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The authors obtain the optimum transmission ranges to maximize throughput for a direct-sequence spread-spectrum multihop packet radio network. In the analysis, they model the network self-interference as a random variable which is equal to the sum of the interference power of all other terminals plus background noise. The model is applicable to other spread-spectrum schemes where the interference of one user appears as a noise source with constant power spectral density to the other users. The network terminals are modeled as a random Poisson field of interference power emitters. The statistics of the interference power at a receiving terminal are obtained and shown to be the stable distributions of a parameter that is dependent on the propagation power loss law. The optimum transmission range in such a network is of the form CKα where C is a constant, K is a function of the processing gain, the background noise power spectral density, and the degree of error-correction coding used, and α is related to the power loss law. The results obtained can be used in heuristics to determine optimum routing strategies in multihop networks  相似文献   

In this paper, the spectral efficiency achieved by a direct-sequence code-division multiple-access (DS-CDMA) system operating in a cellular mobile radio environment is discussed. In contrast to previous works, here, spectral efficiency is examined in terms of channel capacity per user, estimated in an average sense, and the system's inherent diversity potential is considered. The analysis covers only the forward link, assuming a static model of operation for the considered DS-CDMA system. In addition, it is shown that the application of a power control scheme leads to spectral efficiency enhancement due to cochannel interference reduction. Hence, the derived expressions provide a means for quantitative evaluation of cellular DS-CDMA spectral efficiency with respect to multiple-access and cochannel interference. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Choi  E. Kim  M. 《Electronics letters》1989,25(10):625-626
A novel random multiaccess protocol is proposed for a packet mobile-radio network employing an idle-signal casting multiple-access (ICMA) with/without collision detection scheme. The protocol takes advantage of the channel control scheme to reduce collisions. The authors show significant improvements in terms of maximum achievable throughput.<>  相似文献   

The need to provide computer network access to mobile terminals and computer communications in the mobile environment has stimulated and motivated the current developments in this area. Packet radio technology has developed over the past decade in response to the need for real-time, interactive communications among mobile users and shared computer resources. In computer communication systems we have a great need for sharing expensive resources among a collection of high peak-to-average (i.e., bursty) users. Packet radio networks provide an effective way to interconnect fixed and mobile resources. The results of an attempt to study the performance of the mobile packet radio network for computer communications over degraded channels are presented. We develop a model under fading conditions and derive a protocol for evaluating the performance of the mobile packet radio network (MPRNET) in terms of the packet error rate, packet delay, throughput and average number of retransmitted packets per cycle. The analytical results are presented and numerical examples are given to illustrate the behavior of these performance criteria as a function of packet transmission rate, packets transmitted per cycle, packet size, and vehicle speed with the help of appropriate plots.  相似文献   

The probability of qi of successful packet reception when i users transmit simultaneously in a mobile packet radio system is shown to decrease monotonically with i for a number of commonly used capture and spatial distribution models, with no fading. Examples of both noiseless and noisy systems in which qi is not monotonically decreasing with i are also given  相似文献   

Wireless communication channels may change greatly from one transmission to the next, due to variations in propagation loss and interference. The use of fixed transmission parameters for such channels results in wasted energy when channel conditions are good. Adaptation of the power, code rate, and symbol rate reduces energy consumption and interference caused to other systems. Such adaptation requires information about the characteristics of the channel, which is more difficult to obtain in a packet radio network (PRN) or other mobile ad hoc network than in a typical cellular communication system. We develop methods for providing partial information about the channel state from three statistics that are derived by different subsystems in the receiving terminals of a direct-sequence spread-spectrum PRN. We present and evaluate a protocol that uses this information to adapt the transmission parameters in response to changes in interference and propagation conditions in the network. The performance of the new adaptive-transmission protocol is compared with a system with fixed transmission parameters and with an adaptive protocol that is furnished with perfect knowledge of the channel state at the completion of each transmission.  相似文献   

Pluijmers  R. 《Electronics letters》1988,24(6):316-317
A software simulator for a mobile packet radio system is described. Bitwise coherent addition of interfering DPSK-packets can be expected, resulting in a smaller throughput than achieved with incoherent addition, but higher than in a nonfading channel  相似文献   

