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作为人类共同的居所。城市在为我们提供聚居空间的同时.能否提供舒适的栖息环境?霍华德的“田园都市”理想,体现了人们对理想城市生活的美好向往,既拥有繁华的都市生活的便利,又能充分地享受大自然对人类的恩赐。但在现代城市,交通拥挤,空气污染,自然生态环境遭到割裂、破坏.似乎已经成为城市生话的代名词。便利的城市生活和优美的自然生态环境,是否如鱼和熊掌.不可兼得?多伦多的城市发现之旅(DiscoVerywa.ks).给了我们很好的启发。  相似文献   

谈谈城市的环境与景观李湘洲,李壬林城市的环境与景观,是诉诸人们视觉功能的城市外貌特征。一座现代化的城市,不仅要具备完善的生产和生活功能,而且还应该有令人赏心悦目的环境与景观。城市的环境形象、生产生活功能的确定,是城市规划工作者的责任;而城市景观的设计...  相似文献   

《城市建筑》05/2005多伦多伦多城市中心发现之旅的启示作为人类共同的居所,城市在为我们提供聚居空间的同时,能否提供舒适的栖息环境?霍华德的“田园都市”理想,体现了人们对理想城市生活的美好向往:既拥有繁华的都市生活的便利,又能充分地享受大自然对人类的恩赐。但在现代城市,交通拥挤,空气污染,自然生态环境遭到割裂、破坏,似乎已经成为城市生活的代名词。便利的城市生活和优美的自然生态环境,是否如鱼和熊掌,不可兼得?多伦多的城市发现之旅(DiscoVerywa,ks),给了我们很好的启发。BBC的”发现”节目可以为我们提供各地区、多层面的惊…  相似文献   

城市建筑环境与绿化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵艳芬 《山西建筑》2007,33(35):348
阐述了加强城市建筑环境与绿化建设的意义,指出城市建筑环境及绿化与市民生活紧密相连,并对如何创建优美的城市环境,建造舒适、宁静的居住环境进行了论述,以使城市建筑环境与自然环境和谐发展。  相似文献   

为顺应钦州大港口、大工业、大旅游发展的新形势,改善城市生活环境与投资环境,提升城市品位,增强钦州招商引资吸引力,提高对外开放水平,增强城市竞争力,广西钦州市在今年组织开展的城市建设大会战中,组织开展了“让城市靓起来”活动。其中重点内容是整治市区21条主要街道。  相似文献   

随着城市建设的迅猛发展,人们对生活环境的要求也越来越高,不仅需要大量舒适、宜人、质量高的物质环境,更需要高品位的精神生活环境。一个忧美的环境空间,除了建筑、绿化、道路这些重要的组成部分以外,合理地放置环境雕塑作品,是提升环境文化品位与精神内涵的有效办法。如果环境是一个舞台,雕塑作品就是一个演员。 除了城市中心广场等重要场所外,许多公共绿地也是放置雕塑的理想环境,这样的环境空间与市民的心理距离很近,树立一些好的环境雕塑;时刻会激发人们遐想的灵感,产生共鸣并与之对话。设想一下,如果我们的城市空间环境…  相似文献   

引论近些年来,城市环境问题日益严重,自然景观和人文景观不同程度地受到破坏,人们在生理及心理等行为上也受到不同程度的影响,对于环境问题,人们在深感忧虑的同时,存在着消极和积极的态度,消极者逃离“城市荒漠”,向往田园生活的“净土”,积极者努力寻找一条与自然更为协调的、可持续发展的道路,即城市环境生态化设计。在探讨城市环境设计之前,我们试以湘西民居环境为例,分析人们所向往的田园生活净土的“村落环境”,通过对比从侧面反映“城市环境要与自然有栩结合,并创造富有时代感和地方特色”这一观点。湘西民居环境是一种…  相似文献   

