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This research investigates and approach to query processing in a multidatabase system that uses an objectoriented model to capture the semantics of other data models. The object-oriented model is used to construct a global schema, defining an integrated view of the different schemas in the environment. The model is also used as a self-describing model to build a meta-database for storing information about the global schema. A unique aspect of this work is that the object-oriented model is used to describe the different data models of the multidatabase environment, thereby extending the meta database with semantic information about the local schemas. With the global and local schemas all represented in an object-oriented form, structural mappings between the global schema and each local schema are then easily supported. An object algebra then provides a query language for expressing global queries, using the structural mappings to translate object algebra queries into SQL queries over local relational schema. The advantage of using an object algebra is that the object-oriented database can be viewed as a blackboard for temporary storage of local data and for establishing relationships between different databases. The object algebra can be used to directly retrieve temporarily-stored data from the object-oriented database or to transparently retrieve data from local sources using the translation process described in this paper.  相似文献   

We present a technique for transferring query optimization techniques, developed for relational databases, into object databases. We demonstrate this technique for ODMG database schemas defined in ODL and object queries expressed in OQL. The object schema is represented using a logical representation (Datalog). Semantic knowledge about the object data model, e.g., class hierarchy information, relationship between objects, etc., as well as semantic knowledge about a particular schema and application domain are expressed as integrity constraints. An OQL object query is represented as a logic query and query optimization is performed in the Datalog representation. We obtain equivalent (optimized) logic queries, and subsequently obtain equivalent (optimized) OQL queries for each equivalent logic query. We present one optimization technique for semantic query optimization (SQO) based on the residue technique of U. Charavarthy et al. (1990; 1986; 1988). We show that our technique generalizes previous research on SQO for object databases. We handle a large class of OQL queries, including queries with constructors and methods. We demonstrate how SQO can be used to eliminate queries which contain contradictions and simplify queries, e.g., by eliminating joins, or by reducing the access scope for evaluating a query to some specific subclass(es). We also demonstrate how the definition of a method or integrity constraints describing the method, can be used in optimizing a query with a method  相似文献   

Wrappers export the schema and data of existing heterogeneous databases and support queries on them. In the context of cooperative information systems, we present a flexible approach to specify the derivation of object-oriented (OO) export databases from local relational databases. Our export database derivation consists of a set of extent derivation structures (EDS) which defines the extent and deep extent of export classes. Having well-defined semantics, the EDS can be readily used in transforming wrapper queries to local queries. Based on the EDS, we developed a wrapper query evaluation strategy which handles OO queries on the export databases. The strategy is unique in that it considers the limited query processing capabilities of local database systems as well as the language constraints on the local query languages.  相似文献   

王进鹏  张亚非  苗壮 《计算机科学》2010,37(12):134-137
为实现异构关系数据库的语义集成,针对传统集成技术存在的问题,在对语义网等相关技术进行分析的基础上,研究基于本体的关系数据集成系统中的查询处理问题,提出了一种基于本体的关系数据库集成框架。设计了基于本体的关系数据的描述方法,使用本体作为集成的全局模式来描述关系模式的语义。设计了查询重写算法,该算法可以将基于全局模式的SPARQL查询重写为针对具体关系数据库的查询,从而实现对异构关系数据库的集成。实验表明,该算法具有良好的可扩展性。  相似文献   

The problem of query optimization in object-oriented databases is addressed. We follow the Stack-Based Approach to query languages, which employs the naming-scoping-binding paradigm of programming languages rather than traditional database concepts such as relational/object algebras or calculi. The classical environment stack is a semantic basis for definitions of object query operators, such as selection, projection/navigation, dependent join, and quantifiers. We describe a general object data model and define a formalized OQL-like query language SBQL. Optimization by rewriting concerns queries containing so-called independent subqueries. It consists in detecting them and then factoring outside loops implied by query operators. The idea is based on the formal static analysis of scoping rules and binding names occurring in a query. It is more general than the classical pushing selections/projections before joins.  相似文献   

PICASSO (PICture Aided Sophisticated Sketch Of database queries) is a graphics-based database query language designed for use with a universal relation database system. The primary objective of PICASSO is ease of use. Graphics are used to provide a simple method of expressing queries and to provide visual feedback to the user about the system's interpretation of the query. Inexperienced users can use the graphical feedback to aid them in formulating queries whereas experienced users can ignore the feedback. Inexperienced users can pose queries without knowing the details of underlying database schema and without learning the formal syntax of SQL-like query language. This paper presents the syntax of PICASSO queries and compares PICASSO queries with similar queries in standard relational query languages. Comparisons are also made with System/U, a non-graphical universal relation system on which PICASSO is based. The hypergraph semantics of the universal relation are used as the foundation for PICASSO and their integration with a graphical workstation enhances the usability of database systems.  相似文献   

