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A protocol for presynchronization of ovarian status with 2 injections of PGF given 14 d apart, with the last PGF injection given 12 or 14 d before Ovsynch increases pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) in dairy cows. We determined the efficacy of reducing the interval from the last PGF injection (500 μg of cloprostenol) of presynchronization to initiation of Ovsynch on response to treatment and P/AI. Lactating dairy cows were assigned to an Ovsynch protocol, with the initial injection of GnRH given either 9 (PRE-9; n = 135) or 12 d (PRE-12; n = 135) after the second PGF injection of presynchronization. The Ovsynch protocol consisted of 2 injections of 100 μg of GnRH given 9 d apart and 1 injection of PGF given 7 d after the initial GnRH injection, and cows were subjected to timed artificial insemination (TAI; 70 ± 3.5 DIM) approximately 16 h after the second GnRH injection. Body condition score (1–5 scale) was recorded at TAI. Blood samples were taken for progesterone determination at the PGF injection of Ovsynch, at TAI, and at 11 d after TAI. Ultrasonographic examinations were done in all cows at the second PGF injection of presynchronization, initial GnRH injection, PGF injection of Ovsynch, at TAI, and 24 h after TAI for cyclicity status and ovarian responses to treatments, and at 32 and 60 d after TAI for confirmation of pregnancy. Overall, 29 cows (10.7%) were determined acyclic or cystic and excluded from the study. The percentage of cows responding to initial GnRH injection (62.2 vs. 61.5%) did not differ between PRE-9 and PRE-12 but more cows in the PRE-9 group failed to respond to PGF treatment of Ovsynch compared with PRE-12 (22.7 vs. 10.7%). Body condition score at TAI (2.9 ± 0.02) and mean ovulatory follicle diameter (16.4 ± 0.2 mm) were not different between treatments. Overall P/AI at 32 d was reduced in PRE-9 (33.6%) compared with PRE-12 (44.3%) but pregnancy losses (5.0 vs. 3.7%) did not differ between treatments. Primiparous cows in the PRE-12 group had higher mean progesterone concentration 11 d after TAI and greater P/AI 32 after TAI than primiparous cows in the PRE-9 group (6.4 ± 0.5 vs. 4.6 ± 0.5 ng/mL and 55.8 vs. 30.0%, respectively). In conclusion, reducing the interval from the last PGF injection of the presynchronization treatment to initiation of Ovsynch (from 12 to 9 d) did not affect ovulatory response to initial GnRH injection but reduced response to PGF injection of Ovsynch and P/AI at 32 and 60 d after TAI. The reduction in P/AI was particularly evident in primiparous cows of the PRE-9 group.  相似文献   

Our objectives were to determine pregnancy rates after altering times of the second GnRH injection, insemination, or both in a combined Presynch + Ovsynch protocol, to accommodate once-daily lockup of dairy cows. Lactating dairy cows (n = 665) from 2 dairy herds in northeastern Kansas were studied. Cows ranged from 24 to 44 d in milk (DIM) at the start of the Pre-synch protocol, which consisted of 2 injections of PGF(2alpha) 14 d apart, with the second injection given 12 d before initiating the Ovsynch protocol. Cows were blocked by lactation number and assigned randomly to 3 treatments consisting of variations of the Ovsynch protocol. Cows in 2 treatments received injections of GnRH 7 d before and 48 h (G48) after the PGF(2alpha) injection. Timed AI (TAI) was conducted at the time of the second GnRH injection (G48 + TAI48) or 24 h later (G48 + TAI72). Cows in the third treatment received the injections of GnRH 7 d before and at 72 h after PGF(2alpha) and were inseminated at the time of the second GnRH injection (G72 + TAI72). Pregnancy was diagnosed weekly by palpation per rectum of uterine contents on d 40 or 41 after TAI. Pregnancy rates differed between herds, but they were consistently greater for G72 + TAI72 than for G48 + TAI48 and G72 + TAI72. Subsequent calving rates were consistent with differences in initial TAI pregnancy rates. Pregnancy loss was least for cows on the G72 + TAI72 treatment. Body condition scores (BCS) ranged from 1.0 to 4.0 when assessed on Monday of the breeding week. An interaction of BCS and herd was detected in which cows in herd 1 having poorer BCS (<2.25) had greater pregnancy rates than cows of greater BCS (>/=2.25), whereas the reverse was true in herd 2 in which overall pregnancy rates were greater. We concluded that inseminating at 48 or 72 h after PGF(2alpha), when GnRH was administered at 48 h after PGF(2alpha), produced fewer pregnancies than inseminating and injecting GnRH at 72 h after PGF(2alpha) for cows whose estrous cycles were synchronized before initiating this variant of the Ovsynch protocol.  相似文献   

