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BACKGROUND: In contrast to other Lewis blood group-related antigens, Lewis Y antigen (LeY) has not been fully investigated in non-small cell lung cancer. METHODS: To assess the significance of LeY expression, 236 patients with completely resected pathologic stage 1-3a were reviewed with immunohistochemical analysis. RESULTS: LeY expression was positive in 179 patients (75.8%). In poorly differentiated cancer, percentage of LeY-positive patients was lower than in moderately to well-differentiated cancer (67.2% versus 81.2%, p = 0.028). Five-year survival rate of LeY-positive patients was 78.2%, significantly higher than that of LeY-negative patients (59.7%, p = 0.001). Combined with p53 status, differences in survival proved to be marked; 5-year survival rate of patients with positive LeY expression and without aberrant p53 expression, was as high as 83.3%, whereas that of patients with negative LeY expression and with aberrant p53 expression was only 38.4% (p < 0.001). Multivariate analysis confirmed that LeY expression was a significant independent factor to predict better survival. CONCLUSIONS: LeY expression is a significant prognostic factor related to grade of cancer differentiation.  相似文献   

Non-small cell cancers of the lung include squamous cell carcinoma, adenocarcinoma and large cell carcinoma. These tumors have traditionally been considered to be quite resistant to both chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Although surgery has offered the best chance for cure, the tumor has usually spread too far for effective surgery by the time it is discovered. Several newer chemotherapeutic agents show improved survival rates in the treatment of these tumors. These agents include paclitaxel, carboplatin and vinorelbine. These drugs may be used as single agents or in combination and have also been used in combination with radiation. Although further study will be required before the optimal regimen is determined, it appears that use of these agents can improve the survival of patients with inoperable non-small cell cancer of the lung.  相似文献   

The study was performed on 4 groups of male Wistar rats, receiving p.o. through 3 months every day: 1) distilled. water (control group); 2) sodium nitrite in dose 30 mg/kg b.w. x day (20% LD50); 3) lead acetate in dose 10 mg/kg b.w. x day (6.7% LD50); 4) lead acetate and sodium nitrite in amounts as above. The methemoglobin and hemoglobin were determined in whole blood, tryptophan--in plasma and free sulfhydryl groups--in erythrocytes. There was shown methemoglobin creative effects by nitrite (4.17%) and lead (3.02%) after 90-days intoxication. Both nitrite and lead significantly decrease free sulfhydryl groups and tryptophan levels in blood. There was also observed that lead administrated together with sodium nitrite does not increase methemoglobin concentration.  相似文献   

Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), which represents the bulk of primary carcinomas of the lung, is an aggressive malignancy. The majority of patients with NSCLC present with advanced disease, not curable by surgery, at the time of diagnosis. Recent randomized trials have shown an improvement in survival for patients with loco-regional disease treated with combination, platinum-based, chemotherapy and curative irradiation. Similarly, randomized studies of good performance status patients with metastatic disease have documented a survival advantage, albeit a modest advantage, for those receiving chemotherapy. New chemotherapy agents with activity in NSCLC have been studied in phase II trials. These agents need to be evaluated, in loco-regional and metastatic disease, in large randomized phase III trials before conclusions can be drawn about their role in treatment. Novel treatments which among other include gene therapy, anti-angiogenic and anti-metastatic agents are currently being assessed in early phase I and II studies. Gene therapy will likely be combined with standard chemotherapy and radiation in the treatment of NSCLC, whereas anti-angiogenic and anti-metastatic agents may play a role in prevention and maintenance therapy. Finally, regardless of the approach or modality, new interventions will need to be assessed for their impact on overall survival and the quality of life of patients with NSCLC.  相似文献   