Compilers and optimizers for declarative query languages use some form of intermediate language to represent user-level queries. The advent of compositional query languages for orthogonal type systems (e.g., OQL) calls for internal query representations beyond extensions of relational algebra. This work adopts a view of query processing which is greatly influenced by ideas from the functional programming domain. A uniform formal framework is presented which covers all query translation phases, including user-level query language compilation, query optimization, and execution plan generation. We pursue the type-based design—based on initial algebras—of a core functional language which is then developed into an intermediate representation that fits the needs of advanced query processing. Based on the principle of structural recursion we extend the language by monad comprehensions (which provide us with a calculus-style sublanguage that proves to be useful during the optimization of nested queries) and combinators (abstractions of the query operators implemented by the underlying target query engine). Due to its functional nature, the language is susceptible to program transformation techniques that were developed by the functional programming as well as the functional data model communities. We show how database query processing can substantially benefit from these techniques.  相似文献   

Traditional information search in which queries are posed against a known and rigid schema over a structured database is shifting toward a Web scenario in which exposed schemas are vague or absent and data come from heterogeneous sources. In this framework, query answering cannot be precise and needs to be relaxed, with the goal of matching user requests with accessible data. In this paper, we propose a logical model and a class of abstract query languages as a foundation for querying relational data sets with vague schemas. Our approach relies on the availability of taxonomies, that is, simple classifications of terms arranged in a hierarchical structure. The model is a natural extension of the relational model in which data domains are organized in hierarchies, according to different levels of generalization between terms. We first propose a conservative extension of the relational algebra for this model in which special operators allow the specification of relaxed queries over vaguely structured information. We also study equivalence and rewriting properties of the algebra that can be used for query optimization. We then illustrate a logic-based query language that can provide a basis for expressing relaxed queries in a declarative way. We finally investigate the expressive power of the proposed query languages and the independence of the taxonomy in this context.  相似文献   

Query-by-Pictorial-Example   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Query-by-Pictorial-Example is a relational query language introduced for manipulating queries regarding pictorial relations as well as conventional relations. In addition to the manipulating capabilities of the conventional query languages, queries can also be expressed in terms of pictorial examples through a display tenninal. Example queries are used to illustrate the language facilities.  相似文献   

A minimal framework for an object-oriented query language standard should (1) include a formal definition of a high-level data model and the syntax and semantics of associated query languages, (2) provide the functionality of relational query languages, and (3) support proofs of correctness of transformations for logical query optimization. In this paper, a high-level conceptual model for object-oriented query processing is discussed; the model includes widely-used structural abstractions such as the isa relationship, associations (properties) between complex objects and complex objects/values, and inheritance of properties. A formal, algebraic query language for the model, inspired by relational algebra, is presented. Operators of the algebra allow queries based on values, queries that manipulate entire objects, and queries that construct new objects from existing objects/values. All queries retain connections to existing database objects, providing logical access paths to data. Each query result is a class, so the algebra has the closure property. The intensional and extensional results of query operators are summarized. Two forms of logical query optimization supported by the query algebra are outlined: algebraic transformations and classifier-based optimizations (optimizations which employ inclusion and exclusion dependencies between classes).  相似文献   

Different classes of recursive queries in the relational databases are identified. It is shown that existing proposals to extend the relational query languages are either not powerful enough to express queries in many of these classes or use nonfirst normal form constructs. RQL, a recursive database query language that can be used to express recursive queries on all the classes identified, is presented. RQL is based on the relational algebra. In addition to functions that correspond to the standard and extended relational algebra operators, RQL supports functions required to express general recursive queries. The elements of RQL and the ways in which they are used to formulate complicated, but useful, recursive queries are described. The effects of the extensions embodied in RQL on the termination of recursive query evaluation are discussed  相似文献   

We describe a method for generating queries for retrieving data from distributed heterogeneous semistructured documents, and its implementation in the metadata interface DDXMI (distributed document XML metadata interchange). The proposed system generates local queries appropriate to local schemas from a user query over the global schema. The system constructs mappings between global schema and local schemas (extracted from local documents if not given), path substitution, and node identification for resolving the heterogeneity among nodes with the same label that often exist in semistructured data. The system uses Quilt as its XML query language. An experiment is reported over three local semistructured documents: ‘thesis’, ‘reports’, and ‘journal’ documents with ‘article’ global schema. The prototype was developed under Windows system with Java and JavaCC.  相似文献   

A system to query databases using diagrams as a standard user interface is proposed. The system, called Query by Diagram* (QBD*), makes use of a conceptual data model, a query language on this model, and a graphical user interface. The conceptual model is the entity-relationship model. The query language, whose expressive power allows recursive queries, supports visual interaction. The main characteristics of the interface are ease of use and the availability of a rich set of primitives for schema selection and query formulation. The expressive power of QBD* and G+, which are the only languages allowing recursive queries to be expressed graphically are compared  相似文献   