Our objective was to determine whether progesterone (P4) supplementation during an Ovsynch protocol would enhance fertility in lactating dairy cows. Lactating dairy cows (n = 634) at 6 locations were assigned randomly within lactation number and stage of lactation to receive the Ovsynch protocol [OVS; synchronization of ovulation by injecting GnRH 7 d before and 48 h after PGF2α, followed by one fixed-time AI (TAI) 16 to 20 h after the second GnRH injection] or Ovsynch plus a controlled internal drug release (CIDR) P4-releasing insert for 7 d, beginning at the first GnRH injection (OVS + CIDR). Blood was sampled to quantify P4 10 d before the first GnRH injection, immediately before the first GnRH injection, at the time of CIDR removal, before the PGF2α injection (1 to 2 h after CIDR insert removal), and 48 h after the PGF2α injection to determine cyclicity status before initiation of treatment, luteal status at the PGF2α injection, and incidence of luteal regression. Overall, conception rates at 28 (40 vs. 50%) and 56 d (33 vs. 38%) after TAI differed between OVS and OVS + CIDR, respectively; but a treatment × location interaction was detected. Compared with OVS, pregnancy outcomes were more positive for OVS + CIDR cows at 4 of 6 locations 28 d after TAI and at 3 of 6 locations 56 d after TAI. An interaction of luteal status (high vs. low) before CIDR insert removal and PGF2α injection with pretreatment cycling status indicated that cows having low P4 at PGF2α injection benefited most from P4 supplementation (OVS + CIDR = 36% vs. OVS = 18%), regardless of pretreatment cycling status. Pregnancy loss between 28 and 56 d after TAI was greater for noncycling cows (31%) compared with cycling cows (16%). Pregnancy loss for cows receiving P4 (21%) did not differ from that for cows not receiving P4 (21%). Supplementation of P4, pretreatment cycling status, and luteal status before PGF2α injection altered follicular diameters at the time of the second GnRH injection, but were unrelated to pregnancy outcomes. Incidence of multiple ovulation was greater in noncycling than in cycling cows. Further, cows having multiple ovulations had improved pregnancy outcomes at 28 and 56 d after TAI. In summary, a CIDR insert during the Ovsynch protocol increased fertility in lactating cows having low serum P4 before PGF2α injection. Improved pregnancy outcomes were observed at some, but not all locations.  相似文献   

Presynchronization strategies, such as Presynch-Ovsynch and Double-Ovsynch, increase fertility to timed artificial insemination (TAI) compared with Ovsynch alone; however, simpler presynchronization strategies could reduce costs and simplify reproductive management. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 601) were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 presynchronization treatments before beginning an Ovsynch-56 protocol (GnRH at 70 ± 3 DIM, PGF 7 d later, GnRH 56 h after PGF, and TAI 16 h later at 80 ± 3 DIM) for first TAI. Cows (n = 306) in the first treatment (Double-Ovsynch; DO) were presynchronized using a modified Ovsynch protocol (GnRH at 53 ± 3 DIM, 7 d later PGF, and GnRH 3 d later) ending 7 d before the first GnRH injection (G1) of an Ovsynch-56 protocol. Cows (n = 295) in the second treatment (GGPG) were presynchronized using a single injection of GnRH 7 d before G1 of an Ovsynch-56 protocol at 63 ± 3 DIM. Blood samples were collected at G1 and the PGF injections of the Ovsynch-56 protocol to determine progesterone (P4) concentrations. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed using ultrasonography 32 d after TAI, and pregnant cows were reexamined 46 and 70 d after TAI. Overall, DO cows had more pregnancies per artificial insemination (P/AI) compared with GGPG cows 32 d after TAI (53 vs. 43%). Overall, P/AI did not differ by parity (primiparous vs. multiparous), and pregnancy loss did not differ between treatments or parities. More DO cows had P4 in a medium range (>0.5 to <4 ng/mL) at G1 of the Ovsynch-56 protocol compared with GGPG cows (82 vs. 50%), and more DO cows had high P4 (>4 ng/mL) at the PGF injection of the Ovsynch-56 protocol compared with GGPG cows (67 vs. 36%). Thus, presynchronization with a modified Ovsynch protocol increased P/AI after TAI at first AI by increasing synchrony to the Ovsynch-56 protocol compared with presynchronization using a single injection of GnRH.  相似文献   

Pregnancy per artificial insemination (P/AI) following Ovsynch is optimized when cows ovulate to the first GnRH of Ovsynch. Fertility programs are designed to presynchronize cows to d 6 or 7 of the estrous cycle to increase the chances of ovulation of a first-wave dominant follicle to the first GnRH of Ovsynch. The hypothesis of this experiment was that simplification of a presynchronization program through the combination of PGF and GnRH on the same day, 7 d before Ovsynch, would allow for similar P/AI compared with Presynch-10. Lactating dairy cows (n = 432) 41 to 47 d in milk (DIM) were randomly assigned to 2 treatments within parities for first service. Control cows received Presynch-10/Ovsynch consisting of the following: PGF–14 d–PGF–10 d–GnRH–7 d–PGF–56 h–GnRH–16 h–AI. Treated cows received PGF and GnRH–7 d–GnRH–7 d–PGF–56 h–GnRH–16 h–AI. All cows received a supplemental injection of PGF 24 h after the PGF of Ovsynch to enhance complete luteolysis. All cows received timed AI between 75 and 81 DIM. Blood was collected to assess circulating concentrations of progesterone (P4), and the number and size of corpora lutea (CL) were recorded using ultrasonography on day of PGF of Ovsynch. The administration of PGF simultaneously with GnRH and 7 d before Ovsynch (PG+G) had similar P/AI at 28 (46 vs. 48%), 35 (43 vs. 43%), 49 (39 vs. 39%), and 77 d post-AI (38 vs. 39%) compared with Presynch-10. No differences were observed in P/AI in primiparous versus multiparous cows at 28 (52 vs. 45%), 35 (48 vs. 41%), 49 (45 vs. 37%), and 77 d post-AI (43 vs. 36%). No difference existed between treatments in percentage of cows with functional CL at PGF of Ovsynch, total luteal area (mm2), or serum concentrations of P4 at time of PGF of Ovsynch, regardless of parity. Number of CL had a tendency to be greater for multiparous PG+G vs. Presynch-10 cows (2.34 ± 0.09 vs. 2.15 ± 0.08) but not in primiparous cows (1.95 ± 0.10 vs. 1.98 ± 0.11). In summary, administering both PGF and GnRH on the same day, 7 d before the start of Ovsynch, appears to be a simple and effective alternative to Presynch-10 Ovsynch.  相似文献   

