely located downstream exons. These findings suggest that regulation of differential mu S/mu M mRNA expression may involve general processing enzymes that recognize specific cis -regulatory sequences residing within the body of the mu gene and account for the unique ability of activated B cells to secrete copious amounts of IgM.  相似文献   

X-ray diffraction and ab initio MO theoretical calculations were used in order to investigate the structural and electronic properties of sarmazenil, a weak inverse agonist at the omega modulatory sites (benzodiazepine receptors). This compound was compared to bretazenil, a partial agonist, and to the antagonist flumazenil on the basis of structural and electronic data. The conformational and theoretical properties (interatomic pi overlap populations, molecular electrostatic potential (MEP), the topology of frontier orbitals, and proton affinity) of these three imidazobenzodiazepinones were determined in order to analyse the stereoelectronic properties in relation with their distinct intrinsic efficacies at the omega modulatory sites.  相似文献   

Sequence heterogeneity of hepatitis B virus (HBV) is increasingly recognized to play a role in virus-host interaction. We have used a recently established method for HBV full-length genome amplification to search for novel types of HBV variants and to investigate further the sequence heterogeneity of HBV genome populations. Using this method, a substantial fraction of HBV genomes much shorter than wildtype size was found in some sera and liver biopsies from infected patients. Cloning and sequencing of a number of these HBV genomes as well as hybridization studies revealed a new minor class of HBV genomes with an internal poly(dA) sequence approximately 60 to more than 100 nucleotides long in 4 of 10 patients. The 5'-ends of the internal poly(dA) sequences are located at positions corresponding to the authentic processing/polyadenylation sites of the RNA pregenome, whereas the positions of the 3'-ends are variable due to different sizes of adjacent deletions. These data suggest that the poly(A) tail of the pregenomic RNA is occasionally reverse transcribed by the HBV P-protein and during this process a deletion seems to be introduced into the DNA minus strand. We propose a mechanism by which this could be accomplished during DNA minus strand synthesis.  相似文献   

We have studied the apoptotic response of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP)-/- cells to different inducers and the consequences of the expression of an uncleavable mutant of PARP on the apoptotic process. The absence of PARP drastically increases the sensitivity of primary bone marrow PARP-/- cells to apoptosis induced by an alkylating agent but not by a topoisomerase I inhibitor CPT-11 or by interleukin-3 removal. cDNA of wild type or of an uncleavable PARP mutant (D214A-PARP) has been introduced into PARP-/- fibroblasts, which were exposed to anti-CD95 or an alkylating agent to induce apoptosis. The expression of D214A-PARP results in a significant delay of cell death upon CD95 stimulation. Morphological analysis shows a retarded cell shrinkage and nuclear condensation. Upon treatment with an alkylating agent, expression of wild-type PARP cDNA into PARP-deficient mouse embryonic fibroblasts results in the restoration of the cell viability, and the D214A-PARP mutant had no further effect on cell recovery. In conclusion, PARP-/- cells are extremely sensitive to apoptosis induced by triggers (like alkylating agents), which activates the base excision repair pathway of DNA, and the cleavage of PARP during apoptosis facilitates cellular disassembly and ensures the completion and irreversibility of the process.  相似文献   

The interaction of the Fip1 subunit of polyadenylation factor I with the Saccharomyces cerevisiae poly(A) polymerase (PAP) was assayed in vivo by two-hybrid analysis and was found to involve two separate regions on PAP, located at opposite ends of the protein sequence. In vitro, Fip1 blocks access of the RNA primer to an RNA binding site (RBS) that overlaps the Fip1 carboxy-terminal interaction region and, in doing so, shifts PAP to a distributive mode of action. Partial truncation of this RBS has the same effect, indicating that this site is required for processivity. A comparison of the utilization of ribo- and deoxyribonucleotides as substrates indicates the existence on PAP of a second RBS which recognizes the last three nucleotides at the 3' end of the primer. This site discriminates against deoxyribonucleotides at the 3' end, and interactions at this site are not affected by Fip1. Further analysis revealed that the specificity of PAP for adenosine is not simply a function of the ATP binding site but also reflects interactions with bases at the 3' end of the primer and at another contact site 14 nucleotides upstream of the 3' end. These results suggest that the unique specificity of PAP for ribose and base, and thus the extent and type of activity with different substrates, depends on interactions at multiple nucleotide binding sites.  相似文献   

Biodegradable particulate systems have been considered as parenteral drug delivery systems. The adsorption of plasma proteins on micro- and nanoparticles is determined by the surface properties and may, in turn, strongly influence the biocompatibility and biodistribution of both carriers. In the present study the influence of the polymer composition and the production method of microspheres on the in vitro plasma protein adsorption were investigated using two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE). Microparticles were prepared from poly(l-lactide) (l-PLA), poly(d,l-lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA), and ABA triblock copolymers containing hydrophilic poly(oxyethylene) (B-blocks) domains connected to hydrophobic polyesters (A-blocks). Two different microencapsulation methods were employed, namely the w/o/w emulsion solvent evaporation method and the spray-drying technique. It could be demonstrated that the polymer composition and, especially, the encapsulation technique, influenced the interactions with plasma proteins significantly. For example, the percentages of several apolipoproteins in the plasma protein adsorption patterns of spray-dried PLGA- and l-PLA-particles were distinctly higher when compared to the adsorption patterns of the particles produced by the w/o/w-technique. Some adsorbed proteins were found to be characteristic or even specific for particles produced by the same method or consisting of identical polymers. Polyvinyl alcohol used as stabilizer in the w/o/w-technique may decisively influence the surface properties relevant for protein adsorption. The plasma protein adsorption on particles composed of ABA copolymers was drastically reduced when compared to microspheres made from pure polyesters. The adsorption patterns of ABA-particles were dominated by albumin. The plasma protein adsorption patterns detected on the different microspheres are likely to affect their in vivo performance as parenteral drug delivery systems.  相似文献   

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