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随着风电容量的增加,异步电机对同步电网动态特性的影响更加明显。提出在五阶异步电机模型中,计及定子电压相角变化引起的定子频率变化。将振荡模式对状态变量的参与因子按同步和异步电机类型分类,修改机电回路相关比定义以判别异步电机机电振荡模式。采用Prony算法,提取异步电机振荡曲线的特征参数。静态稳定和时域仿真得到的机电振荡模式,都证明了异步发电机比同步发电机更容易导致非失步振荡过程。 相似文献
机电振荡模式(electromechanical oscillation mode, EOM)是与同步发电机(synchronous generator, SG)机械暂态强相关的低频振荡(low-frequency oscillation, LFO)模式,对SG轴系安全和电网稳定影响较大。减小EOM机电回路相关比ρ能减小EOM与SG的相关度,抑制SG振荡。基于此,提出机电回路相关比对SG出力的灵敏度的模型:将ρ对控制参数的灵敏度展开为对参与因子的灵敏度;考虑参与因子由特征向量组成,补充后者幅值和相位约束,得到特征向量灵敏度的唯一解;考虑SG出力对节点电压和特征值的影响,但未出现在状态矩阵中,引入潮流雅可比矩阵的逆,建立特征值和特征向量对SG出力的灵敏度,提出ρ对SG有功和无功出力灵敏度的解析表达。最后利用算例分析检验了EOM及其特征向量、参与因子、ρ对SG出力的灵敏度的准确性,证实了调节SG有功和无功出力对抑制机电模式的控制效果。 相似文献
含不同风电机组的风电电网仿真研究 总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5
为了研究包含恒速异步风力发电机和双馈异步风力发电机的风电场对电网的影响,应用Matlab 7.0建立了含不同风电机组的风电场动态模型。分析了风电场对电网暂态稳定性的影响,风电机组电压恢复情况,有功、无功变化情况,以及不同风电机组的低电压穿越能力。仿真结果表明:双馈异步风力发电机变速平稳、低电压穿越能力较强,有利于优化电能质量;当电网发生故障时,应针对不同的风电机组采取不同的控制策略以提高电力系统稳定性。 相似文献
分析了电压源型SPWM逆变器-异步系统发电的基本工作原理以及当异步电机从电动进入到发电运行时逆变器从无源逆变状态转换到将电机的发出的能量转送到直流侧这种类似于整流的工作状态的根本原因.最后通过Matlab软件进行仿真验证了理论的正确性. 相似文献
对于电网故障下双馈感应发电机(doubly fed induction generator,DFIG)机电能量失衡即风力机输入双馈电机能量和双馈电机输出至电网侧能量失衡的问题,现有文献鲜少涉及。双馈电机输出能量和机侧变换器的励磁控制策略有关,首先对现存几种励磁控制策略下双馈电机输出有功功率的情况进行分析,结果表明现有励磁控制策略下双馈电机无法达到机电能量平衡。进而从任意频率、幅值、相位转子电流入手,探讨转子电流三要素和双馈电机输出有功功率之间的关系,推导了使双馈电机达到能量平衡所需的转子电流指令。利用Matlab/Simulink搭建了系统的仿真电路,验证了以上推导过程的正确性。 相似文献
电压源型SPWM逆变器——异步电机系统发电工作原理的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
分析了电压源型SPWM逆变器一异步系统发电的基本工作原理以及当异步电机从电动进入列发电运行时逆变器从无源逆变状态转换到将电机的发出的能量转送到直流侧这种类似于整流的工作状态的根本原因。最后通过Matlab软件进行仿真验证了理论的正确性。 相似文献
Tomonobu Senjyu Norihide Sueyoshi Katsumi Uezato Hideki Fujita 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2004,148(1):38-45
In this paper we present a transient current analysis of induction generators used in a wind power system before and after three‐phase fault conditions. First, the basic equations of an induction generator connected to an infinite bus are developed and then transient current analysis formulas are derived for a three‐phase fault before and after fault clearance. We also determine the initial phase angle for the three‐phase fault or the restoration phase angle of the power supply voltages and the time at which the maximum or minimum transient currents flow in the system. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 148(1): 38–45, 2004; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10319 相似文献
Tomonobu Senjyu Norihide Sueyoshi Ryo Kuninaka Katsumi Uezato Hideki Fujita Toshihisa Funabashi 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》2008,163(3):19-26
This paper deals with two types of control method for induction generators used in wind power generating stations. One is aimed at maintaining the voltage of the station node and the other is aimed at maintaining a constant power factor through the branch connecting to the station. Both can be in the controllable area by adjusting the generator reactive power with compensating capacitors. First, theoretical equations for the terminal voltage and power factor of an induction generator are derived, and then the compensating capacitance corresponding to the wind velocity variation is determined quantitatively. By using the proposed control method, it is shown to be possible to maintain the terminal voltage and operating power factor of a wind power generation system at the target values, even when abrupt deviations are caused by wind power disturbances. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 163(3): 19– 26, 2008; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.20298 相似文献
双馈电机风电场等裕度无功分配策略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
