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90W-TNi-3Fe and (90-x)W-xTa-7Ni-3Fe (x= 1,3,5,7,10) specimens were attained by liquid phase sintering. A model describing the process of liquid forming and spreading was proposed to point out the differences between alloys doped with tantalum and traditional tungsten heavy alloys. Tantalum priority of entering matrix and a relative high solubility in liquid matrix depress tungsten solubility in liquid matrix, which decreases kinetic rate constant K and consequently results in the reduction of W grain size. The grain refinement is influenced by Ta content and becomes more obvious when Ta content is over 5%. The sample with less than 3%Ta has dominant W and matrix phases. While besides W and matrix phases, intermetallic phases emerge in 85W-5Tai-TNi-3Fe sample. Ta is superfluous and forms a new tantalum phase when more than 7% Ta is added into alloys.  相似文献   

The high-temperature mechanical properties of 95W-3.5Ni-1.5Fe and 95W-4.5Ni-0.5Co alloys were investigated in the temperature range of room temperature to1100℃.The yield strength and tensile strengths declined gradually,and the ductility of both alloys increased as the testing temperature was increased to 300℃.All the three properties reached a plateau at temperatures between 300 and 500℃ in the case of 95W-3.5Ni-1.5Fe and at temperatures between 350 and 700℃ in the case of 95W-4.5Ni-0.5Co.Thereafter,the ductility as well as yield and tensile strengths decreased considerably.  相似文献   

The microstructure and properties of liquid-phase sintered 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe tungsten heavy alloys using ultra-fine tungsten powders (medium particle size of 700 nm) and original tungsten powders (medium particle size of 3um) were investigated respectively. Commercial tungsten powders (original tungsten powders) were mechanically milled in a high-energy attritor mill for 35 h. Ultra-fine tungsten powders and commercial Ni, Fe powders were consolidated into green compacts by using CIP method and liquid-phase sintering at 1465℃ for 30 rain in the dissociated ammonia atmosphere. Liquid-phase sintered tungsten heavy alloys using ultra-fine tungsten powders exhibit full densification (above 99% in relative density) and higher strength and elongation compared with conventional liquidphase sintered alloys using original tungsten powders due to lower sintering temperature at 1465℃ and short sintering time. The mechanical properties of sintered tungsten heavy alloy are found to be mainly dependent on the particles size of raw tungsten powders and liquid-phase sintering temperature.  相似文献   

本文研究了不同热处理温度对冷轧态Ni42W10Co1Mo合金微观组织及力学性能的影响规律。结果表明,随着热处理温度的升高,合金中TCP相由σ相向μ相转变,μ相再向σ相转变,基体组织由条带状变形组织逐渐转变为均匀的等轴晶。经900℃热处理,析出相主要以针状与块状μ相析出为主,同时还有少量颗粒状μ相,发生明显再结晶现象。经1200℃热处理,颗粒状σ相大量析出,基体组织完成静态再结晶过程。TCP相的析出消耗了基体中固溶强化元素W,导致合金的室温屈服强度下降,屈服强度由初始态合金的1564MPa下降至1200℃热处理后的479MPa。小尺寸的σ相能阻碍裂纹的扩展,有利于提升合金的塑性,经1200℃热处理合金延伸率达到了72.4%。然而较大尺寸的μ相对合金的塑性产生不利影响,经900℃热处理后合金延伸率仅有7.1%。  相似文献   

1.IntroductionTungstenheavyalloyisakindoftwo-phasecompositecharacterizedbyhighdensity,highstrengthandgoodductilityl1].Themicrostructureconsistsoftungstengrainsem-beddedinanalloymatrix.FullydenseW-Ni-FeheavyalloysaretypicallyprocessedfromWpowderblendedwithNiandFeelementalpowdersthroughliquid-phasesinteringat15oth155oop.Theliquidinitiallyformsatatemperaturenearl465rol2].Therelativelyhighprocessingtemperatureandlongexposuresresultinacoarsefinalmicrostructure(4O-6opmingrainsize)andprogressivec…  相似文献   

