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在荷兰的政策讨论与实践中,一个反复出现的主题就是努力创建混合的社区.在二战后的最初几年,基本的问题不是混合群体而是混合功能:通过混合各种不同的功能,诸如居住、工作和娱乐等,使地区内的居民能够开展各种活动而不用被迫离开.20世纪60年代,功能分区的理念取代了把地区看作是所有功能和人口混合在一个有限空间里的社会单元的理念,居住、就业和交通职能被分离开.20世纪70年代和80年代,荷兰大城市中建于二战前的贫穷地区开展了大型的城市更新运动.在此期间,居住混合并不是一项明确的目标.到20世纪80年代末,一项新的住房政策开始占据主导.城市重构成为关键词:在社会租赁住房占据主导的地区,大量房屋不得不拆毁或更新,以便为那些价格更高的、通常是个人所有的住房留下空间.通过这种方式就可以抵制低收入家庭的高度集中.自2001年以来,关于社会混合的争论一直在变换论调.在此之前,这场争论和政策都已经在社会经济用语中得到体现和表述.2001年之后,与少数族裔在空间上集聚相关的问题变得尤为突出.  相似文献   

自行车出行是世界公认的绿色、环保、健康的出行方式.而当下的中国,由于快速机动化,各级城市的自行车出行的比例急剧下降.荷兰是目前世界上发达国家中自行车出行比例最高、最安全的国家.在其历史上,自行车出行也经历了先降后升的过程.研究其自行车出行的演化历史及规划设计对于当下中国的自行车交通具有较强的实践借鉴意义.本文首先将荷兰自行车交通的使用历史划分为:开始使用自行车到高潮阶段、被小汽车出行压缩阶段和有意识规划引导阶段;进而分析了在此过程之中,中央政府和地方政府各自所扮演的角色及实施的政策.在此基础上,以具体的城市为案例,分析了荷兰为了鼓励自行车出行的所进行的各种规划设计.文章的最后部分,提出了对中国自行车使用政策及设计的几点借鉴.  相似文献   

对1870年以来荷兰的城镇化与城市区域规划发展演化的过程进行阐述,揭示社会的发展改变了多元的公共利益的角色,同时也改变了与其相伴的城市与区域规划的角色.  相似文献   

In Dutch urban renewal, we observe an implementation gap between dreaming and doing. Dutch national government recently proposed to focus urban renewal on more than 50 priority areas in the cities and to reduce urban renewal subsidies. It is not very likely that this policy will accelerate urban renewal. This contribution suggests a different approach: the formulation of an urban district vision shared by the sustainable stakeholders in those districts. If they can come to an agreement, they deserve housing association finance and public urban renewal support. By targeting the plans primarily on the social climbers in the urban districts involved, the city can keep their buying power within the city. Combining physical, social, economic and safety agendas and adopting a multi-functional orientation would seem to be a successful strategy.  相似文献   

Market principles are now a keyfeature of many social housing systems in Europe,and are a product of international public sectormanagement reforms. These reforms have led to thedevelopment and use of performance indicators. Dutchand English housing associations use what appear tobe very similar performance measures. This paper,however, illustrates that there are fundamentaldifferences in their use and their capacity toexplain the performance of the sector. This isargued to be a product of the extent of publicmanagement reform, the nature of the funding regimeand the way they are held to account.  相似文献   

The housing stock is being restructured in many Dutch post-war neighbourhoods. Through demolition and upgrading of social rented housing and the construction of new owner occupied dwellings, the housing stock and the living environment are being improved. This policy has triggered major residential moves in and beyond some neighbourhoods, partly involuntary. Residents whose dwelling is being demolished or heavily upgraded, are usually forced to move elsewhere. Knowledge of the social implications of forced relocation in the Netherlands is limited, especially on experiences and opinions of relocated households. This paper covers research in two recently restructured neighbourhoods. Movers were recruited to share their experiences and opinions in focus groups and interviews. Surprisingly, many movers were able to improve their housing situation, mostly due to their priority rights in the housing market. However, movers who were less able to take advantage of these rights reported a certain degree of degradation. Moreover, it appears that relocation processes must still be improved in order to reduce stress and refine communication with residents.  相似文献   

A new form of contractual agreement and way of working adapted from other industries, the ‘project alliance’, was researched, developed and is undergoing demonstration to reduce the length of construction time and construction costs. This is achieved through contractor involvement at an early stage of the design process, project participants paid on a net cost basis with participants jointly sharing in the financial success or failure of the project at completion, and the creation of a contractual partnership between all parties.

Cet article porte sur des recherches faites sur une nouvelle forme d'accord contractuel et sur une méthode de travail issue d'autres industries; cette étude intitulée «project alliance» a été affinée et est en cours de démonstration, l'objectif étant de raccourcir la durée des travaux de construction et d'en réduire les coûts. Ces réductions sont possibles, d'une part, grâce à l'implication du contractant au début du processus de conception, les participants au projet étant payés sur la base du coût net et étant solidaires, sur le plan financier, de la réussite ou de l'échec du projet au moment de l'achèvement et, d'autre part, grâce la création d'un partenariat contractuel entre toutes les parties concernées.  相似文献   

城市形态学理论在历史风貌保护区规划中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方城市形态学中的城市风貌区理论在欧洲国家被应用于城市历史风貌保护区的规划和管理实践中.研究通过理论分析和演绎,完善和发展了城市风貌区理论.通过运用该理论对上海市特定地区城市风貌特色的实证分析,研讨了它在中国的历史风貌保护区规划中的应用前景.  相似文献   

