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网站是企业信息化建设的重要组成部分,企业网站建设应紧扣企业介绍这一主题,围绕企业的管理体系、设计、生产流程和商务活动来进行规划。本文介绍了企业网站建设的原则、网站的设计及网站建设的技术手段。  相似文献   

网站是企业信息化建设的重要组成部分,企业网站建设应紧扣企业介绍这一主题,围绕企业的管理体系、设计、生产流程和商务活动来进行规划.本文介绍了企业网站建设的原则、网站的设计及网站建设的技术手段.  相似文献   

网站是企业或个人在网络上展现形象的平台,是浏览者了解企业或个人的一个重要途径.网站建设工作包括网站内容策划、网页美术设计、网站编程、网站测试和网站维护工作.文章阐述了网站建设中网站策划的要点.  相似文献   

本文简要论述了在网络时代的今天,企业网站所具有的功能和作用,对中小型有色企业网站建设和运行管理中存在的问题进行了分析和讨论。针对这些问题,从企业经营管理的角度提出了改进并规范网站建设和运行的具体意见以及有效发挥企业网站作用的策略。  相似文献   

马晨光 《包钢科技》2010,36(6):60-62
随着Internet技术的发展,网站已经成为企业对外宣传,扩大企业影响力的重要工具,如何迅速提高网站的知名度、提升访问量也是网站管理员急需解决的问题。文章以机制公司网站为例,同时结合自身实践经验,讨论了网站优化和网站推广的几种方法,并提出几种适合机械加工行业网站的优化方法。  相似文献   

大型粉末冶金电子商务网站——粉末冶金商务网(www.pmbiz.com.cn)于近期正式推出。网站拥有丰富的行业资讯,信息更新及时。网站的企业数据库涵盖了国内多数粉末冶金企业,是目前国内最全的粉末冶金企业数据库。网站还推出了迄今为止粉末冶金行业中功能最完善的企业网上商务平台,具备多种独创的新颖实用的网上交流功能。  相似文献   

为了更好地满足广大粉末冶金企业以及技术人员的需求 ,国内最大的粉末冶金专业网站———中国粉末冶金网 (www .powdermetallurgy .com .cn)进行了全新改版。此次改版的目的是突出网站的易用性、互动性 ,从而为广大企业以及技术人员提供一个更好的商务及技术网络平台。改版后 ,网站增设了企业库、行业书籍等栏目。企业可以在网站上免费发布企业信息 ,并拥有对本企业信息的自助修改权。企业所发布的信息将自动进入网站的企业数据库中 ,供登录者查阅。对以前大家反应良好的一些栏目 ,如供求信息、人才市场等进行了重新设计和制作 ,增加了信息…  相似文献   

随着Internet的普及,越来越多的企业建立了自己的www网站,企业通过网站可以展示产品,发布最新动态,与用户进行交流和沟通,与合作伙伴建立联系,以及开展电子商务等.其中文章管理系统是构成企业网站的一个重要组成部分.本文就在线文章发布系统的设计方案及开发过程进行了分析.  相似文献   

企业推广网站的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业网站建设已成为企业推广的有效途径,本文介绍网站建设的主要工作和相关的Internet接入,网页规划,主机系统等技术方案,为企业在Internet上建立自己的推广网站提供可行的操作方案。  相似文献   

中国粉末冶金商务网(www·pmbiz·com·cn)于日前正式推出,网站的前身是“粉末冶金商务网”,目前网站由中国机械工程学会粉末冶金分会、华东五省一市粉末冶金学会以及杭州极点科技有限公司共同建设。网站充分依托全国行业学会以及各地方学会,同时拥有多位具有多年粉末冶金专业网站建设经验的技术业务骨干,致力于为广大粉末冶金企业提供全方位的网络服务。网站目前拥有极高的访问量、丰富的行业资讯、国内最全的粉末冶金企业数据库、最有价值的行业人才库,网站还推出了迄今为止粉末冶金行业中功能最完善的企业网上商务平台,具备多种独创的新…  相似文献   

