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Tractors are associated with more fatalities than any other piece of machinery in agriculture, with tractor rollovers being a frequent mechanism. This study examines tractor fatalities between 1985 and 2010 in Victoria, Australia, and examines the impact of the 1998 legislation mandating the retrofitting of rollover protection structures (ROPS). The data source was the Victorian WorkCover Authority to whom unintentional work placed deaths are reportable. During the study period, 121 tractor fatalities occurred, of which 55 were rollovers. Poisson regression modelling indicated a significant decline in rollover fatalities during this period of approximately 7% per annum (incidence rate ratio [IRR] = 0.93, 95% CI 0.90–0.97), however there was no simple relationship between the introduction of the legislation and the fatality decrease. It is proposed that the impact of previous voluntary retrofitting initiatives, coupled with the existing requirement for ROPS on new tractors, may have increased ROPS fitment to a critical point prior to the final requirement for retrofitting, diluting the effect over a number of years so that it could not be detected using the statistical techniques that have been applied. An increased trend in run over fatalities was also found (IRR = 1.04, 95% CI 1.00–1.09) suggesting the need for research into interventions for this type of fatality, such as safe tractor access platforms.  相似文献   

An important group of fatal incidents are slow-speed pedestrian non-traffic incidents to children, which account for 14% of accidental deaths from all causes in Victorian children under 5 years of age between 1985 and 1995, and 12% of pedestrian deaths of all ages. In Victoria, Australia, the database of the state Consultative Council on Obstetric and Paediatric Morbidity and Mortality was utilised to identify paediatric slow-speed pedestrian non-traffic-accident deaths in the local population. Additional data relating to the car and its driver, the child, and the circumstances of the incident were abstracted from records kept by the State Coroner and the Victorian compulsory third party traffic injury insurance organisation. Twenty eight Victorian children were identified who had died in one of three types of incident (driverless cars, child interacting with the vehicle and driver, and drivers who were unaware of the child's proximity). These incidents were more common in rural areas compared with urban, usually occurring at the child's home. The child was with or near an adult on all occasions. The vehicle was usually being driven by a relative, and was reversing in a higher proportion of ‘unaware’ incidents compared with the ‘interactive’ type. The association of ‘off-road’ family vehicles and trucks with these incidents appears to be increasing, especially in recent years. These findings suggest some countermeasures, including the separation of vehicle driveways from children's play areas, and object vicinity ultrasonic warning devices for vehicles.  相似文献   

Side airbag systems were first introduced into vehicles around 1995 to help protect occupants from injury in side impact crashes. International studies have shown that side airbags are effective in reducing the risk of death and injury, however, serious injuries can still occur even when side airbags deploy. The objective of this study was to use detailed injury information from insurance injury compensation claims data linked to Police reported crash data to determine the effectiveness of side airbags in reducing the risk of death or injury for occupants involved in side impact crashes in Victoria, Australia based on the specific body regions that side airbag systems are designed to protect. It was found that head and torso-protecting dual airbag systems designed to protect the head, neck, face, chest and abdomen are highly effective in reducing driver death or injury due to near side crashes. They were associated with a statistically significant reduction of 41.1% (25.9%, 53.2%) in the odds of death or injury across all body regions; and a 48.0% (28.0%, 62.4%) reduction in the odds of death or injury to the head, neck, face, chest and abdomen. The study did not find any evidence that torso-protecting airbags alone are effective in reducing death or injury. Analysis results indicate that head and torso-protecting side airbag systems in vehicles are a highly effective technology for reducing the risk of death or injury to vehicle occupants in near side crashes. The magnitude of the injury reduction benefits estimated indicate that fitment of this technology to all vehicles should be a high priority and will yield significant savings in overall road trauma.  相似文献   

农业标准化是农业科技成果转化为农民易于掌握的先进实用技术的桥梁 ,也是农业产业化的重要技术基础。温家宝副总理在中央农村工作会议上指出 :“要加快农产品质量标准体系建设。只有建立起严格的、科学合理的质量标准 ,才能真正实现农产品的优质优价 ,才能促进农产品质量的提高。”一、我国西部生态农业方面的特点对标准化工作的影响我国西部地区农业生态环境存在的突出问题 :一是土地沙漠化面积扩大 ;二是水土流失现象严重 ;三是大气和水污染严重 ,尤以城市附近为最 ;四是土壤污染严重 ;五是每年因采矿被破坏的土地日益增多。其中 ,土地沙…  相似文献   