本文论述了建设园林城市的意义,基本构想和途径,作者认为,现代化城市应是园林城市,绿色是城市人居环境和生活质量的重要标志。  相似文献   

《快乐城市:通过城市设计改变我们的生活》 经过几十年的逆城市化发展,越来越多的人们从乡村返回城市。集约的城市生活已经被定义为人类面临资源和环境危机的解决办法。本书作者用简单活泼的语言,结合城市规划和幸福感,探讨了什么是快乐的城市生活。  相似文献   

高质量城市公共空间的设计对策   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
公共空间是城市环境的精华所在,其实质是以人为主体的,促进社会生活事件发生的社会活动场所。提高城市公共空间的质量是我们面临的重要任务。本文就当前城市公共空间建设中存在的问题及其特性和质量评价标准进行了分析,并提出了创造高质量城市公共空间的对策。  相似文献   

丁沫 《世界建筑》2012,(6):95-96
冰河探索道是被设想作为限定加拿大贾斯珀国家公园里的哥伦比亚冰原的不规则景观的一个延伸。沿着这段戏剧性的悬崖边缘,该项目通过统一的几何和材料的形式织就一段连续的体验之线。这种蜿蜒的体验将冰河探索道不仅仅定义为一个单一的目标,更是  相似文献   

杨锐 《现代城市研究》2010,(4):40-44,52
加拿大多伦多堂河下游地段位于城市滨水区与堂河的交界处.原先处在城市的边缘地区但是随着多伦多城市的不断扩张,大量移民人口的不断涌入.原先是工业码头的堂河下游地段面临着前所未有的发展压力。如何运用景观城市主义理论来缓解困扰多年的闲置与发展的矛盾,将该地区建设成能协调好城市、堂河和安大略湖之间关系的绿色湖滨社区.是摆在多伦多滨水保护建设组织面前的一道难题。通过对多伦多堂河下游地段2007年设计竞赛获奖方案“都市港湾”的介绍和解析,阐述了景观城市主义理论在快速发展背景下的适用性并总结出相应的规律.以期对我国新一轮的城市开发建设提供借鉴。  相似文献   

The 1991 profile of Toronto in Cities presented a picture of a municipal and metropolitan government with a strong reputation for solving urban problems (Lemon, 1991). Two decades later, Toronto is a polarized and divided city that seems unable to address its urban problems. It suffers from a dysfunctional urban politics, crumbling infrastructure, traffic gridlock and inadequate investment in transit, growing income disparities, and a lack of affordable housing. We find three main changes are responsible for Toronto’s difficulties including economic globalization, political restructuring (e.g., amalgamation), and the ascendance of neoliberalism as the governing philosophy at the provincial and federal levels. Toronto’s crisis metaphor has emerged as it has achieved global city status. Toronto therefore presents a particularly fascinating case to explore a global city under pressure.  相似文献   

从多伦多市中心到湖心岛,坐船仅需短短10分钟,弗兰克林儿童公园就坐落在这片令人耳目一新的自然区域的中心地带,建设公园的灵感来自于受欢迎的儿童丛书《小乌龟弗兰克林》.  相似文献   

Toronto is a rare global city because negotiating public land ownership remains a defining feature of the city's urban politics. The awarding of the 2015 Pan American Games to Toronto is a prime occasion to witness how fragmented governance can limit the ambition and enthusiasm of a sporting mega‐event. Historically, Toronto has not been known for its ability to host large‐scale sporting events but it has recently used a series of failed Olympic bids and smaller sporting events to trigger piecemeal “legacy” development. In this article we argue that the awarding of the Pan American Games to Toronto was predicated on a process that removed local politics from the bidding process. Focusing on the development of the athletes’ village in the West Don Lands and incorporating a number of interviews with key stakeholders across Toronto, this research illustrates that the heavy involvement and investment of the Province of Ontario in the Pan American spectacle forces us to ask: Whose waterfront? Whose games?  相似文献   