Complications of patellar resurfacing in total knee arthroplasty have rekindled the interest of many surgeons in patellar retention. In a prospective study 20 randomly selected patients of 40 underwent patellar resurfacing in combination with their total knee arthroplasty. The other 20 patients were left with an unresurfaced patella. Within 24 months of follow-up, the advantages of patellar resurfacing could be seen according to the Knee Society Score. Especially in advanced osteoarthritis of the knee joint, the patients achieved better scores in climbing stairs and in function. The superior functional results are arguments for patellar resurfacing, at least in knees with advanced osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to determine (in survivors of 5 years after resection of their lung cancer) whether age, sex, histologic condition, and age have any influence on furthering survival beyond 5 years. METHODS: From 1973 to 1989, 686 patients were alive and well 5 years after complete resection of their lung cancers. Survival analysis was carried out with only deaths from lung cancer treated as deaths. Deaths from other causes were treated as withdrawals. Multivariate Cox regression was used to test the relationship of survival to age, sex, histologic condition, and stage. RESULTS: The population in this study had the following characteristics at the time of operation: The male/female ratio was 1.38:1, and the median age was 61 years. The histologic condition of their lung cancer was adenocarcinoma in 412 patients, squamous cell in 244 patients, large cell carcinoma in 29 patients, and small cell carcinoma in 1 patient. The stage of the disease was stage IA in 263 patients, IB in 261 patients, IIA in 12 patients, IIB in 68 patients, and IIIA in 82 patients. The extent of resection was a lobectomy or bilobectomy in 579 patients, pneumonectomy in 55 patients, and wedge resection or segmentectomy in 52 patients. A recurrence or a new lung primary occurrence was considered as failure to remain free of lung cancer. The median follow-up on all patients was 122 months from initial treatment. Of the 686 patients, 26 patients experienced the development of late recurrence and 36 new cancers, beyond 5 years. Overall survival for 5 additional years after a 5-year check point was 92.4%. Likewise, survival by nodal status was 93% for N0 tumors, 95% for N1 tumors, and 90% for N2 tumors. Survival by stage was 93% for stage I tumors and 91% for stage II or IIIA tumors. CONCLUSIONS: In patients with surgically treated lung cancer, neither age, sex, histologic condition, nor stage is a predictor of the risk of late recurrence or new lung cancer. The only prognostic factor appears to be the survival of the patient free of lung cancer for 5 years from the initial treatment, with a resultant favorable outlook to remain well for 10 or more years.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recurrence after resection of non-small cell lung carcinoma is generally associated with a poor outcome and is treated with either systemic agents or palliative irradiation. Recently, long-term survival has been reported after resection of isolated brain metastases from non-small cell lung carcinoma, but resection of other metastatic sites has not been explored fully. METHODS: We have identified 14 patients who had solitary extracranial metastases treated aggressively after curative treatment of their non-small cell lung carcinoma. The histology was squamous carcinoma in 5, adenocarcinoma in 8, and large cell carcinoma in 1. Initially, 3 patients had stage I, 5 stage II, and 6 stage IIIa disease. RESULTS: The sites of metastases included extrathoracic lymph nodes (six), skeletal muscle (four), bone (three), and small bowel (one). The median disease-free interval before metastases was 19.5 months (range, 5 to 71 months). Complete surgical resection of the metastatic site was the treatment in 12 of 14 patients. Two patients received only curative irradiation to the metastatic site, with complete response. The overall 10-year actuarial survival (Kaplan-Meier) was 86%. To date, 11 patients are alive and well after treatment of their metastases (17 months to 13 years), 1 has recurrent disease, 1 died of recurrent widespread metastases, and 2 died of unrelated causes. CONCLUSION: Long-term survival is possible after treatment of isolated metastases to various sites from non-small cell lung carcinoma, but patient selection is critical.  相似文献   

Antisera were developed that specifically recognize orphanin FQ/nociceptin, the 17 amino acid peptide reported to be the endogenous ligand for the orphan opioid receptor. Immunocytochemical localizations in rat spinal cord demonstrated that orphanin FQ /nociceptin-immunoreactivity (-ir) was abundant in superficial dorsal horn, lateral spinal nucleus and the region dorsal to the central canal, areas that also exhibit prominent enkephalin-and dynorphin-ir. Orphanin FQ/nociceptin-ir was not affected by dorsal rhizotomy, indicating that in spinal cord the peptide is produced by central rather than primary afferent neurons. thus, the distribution of orphanin FQ/nociceptin-ir appeared in neuronal circuits that parallel those containing enkephalin- and dynorphin-ir, with only modest co-existence of these peptides.  相似文献   