Conception to synchronized ovulation (Ovsynch) using injections of GnRH and PGF2alpha and timed artificial insemination has been shown to be maximized when the program is initiated 5 to 12 d after estrus. The objective of this double-blinded field trial was to assess the effect of one injection of PGF2alpha, 10 d before the Ovsynch program, on the probability of pregnancy at first insemination in lactating dairy cows. The hypothesis was that cows that underwent luteolysis in response to PGF2alpha would be between 5 and 8 d postestrus at the start of Ovsynch. In five commercial dairy herds in Ontario, Canada, at 52 +/- 12 d in milk, 506 cows were assigned at random to receive either one i.m. injection of 500 microg of cloprostenol or saline. Ten days later, all cows received 100 microg of GnRH i.m., followed in 7 d by 500 microg of cloprostenol i.m. and 100 microg of GnRH i.m. 48 h later. All cows were artificially inseminated 0 to 20 h after the second injection of GnRH, without regard to detection of estrus. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal palpation at least 35 d after insemination. The probability of pregnancy after first insemination was modeled with logistic regression, accounting for the correlation of cows with herd and the effect of season of calving. There was no difference in pregnancy risk between cows that received PGF2alpha presynchronization and controls (37.3 and 36.6%, respectively; odds ratio = 1.03, 95% confidence interval, 0.88 to 1.20). Parity and days in milk at insemination were not significant covariates.  相似文献   

The probability of a pregnancy decreases substantially in lactating dairy cows treated with Ovsynch if luteolysis is delayed or incomplete. Two PGF products are currently approved in the United States for luteolysis in lactating dairy cattle, dinoprost tromethamine and cloprostenol sodium. Cloprostenol has a longer half-life compared with dinoprost, is more resistant to endogenous metabolism, and is maintained in circulation longer. We hypothesized that cloprostenol could reduce the time to complete luteolysis compared with dinoprost because of differences in half-life. Lactating dairy cows received the same presynchronization strategy (G6G; 25 mg of PGF - 2 d - 100 μg of GnRH - 6 d - 100 μg of GnRH - 7 d - final PGF treatment). At the time of the final PGF, cows (n = 35) were randomly assigned to receive either 500 μg of cloprostenol or 25 mg of dinoprost. Blood samples were collected daily before and serially after PGF treatment to analyze circulating concentrations of progesterone (P4) and estradiol (E2). Ultrasound examinations of ovaries were performed to measure sizes of follicles and corpora lutea (CL) and determine time of ovulation. Considering only cows with complete luteolysis, mean circulating P4 was lower for cows given cloprostenol than for those given dinoprost between 0 and 12 h postinjection, but not at 24, 36, or 48 h. A rapid decrease in P4 was observed 1 h after PGF (6.54 ± 0.27 to 3.77 ± 0.22 ng/mL) followed by a complete rebound 1 h later (3.77 ± 0.22 to 5.07 ± 0.31 ng/mL) followed by a steady decline in both treatment groups. Serum concentrations of E2 were greater at 48 h posttreatment in cloprostenol-treated cows (2.74 ± 0.15 pg/mL) than in dinoprost-treated cows (2.37 ± 0.19 pg/mL). Cows that did not have complete luteolysis did not ovulate (0/7) during the 6-d period following treatment. Time to complete luteolysis and ovulation was 29.1 ± 1.1 versus 29.4 ± 1.7 and 101 versus 103 h posttreatment in cloprostenol compared with dinoprost. A negative relationship was observed between P4 at 12 h posttreatment and concentrations of E2 48 h posttreatment (b = −0.6905; R2 = 0.23). In summary, cows treated with cloprostenol had lower concentrations of P4 for the first 12 h following treatment and subsequently greater concentrations of E2 compared with dinoprost, although no differences were observed in these 2 PGF analogs for time to complete luteolysis or time to ovulation.  相似文献   