Car crashes are a major cause of death and serious injury to children but most analyses of risk are based on US data. The Australian context is different in at least three ways: (1) the proportion of passenger-side airbags, a potential risk to children in front seats, is much lower; (2) unlike in the US, Australian airbags are designed to work with restrained passengers; (3) restraint use for children 0-12 years is high (>90%). Official data drawn from Victorian crash records (n=30,631) were used to calculate relative risks of death or serious injury for children (0-3 years, 4-7 years; 8-12 years) traveling in passenger cars during 1993-1998 and 1999-2004. Over 90% were reportedly wearing a restraint, and 20% were traveling in the front seat. For children under 4 years traveling in the front seat, the relative risk of death was twice as great as when traveling in the rear, and that of serious injury was 60% greater. The relative risk of death whilst traveling in the front seat was almost four times greater for children aged under 1 year. We suggest that serious consideration should be given to mandating rear seating for children, particularly those aged 4 and under.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of cyclist, road and crash characteristics on the injury severity of cyclists involved in traffic crashes reported to the police in Victoria, Australia between 2004 and 2008. Logistic regression analysis was carried out to identify predictors of severe injury (serious injury and fatality) in cyclist crashes reported to the police. There were 6432 cyclist crashes reported to the police in Victoria between 2004 and 2008 with 2181 (33.9%) resulting in severe injury of the cyclist involved. The multivariate analysis found that factors that increase the risk of severe injury in cyclists involved in traffic crashes were age (50 years and older), not wearing a helmet, riding in the dark on unlit roads, riding on roads zoned 70 km/h or above, on curved sections of the road, in rural locations and being involved in head-on collisions as well as off path crashes, which include losing control of vehicle, and on path crashes which include striking the door of a parked vehicle. While this study did not test effectiveness of preventative measures, policy makers should consider implementation of programs that address these risk factors including helmet programs and environmental modifications such as speed reduction on roads that are frequented by cyclists.  相似文献   

Little population-based, prospective research has been conducted to examine the demographic and work-related determinants of occupational injury or illness. This study examined the relative contribution of sociodemographic characteristics and work factors to the likelihood of a work-related disability or illness. In a representative sample of adult Canadians 25-70 years old from a prospective survey, a hazard modelling approach of time to work disability absence from the start of a new job was estimated with the following predictors: age, gender, type of job (manual, non-manual, and mixed), hours worked, highest education achieved, multiple concurrent job, job tenure, school activity, union membership and living in a rural or urban area. Workers holding manual or mixed jobs and having a low education level were factors independently associated with the increased likelihood of a work disability absence. Gender was not independently associated with work disability absences. A strong job tenure gradient in the unadjusted work disability absence rates was virtually eliminated when controlling for demographic/individual and other work factors. In multivariate analyses, work-related factors remained predictors of work disability absence whereas individual characteristics such as gender did not. The exception was workers with less education who appeared to be particularly vulnerable, even after controlling of physical demands on the job. This may be due to inadequate job training or increased hazard exposure even in the same broad job category.  相似文献   

Older workers have an elevated risk of being killed on the job, and transportation incidents involving vehicles or mobile machinery are especially deadly for this group. The present study was designed to address the research gap in understanding contributing factors to these incidents and recommend evidence-based guidelines for interventions. We gathered and analyzed data from several sources, including the Oregon Fatality Assessment and Control Evaluation program, the Oregon Workers’ Compensation system, the Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, the Bureau of Labor Statistics, and peer reviewed research literatures. Rates and rate ratios (RR) were used to evaluate excess risk among groups. The results of this study show that older workers in Oregon have an elevated risk of fatality both in all events (RR = 3.0, 95% CI 2.2–4.0) and transportation events (RR = 3.6, 95% CI 2.4–5.4). Additional analyses and extant literature supports our hypotheses that multiple risk factors contribute to the phenomenon, including (a) hazard exposure, (b) organization of work, (c) physical fragility, and (d) normative cognitive, sensory, and psychomotor changes that occur with age. The evidence-based framework proposed may provide valuable guidance for developing safety interventions that protect older workers.  相似文献   

Many older adults find it difficult to accept new forms of information and communication technology (ICT), despite its advantages such as convenience and efficiency. It is necessary to identify the reasons for low ICT use among older people—even among those with positive attitudes toward ICT—to help older adults cope with social changes and bridge the digital divide. This study explored technology acceptance and related factors among older Korean adults living in rural areas. Based on an existing model (the senior technology acceptance model), a new conceptual framework for technology acceptance was proposed, and the framework was tested using pathway analysis. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in three focus groups (n = 15), and a survey questionnaire was administered to older Korean adults living in a rural area (n = 233) from 17 January 2021 to 18 February 2021. Qualitative data were analyzed using directed content analysis, and quantitative data were analyzed using pathway analysis. Four categories, 11 subcategories, and 18 codes were identified, and a new conceptual framework was proposed based on the qualitative findings. The results of the model revealed significant positive direct paths from external controls (β = 0.45, p < .001), attitudinal beliefs (β = 0.33, p < .001), and cognitive health (β = 0.10, p = .040) to internal abilities. It is necessary to develop and apply a targeted and tailored ICT education program to improve self-efficacy and reduce anxiety regarding technology use among older Korean adults living in rural areas.  相似文献   