The performance improvement which results from the use of multiple antennas at each node in a multihop packet radio network is examined. Four transmission strategies based on three previously proposed routing schemes and one new routing scheme, MTP, are studied. It is found that the use of two antennas can improve the performance of all four transmission strategies by about 25% in a Rayleigh fading environment. The transmission strategy based on the MTP routing scheme is shown to be generally superior to those based on the other three routing schemes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The performance improvement which results from the use of multiple antennas at each node in a multihop packet radio network is examined. Four transmission strategies based on three previously proposed routing schemes and one new routing scheme, MTP, are studied. It is found that the use of two antennas can improve the performance of all four transmission strategies by about 25% in a Rayleigh fading environment. The transmission strategy based on the MTP routing scheme is shown to be generally superior to those based on the other three routing schemes. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Issues in packet radio network design   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
There are many design choices that must be made in the development of a packet radio network. There is usually no single correct choice, and the decisions are dependent on the environment that the network must work in, the requirements for performance and other functionalities, and the cost and other limitations, in addition, as new hardware and software technologies become available, the parameters governing the decisions change and often result in different selections. This paper outlines a number of design issues and choices available. The intent is to provide an overview of the design decisions that must be made so as to provide a context for the decisions made in a number of existing and developing packet radio networks. It is hoped that this will allow future designs to take advantage of both the wealth of experience available as well as new technologies. Three areas of design decisions are identified. The first area deals with the physical aspects of the network and concentrates on the radio connectivity and channel sharing. The second area deals with the automated management of the network and concentrates on issues such as link management and routing. The third area deals with the interface of the network to the users and some practical aspects of operating and maintaining a network.  相似文献   

A code-division multiple-access scheme that requires a reduced set of code sequences, in which the size of the set is much less than the number of users in the system, is proposed for mobile radio communications. A direct-sequence spread-spectrum signaling is adopted to exploit the property of high time resolution and combat fading effects through multipath diversity reception. Theoretical performance of the proposed system is analyzed by deriving the collision-free path distribution and determining the proper size of the set without reducing the effect of multipath diversity. In connection with the proposed system, two combining schemes are investigated to characterize the effects of the primary and secondary user interferences and evaluate the behavior of the error rate when compared to the original CDMA system  相似文献   

This paper proposes a distributed handover protocol for a micro-cell packet switched mobile network. In such a network, users move from one cell to another very often, and each change of location may result in misrouted and lost packets. The purpose of the new protocol is to minimize these consequences of location changes: as long as a mobile moves from one cell to another but stays in the same region, the protocol avoids loss of packets and preserves order of transmission. Thus it increases the performance of the transport layer protocol by minimizing the need to retransmit packets.Previous version of the paper appreared in Infocom '95, April 1995, Boston, MA.  相似文献   

The probability qi of successful reception in a nonfading mobile radio channel with i contending mobiles transmitting to a central base station is studied for a number of different capture and spatial distribution models. It is shown that a generalized capture model can be used to estimate qi's for a simplified example system which uses noncoherent frequency shift keying modulation. This model can be applied to other systems as well. An example of the use of the qi 's in the throughput evaluation of a finite population slotted ALOHA system is given. In most practical systems, the mobiles cannot get arbitrarily close to the base station. The effect of this constraint on qi is examined. Finally, the dependence of the capture probability for a test mobile on its distance from the base station is obtained  相似文献   

Connectivity properties of a packet radio network model   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
A model of a packet radio network in which transmitters with range R are distributed according to a two-dimensional Poisson point process with density D is examined. To ensure network connectivity, it is shown that πR2D, the expected number of nearest neighbors of a transmitter, must grow logarithmically with the area of the network. For an infinite area there exists an infinite connected component with nonzero probability if π R2D>N0, for some critical value N0. It is shown that 2.195<N 0<10.526  相似文献   

A packet combining scheme is investigated for an unslotted random access code division multiple access network over a frequency selective Rayleigh fading channel. It is shown that this simple diversity combining mechanism is highly advantageous for systems which can both tolerate a certain delay and operate over highly time-varying channels  相似文献   

A new wide-area data network is described. The network employs packet switching techniques within a multi-access, narrowband cellular radio environment and provides a flexible alternative to copper wire telecommunications for short data message applications. Following a discussion of the network requirements, the paper describes the key design areas in terms of a layered model. A new data link layer protocol called dynamic slotted reservation Aloha is introduced. This protocol is optimised for the bidirectional communication of packets containing around 1000 bits of application data. The practical implementation is presented briefly before a number of the major applications are discussed  相似文献   

The DARPA packet radio network protocols   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
In this paper we describe the current state of the DARPA packet radio network. Fully automated algorithms and protocols to organize, control, maintain, and move traffic through the packet radio network have been designed, implemented, and tested. By means of protocols, networks of about 50 packet radios with some degree of nodal mobility can be organized and maintained under a fully distributed mode of control. We have described the algorithms and illustrated how the PRNET provides highly reliable network transport and datagram service, by dynamically determining optimal routes, effectively controlling congestion, and fairly allocating the channel in the face of changing link conditions, mobility, and varying traffic loads.  相似文献   

The performance of a noncoherent serial acquisition technique is evaluated for direct-sequence spread-spectrum packet communications. The acquisition technique that is considered uses threshold crossing of a matched-filter output to detect a fixed-length preamble at the start of each packet. The analysis accounts for frequency mismatch between the transmitter and the receiver due to oscillator inaccuracies and mobility-induced Doppler shifts. It also accounts for the effects of automatic gain control (AGC) in the receiver. The role of the AGC system in determining the acquisition performance is examined. In addition, selection of the optimal acquisition threshold is considered, and a simple method for selection of a good suboptimal threshold is presented. It is shown that use of this threshold results in performance close to that obtained with the optimal threshold over a wide range of channels  相似文献   