采用熔体旋淬的方法制备了Fe Co含量达到87 at%Fe-Co-P-B系非晶合金薄带,研究了金属元素Co对Fe-Co-P-B系非晶合金的形成能力、软磁性能和弯曲韧性的影响规律。该合金系具有高的饱和磁化强度1.75~1.84 T,且热处理后薄带仍具有良好的弯曲韧性。添加Co元素后,提高了合金的居里温度,矫顽力升高。对薄带样品施加12 MPa的拉应力,合金的矫顽力由12.8 A/m降低到6.5 A/m。因此,通过成分和应力的调控可以避免Fe基非晶合金热处理引起的弛豫脆性问题,为获得具有优异软磁性能和良好弯曲韧性的Fe基非晶合金提供重要途径。  相似文献   

Tungsten heavy alloys (WHAs) with three different compositions (90W-7Ni-3Fe, 93W-4.9Ni-2.1Fe and 95W-3.5Ni-1.5Fe, wt.%) were heavily deformed by one-pass rapid hot extrusion at 1100 °C with an extrusion speed of ~ 100 mm/s and an extrusion ratio of ~ 3.33:1. The influence of tungsten content on the microstructure and tensile fracture characteristics of the as-extruded alloys was investigated in detail. The results show that the tungsten particles in the as-extruded 95W have the largest shape factor compared to the as-extruded 90W and 93W alloys and this implies that the tungsten particles in the as-extruded 95W alloy were subjected to the heaviest plastic deformation. In addition, ultimate tensile strength (UTS) and hardness (HRC) are significantly improved after rapid hot extrusion. The as-extruded 95W alloy processes the highest strength (1455 MPa) and hardness (HRC40) but the lowest elongation (5%), followed by the as-extruded 93W (UTS1390MPa; HRC39; 7%) and 90W alloys (UTS1260MPa; HRC36; 10%). The fracture morphology shows the distinct fracture features between the as-sintered alloys and the as-extruded alloys. For the as-sintered alloys, the fracture modes are various while transgranular cleavage of tungsten particles is the main characteristic in the as-extruded alloy. Meanwhile, the fracture modes of the three as-extruded alloys vary slightly with the tungsten content. TEM bright field images indicate that many lath-like subgrains with the width of 150-500 nm are present in the three as-extruded alloys, particularly in the as-extruded 93W and 95W alloys. Furthermore, the dislocations are absent in the γ-(Ni, Fe) phase. This means that dynamic recovery-recrystallization process took place during rapid hot extrusion.  相似文献   

金属增材制造技术是从20世纪90年代初期发展起来的一项先进制造技术,能够实现高性能复杂结构金属零件的无模具、快速、全致密近净成形。高比重W-Ni-Fe合金由于具有高密度、高强度和高塑性等特性,广泛应用于国防工业和国民经济领域。近年来,W-Ni-Fe高比重钨合金的增材制造受到了广泛关注。本文综述了国内外研究机构采用选区激光熔化(SLM)技术、激光熔化沉积(LMD)技术、选区电子束熔化(EBSM)技术和粘接剂喷射打印(BJP)技术4种增材制造技术制备W-Ni-Fe合金的研究进展,从成形工艺、成形件微观组织和力学性能等方面进行了分析,并对未来研究趋势做了预测。  相似文献   

Tungsten heavy alloys are aggregates of particles of tungsten bonded with Ni/Fe or Ni/Cu via liquidphase sintering. The sub-micrometer Ta Co powder was added to this aggregate to strengthen the bonding phase. It is found that the main fracture pattern of the alloys is cleavage of tungsten grains and ductile rupture of bond phase,leading to improved tensile strength and elongation. Dopant Ta can act as grain size inhibitor in tungsten heavy alloys.  相似文献   

微波烧结W-Ni-Fe高比重合金及其机理研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对90W-7Ni-3Fe高比重合金微波烧结工艺进行了系统的研究,比较了合金在2种温度下的微波烧结与常规氢气烧结工艺的性能.结果表明:微波液相烧结比固相烧结效果好,但微波烧结试样的各项性能均低于常规烧结.微波液相烧结相对密度97.5%要比常规烧结相对密度99.2%低;前者的布氏硬度2500 MPa低于后者的2600 MPa;前者的抗拉强度694.21 MPa低于后者的776.97 MPa.1460 ℃微波固相烧结的性能明显偏低,其内部组织疏松且有大量孔洞,但其外层却相当致密,微观组织也较均匀;1480 ℃微波液相烧结的内部组织整体比较均匀,但致密化程度较低,其粘结相分布不均匀,断裂多为沿晶断裂,只有少量穿晶断裂.  相似文献   

