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<正> 现今,乳品工业在食品工业中所占的比重日益增大,乳制品国际贸易量也在不断提高,1997年世界牛奶产量为4.7亿吨,其中国际市场的贸易量占3,700万吨。澳大利业在乳品的国际贸易中扮演着非常重要的角色,其牛奶产量虽然相对较少(每年约1,000吨),但是国际贸易量却占全球的12%。为使我国食品工业同行能更全面了解澳大利亚的乳品工业,记者采访了澳大利亚乳品局局长格兰姆·唐金先生,请他介绍澳大利亚乳品业的基本隋况。  相似文献   

国内外食品业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
<正> 国外制糖工业环保的新发展 提到环保问题,人们总是将目光集中到产品包装上。实际上,在很多食品生产和加工过程中,都存在着环保问题。例如味精、酱油等调味品的制造,还有制糖工业,那是环境治理的重点对象。行业专访中的《国外制糖工业环保的新发展》将会介绍国外糖厂最新的环保治理经验。 速冻食品如何应对入世 随着社会生活节奏加快,速冻食品已  相似文献   

The livestock sector and dairy subsector have great importance for Turkey, in terms of both nutrition and economy. The share of the livestock sector in the total agricultural production value has varied between 25% and 30% in the last three decades. Raw milk production is characterized by small-scale farms, with an average of three heads of dairy cattle per farm. Turkey's dairy industry was established and developed by the State with the opening of the Turkish Dairy Industry Institution (TSEK) in 1963 as a state-owned enterprise (SOE). TSEK facilitated modernization of the sector, created a dairy market and played a role in stabilizing the consumer and producer prices. In 1995, a liberalization movement in the agricultural sector started in Turkey and the TSEK enterprises were privatized. After privatization, producer prices decreased between 11.51% and 18.45% and consumer prices of dairy products increased in general. Today, the dairy processing sector has a dual structure that on one hand comprises many small- and medium-sized enterprises, while on the other features seven large holding companies that hold the largest market share (CR4 71). This study aims to show that the restructuring of the agricultural SOEs in the first place resulted in undesirable impacts, and thus that the planning and implementation of the privatization of the state enterprises in the dairy sector should be taken as a strategy in the medium term, using the experiences of other developing countries.  相似文献   

<正> 食品添加剂是近代食品工业的重要组成部分,它对于改善食品的色、香、味,调整营养构成,改进加工条件,提高食品的质量和档次,以及防止食品腐败变质和延长食品的保存期,发挥着非常重要的作用。当前,食品添加剂已经进入粮油、肉禽、果蔬加工的领域,包括饮料、调料、酿造、甜食、面食、肉食、乳品、营养保健品等各工业部门,而且也是烹饪行业必备的配料,并进入了家庭的一日三餐。从某种意义上说,没有现代的食品添加剂,就没有近代的食品工业。  相似文献   

Dairy industries have shown tremendous growth in size and number in most countries of the world. These industries discharge wastewater which is characterized by high chemical oxygen demand, biological oxygen demand, nutrients, and organic and inorganic contents. Such wastewaters, if discharged without proper treatment, severely pollute receiving water bodies. In this article, the various recent advancements in the treatment of dairy wastewater have been discussed and the areas where further research is needed have been identified.  相似文献   

我国食品工业发展趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<正> 全球食品工业在20世纪90年代的年营业销售总额高达12万亿法郎,折算为2.18万亿美元或18.1万亿元人民币,高居世界工业之首,远远超过汽车、航空航天及新兴电子信息等行业。1997年,我国食品工业总产值为5,317.9亿元人民币,即640.71亿美元,是全国工业之冠;同年,我国食品工业出口创汇125.93亿美元,占全国商品出口总额6.9%。  相似文献   

研究并分析了乳业工业相关的多种乳酸菌中基因转移的过程和遗传应用,以创造更适合于乳制品生产的新型发酵菌株。文中主要论述了乳制品相关乳酸菌基因组成和基因转移过程的全新研究,对乳酸菌遗传学分析的方法进行了概述,同时对乳酸菌遗传学在乳制品研究领域的应用进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

The Centre for Agricultural Strategy was established by the Nuffield, Foundation on the campus of the University of Reading, in October, 1975. This, the fourth report, deals with the United Kingdom dairy industry and in view of its importance the Summary and Recommendations are reproduced here in full. We are grateful to the Director of the Centre, Professor J. C. Bowman for permission to print these in this way  相似文献   

我国造纸用精细化学品行业发展概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
夏华林  陆伟 《上海造纸》2003,34(4):5-12
本文对造纸用精细化学品作了产品分类,对我国造纸化学品行业的开发与生产情况作了介绍,提出今后我国造纸化学品的发展规划与趋势.  相似文献   