Concern has been expressed in Toronto since the 1970s about the ‘ghettoisation’ of black tenants in Metropolitan Toronto Housing Authority (MTHA) public housing. Very little specific evidence exists, however, about the incidence of blacks in MTHA housing. The objectives of the present study are to provide a more detailed perspective on the incidence of blacks in MTHA housing compared to the rest of Toronto and the segregation of blacks within the MTHA system. The results indicate that the proportion of black tenants in MTHA housing increased from 4.2 per cent in 1971 to 27.4 per cent in 1986, a much greater increase than for blacks in the rest of Toronto. Explanations include the recent black Caribbean immigration to Toronto, income constraints, family composition and supply, cost and discriminatory constraints in Toronto's rental housing market. The evidence also suggests that there is some concentration of blacks within MTHA housing, especially in suburban high rise developments. The most likely explanation is a form of ‘constrained choice’.  相似文献   

There is currently a debate about the extent to which Toronto can serve as a model for transport and land-use planning policies in Australian cities. Proponents of the ‘Toronto model’ argue that the city has achieved high rates of public transport patronage through a combination of policies including the integration of transport and land-use planning. Much of the debate turns on definitional arguments about ways of measuring public transport patronage, population density and other relevant factors. This paper reviews the evidence, using consistent and rigorous definitions, and compares Toronto with Melbourne. It concludes that Toronto is indeed a model of successful public transport, with a relatively high trip-making rate that has been maintained over many decades. It also concludes, however, that this success relative to Melbourne is not explained by land-use patterns. The differences in population density and distribution between the two cities are smaller than previously thought, and the differences that do exist do not correlate with the differences in transport patterns.  相似文献   

2007年11月,“滨水多伦多”与多伦多市政府和其他有关政府部门合作,举办了改造下贾维斯街道公共空间的设计竞赛,在与新东部湖湾区相连的水缘区域创造一个标志性的城市公共空间。珍妮特·罗森堡公司、克劳德·柯米尔建筑景观股份有限公司和west8+DTAH联合体共三家知名设计机构应邀参加了竞赛。  相似文献   

Many articles have appeared in mainstream media and in techoriented venues about Sidewalk Labs’ ideas for a new hightech neighbourhood in Toronto (a project named Sidewalk Toronto). By and large, international commentary has focused on the opportunities and risks of giving over control over many city planning decisions to a private data-oriented corporation, with people lining up for or against “smart city” ideas, in general. This article will set aside generalities about “smart cities” and technology, and instead pose a few questions about the particulars of Sidewalk Toronto project. The first question concerns the striking lack of transparency of the agreement between Sidewalk Labs (a Google sister company) and Waterfront Toronto, the public authority promoting the project, which is not directly accountable to the city or the citizens. The second question concerns the equally striking ambiguity about which parcel of land is being sought by Sidewalk Labs — an ambiguity that suggests a worrying lack of concern, on the tech company’s part, about both local planning law and local real estate realities. The third set of concerns is about the ownership of the data that appears to be Sidewalk Labs’ real interest. Fourthly, problems in the contract award and procurement mechanisms will be raised. Finally, even though the agreement has not yet been seen even by city council, the process so far and the statements by both parties raise serious concerns about accountability, the fifth point raised in this article.  相似文献   

Despite extensive literature on the nature and impact of gentrification, there has been little consideration of the effects of gentrification on ethnic neighbourhoods. This study evaluates the negative and positive effects of gentrification on the Portuguese in west central Toronto. Details concerning the settlement patterns of the Portuguese, the characteristics of Portuguese residents and patterns of gentrification in inner-city Toronto were obtained from census data. Evaluations of neighbourhood change and attitudes of the residents towards gentrification were obtained from key informant and focus group interviews. The results suggest considerable ambivalence among the respondents, but most agreed that the long-term viability of Little Portugal as an immigrant reception area with a good supply of low-cost housing is in doubt.  相似文献   

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