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2008年,全世界新增风电装机容量2726万kW,其中海上风电机组新增装机容量为35万kW.截至2008年12月底,全世界累计风电装机容量达到1.21亿kW,详见表1.装机容量增长率为29%,比2007年的26.6%又有提高.目前,已安装的风电机组年发电量达到2600亿kWh,相当于全球电力消耗的1.5%,在某些国家和地区,风力发电甚至占到40%以上.2008年,风能产业营业额为400亿欧元,全球雇员达到44万人,而2007年仅有35万人.根据目前的增长趋势,世界风能协会预测到2020年,全球总装机容量可能会达到15亿kW.  相似文献   

阮晓琴 《太阳能》2007,(8):17-18
国务院已经批准了《可再生能源中长期发展规划》。《规划》提出,到2020年,我国风电装机规模将达到3000万kW。截止2006年底,中国风电总装机容量仅260万kW左右。光大证券预测,我国2007、  相似文献   

<正>黑龙江是国家大型能源基地,风能资源总储量为6.3亿kW,技术可开发量为5.0亿kW,潜在装机容量7300多万kW,是国家级"千万kW"级风电基地,也是全国风能资源最丰富、评价指标最好的省份。黑龙江已采取多项措施,全力支持风电开发,已规划到2020年,全省风电装机将达到1500万k W。  相似文献   

从2005~2010年间,世界风电都以年均40%的速度增长,据《全球风能展望2010》报告预测,到2020年全球风电装机容量将达到10亿kW,可满足全球12%的电力需求。据全球风能协会统计,到去年底全球约有67万人在与风电有关的各领域工作,其产值也已达到5000亿美元。  相似文献   

从2005~2010年间,世界风电都以年均40%的速度增长,据《全球风能展望2010》报告预测,到2020年全球风电装机容量将达到10亿kW,可满足全球12%的电力需求。据全球风能协会统计,到去年底全球约有67万人在与风电有关的各领域工作,其产值也已达到5000亿美元。  相似文献   

由于能源供应紧张和气候变化等因素影响,风力资源利用正受到全球性的广泛关注和热情实践。2009年全球风电装机容量新增3750×104kW,总装机容量达到1.58×108kW,同比增长31%;预计2020年全球风电装机将达到12.31×108kW,年装机达到1.5×108kW,风力发电量将占全球发电总量的12%。至2009年,中国风电装机容量累计达2600×104kW,预计到2020年风电占全国电力总装机容量的比例将达到10%左右。发展以风电、光电等可再生能源为主的新能源产业,是应对金融危机的有效途径,同时也是能源结构调整的必然选择。玉门市可供开发利用的风能资源储量在2000×104kW以上,全国首座千万千瓦级风电基地一期工程已在玉门开工奠基,为建设风、光、火、核互补的新能源基地创造了有利条件,但同时调峰电源、输出电网、电量消纳等问题也制约着其风电产业的健康快速发展。从全国情况看,存在风电产业成长与电网建设不协调、风电技术研发和设备制造能力不强、配套政策不完善等问题。建议国家应强化政策支持,把风电及其配套产业纳入国民经济发展规划统筹考虑,加大对技术研发的支持力度。  相似文献   

阮晓琴 《太阳能》2007,(8):17-18
国务院已经批准了《可再生能源中长期发展规划》.《规划》提出,到2020年,我国风电装机规模将达到3000万kW.截止2006年底,中国风电总装机容量仅260万kW左右.  相似文献   

我国2007年9月出台了《可再生能源中长期发展规划》,其中不仅提出了2010年500×104kW、2020年3000×104kW的风电发展目标,而且首次明确了配额概念,鼓励中国500×104kW以上的发电集团,在2010年除水电外,要拥有3%的可再生能源发电比例,2020年这一比例达到8%。直至2010年,我国风电新增装机容量1890×104kW,居世界第一;截至2010年底,我国风电总装机容量4470×104kW,居世界第一;共建成风电场800多个,建有亚洲首个100MW海上风电项目;具备大型风电场建设能力的开发商已经超过20家;具备兆瓦级风电机组批量生产能力的企业超过20家,4家企业2010年新增装机容量进  相似文献   

施鹏飞 《中外能源》2009,14(1):36-40
国外统计数据表明,近几年世界风电持续高速发展。据国内统计数据,我国2006年、2007年风电装机容量连续两年翻番。我国内资风电设备制造企业已形成3个梯队,2007年我国内资风电设备制造企业所占市场份额首次超过外资企业。介绍了我国风能资源的最新评估,在假设条件下,全国陆上风能可开发资源量为8×10^8kW,近海为1.5×10^8kw:陆上和近海合计可提供风电电量约为2×10^12kW·h。预计我国风电装机容量2010年和2020年只有分别达到2000×10^4kW和1×10^8kw时才能实现非水电可再生能源发电量的强制性市场份额目标。  相似文献   