用熔体快淬法制备出3种FeCuNbSiB纳米晶合金带材,绕制成50 mm×32 mm×20 mm的环形磁环,随后在530~620℃下进行等温退火,研究退火温度对合金磁性能的影响。结果表明:随着退火温度的增加,合金内部晶化相的晶粒尺寸和体积分数有所增加。在550~600℃等温退火后合金具有相对较低的矫顽力(Hc为1.0~1.5 A/m,测试条件:Bm=100 mT,f=10 kHz)和损耗值(Pm为1.4~1.8 W/kg,测试条件:Bm=300 mT,f=10 kHz),特别是经过570~590℃退火后合金在1 kHz^50 kHz频率范围内具有最佳的磁导率。同时,在1 kHz^10 MHz频率范围内,不同测试频率下合金阻抗值对应的最佳退火温度也不同。  相似文献   

采用X射线衍射仪(XRD),振动样品磁强计(VSM),电化学工作站以及扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等试验仪器对辊速为14.65和43.96 m/s旋淬制备的Fe73.5Si13.5B9Cu1Nb3(C1和C2)合金条带进行了测试分析.XRD结果显示,低冷速下制备获得了非晶/纳米晶双相(C1)合金,高冷速制备的合金(C2)为...  相似文献   

研究双相AlxCrMnFeCoNi (x=0.4,0.5,0.6,摩尔分数,%)高熵合金的显微结构、拉伸力学性能与锯齿流变形为。经热力学处理后合金的显微组织由铸态树枝晶演化为由fcc和bcc组成的等轴晶。随A1含量增加,bcc相体积分数增大,fcc晶粒尺寸减小,合金强度得到显著提高。在中温区间,随试验温度升高,锯齿流变类型发生A+B→B+C(C)转变。因Al原子对位错的钉扎作用较强,含Al合金的平均锯齿应力振幅明显高于不含Al的CoCrFeNiMn合金。早期的小变形使fcc晶粒产生较低密度位错列和弯曲位错,而bcc晶粒中位错的攀移和剪切机制占主导地位。较大塑性变形后,位错的交滑移和扭折现象频繁发生,而高密度的位错缠结形成位错胞结构。  相似文献   

The present study was performed on A319.2 aluminum alloy containing 6.2% Si, 3.46% Cu, 0.35% Fe, 0.1% Mg. Small amounts of additives were added to the molten metal as follows: 0.5% Mg, (0.5%Mg + 0.03% Sr), (0.5%Mg + 0.03% Sr + 0.02% TiB2). The fluidity of the molten metal as a function of temperature in the range 620–740 °C was measured using the Ragone testing technique. Two solution treatments were applied to test bars prepared from these alloy compositions: 6–8 h at 470 °C, and 6–8 h at 505 °C. In both cases, the test bars were quenched in hot water (60 °C), followed by immediate ageing for 5 h at 180 °C. The results reveal that Sr slightly improves the fluidity of the molten metal (~12%) at 720 °C. The addition of Mg leads to a noticeable increase in the alloy length (~2%) when the solution temperature is above 500 °C. At this temperature, incipient melting of Al5Mg8Si6Cu2 and Al2Cu phase particles located at the grain boundaries was significant. Ageing at 180 °C contributes significantly to the alloy strength without much change in the dimension. The magnitude of the increase in alloy strength is strongly related to the solution temperature. Solution treatment for 8–10 h at 500 °C may be recommended.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTIONTheclassoforthorhombictitaniumaluminidealloyscurrentlyappearstoofferexcellentpotentialasaerospaceandelevatedtemperaturestructuralmaterialsbecauseoftheirlowdensityandhighstrength[1,2].TheconventionalTi3AlbasedalloyTi24Al11Nbpossesseshighertoug…  相似文献   

热处理对A356铝合金组织结构和力学性能的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用两种不同的热处理制度对稀土和锶综合细化变质的A356合金进行处理,一种是长时间标准处理制度T6(535℃固溶4h+150℃时效15h),另一种是短时间的热处理制度ST(550℃固溶2h+170℃时效2h)。采用光学显微镜、扫描电镜及室温拉伸实验等手段分析热处理制度对A356合金微观组织和拉伸力学性能的影响。结果表明:在550℃下固溶2h可以获得Mg、Si过饱和且分布均匀的α(Al)固溶体,并使共晶硅相球化;再经170℃人工时效2h后,可以达到传统T6处理的时效析出效果。拉伸实验结果表明,A356铝合金经传统T6处理得到了最高的拉伸强度和断裂伸长率;通过ST短时热处理后,其拉伸强度、屈服强度及伸长率分别可以达到T6处理时的90%,95%和80%。  相似文献   