《Urban Water Journal》2013,10(3):151-160
Urban water management in the southern cities of Namibia is composed through both a formal and an informal system. In the formal system, controlling demand is the key issue, and in the informal system, an improved accessibility to water is fundamental. The main issue raised in this paper is how authorities can support an ever-increasing poor population with water and at the same time keep demand among households with private water connections at a reasonable level. To decrease the demand for water in Windhoek, a thorough water demand management strategy (WDM) was launched in 1994. Water managers showed a high level of adaptability to the alarming water situation. One of the lessons learned from the implementation in Windhoek is that dedicated people with active involvement and vision are important for successful WDM. The budget must be allocated on a continuous basis for the implementation of certain WDM measures and a degree of flexibility among water users is important for the strategy to be successful. The dual situation experienced in cities in the South where both a need to expand services, and at the same time control demand, calls for a new approach in urban water management. Strategies need to be socially specific and flexible to changing pre-conditions. Therefore, a context driven policy design is advocated.  相似文献   

In this paper, the past, present and possible future developments of energy policy for the built environment in the Netherlands are described briefly. The focus is on the development of and necessity for introducing new policy instruments for the built environment. Over the years, energy policy has evolved gradually to create a more integrated approach to the energy efficiency of buildings and larger urban districts. However, further evolution might be inevitable due to a shift of the primary driver for ‘energy’ policy from energy conservation to carbon dioxide reduction. Maximum targets of carbon dioxide emissions are being developed for each sector by 2010 and each sector has the obligation to meet its defined carbon dioxide reduction goal. Severe carbon dioxide reduction goals for the built environment in the Netherlands can only be achieved by means of energy efficiency improvement and fuel substitution, replacing natural gas with lower-carbon fuels. The introduction of lower-carbon fuels raises policy questions on whether to maintain the old infrastructure at great cost or whether investment should be in a new energy infrastructure and how this transition can be managed.  相似文献   

亚洲历史环境保护的动向——以日本为例   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对近期日本的城市保护工作的实际加以考察,就会发现由于大量再开发项目列入计划,近代历史性办公建筑濒临拆毁的绝境。而与此同时,一些历史城镇的保护工作取得了巨大进展,有吸引,有吸引力的景观得以保存。在对曼谷、河内、马尼拉、新加坡、庆州以及台湾的几个城镇的考察中,都可以观察到类似的保护实践,尽管面临着巨大的困难,历史环境保护正成为当今亚洲城市规划的主要任务之一。  相似文献   

本文结合横道河予镇历史保护规划案例,讨论了城市设汁在解决历史保护规划过程中存在的对城市整体风貌引导乏力以及与其他规划难以协调两人问题所具备的独特优势.  相似文献   

在荷兰,社会(公有)出租的住房的比重占到了35%——是欧盟范围内这一比例最高的国家。这一部门是在1901年住房法确立的公共框架下由独立经营的住房协会所主导的。本文阐述了住房协会在1995年“总收益与收支平衡实施办法”执行前后的历史渊源和发展变化。自从这一办法实施以来,住房协会不再扶政府接受实物补贴。但是.它们却变得愈加富有。这一点将会影响住房协会的社会形象。由于结合了社会与市场行为,在坚实的公共框架下运作、并经营高品质多样化的住宅,荷兰的社会住宅可为其他欧盟国家、俄罗斯和中国提供借鉴。  相似文献   

公众参与近年来在我国已引起越来越多的关注,但居民和社区参与的实践操作还很少。社区行动规划是发动居民参与社区规划和建设的一种方法,国际上已有较为成功的运用.德国技术合作会司(GTZ)和扬州市政府引入社区行动规划方法,鼓励居民参与历史街区的保护并改善自身的居住条件,在实践中尝试了老城保护中的公众参与方法。  相似文献   

In the Netherlands, the housing conditions of most ethnic minorities are still inferior to those of the native Dutch. The focus of the paper is the housing careers of Turks and Moroccans in the city of Utrecht. Despite some improvements and certain exceptions, they still find themselves in housing conditions inferior to those of the native Dutch. A career approach is necessary to explain these less favourable housing conditions because the present situation cannot be seen separately from decisions taken earlier. Some of these decisions are taken in the field of housing, but it is argued here that decisions taken on the labour market and with respect to the household itself are of major importance. It is also argued that the ethnic cultural approach, which stresses the housing preferences of minority ethnic groups, does not adequately explain the housing conditions and housing careers of the Turks and Moroccans in the Netherlands.  相似文献   

Reforming the system of financial instruments on the housing market is a recurring issue. This paper constructs a model explaining household behaviour, in particular the effects of prices and income on the tenure choice and the level of housing consumption. It analyses the effects that may be expected of fundamental changes of financial policy instruments in the Netherlands: (1) a conversion of below market rents to market rent levels; (2) a switch from the current fiscal system for owner-occupiers to a general lump sum tax reduction; and (3) a combination of these measures. The results indicate that the initial disadvantageous effects on the housing costs are large, but the behavioural response of households and the expected changes of price levels considerably reduce or even eliminate longrun effects. Since the effects may be substantial for individual households, a well-considered transition path, as is done in other countries, should be used.  相似文献   

The Netherlands, in common with most other countries, has a problem in disposing of solid wastes in an environmentally acceptable way. The paper reviews the historical situation, looks at the present-day position, and explains the proposals for waste disposal in the Netherlands up to the year 2000 and beyond.  相似文献   

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