Lung cancer, of which non-small cell carcinoma is the most common, has been a significant therapeutic challenge for decades and will remain so for decades to come. Despite its prevalence, progress in the management of non-small cell lung cancer has been relatively slow. This is in part due to the pessimism of most physicians treating this disease, which has resulted in a relatively lackadaisical attitude with regards to clinical trials when compared to other solid tumours like breast or colorectal cancers. Nevertheless, the past decade has seen significant progress, specifically with regards to the management of locally advanced disease. Chemotherapy, though shown to be biologically active in non-small cell lung cancer, is considered an ineffective palliative tool in the setting of metastatic disease due to its toxicities and the "less than encouraging" response rates generated by the cisplatin-based combination regimen which is generally considered to be the most active currently available. The advent of new active agents such as paclitaxel and vinorelbine which are potentially less toxic may change this view. Conversely, the response rate of locally advanced disease to chemotherapy is significantly higher and this has resulted in numerous multimodality trials of neoadjuvant chemotherapy prior to surgery and/or radiation. To date, a number of randomised trials have shown that this approach can result in significant survival benefit for patients with locally advanced disease. An alternative approach makes use of the potential synergism between certain chemotherapeutic agents (such as cisplatin) and radiation when used concurrently. However, data on concurrent chemoradiotherapy in locally advanced disease have been largely based on single-arm studies and are inconclusive. Three randomised trials on concurrent chemoradiotherapy have been shown benefit for the use of combined modality in locally advanced disease. Hence, treatment of locally advanced disease should include chemotherapy as part of the combined modality approach. However, the optimal sequencing of these modalities would require well-designed randomised trials to determine.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The diagnostic value of cine magnetic resonance imaging (CMRI) that visualizes fluid and tissue movement was evaluated in patients with spinal intradural arachnoid cysts, a rare but increasingly detected cause of spinal cord dysfunction. METHODS: Four patients with thoracic spinal intradural arachnoid cysts were investigated with conventional T1- and T2-weighted and cardiac-gated CMRI. Four normal volunteers also underwent CMRI for comparison. RESULTS: Sagittal T1- and T2-weighted imaging showed lesions as an abnormal widening of the posterior spinal subarachnoid space, but mixed high- and low-signal intensities on T2-weighted imaging suggested cystic lesions. CMRI, using 16 to 20 sagittal gradient echo images during the cardiac cycle of normal volunteers, indicated synchronous signal changes along the subarachnoid space, suggesting a smooth cerebrospinal fluid flow. CMRI of patients detected that the caudal or cranial direction of the high-signal propagation suddenly reversed at some locations (as if rebounding) in an asynchronous fashion along the lesion (asynchronous rebound phenomenon), which was well demonstrated by the closed-loop video mode. Cystectomy revealed that the cysts consisted of multiple lobules and that the asynchronous rebound phenomenon corresponded with some boundaries of cyst lobules. CMRI also visualized dynamic spinal cord compression by the cyst. CONCLUSION: CMRI can demonstrate abnormal fluid flow and spinal cord compression caused by a spinal intradural arachnoid cyst.  相似文献   

From January 1982 to June 1995, 45 patients underwent operation at our department for T3N0M0 non-small cell lung cancer. Tumors invaded chest wall in 38 patients (parietal pleura in 17, subpleural fat tissue in 10, and rib in 11), diaphragm in 3, mediastinum in 3, and pericardium in 1. Extrapleural dissection was performed in 17 patients and en bloc resection of chest wall and lung was performed in 21. Complete resection was possible in 43 patients (96%). Operative mortality was 2.2%. The actuarial overall 5-year survival rate was 63% for the patients with parietal pleura invasion, 45% for those with subpleural invasion, 45% for those with rib invasion, and 56% for those with diaphragm, mediastinal pleura or pericardial invasion. Recurrence at the resected margin was observed in 5 patients with chest wall invasion (subpleural tissue in 3, rib in 2) and 1 with diaphragmatic invasion. In conclusion, we recommend an en bloc resection of the chest wall with enough surgical margin for peripheral tumors firmly adherent to the parietal pleura.  相似文献   