We hypothesized (1) that neither duration of the Ovsynch program nor dose frequency of PGF would change the proportion of cows with complete luteolysis (progesterone <0.4 ng/mL 72 h after PGF) and (2) that the additional GnRH treatment administered as part of a presynchronization program would not alter the proportion of anovulatory cows starting the timed artificial insemination (AI) program compared with an alternative shorter presynch program including only 1 GnRH treatment. Lactating Holstein cows (n = 406) were milked 3 times daily and enrolled in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial experiment consisting of 8 treatments before the first postpartum AI. Treatments were used to test ovulatory, luteal, and luteolytic outcomes to 3 main effects: (1) 2 GnRH-PGF presynchronization programs (PG-3-G vs. Double Ovsynch), (2) 2 Ovsynch program durations [5 d: GnRH (GnRH-1)–5 d–PGF–24 h–PGF–32 h–GnRH (GnRH-2)–16 h–timed AI; 7 d: GnRH-1–7 d–PGF–56 h–GnRH-2–16 h–timed AI], and (3) 2 PGF dose frequency treatments (2 × 25 mg) 24 h apart versus 1 dose (1 × 50 mg) of PGF administered 72 h before timed AI. The presynchronization treatments of PG-3-G and Double Ovsynch had no effect on the proportion of cows with luteal function at the onset of the Ovsynch treatments (87.9 vs. 86.2%). Although ovulatory responses were similar after GnRH-1 (>60%), Double Ovsynch cows tended to have greater ovulatory responses than PG-3-G after GnRH-2 (95.3 vs. 90.6%). The 2 × 25-mg doses of PGF and the 1 × 50-mg dose induced luteolysis in both Ovsynch treatment durations, but the 1 × 50-mg dose was less effective in the 5-d program. More pregnancy per AI (P/AI; 49.2%) tended to occur in the PG-3-G cows in the 7-d program compared with the other treatment combinations (range: 32.4–37.4%; Ovsynch × presynch interaction). In addition, an Ovsynch × PGF dose frequency interaction resulted in cows receiving the 1 × 50-mg dose in the 7-d program having the greatest P/AI (46.1%) and cows receiving the 1 × 50-mg dose in the 5-d program having the least P/AI (30.6%). We conclude that complete luteolysis was less effective in the 5-d program when the 1 × 50-mg dose was applied, but both PGF dose frequencies (1 × 50 mg and 2 × 25 mg 24 h apart) effectively induced complete luteolysis in the 7-d program. Treatments producing complete luteolysis tended to be related to subsequent pregnancy outcomes.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare circulating progesterone (P4) profiles and pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in lactating dairy cows bred by timed artificial insemination (TAI) following Ovsynch-56 after 2 different presynchronization protocols: Double-Ovsynch (DO) or Presynch-Ovsynch (PS). Our main hypothesis was that DO would increase fertility in primiparous cows, but not in multiparous cows. Within each herd (n = 3), lactating dairy cows (n = 1,687; 778 primiparous, 909 multiparous) were randomly assigned to DO [n = 837; GnRH-7d-PGF-3d-GnRH-7d-Ovsynch-56 (GnRH-7d-PGF-56h-GnRH-16hTAI)] or PS (n = 850; PGF-14d-PGF-12d-Ovsynch-56). In 1 herd, concentrations of P4 were determined at the first GnRH (GnRH1) of Ovsynch-56 and at d 11 after TAI (n = 739). In all herds, pregnancy was diagnosed by palpation per rectum at 39 d. In 1 herd, the incidence of late embryo loss was determined at 74 d, and data were available on P/AI at the subsequent second service. Presynchronization with DO reduced the percentage of animals with low P4 concentrations (<0.50 ng/mL) at GnRH1 of Ovsynch-56 (5.4 vs. 25.3%, DO vs. PS). A lesser percentage of both primiparous and multiparous cows treated with DO had low P4 concentrations at GnRH1 of Ovsynch-56 (3.3 vs. 19.7%, DO vs. PS primiparous; and 8.8 vs. 31.9%, DO vs. PS multiparous). Presynchronization with DO improved P/AI at the first postpartum service (46.3 vs. 38.2%, DO vs. PS). Statistically, a fertility improvement could be detected for primiparous cows treated with DO (52.5 vs. 42.3%, DO vs. PS, primiparous), but only a tendency could be detected in multiparous cows (40.3 vs. 34.3%, DO vs. PS, multiparous), consistent with our original hypothesis. Presynchronization treatment had no effect on the incidence of late embryo loss after first service (8.5 vs. 5.5%, DO vs. PS). A lower body condition score increased the percentage of cows with low P4 at GnRH1 of Ovsynch-56 and reduced fertility to the TAI. In addition, P4 concentration at d 11 after TAI was reduced by DO. The method of presynchronization at first service had no effect on P/AI at the subsequent second service (34.7 vs. 36.5%, DO vs. PS). Thus, presynchronization with DO induced cyclicity in most anovular cows and improved fertility compared with PS, suggesting that DO could be a useful reproductive management protocol for synchronizing first service in commercial dairy herds.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined pregnancy after synchronized ovulation (Ovsynch) with or without progesterone (P4) administered via controlled internal drug release (CIDR) intravaginal inserts. In experiment 1, 262 lactating cows in one herd were in 3 treatments: Ovsynch (n = 91), Ovsynch + CIDR (n = 91), and control (n = 80). The Ovsynch protocol included injections of GnRH 7 d before and 48 h after an injection of PGF20. Timed artificial insemination (TAI; 57 to 77 d postpartum) was 16 to 20 h after the second GnRH injection. Cows in the Ovsynch + CIDR group also received a CIDR (1.9 g of P4) insert for 7 d starting at first GnRH injection. Control cows received A-I when estrus was detected using an electronic estrus detection system. Based on serum P4, 44.1% of cows were cyclic before Ovsynch. Pregnancy rates at 29 d (59.3 vs. 36.3%) and 57 d (45.1 vs. 19.8%) after TAI and embryo survival (75.9 vs. 54.5%) from 29 to 57 d were greater for Ovsynch + CIDR than for Ovsynch alone. In experiment 2, 630 cows in 2 herds received TAI at 59 to 79 d postpartum after 6 treatments. Estrous cycles were either presynchronized (2 injections of PGF2alpha 14 d apart; n = 318) or not presynchronized (n = 312). Within those groups, Ovsynch was initiated 12 d after second presynchronization PGF2alpha, and used alone (n = 318) or with CIDR inserts for 7 d (1.38 g of P4/insert, n = 124 or 1.9 g of P4/insert, n = 188). Before Ovsynch, 80% of cows were cyclic. Presynchronization increased pregnancy (46.8 vs. 37.5%) at 29 d after TAI, but CIDR inserts had no effect on pregnancy in experiment 2. Overall embryonic survival between 29 and 57 d in experiment 2 was 57.7%. Use of CIDR inserts with Ovsynch improved conception and embryo survival in experiment 1 but not in experiment 2, in part due to differing proportions of cyclic cows at the outset. Presynchronization before Ovsynch enhanced pregnancy rate.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of an intravaginal insert containing progesterone (CIDR, controlled internal drug releasing) administered in presynchronization and resynchronization protocols on cyclicity, detection of estrus, pregnancy rate, and pregnancy loss to first AI; reinsemination patterns; and pregnancy rates to second postpartum AI before and after the time of first-service pregnancy diagnosis in dairy cows. Holstein cows (n = 1,052) were blocked by parity and BCS at 3 ± 3 d in milk (study d 0 = day of calving) and assigned randomly to 1 of 3 presynchronization treatments. During the presynchronization programs, all cows received 2 injections of PGF2α, on study d 35 and 49. Cows enrolled in the control presynchronization treatment received AI after detected estrus from study d 49 to 62. Cows enrolled in the CIDR estrus-detection (CED) presynchronization treatment received a CIDR insert from study d 42 to 49 and AI on detection of estrus from d 49 to 62. Cows enrolled in the CIDR timed AI (CTAI) presynchronization treatment received the same treatment as CED, but were subjected to timed AI on study d 72 after the Ovsynch (GnRH, 7 d PGF2α, 2 d GnRH, 24 h timed AI) protocol. The control and CED cows not inseminated by study d 62 were enrolled in the Ovsynch protocol on the same day and received timed AI on study d 72. After first AI, cows were assigned to no resynchronization (RCON) or resynchronization with a CIDR insert (RCIDR) between 14 and 21 d after AI. Blood samples collected on study d 35, 49, and 62 were analyzed for concentrations of progesterone and cows were classified as anestrous when progesterone was <1.0 ng/mL in the first 2 samples. On study d 62, anestrous cows with progesterone ≥ 1.0 ng/mL were classified as having resumed cyclicity. Pregnancy was diagnosed at 31 and 60 d after first AI and at 42 d after second AI. A greater proportion of anestrous cows in CED and CTAI became cyclic by d 62 postpartum than control cows. Resynchronization with the CIDR insert increased the pregnancy rate at 31 d after first AI in CED and CTAI, and at 60 d after AI in all cows because of reduced pregnancy loss. These results indicate that presynchronization with the CIDR insert increased induction of cyclicity in anestrous cows and that resynchronization with the CIDR insert did not affect the reinsemination rate but did reduce pregnancy loss and increased the pregnancy rate at 60 d after first AI.  相似文献   