We describe an SQL relational database schema for representing the objects in HyperCard, along with a technique for automatically populating this schema from a HyperCard stack using the facilities in HyperTalk with calls to the database manager. The standard relational database query language SQL can then be used to perform more general hypertext searches than are possible with the string search feature found in most hypertext browsing environments. Semiautomatic updates of the content of a hypertext are also possible using SQL updates on the object representations in the database to trigger corresponding HyperCard updates on the objects themselves. We describe a prototype implementation and present several example queries and updates to motivate this approach. These techniques, although demonstrated here specifically using HyperCard and Oracle for Macintosh, are generally applicable to a wide range of hypertext systems and relational databases.  相似文献   

We develop a logic for entity-relationship databases, ERL, that is a generalization of database logic. ERL provides advantages to the ER model much as FOL (first-order logic) does to the relational model: a uniform language for expressing database schema, integrity constraints, and database manipulation; clearly defined semantics; the capability to express database transformations; and deductive capabilities. We propose three query languages for ER databases called ERRC, ERSQL, and ERQBE, which are generalizations of the relational calculus, SQL, and QBE, respectively. We use example queries and updates to demonstrate the capabilities of these languages. We apply database transformations to introduce the notion of views and to show that both ERRC and ERSQL are relationally complete.Research sponsored in part by the National Science Foundation under grant IRI-8921951 and by Towson State University.  相似文献   

Database applications tend toward getting more versatile and broader to comply with the expansion of various organizations. However, naïve users usually suffer from accessing data arbitrarily by using formal query languages. Therefore, we believe that accessing databases using natural language constructs will become a popular interface in the future. The concept of object-oriented modeling makes the real world to be well represented or expressed in some kinds of logical form. Since the class diagram in UML is used to model the static relationships of databases, in this paper, we intend to study how to extend the UML class diagram representations to capture natural language queries with fuzzy semantics. By referring to the conceptual schema throughout the class diagram representation, we propose a methodology to map natural language constructs into the corresponding class diagram and employ Structured Object Model (SOM) methodology to transform the natural language queries into SQL statements for query executions. Moreover, our approach can handle queries containing vague terms specified in fuzzy modifiers, like ‘good’ or ‘bad’. By our approach, users obtain not only the query answers but also the corresponding degree of vagueness, which can be regarded as the same way we are thinking.  相似文献   

Virtually all semantic or object-oriented data models assume that objects have an identity separate from any of their parts, and allow users to define complex object types in which part values may be any other objects. This often results in a choice of query language in which a user can express navigating from one object to another by following a property value path. We consider a constraint language in which one may express equations and functional dependencies over complex object types. The language is novel in the sense that component attributes of individual constraints may correspond to property paths. The kind of equations we consider are also important, because they are a natural abstraction of the class of conjunctive queries for query languages that support property value navigation. In our introductory comments, we give an example of such a query and outline two applications of the constraint theory to problems relating to a choice of access plan for the query. We present a sound and complete axiomatization of the constraint language for the case in which interpretations are permitted to be infinite, where interpretations themselves correspond to a form of directed labeled graph. Although the implication problem for our form of equational constraint alone over arbitrary schema is undecidable, we present decision procedures for the implication problem for both kinds of constraints when the problem schema satisfies a stratification condition, and when all input functional dependencies are keys  相似文献   

The generation of execution plans for object-oriented database queries is a new and challenging area of study. Unlike relational algebra, a common set of object algebra operators has not been defined. Similarly, a standardized object manager interface analogous to the storage manager interface of relational subsystems does not exist. We define the interface to an object manager whose operations are the executable elements of query execution plans. Parameters to the object manager interface are streams of tuples of object identifiers. The object manager can apply methods and simple predicates to the objects identified in a tuple. Two algorithms for generating such execution plans for queries expressed in an object algebra are presented. The first algorithm runs quickly but may produce inefficient plans. The second algorithm enumerates all possible execution plans and presents them in an efficient, compact representation  相似文献   

Query processing over object views of relational data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper presents an approach to object view management for relational databases. Such a view mechanism makes it possible for users to transparently work with data in a relational database as if it was stored in an object-oriented (OO) database. A query against the object view is translated to one or several queries against the relational database. The results of these queries are then processed to form an answer to the initial query. The approach is not restricted to a ‘pure’ object view mechanism for the relational data, since the object view can also store its own data and methods. Therefore it must be possible to process queries that combine local data residing in the object view with data retrieved from the relational database. We discuss the key issues when object views of relational databases are developed, namely: how to map relational structures to sub-type/supertype hierarchies in the view, how to represent relational database access in OO query plans, how to provide the concept of object identity in the view, how to handle the fact that the extension of types in the view depends on the state of the relational database, and how to process and optimize queries against the object view. The results are based on experiences from a running prototype implementation. Edited by: M.T. ?zsu. Received April 12, 1995 / Accepted April 22, 1996  相似文献   

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