2008年国内外风电持续快速发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
论述了世界主要国家风电持续快速发展,2008年新增装机容量约为2726万kW,增长率为29%;2008年底,国内风电装机容量达到625万kW,实现了连续3年在百万kW级上翻番,内资风电制造企业累计市场份额首次超过外资,在新增装机容量中,占76%;分析了我国风电设备制造商的发展和构成情况,以及在市场竞争中风电企业面临的主要问题和未来发展前景.  相似文献   

This paper examines the current situation of wind industry development, evaluates the potentials of GHG mitigation and identifies the key determinants of scaling up wind power deployment in China. China has doubled its wind capacity every year for the past 4 years, the total installed capacity reached 12 Gigawatts (GW) and surpassed the 10-GW target 2 years ahead of schedule in the national plan for renewable energy development [38], [71], [87],and would reach 100–120 GW by 2020 according to the government’s new energy plan. It may become the biggest wind power generation and wind turbines manufacturing country of the world in the next years if the abundant wind resources and enormous domestic market can be harnessed with appropriate policies and efficient technology. The recent positive move in vigorous development of wind power in China implies that the total installed capacity will far exceed the targets of the government’s 2007 renewable energy plan. However, the prosperous Chinese wind market has also revealed some worrisome signals and weakness [28], [58], such as low capacity factor and frequent outage of wind farms, inadequate grid infrastructure, long distance transmission, low quality of turbines, adverse price bidding, nepotism in wind farm developer selection process and regulatory uncertainty and policy inconsistency which all conspire to hinder effective power generation in the massively new installed wind capacities. A coherent policy framework is required for creating enabling environment for accelerating wind energy penetration and state-of-art technology deployment in the country. It is argued that institutional, financial and technical capacity will need to be cemented to exploit the huge potentials of wind resources to meet the rapidly growing demand for electricity in China in the coming decades with minimised environmental implications.  相似文献   

对我国风电发展战略的冷思考   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
朱成章 《中外能源》2009,14(12):17-21
我国风电发展迅速,计划2010年风电装机容量要达到3500×10^4kW,2020年达到1.5×10^8kW。据IEA预测,2030年世界能源供应仍以化石能源为主,其比重由2006年的80.8%下降到80.4%;2030年世界发电能源结构也以化石能源发电为主,其比重由2006年的74%下降到73%。中国到21世纪中叶传统化石能源仍将居绝对优势地位。因此在可再生能源和新能源的开发过程中,不要急于求成,片面追求能源和电源结构优化不可取。我国未来要依靠核电和新能源发电,但需要通过对其技术经济的进一步研究,才能确定主要靠核电还是风电、太阳能发电或生物质能发电。目前我国风电发展的主要问题是对风电的技术要求起点低,技术路线不对,从国外引进了落后的风电技术。为了我国风电的健康发展,必须加快风电合理利用的研究,包括风电储能和风电直接利用的研究。  相似文献   

最近10年,我国风电产业出现了前所未有的发展态势.在我国风电产业的发展过程中,国家科技计划的持续投入,为其提供了有力的支撑.科技资金的投入、风电技术的研发.为目前的风电产业大发展奠定了坚实的基础,培育了已初具规模的风电产业链.文章论述了当前风电产业的发展以及国家科技计划对风电的支持及其作用.  相似文献   

This paper presents a data‐driven approach for estimating the degree of variability and predictability associated with large‐scale wind energy production for a planned integration in a given geographical area, with an application to The Netherlands. A new method is presented for generating realistic time series of aggregated wind power realizations and forecasts. To this end, simultaneous wind speed time series—both actual and predicted—at planned wind farm locations are needed, but not always available. A 1‐year data set of 10‐min averaged wind speeds measured at several weather stations is used. The measurements are first transformed from sensor height to hub height, then spatially interpolated using multivariate normal theory, and finally averaged over the market resolution time interval. Day‐ahead wind speed forecast time series are created from the atmospheric model HiRLAM (High Resolution Limited Area Model). Actual and forecasted wind speeds are passed through multi‐turbine power curves and summed up to create time series of actual and forecasted wind power. Two insights are derived from the developed data set: the degree of long‐term variability and the degree of predictability when Dutch wind energy production is aggregated at the national or at the market participant level. For a 7.8 GW installed wind power scenario, at the system level, the imbalance energy requirements due to wind variations across 15‐min intervals are ±14% of the total installed capacity, while the imbalance due to forecast errors vary between 53% for down‐ and 56% for up‐regulation. When aggregating at the market participant level, the balancing energy requirements are 2–3% higher. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