The effects of lipoxygenase inhibitors were investigated using human lung cancer cell lines and A/J mice. By RT-PCR, 5-, 12-, and 15-lipoxygenase mRNA was detected in NSCLC cells. NDGA inhibited 5-LO activity in adenocarcinoma cell line NCI-H1264. Using an MTT assay, NDGA, MK591 and AA861 inhibited the growth of NSCLC cell lines tested with IC50 values of 3, 2, and 7 microM, respectively. Using a clonogenic assay, 10 microM NDGA significantly reduced NSCLC colony number. NDGA significantly slowed NSCLC xenograft growth in nude mice. When the tumors were excised and analyzed, nude mice treated with NDGA had significantly more apoptotic figures than did untreated tumors. A/J mice treated with urethane developed adenomas after 4 months and NDGA administration significantly reduced lung adenoma number. These data indicate that lipoxygenase inhibitors inhibit lung cancer growth and prevent lung carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the levels of two lysosomal cysteine protease proteins cathepsin B (CB) and cathepsin L (CL) and the levels of three cysteine protease inhibitor proteins stefin A (SFA), stefin B (SFB) and cystatin C (CNC) in squamous-cell lung carcinoma (SQCLC) and matched lung parenchyma specimens and examined the inhibition of CB and cathepsin C (CC) activities by endogenous inhibitors in extracts from SQCLC, lung adenocarcinoma (LAC) and lung parenchyma specimens. We found that Stage I SQCLCs contained significantly increased levels of CB protein, CB activity and SFA protein as compared to matched lungs. Neither the levels of CL protein nor the levels of SFB protein nor the levels of CNC protein in Stage I SQCLCs and the lungs were significantly different, but the levels of CB and CL proteins as well as the levels of SFA and SFB proteins showed significant positive correlation in SQCLCs. In SQCLCs as well as in the lungs the level of SFB protein was significantly higher than the level of SFA protein or the level of CNC protein. In the lungs the levels of SFA protein and CNC protein revealed a weak negative correlation trend. In extracts from SQCLCs the level of SFA protein showed a weak negative correlation with the residual CB activity (i.e. the activity remaining after extract preincubation) whereas in extracts from the lungs the level of CNC protein displayed a weak negative correlation trend with the residual CB activity and with the residual CC activity. We observed that SQCLCs and LACs contained not only a significantly increased activity of CB but also a significantly higher inhibitory potential against the activity of endogenous CB as compared to matched lungs. Leupeptin, a small inhibitor of CB, was capable to protect CB in lung carcinoma and lung parenchyma extracts from preincubation-induced inhibition, revealing an active-site directed and competitive nature of CB inhibition by endogenous cystatins. Ultrafiltration passaged protein preparations of nominal Mr < or = 30,000 obtained from extracts of SQCLCs inhibited significantly higher quantities of activity of purified bovine spleen CC than did such protein preparations from matched lungs. Reaction courses of purified bovine spleen CC that had been preincubated with such protein preparations resembled those of endogenous CC from SQCLC and lung extracts showing a slow steady-state approach. These observations and the relaxation kinetics of CC from SQCLC and lung extracts suggest that CC in the extracts may be complexed with some cystatins. In conclusion, our results indicate that quantitatively different combinations of cystatins are the major constituents of the inhibitory potential against CB and CC in SQCLCs and the lungs.  相似文献   

Until recently, chemotherapeutic intervention in advanced and metastatic non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) has been viewed with a certain degree of nihilism. Although meta-analysis of randomized clinical studies from the 1970s and 1980s comparing cisplatin-based chemotherapy to best supportive care in metastatic NSCLC showed improvement in survival, it was modest at best. A number of novel agents have been developed with significant activity against NSCLC in the past 5 to 6 years and are being incorporated into the therapy of this disease. These agents include paclitaxel, docetaxel, vinorelbine, gemcitabine, and irinotecan. Clearly there has been improvement in response rates, and in some cases the responses have been durable with an increase in the number of 1- and 2-year survivors. The next generation of studies has evaluated combinations of these novel agents with either cisplatin or carboplatin for patients with NSCLC and the results have been provocative, with 1-year survival rates as high as 54%. A randomized phase III study of the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group has shown the superiority of paclitaxel-cisplatin regimens over etoposide-cisplatin for patients with advanced and metastatic NSCLC. The vinorelbine-cisplatin regimen has also proven to have significant, albeit modest benefit in survival when compared with cisplatin alone. These combination regimens have now become the reference regimens in ongoing randomized studies. There is continued interest in developing new agents, or selective approaches that effect novel targets with the hope of showing improved therapeutic activity. Some of these approaches include gene therapy, monoclonal antibodies, and introduction of antisense oligodeoxynucleotides. With better understanding of the molecular and cellular biology of lung cancer, the hope for the future is to combine the mechanistic approaches with new drug development to define an effective, optimal, and definitive regimen for NSCLC.  相似文献   

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