In a commercial dairy herd, 316 lactating Holsteins were studied to determine the percentage of anovular cows, to examine follicular sizes in anovular cows, and to compare synchronized ovulation (Ovsynch) versus detection of estrus on fertility of ovular and anovular cows. Ultrasonography examinations at 47 to 53 d and at 54 to 60 d postpartum were used to measure follicles and to classify cows as ovular or anovular. Anovular cows were identified as those with no detectable luteal tissue by ultrasonography and by low progesterone in blood samples collected weekly. Anovular cows included 28% of 122 primiparous cows and 15% of 194 multiparous cows. Of 64 anovular cows, 20% had follicles > or = 25 mm that might be considered cystic (4% of total cows), 58% had 15- to 24-mm follicles, and 22% had 9- to 14-mm follicles. Cows identified as ovular and anovular were randomly assigned within cyclic status to one of two artificial insemination (AI) strategies: 1) AI after detected estrus during 21 d, or 2) timed AI after a 10-d Ovsynch protocol. Weekly ultrasonography continued for 21 d to detect ovulations. For the Ovsynch sub-groups, 97% of ovular and 94% of anovular cows ovulated after the second GnRH injection. Within 21 d, spontaneous ovulations for the detection of estrus sub-groups were 42% of anovular cows vs. 89% of ovular cows. Conception rates were greater for ovular cows regardless of treatment, but conception rates between respective Ovsynch and estrus detection groups for ovular (32%, 35%) or anovular (9%, 11%) cows were similar. Although 20% of lactating cows were not cyclic by about 60 d postpartum, nearly all ovulated following Ovsynch. However, anovular cows had lower conception than ovular cows whether inseminated after detected estrous or after Ovsynch.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether an increase in circulating estrogen concentrations would increase percentage pregnant per artificial insemination (PP/AI) in a timed AI protocol in high-producing lactating dairy cows. We analyzed only cows having a synchronized ovulation to the last GnRH of the Ovsynch protocol (867/1,084). The control group (n = 420) received Ovsynch (GnRH - 7 d - PGF - 56 h - GnRH - 16 h - timed AI). The treatment group (n = 447) had the same timed AI protocol with the addition of 1 mg of estradiol-17β (E2) at 8 h before the second GnRH injection. Ovarian ultrasound and blood samples were taken just before E2 treatment of both groups. In a subset of cows (n = 563), pressure-activated estrus detection devices were used to assess expression of estrus at 48 to 72 h after PGF2α treatment. Ovulation was confirmed by ultrasound 7 d after timed AI. Treatment with E2 increased expression of estrus but overall PP/AI did not differ between E2 and control cows. There was an interaction between treatment and expression of estrus such that PP/AI was greater in E2-treated cows that showed estrus than in E2-treated or control cows that did not show estrus and tended to be greater than control cows that showed estrus. There was evidence for a treatment by ovulatory follicle size interaction on PP/AI. Supplementation with E2 improved PP/AI in cows ovulating medium (15 to 19 mm) but not smaller or larger follicles. The E2 treatment also tended to improve PP/AI in primiparous cows with low (≤2.5) body condition score, and in cows at first postpartum service compared with Ovsynch alone. In conclusion, any improvements in PP/AI because of E2 treatment during a timed AI protocol appear to depend on expression of estrus, parity, body condition score, and size of ovulatory follicle.  相似文献   