<正> 前不久,山东秦池酒厂以3.2亿元人民币一举夺得中央电视台广告标王称号,且投标前四名均为白酒生产厂家。这说明什么问题呢?是白酒企业财大气粗,还是白酒工业的繁荣昌盛?似乎都不尽然。 近年来,由于我国白酒生产盲目发展,宏观调控不力,目前已形成产大于销、供大于求的状态,出现了市场割据、多头竞争的混乱局面。工、农、兵、学、商几乎都在办酒厂;国营、集体、个人都在经营酒类产品;假冒伪劣、偷税漏税  相似文献   

European Union (EU) trade liberalisation policies will continue to push EU milk price downwards and necessitate increased efficiency and scale at farm and processing level to maintain profitability. In Ireland pasture-based dairying, based on the efficient conversion of grazed grass into milk can be competitive within the EU. Continued technical innovation increasing animal performance from grazed grass, increasing herd genetic potential and developing labour efficient lower fixed cost systems will be essential. At processing level, increased efficiency in commodity processing, higher margin product development and the evolution of milk payment systems to reflect the true product value of supplies received will be required.  相似文献   

<正> 中国奶业协会于2007年6月21~23日在江苏南京召开。本次会议的主题是"乳品企业健康发展与和谐奶业建设。"会议坚持科学发展观,对当前奶业发展形势进行了分析,对落实全国奶业"十一五"发展规划和推进现代奶业建设展开了广泛交流。农业部畜牧司副司长陈伟生出席大会,并作了重要讲话。中国奶业协会理事长刘成果在大会上作了"促进乳品企业健康发展构建和谐奶业"的主题报告。会议认为,当前我国奶业形势总体是好的,向健康方向发展  相似文献   

Demographic and management data about organic dairies have been reported previously, but the current study is the first needs assessment of research and educational priorities of organic dairy farmers in the northeastern United States based directly upon their input. Our objectives were to (1) develop an initial understanding of the emerging research and educational needs of organic dairy farmers in the northeastern United States via focus group interviews, and (2) prioritize the needs identified by the focus groups with a broader population of organic dairy farmers via survey methods. Focus group interviews determined the questions used for the survey questionnaire distributed to 1,200 members of the Northeast Organic Dairy Producers Alliance. The members were asked about demographic information, but more importantly, challenges concerning business management and marketing, organic certification, and animal nutrition, health, and reproduction. The results (183 respondents, 15% response rate) were parsed by region (New England farms compared with New York and Pennsylvania farms), herd size (i.e., 12 to 37, 38 to 59, and >60 cows), and years of organic certification (<4 yr vs. ≥4 yr); however, no differences between regions were observed for demographic data. The average farm consisted of 309 acres and 57 milking cows, on which most of the forage was homegrown but grains were purchased (73% of farms). Among the greatest challenges identified by the farmers were obtaining a steady, fair price for milk (85% respondents); determining dry matter intake for animals on pasture (76%); and controlling nuisance flies (89%). Needs for additional research included organic treatments for mastitis (92% respondents), growing forages for organic production (84%), and developing value-added products (84%). Farms with <4 yr of organic certification were concerned with level of knowledge and experience of local certifiers, whereas organic producers with ≥4 yr of organic certification were more interested in field testing of new organic products. Opportunities for educational programs included learning about direct marketing possibilities (76% respondents) and providing training to regional veterinarians interested in organic remedies (91%). In conclusion, the information obtained from the current needs assessment provides a foundation for future research proposals and educational outreach programs, germane to stakeholder needs, which could benefit the organic dairy industry within the region and beyond.  相似文献   

Extension is one of three missions of land-grant colleges. Funding and support include local, state, and federal dollars plus industry support, competitive grants, and user fees. To evaluate changes and emphasis, a survey of 13 selected dairy states was conducted to evaluate changes in dairy full-time equivalents (FTE) in the last 10 yr (1989 compared with 1999) at county or unit, regional, and state levels. A reduction of 5 to 34% in FTE occurred at all three levels. Surveys of dairy support state specialists in other related departments were also collected from the 13 states based on 1999 data. Wide ranges in state specialist support in other departments were reported. Changes and future program needs were collected from a 13-state survey. Two futuristic dairy information delivery programs are illustrated. The Illinois extramural CD-ROM-based instructional program used existing technologies to reach broad clientele bases, allowed students to receive instruction when time was available and earn college credit. The National Dairy Database (NDD) is an Internet-based delivered program with 23 domain areas that contained peer reviewed material. Users can access the new NDD by subscribing to an Internet address (which will be updated as new material is received) or by purchasing a CD-ROM.  相似文献   

<正> 日前,新希望重组华西牛奶在成都锦江宾馆正式签约。刚刚收购重庆天友乳业返蓉的新希望1号人物刘永好,受让省国有资产管理公司持有的47.09%的股权和另三家成都企业持有的6.77%的股权,以总计53.86%的股权荣升华西乳业有限公司第一大股东。 此前,新希望已先后拿下四川阳坪、安徽白帝两大地方品牌,加上刚刚收入囊中的天友、华西,四大诸侯年产20万吨液态奶,支撑起西南奶业-  相似文献   

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