T. Y. Liu  P. J. Tavner  Y. Feng  Y. N. Qiu 《风能》2013,16(5):786-803
Rapid wind power development in China has attracted worldwide attention. The huge market potential and fast development of wind turbine manufacturing capacity are making China a world leader in wind power development. In 2010, with the newly installed wind power capacity and the cumulative installed capacity, China was ranked first in the world. In 2009, China also constructed and commissioned its first large offshore wind farm near Shanghai. Following earlier papers reviewing the state of China's onshore wind industry, this paper presents a broader perspective and up‐to‐date survey of China's offshore wind power development, making comparisons between the developments in the rest of the world and China, to draw out similarities and differences and lessons for the China offshore wind industry. The paper highlights six important aspects for China's offshore wind development: economics, location, Grid connection, technological development, environmental adaptation and national policies. The authors make recommendations for mitigating some outstanding issues in these six aspects for the future development of China's offshore wind resource. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To meet the national target of 29% for electricity production from renewable energy sources by 2020 in Greece, effective implementation of massive wind power installed capacity into the power supply system is required. In such a situation, the effective absorption of wind energy production is an important issue in a relatively small and weak power system such as that of Greece, which has limited existing interconnections with neighboring countries. The curtailment of wind power is sometimes necessary in autonomous systems with large wind energy penetration. The absorption or curtailment of wind power is strongly affected by the spatial dispersion of wind power installations. In the present paper, a methodology for estimating this effect is presented and applied for the power supply system of Greece. The method is based on probability theory, and makes use of wind forecasting models to represent the wind energy potential over any candidate area for future wind farm installations in the country. Moreover, technical constraints imposed by the power supply system management, the commitment of power plants and the load dispatch strategies are taken into account to maximize the wind energy penetration levels while ensuring reliable operation of the system. Representative wind power development scenarios are studied and evaluated. Results show that the spatial dispersion of wind power plants contributes beneficially to the wind energy penetration levels that can be accepted by the power system. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

甘肃酒泉千万千瓦风电基地面临的挑战及应对措施   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
论述了国内外风电发展的特点和模式,分析了酒泉风电基地的特殊性.总结了甘肃酒泉千万千瓦风电基地面临的挑战,并提出了应对措施。  相似文献   

Since 2005, there has been dramatic progress in China's wind power industry. The annual growth rate of newly constructed capacity reached a miracle of 105% and the total installed capacity has increased from 1.27 GW in 2005 to 44.73 GW in 2010, which has exceeded the target of China's energy long-term planning for 2020. During the 11th Five-Year-Plan (FYP), the Chinese government has issued a series of polices to promote and regulate the development of wind power industry, which is the underlying force driving its rapid development. This paper is a systematical review on the current status and policies of wind power industry in China. Firstly the current status including achievements and shortcomings is presented, and then the relevant polices and regulations released during the period of 11th FYP are reviewed. Meanwhile, the main approaches of the policies and regulations in promoting the development of wind power industry are discussed and the issues of the current policies are analyzed. Finally, the paper concludes on the perspectives of wind power policies in China.  相似文献   

China has become the third largest energy user in the world, and its coal-dominated energy structure implies high CO2 emissions. The amount of CO2 emissions from China may surpass that of the United States within 20–30 years, making China the world's largest source of greenhouse gases by 2020.

Currently, renewable energy resources (except for hydropower) account for only a fraction of China's total energy consumption. However, China has abundant solar energy resources. More than two thirds of China receives an annual total insolation that exceeds 5.9 GJ/m2 (1,639 kWh/m2) with more than 2,200 hours of sunshine a year. Wind energy potential in China is about 3,200 GW, of which 253 GW is deemed technically exploitable. China has a wide range of biomass resources that can be used for energy supply and high temperature geothermal resources suitable for power generation located mainly in Tibet and Yunnan provinces.

Renewable energy technologies have been actively deployed in China. Although PV power stations have not being connected to the national grid, total installed capacity was 3 MW in 1994. Solar water heaters are by far the largest solar thermal application in China with a total installed capacity of 3.3 million m2 in 1994. By the end of 1995, total installed capacity of grid-connected wind power plants had reached 36 MW. Also, over 140,000 small wind generators ranging in size from 50 W to 5 kW have been deployed with a total installed capacity of 17 MW. China is a world leader in the development and application of anaerobic technologies for the production of fuel gas and waste treatment and has by far the largest biomass gasification R&D capacity in the.

Although renewable energy is projected to play a small role in future electricity generation, it is expected to be much more significant in the total energy sector. Under one scenario, renewable energy other than hydro provides up to 4% of the total energy supply and 88 million tons of carbon emission reduction by 2020. The estimated growth in greenhouse gas emissions, as well as serious local and regional environmental pollution problems caused by combustion of fossil fuels, provide strong arguments for the development of renewable energy resources.  相似文献   

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