Objectives were to compare the effect of presynchronization and resynchronization methods on fertility responses of grazing dairy cows at first and second artificial insemination (AI) and pregnancy rate during the entire breeding season. Lactating dairy cows (n = 1,263) in 2 seasonal grazing farms were blocked, within farm, by parity, breed and days in milk. Within each block, cows were randomly assigned to 1 of 4 treatments arranged as a 2 × 2 factorial with 2 presynchronization and 2 resynchronization treatments. Cows had their estrous cycles presynchronized with either a PGF-based program (Presynch) consisting of 2 injections of PGF administered 14 d apart and starting the timed AI protocol 11 d later, or with a PGF-GnRH-based presynchronization program (G6G) consisting of an injection of PGF, followed 3 d later by an injection of GnRH and starting the timed AI protocol 6 d later. All cows received the first insemination on the same day, which was considered study d 0 and also d 0 of the breeding season. All cows received the 5-d timed AI protocol that consisted of GnRH on d −8, PGF on d −3 and −2, and GnRH + timed AI on d 0. Blood was sampled and analyzed for progesterone on d −8. On d 12, cows in each presynchronization treatment either remained as untreated controls (RCON) or received a controlled internal drug-release (CIDR) insert containing progesterone for 7 d (RCIDR). Estrus was observed daily starting on d 19 and cows in estrus were inseminated on the same day. On d 35, bulls were placed with the cows for an additional 65 d, completing a 100-d breeding season. Holstein cows were less likely to have progesterone ≥1 ng/mL on d −8, and had less expression of estrus and pregnancy per AI (P/AI), which resulted in a slower rate of pregnancy and a smaller proportion of pregnancy at the end of the study than did Jersey or crossbred cows. In addition, body condition, days in milk, and plasma progesterone concentration at the first GnRH injection of the timed AI protocol had marked effects on the reproductive performance of lactating grazing dairy cows. A greater proportion of G6G cows had progesterone ≥1ng/mL at the first GnRH injection of the timed AI protocol compared with Presynch cows (82.0 vs. 74.3%). Presynchronization treatment did not influence P/AI, but cows in G6G had increased risk of pregnancy loss between d 30 and 65 after the first AI (12.9 vs. 8.1%). Nevertheless, an interaction between presynchronization and ovarian status was observed, and cows initiating the timed AI with progesterone ≥1 ng/mL had greater P/AI when previously treated with Presynch than G6G. On the other hand, G6G benefited P/AI of cows initiating the timed AI with progesterone <1 ng/mL. Resynchronization with RCIDR altered the pattern of return to estrus, but it did not increase the rate of re-insemination and decreased the proportion of pregnant cows at the end of the 100-d breeding period (80.6 vs. 84.4%).  相似文献   