双馈式异步发电机可实现P-Q解耦控制,能够为电网提供无功支持,但其输出功率受变流器容量限制。为充分发挥双馈机无功调节能力,提出等裕度无功分配策略:根据各台风机无功极限的大小,以各机组具有相同的无功裕度作为无功分配的标准。该策略能够使风电厂在满足电网功率因数要求的同时,有效防止有功出力较大的双馈机由于变流器电流越限而发生跳机的现象,提高风电场运行可靠性。采用PSCAD/EMTDC软件进行仿真研究,通过与等功率因数无功分配策略进行比较,验证了等裕度无功分配策略的有效性。 相似文献
Reactive power control of wind farm made up with doubly fed induction generators in distribution system 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In recent years, the number of small size wind farm made up with doubly fed induction generators (DFIG) located within the distribution system is rapidly increasing. DFIG can be utilized as the continuous reactive power source to support system voltage control by taking advantage of their reactive power control capability. In this paper, considering both reactive power control and distribution network reconfiguration can be used to reduce power losses and improve voltage profile, a joint optimization algorithm of combining reactive power control of wind farm and network reconfiguration is proposed to obtain the optimal reactive power output of wind farm and network structure simultaneously. The proposed algorithm has been successfully implemented on the 16 bus distribution network and the results obtained demonstrate the efficiency of the algorithm. 相似文献
L. K. Kovalev K. L. Kovalev Ye. Ye. Tulinova N. S. Ivanov 《Thermal Engineering》2012,59(14):1035-1043
The analytical method of calculating two-dimensional magnetic fields in the active section of permanent-magnet synchronous electrical rotating machines, as applied to their use in the wind energy industry, has been developed. The analytical relationships for calculating distribution of two-dimensional magnetic fields and determining output parameters with due regard for geometry of the active section, the number of pairs of poles, and magnetic characteristics of materials have been obtained. The criteria dependences needed for calculating the electromotive force and main inductive reactance of permanent-magnet synchronous electric machines, with consideration for the geometry of a machine and electrophysical properties of materials being used, have been derived. The procedure of evaluating parameters of permanent-magnet synchronous generators for large-size wind power plants is presented. 相似文献
M. A. Pai 《International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems》1984,6(4):249-254
A concept of electromechanical distance measure which reflects the interaction among the machines during a transient is presented. This measure is then used as a criterion for decomposing the power system into regions, each requiring different levels of model complexity. The complexity of models for regions decreases progressively away from the point of fault. Grouping of coherent generators within each region can also be done using the results of this analysis. The analysis takes into account the fault location, magnitude of disturbance, and changes in boundary between the study area and the external system. 相似文献
An analytical method to identify the critical modes in electric power systems is presented. The troublesome, or critical, modes are identified as the eigenvalues that contribute the most to a quadratic performance index. This performance index measures the transients in torque angle and speed. Explicit expressions for these contributions are derived, and a critical index for any eigenvalue is developed. Three examples are given to show that the proposed method is promising, and that in these particular cases it gives better results than some well-known methods. Two of these examples are multimachine power systems available in the literature 相似文献
基于神经网络的风力发电系统风速软测量 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
对风力发电并网系统的有效风速测量问题进行研究。鉴于神经网络可应用于非线性系统的模型与辨识,不受非线性模型类的限制,且可给出工程上易于实现的学习算法,提出基于神经网络的有效风速软测量。对实时采集的风力发电机组的风速样本参数集进行分析、训练及拟合,获得相应的有效风速计算网络。仿真结果表明,有效风速软测量可代替风速仪的作用,是一种非常有效的风速估计方法。 相似文献