Owing to its unique anatomic arterial supply and dual nerve innervation, the first web space of the foot can be used to harvest various sizes and shapes of flaps, which the authors have classified into four types according to their usage in hand reconstruction. This in turn depends on the site, shape, and size of the soft-tissue defect in the hand. Web skin flaps (n = 8) were used in prevention of contracture in the first web space and for proximal finger reconstruction. Two-island skin flaps (n = 4) were used to resurface the pulp defect in two adjacent fingers. In severe adduction contracture of the first web space, fill-up web flaps (n = 10) were used to replace the volume defect after a release procedure in the hand. Adjuvant web flaps (n = 9) were used in wrap-around procedures, in dorsalis pedis flap transfer, and in vascularized joint transfer to supplement the main flaps and to restore sensation in the reconstructed area. In the past 10 years up to February of 1998, a total of 31 patients with soft-tissue defects in the hand and fingers were reconstructed using the web space free flap with flap survival rate of 100 percent. The mean static 2-point discrimination was 8.5 (7.2 to 10) mm, and the mean first web angle was 86 degrees. The advantage of the first web space flap from the foot is that it can easily be harvested to match various sizes and shapes of defects in the hand and fingers. In addition, because of the anatomic similarity in contour, thickness, texture, and nerve innervation with the hand, the sensory restoration is excellent with minimal morbidity at the donor site. By classifying the flaps into four types according to various sizes, shapes, and the site from which the flap are harvested, clinical usefulness in various types of hand and finger reconstruction was confirmed.  相似文献   

企业需要创名牌,图书馆也应创名牌,这是图书馆应网络经济、自身发展以及同其它行业竞争的需要。要创立网上名牌应从图书馆域名、网页制作与设计、网络宣传特点是服务质量等方面着手。  相似文献   

通过类比说明了互联网的发展趋势和发展方向,指出优秀的专业信息网站对科研,生产发展所起的推动作用,并指出行业信息网站的建设应准确、动态地把握行业内部的联系,使其成为信息交流的重要场所,便于人们探讨和了解事物间潜在的联系。  相似文献   

Centorr Vacuum Industries, the New Hampshire furnace builder has launched a foreign-language web site to accommodate its changing customer base.This is a short news story only. Visit www.metal-powder.net for the latest powder metallurgy industry news.  相似文献   

Mastering the retrieval of valid information from the Internet can be challenging, especially for busy professionals with little time for learning the necessary techniques. This article provides a conceptual framework for browsing and searching for clinically relevant, valid information on the Web. Part 1 provides an overview of the Web that includes information on access methods, general characteristics, and the main user interface (a browser). Concerns about information validity are also discussed. Part 2 will describe several common methods for searching the Web, including how to visit a web site directly, visit a directory site, and conduct a search via a search-engine site.  相似文献   

In response to the explosion in medical information, there have been considerable recent changes in medical curriculum development. The move to problem based learning (PBL) is, in part, a result of these changes. The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Sydney has exploited a WWW based intranet for the development, delivery, management and evaluation of it's problem based, graduate medical program (GMP). This system has been employed to develop the 72 medical problems that contribute to the first two years of the GMP. The activities of more than 400 members of the faculty have been coordinated using the intranet to develop the wide range of resources to support learning in the program. Daily management of the curriculum is also enabled using Web site posting of bulletins, e-mail and ongoing development of technology training. Coupled with the PBL problems is a formative assessment system that provides questions and feedback that cover the whole range of learning topics. Part of the student and staff evaluation is supported both informally and formally through the use of a 'Feedback' button on each web page and web delivered structured formal evaluations, respectively.  相似文献   

简单介绍了互联网中广为应用的WWW技术,列举了部分材料科学学术研究或行业组织机构的网址,表明互联网正在成为材料科学研究中的有力工具。  相似文献   

Medical literature is too prolific and user's guides are necessary to extract useful information for optimal treatment of our patients. The goal of this paper is to help doctors find relevant articles and to read them efficiently for applying the results to their patients. An excerpt has been written concerning the subject by the Mac Master team and the members of the Cochrane Collaboration in the JAMA, the BMJ and on the Internet: a web site is now devoted to user's guides to medical literature. Simple rules facilitating access to relevant papers and interpretation of the results have been given. They have been applied to oncology, especially to papers concerning effectiveness of therapeutic interventions. It is essential that doctors use simple rules and learn how to select relevant articles and understand and use them to treat their patients according to Evidence-Based Medicine Group.  相似文献   

Many advanced software tools fail to reach a wide audience because they require specialized hardware, installation expertise, or an abundance of CPU cycles. The worldwide web offers a new opportunity for distributing such systems. One such program, MEME, discovers repeated patterns, called motifs, in sets of DNA or protein sequences. This tool is now available to biologists over the worldwide web, using an asynchronous, single-program multiple-data version of the program called ParaMEME that runs on an Intel Paragon XP/S parallel computer at the San Diego Super-computer Center. ParaMEME scales gracefully to 64 nodes on the Paragon with efficiencies > 72% for large data sets. The worldwide web interface to ParaMEME accepts a set of sequences interactively from a user, submits the sequences to the Paragon for analysis, and e-mails the results back to the user. ParaMEME is available for free public use at http://@www.sdsc.edu/CompSci/Biomed/ MEME.  相似文献   

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