To compare 2 hormonal protocols for submission of lactating dairy cows for timed artificial insemination (TAI), nonpregnant lactating Holstein cows (n = 269) >60 d in milk were randomly assigned to each of 2 treatments to receive TAI (TAI = d 0). Cows assigned to the first treatment (Ovsynch, n = 134) received 50 microg of GnRH (d -10), 25 mg of PGF2alpha (d -3), and 50 microg of GnRH (d -1) beginning at a random stage of the estrous cycle. Cows assigned to the second treatment (Presynch, n = 135) received Ovsynch but with the addition of 2 PGF2alpha (25 mg) injections administered 14 d apart beginning 28 d (d -38 and -24) before initiation of Ovsynch. All cows received TAI 16 to 18 h after the second GnRH injection. Ovulatory response after each GnRH injection for a subset of cows (n = 109) and pregnancy status 42 d after TAI for all cows were assessed using transrectal ultrasonography. Based on serum progesterone (P4) profiles determined for a subset of cows (n = 109), P4 concentrations decreased for Presynch cows after the first 2 PGF2alpha injections, and Presynch cows had greater P4 concentrations at the PGF2alpha injection on d -3 compared with Ovsynch cows. Although the proportion of cows ovulating after the first and second GnRH injections did not differ statistically between treatments (41.1 and 69.6% vs. 35.9 and 81.1% for Ovsynch vs. Presynch, respectively), pregnancy rate per artificial insemination (PR/AI) at 42 d post TAI was greater for Presynch than for Ovsynch cows (49.6 vs. 37.3%). Parity, DIM, and body condition score (BCS) at TAI did not affect PR/AI to TAI. These data support use of this presynchronization protocol to increase PR/ AI of lactating dairy cows receiving TAI compared with Ovsynch.  相似文献   

Based on previous research, we hypothesized that Cosynch at 72 h [GnRH−7 d−PGF2α;−72 h−GnRH + artificial insemination (AI)] would result in a greater number of pregnancies per AI (P/AI) than Cosynch at 48 h. Further, we hypothesized that P/AI would be improved to a greater extent when GnRH was administered at 56 h after PGF2α; before AI at 72 h due to a more optimal interval between the LH surge and AI. Nine hundred twenty-seven lactating dairy cows (n = 1,507 AI) were blocked by pen, and pens rotated through treatments. All cows received GnRH followed 7 d later by PGF2α; and then received one of the following: 1) GnRH + timed AI 48 h after PGF2α; (Cosynch-48); 2) GnRH 56 h after PGF2α; + timed AI 72 h after PGF2α; (Ovsynch-56); or 3) GnRH + timed AI 72 h after PGF2α; (Cosynch-72). Pregnancy diagnoses were performed by ultrasound at 31 to 33 d post-AI and again at 52 to 54 d post-AI. Overall P/AI were similar for the Cosynch-48 (29.2%) and Cosynch-72 (25.4%) groups. The Ovsynch-56 group had a greater P/AI (38.6%) than Cosynch-48 or Cosynch-72. Presynchronized first-service animals had greater P/AI than cows at later services in Cosynch-48 (36.2 vs. 23.0%) and Ovsynch-56 (44.8 vs. 32.7%) but not in Cosynch-72 (24.6 vs. 26.2%). Similarly, primiparous cows had greater P/AI than multiparous cows in Cosynch-48 (34.1 vs. 22.9%) and Ovsynch-56 (41.3 vs. 32.6%), but not Cosynch-72 (29.8 vs. 25.3%). In conclusion, we found no advantage to Cosynch at 72 h vs. 48 h. In contrast, we found a clear advantage to treating with GnRH at 56 h, 16 h before a 72 h AI, probably because of more-optimal timing of AI before ovulation.  相似文献   

This study was designed to evaluate whether decreasing circulating progesterone (P4) or increasing circulating estradiol-17β (E2) near the time of artificial insemination (AI) in an Ovsynch protocol would increase pregnancies per AI (P/AI) in lactating dairy cows. Six hundred nineteen lactating Holstein cows (n = 772 inseminations) received Ovsynch (GnRH-7 d-PGF-56 h-GnRH-16 h-timed AI). Cows were randomized in a 2 × 2 factorial experiment of 4 treatments to receive or not receive 25 mg of PGF 24 h after the standard PGF of Ovsynch, or 0.5 mg of E2 at the time of the final GnRH of Ovsynch, or both. Blood samples were collected 24 h after normal PGF and at final GnRH to evaluate circulating P4. Ovarian ultrasound was done at final GnRH to determine preovulatory follicle size. Ovulation was confirmed by ultrasound 5 d after AI. Treatment with additional PGF increased the percentage of cows that had complete luteal regression (95.6%) compared with control cows (84.6%). In contrast, additional PGF had no detectable effect on P/AI (control = 41.5% vs. + PGF = 44.7%). Supplementation with E2 increased expression of estrus (84.4 vs. 37.2%), but had no effect on overall fertility and even tended to have a negative effect on fertility in cows that ovulated to the second GnRH (control = 51.5% vs. +E2 = 44.0%). Thus, additional treatments with PGF or E2 during Ovsynch can be used to increase synchronization and expression of estrus during Ovsynch, although the lack of improvement in fertility makes these treatments unwarranted.  相似文献   

