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描述对3个总厚度分别为2、4和8mm的Li-Al合金靶片组进行入堆辐照,测量靶片在堆内辐照时内部的中子注量率分布,并计算出其相应的自屏因子的过程。结果表明,3个靶片组的自屏因子分别为0.76、0.55及0.30。  相似文献   

A facility was reconstructed for producing tritium in 40 TBq per batch. Gaseous tritium was extracted from neutron-irradiated 6Li-Al alloy targets by heating at 700°C under vacuum and collected in uranium. The recovery yield of tritium was about 100% and the isotopic purity of the product was about 95%. Through the production run, no leakage of tritium from the facility was observed.  相似文献   

In-situ measurements of the depth profiles of tritium in a titanium tritide target for generating 14-MeV neutrons have been made with the method of the ion beam analysis using the T(d, α)n nuclear reaction. The initial distribution of tritium in the unirradiated target has been observed to be nearly uniform over the depths. After the irradiation of 390-keV D3 + ions at a temperature of about 10°C a dip has been found in the depth profile around the depth of the projected range of the ions. By the successive isochronal anneal-ings at temperatures below 130°C the tritium has been uniformly redistributed. The behavior of tritium in the target and the effectiveness of the depth profiling for evaluating the energy spectrum and the yield of source neutrons are discussed.  相似文献   

Thin pellets of the LiF-PbF2 system with no porosity were irradiated by thermal neutron. Then release experiment of tritium produced in the pellets was carried out at some constant temperatures. Thus diffusion coefficients of tritium in the LiF-PbF2 system were estimated to obtain an activation energy of diffusion, which was found to be 0.51 eV at LiF mole fraction of 0.467. It was also observed that decrease of LiF concentration in the pellet brings increase of diffusion coefficient of tritium.  相似文献   

氚靶生产过程中的氚监测是保障工作安全进行的有力条件。通过建立1套中央控制多区域监测子系统,并辅之以便携式监测仪器及取样设备,构建成1套完整的氚靶生产现场氚监测系统。系统在氚靶生产过程中得以应用,结果表明,中央控制多区域监测系统的响应时间小于10s,其它设备运行正常,能很好地满足氚靶生产现场的监测要求。  相似文献   

工艺气体中高浓度氚的在线测量要求探测器具有体积小、密封性好、稳定性高等特点。针对该需求,本工作基于氚β射线诱发X射线谱测量方法(BIXS)建立了高浓度氚在线测量实验系统,采用PENELOPE程序建立了理论计算模型,对系统中5个关键参数进行了设计优化,搭建了1.77 mL小体积BIXS实验系统,使用含氚的氢氩混合气体对实验系统进行了响应能谱测量,并对获得的BIXS能谱谱形进行了初步分析。实验结果表明,对于含氚的氢氩混合气体,BIXS系统重复测量结果显示全谱计数率偏差<0.8%,Ar的Kα峰计数率偏差<1.3%,Au的Mα峰偏差<3.8%,整体稳定性较好;不同压强下BIXS实验系统测量结果显示,BIXS能谱总计数率、Ar的Kα峰强度以及轫致辐射谱强度随压强增加呈线性上升趋势,但Au的Mα峰强度在该气氛下几乎不随氚的分压改变。  相似文献   

6LiF small neutron detectors with an optical fiber have been used to measure 6Li(n,α)T reaction rate distributions at thermal research reactors and accelerator facilities. In the present study, we developed an experimental method for the measurement of tritium production rate (TPR) of 6Li using this small detector in deuterium-tritium (D-T) neutron fields. Reaction rate measurements with the detector were conducted in the D-T neutron fields at the Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) facility. From the results, we determined that this detector can be used to measure the TPR distribution in soft neutron spectrum fields such as in a Be assembly. It is difficult to obtain 6Li(n,α)T reaction rate separately in hard neutron spectrum fields such as in a Li2O assembly, because many kinds of charged particle production reactions need to be taken into consideration. However, a time-dependent reaction rate measurement method combined with the 6LiF detector and the ZnS detector is effective to separate the 6Li(n,α)T reaction from other reactions even in a hard spectrum field, and it can be applied to the measurement of the TPR distribution accurately.  相似文献   

为评估靶片制造工艺的可行性,将一些靶片放入反应堆中进行辐照考验。通过对靶片辐照前后性能,诸如外观、尺寸等的检测,初步确认,目前的靶片制作工艺可保证包壳层和芯体层结合良好,辐照不会对放射性气体的包容和靶片的操作产生不利影响。  相似文献   

利用LAHET和MCNP程序对ADS散裂中子靶进行模拟计算。因靶的基本物理性质随束流和靶形状的变化而改变,所以首先评估了源强和靶的几何形状对靶性质的可能影响,然后计算长1.2m、直径为0.6m的圆柱形液态铅靶在1GeV质子轰击下,靶内中子的产生和泄漏及能量的沉积等。与文献数据、实验数据进行了比较,符合良好。计算结果还表明:源强和几何的选择对中子产生和泄漏可产生较大影响;用液态铅作散裂靶时,中子产额和泄漏额较高,且泄漏能谱在可利用范围内,但能量沉积在靶中的分布极不均匀,这可能给传热带来问题。  相似文献   

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