Older people are over represented among pedestrian casualties, and cognitive decline is an often cited possible contributory factor. Cognitive decline and dementia are intimately associated, however the role dementia might play in older pedestrian crashes has received little attention. This study describes crash characteristics for 52 fatally injured older pedestrians in the Sydney metropolitan area. It investigates the relationship between the extent of neurofibrillary tangles (NFT), a hallmark of Alzheimer's disease in the brain, and particular crash situations. The results demonstrate crash characteristics that are similar to that reported in other studies of older pedestrians. Furthermore, the results suggest that cognitive decline associated with dementia related neuropathology may be associated with specific crash situations. Compared to older pedestrians with no, or low NFT, those with moderate to high NFT were more likely to be: at least partially responsible for the incident; injured while in low complexity situations; involved in impacts with reversing vehicles; impacted in near lanes of traffic; and struck by a vehicle off road. While described as trends only (p < 0.2), these findings highlight areas of concern for older pedestrians and suggest potential targets for engineering and behaviour-based countermeasures aimed at reducing casualty numbers among older pedestrians.  相似文献   

实施农业标准化促进区域农业结构调整   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实施农业标准化是调整、优化农产品品种结构和农业结构的有效途径。中共中央、国务院关于做好 2 0 0 0年农业和农村工作的意见中明确指出 ,(我国 )农业和农村经济发展已经进入了一个新阶段 ,粮食和其它主要农产品由长期供不应求转变为阶段性供大于求 ,人民生活总体上开始进入小康。我国经济社会发展进程中的这一历史性跨越 ,为农业和农村经济的发展创造了新的条件和机遇 ,也提出了新的要求。实际上 ,新阶段就是要对农业和农村经济结构进行战略性的调整。农业部长陈耀邦在今年的农村工作会议上提出了结构调整的总体思路 :要跳出就农业抓农业…  相似文献   

This study describes the epidemiology of escalator-related injuries among adults age 65 and older in the U.S. between 1991 and 2005, through a retrospective analysis of data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission.There were an estimated 39,850 escalator-related injuries and no fatalities. The overall injury rate was 7.8/100,000 population. During the study period 1991-2005, the rate of escalator-related injuries doubled. The mean age of the study population was 80.1 years (S.D. = 8.5 years) with 73.3% female. The most frequent cause of injury was a slip, trip or fall (84.9%, 95% CI: 82.7-87.2%). The most frequently injured body parts were the lower extremities (25.9%, 95% CI: 21.5-30.2%) and the head (25.0%, 95% CI: 20.5-29.5%). The leading type of injury was soft tissue injuries (54.2%, 95% CI: 49.7-58.7%) followed by lacerations (22.3%, 95% CI: 18.4-26.1%) and fractures (15.6%, 95% CI: 13.1-18.1%). The rate of head injuries and the rate of hospitalizations increased with age.Escalator-related injuries occur infrequently but may result in significant trauma. These injuries are often associated with a slip, trip or fall. Awareness of the risks and the circumstances leading to escalator injuries allows for better direction of intervention strategies on the part of injury prevention specialists.  相似文献   

An analysis of road traffic fatalities in Delhi, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Road use patterns in Delhi, India are very different from those in cities in highly industrialized countries. In Delhi roads are also shared by unmotorized vehicles in large numbers. This study is an attempt to understand fatal crash patterns in Delhi in 1980 using police data. The results indicate that fatality patterns in Delhi are very different from those in highly industrialized countries. Pedestrians, two-wheeler riders and bus commuters comprise 80% of fatalities and motor-vehicle occupants a small minority. It appears that priorities for safety countermeasures in Delhi would have to be significantly different from those in more industrialized high-income countries. Some short-term and long-term measures are suggested in the paper.  相似文献   

Applications of bfrp and cfrp in aircraft and military equipment are discussed. Various patching techniques, utilizing bfrp, are described which prevent or considerably reduce crack propogation in fatigue or stress corrosion cracked aircraft component. Both composites have been used to reinforce metal components; applications include reducing vibration and buckling problems in aircraft, use in support legs of military equipment and in vanes in wind gust probes. The influence of Australia's hot/wet environment has been a consideration in the choice and development of the materials used.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to better understand how older adults self-regulate driving, and to identify differences by age, sex, and health-related functioning. Michigan drivers over age 64 were surveyed by telephone (n=961, age [mu=74.2, sigma=5.8], 56% female) about their driving-related behaviors, physical functioning, and health. Respondents were presented with scenarios involving driving to an important appointment under adverse conditions (rainy stormy weather, on alternate route in heavy freeway traffic, 200-mile trip on unfamiliar roads). Generalized logit models examined outcomes for each scenario: driving as usual, driving with modifications, and not driving. Results indicate that the effect of sex on self-regulation was significant and greater than that of age and physical functioning. Women were more likely to self-regulate by not driving. Odds ratios and 95% confidence limits for each scenario for women vs. men are 6.8 (3.8-2.0), 6.5 (3.6-12.0), and 17.7 (11.0-28.6). The effect of sex on self-regulation by modifying driving was smaller and significant only in scenarios 2 and 3. Women were more likely then men to modify driving for scenario 2 (odds ratio, 3.0 (2.0-4.5)) and scenario 3 (odds ratio 4.4 (3.1-0.1)). Overall, the study finds the relative effect of sex on self-regulation greater than that of age and physical functioning for conditions examined.  相似文献   

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