Ovulatory response to the first GnRH of Ovsynch is the critical determinant for successful synchronization of ovulation in dairy cows. Our objective in this study was to develop a pre-Ovsynch treatment that increased the percentage of cows that ovulated in response to the first GnRH injection of Ovsynch. To accomplish our goal, we evaluated a hormonal strategy that consisted of PGF2α and GnRH before the first GnRH of Ovsynch. Lactating dairy cows (n = 137) were assigned to receive either no treatment before Ovsynch (control) or 25 mg of PGF2α (PreP) followed 2 d later by 100 μg of GnRH (PreG), administered 4 (G4G), 5 (G5G), or 6 (G6G) d before initiating the Ovsynch protocol. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed to assess follicular size and resulting ovulation, and blood samples were collected to measure circulating concentrations of progesterone and estradiol immediately before each hormonal injection. Cows were inseminated at a fixed time 16 h after final GnRH of Ovsynch. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed 35 d later by palpation per rectum of uterine contents. Proportion of cows that ovulated to first GnRH of Ovsynch was 56.0, 66.7, 84.6, and 53.8% for G4G, G5G, G6G, and controls, respectively, and was greater for G6G than for control cows. Luteolytic response to PGF2α of Ovsynch was greater in all treated than control cows (92.0, 91.7, 96.2, and 69.2% for G4G, G5G, G6G, and control, respectively). Synchronization rate to Ovsynch was greater (92 vs. 69%, respectively) in G6G than in control cows. In addition, cows that ovulated in response to first GnRH of Ovsynch had greater response to PGF2α of Ovsynch (92.7 vs. 77.1%, respectively) and greater synchronization rate to the overall protocol (87.9 vs. 62.9%, respectively) than those that did not ovulate. Concentrations of progesterone at PGF2α of Ovsynch, and estradiol and follicle size at final GnRH of Ovsynch, were identified as significant predictors of probability of pregnancy 35 d after artificial insemination. In summary, a PGF2α-and-GnRH based pre-Ovsynch strategy consisting of a 6-d interval between PreG and first GnRH of Ovsynch resulted in a greater ovulatory and luteolytic response to first GnRH and PGF2α of Ovsynch, respectively, compared with control cows. This, in turn, optimized synchronization rate to Ovsynch.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effects of method of presynchronization and source of supplemental Se on uterine health and reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows. Holstein cows (n = 512) were assigned randomly to 2 methods of presynchronization, Presynch (2 PGF2a given 14 d apart) or CIDR-PS (controlled internal drug releasing inserted for 7 d with an injection of PGF2a at removal) and 2 sources of Se, sodium selenite (SS) or selenized yeast (SY) supplemented at 0.3 mg/kg from 25 d before calving to 80 d in milk (DIM) arranged in a 2 × 2 factorial. Cows were inseminated following the Ovsynch protocol (d 0 GnRH, d 7 PGF2a, d 9 GnRH, timed artificial insemination (AI) 12 h after the final GnRH) starting at 12 and 3 d after Presynch and CIDR-PS, respectively. Cows were diagnosed for pregnancy at 28, 42, and 56 d after AI. Source of Se did not influence uterine health and resumption of cyclicity, but fewer CIDR-PS than Presynch cows were cyclic at the beginning of the Ovsynch, although differences in the proportion cyclic may have been caused by the timing when corpus luteum evaluations were performed in the different pre-synchronization treatments. Ovulatory responses were not influenced by source of Se. However, the CIDR-PS increased ovulation to the first GnRH, double ovulation to the final GnRH, and size of ovulatory follicle at PGF2a and final GnRH of the Ovsynch, but did not influence ovulation at the final GnRH of the Ovsynch. Concentrations of estradiol during the Ovsynch increased with follicle diameter and were greater for cows receiving CIDR-PS than Presynch, but they were not influenced by source of Se. Pregnancy per AI on d 28 (32.7%), 42 (28.5%), and 56 (25.9%) after AI, and pregnancy loss (20.5%) from 28 to 56 d were not influenced by source of Se or method of presynchronization. Although cows receiving CIDR-PS had an increased incidence of ovulation to the first GnRH (73.2 vs. 57.8%) and double ovulation to the final GnRH of the Ovsynch (18.7 vs. 9.0%), both of which enhanced pregnancy, the CIDR-PS protocol did not improve pregnancy per AI or reduce pregnancy loss compared with presynchronization with PGF2a alone.  相似文献   

The reproductive performance of synchronized cows was compared with that of nonsynchronized cows. In trial 1, cyclic cows in five seasonal herds were randomly divided into two groups. Cows in one group (n = 515) were treated with a GnRH agonist and an intravaginal progesterone device, followed in 7 d by a PGF2 alpha injection, and the device was removed 1 d after PGF2 alpha. Cows in the other group (n = 512) did not receive any treatment and acted as control. In trial 2, the treatments were similar to those used in trial 1 except that the progesterone device was removed at the time of PGF2 alpha injection (synchronized: n = 516; control: n = 512). The estrus synchronization rate was 92.8% in trial 1 and 92.2% in trial 2. Conception rate to first artificial insemination (AI) was lower for synchronized cows than for control cows in trial 1 (56.5 vs. 62.7%), but similar in trial 2 (64.6 vs. 63.3%). Across both trials, the pregnancy rate during the AI breeding period was greater for the synchronized cows (85.6%) than for the control cows (81.2%). The synchronization treatment reduced the interval from start of the breeding season to conception for cows conceiving by AI (8.9 vs. 14.8 d) or by AI or natural mating (14.1 vs. 21.6 d). The synchronization protocol used in trial 2 achieved better conception rate than that used in trial 1, but the precision of estrus was less in trial 2 than in trial 1.  相似文献   

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