An efficient radio resource allocation scheme is crucial for guaranteeing the quality of service (QoS) requirements and fully utilizing the scarce radio resources in wireless mobile networks. Most of previous studies of radio resource allocation in traditional wireless networks concentrates on network layer connection blocking probability QoS. In this paper, we show that physical layer techniques and QoS have significant impacts on network layer QoS. We use a concept of cross-layer effective bandwidth to measure the unified radio resource usage taking into account both physical layer linear minimum-mean square error (LMMSE) receivers and varying statistical characteristics of the packet traffic in code devision multiple access (CDMA) networks. We demonstrate the similarity between traditional circuit-switched networks and packet CDMA networks, which enables rich theories developed in traditional wireless mobile networks to be used in packet CDMA networks. Moreover, since both physical layer signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) QoS and network layer connection blocking probability QoS are considered simultaneously, we can explore the tradeoff between physical layer QoS and network layer QoS in packet CDMA networks. This work is supported by Natural Science and Engineering Research Council of Canada. Please address all correspondence to Professor Vikram Krishnamurthy at the above address. Fei Yu received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of British Columbia in 2003. From 2002 to 2004, he was with Ericsson (in Lund, Sweden), where he worked on the research and development of dual mode UMTS/GPRS handsets. From 2005, he has been working in Silicon Valley at a start-up, where he conducts research and development in the areas of advanced wireless communication technologies and new standards. After completing the PhD, he has been a research associate in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of British Columbia. His research interests include cross-layer optimization, QoS provisioning and security in wireless networks. Vikram Krishnamurthy (S’90-M’91-SM’99-F’05) was born in 1966. He received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Auckland, New Zealand in 1988, and Ph.D. from the Australian National University, Canberra, in 1992. Since 2002, he has been a professor and Canada Research Chair at the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Prior to this he was a chaired professor at the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Melbourne, Australia. His research interests span several areas including ion channels and nanobiology, stochastic scheduling and control, statistical signal processing and wireless telecommunications. Dr. Krishnamurthy has served as associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, IEEE Transactions Aerospace and Electronic Systems, IEEE Transactions Nanobioscience, IEEE Transactions Circuits and Systems II, Systems and Control Letters and European Journal of Applied Signal Processing. He was guest editor of a special issue of IEEE Transactions on NanoBioScience, March 2005 on bio-nanotubes.  相似文献   

Most mobile radio networks have been planned based on the classical cellular concept. However, alternative planning strategies that lead to more efficient network configurations are necessary due to the fact that the traffic density is generally far from constant throughout the service area, making necessary the relocation of base stations inside the traffic hotspots. If the traffic is characterized in a discrete way, the optimization of base stations location resembles vector quantization, a well-known problem in signal processing. In this paper, we use this analogy to propose a mobile radio network planning algorithm. Simulation results show that higher trunking efficiency as well as improved frequency assignment can be obtained if an existing mobile radio network is redesigned using the presented strategy. Raúl Chávez-Santiago was born in Oaxaca City, Mexico. He obtained the B.Sc. degree in communications and electronics engineering in 1997 from the School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering (ESIME-IPN), and the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering in 2001 from the Center of Research and Advanced Studies of the National Polytechnic Institute (CINVESTAV-IPN) in Mexico City. He has professional experience as Computer Networking Engineer, and Research and Teaching Assistant. Currently, he is completing his studies toward the Ph.D. degree at Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev, Israel. In 2002, he received the URSI Young Scientist Award. His main research interests are the optimal planning of radio communication networks, the electromagnetic compatibility of terrestrial and satellite radio systems, and the efficient use of the radio spectrum. He is an IEEE and IEICE student member, and a URSI radio scientist. Avi Raymond was born in Yavne, Israel. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev in 2000 and 2005, respectively. He worked for two years in a communication company in the field of Telephony and Broadband Services. He also worked as a Research Assistant in the communications laboratory at BGU. He currently works at Elta Electronic Industries Ltd. as System Engineer and pursues studies toward a second M.Sc. degree in systems engineering at the Technion Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel. His research interests are the optimization algorithms for frequency assignment in cellular networks. Vladimir Lyandres was born in 1944, in Vologda, Russia. He received the M.Sc. degree in communications engineering in 1966 and the Ph.D. degree in communications theory in 1972 from the State University of Telecommunications (SUT), Saint Petersburg, Russia. He was with SUT until 1990 holding a position of Senior Scientific Associate and working on research and development of digital transmission systems, modeling of radio communication channels and algorithms of frequency planning for broadcasting and cellular systems. Since 1991 he holds a position of Researcher at the communications laboratory and Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ben-Gurion University (BGU) of the Negev, Israel. His research interests include synthesis of Markov models, combinatorial optimization, and adaptive power loading. He is a senior member of IEEE and member of IEICE.  相似文献   

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