The effects of sintering conditions on the microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of mechanically alloyed tungsten heavy alloys were investigated. W, Ni and Fe powders were mechanically alloyed in a tumbler ball mill at a milling speed of 75 rpm, ball-to-powder ratio of 20∶1 and ball filling ratio of 15%. The mechanically alloyed powders were compacted and solid-state sintered at a temperature of 1300°C for 1 hour in a hydrogen atmosphere. The solid-state sintered tungsten heavy alloy was subsequently liquid-phase sintered at 1470°C with varying sintering times from 4 min to 90 min. The solid-state sintered tungsten heavy alloy showed fine tungsten particles of 3 μm in diameter and high relative density above 99%. The volume fraction of the W-Ni-Fe matrix phase was measured, as 11% and tungsten/tungsten contiguity was 0.74 in solid-state sintered tungsten heavy alloys. Mechanically alloyed and two-step sintered tungsten heavy alloys showed tungsten particles of 6–15 μm and a volume fraction of the W-Ni-Fe matrix phase of 16% and tungsten/tungsten contiguity of 0.40. The solid-state sintered tungsten heavy alloy exhibited a yield strength of about 1100 MPa due to its finer tungsten particles, while it showed low elongation and impact energy due to its large tungsten/tungsten contiguity. The yield strength of two-step sintered tungsten heavy alloys increased with the decreasing of tungsten particle size and volume fraction of the W-Ni-Fe matrix. This article is based on a presentation made in “The 4th International Conference on Fracture and Strength of Solid”, held at POSTECH, Pohang, Korea, August 16–18, 2000 under the auspices of Far East and Ocean Fracture Society (FEOFS)et al.  相似文献   

Al含量对 Ni-Al-C合金凝固组织和性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了Al含量对Ni-Al-C系自润滑材料凝固组织的影响,测试了合金的力学性能和摩擦磨损性能。结果表明:当Al含量为4.25%时,凝固组织中的石墨含量较高,且以共晶石墨形态为主,基体为单相-γNi(Al);随着Al含量的增加,凝固组织中的石墨含量有所降低,共晶石墨减少,初生相中石墨占多数并有球化的趋势;当Al含量为6.85%时,合金基体由-γNi(Al)固溶体和少量(γ γ′)共晶组织组成;当Al含量为8.13%~9.94%时,凝固组织由γ-′Ni3Al相、(γ γ′)共晶相和石墨组成,-γNi(Al)固溶体消失;当Al含量为12.74%时,合金基体转变为单相γ-′Ni3Al,其网状晶界由高硬度的Ni3AlC0.5相生成。Al含量较低的合金具有较好的韧性,提高Al含量有利于提高材料的强度和耐磨性。Al含量为8.13%的合金基体组织主要由(γ γ′)共晶组成,晶粒尺寸显著细化,其综合力学性能显著提高,摩擦因数小,磨损率低。  相似文献   

The goal of this work was to evaluate the effects of particle size, particle volume fraction, and matrix strength on the monotonic fracture properties of two different Al alloys, namely T1-Al2124 and T1-Al6061, reinforced with silicon carbide particles (SiCp). From the tensile tests, an increase in particle volume fraction and/or matrix strength increased strength and decreased ductility. On the other hand, an increase in particle size reduced strength and increased the composite ductility. In fracture toughness tests, an increase in particle volume fraction reduced the toughness of the composites. An increase in matrix strength reduced both K crit and δcrit values. However, in terms of K Q (5%) values, the Al6061 composite showed a value similar to the corresponding Al2124 composite. This was mainly attributed to premature yielding caused by the high ductility/low strength of the Al6061 matrix and the testpiece dimensions. The effect of particle size on the fracture toughness depends on the type of matrix and toughness parameter used. In general, an increase in particle size decreased the K Q (5%) value, but simultaneously increased the amount of plastic strain that the matrix is capable of accommodating, increasing both δcrit and K crit values.  相似文献   

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