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Understanding and quantifying the global dynamics and sinks of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) is important to assess their environmental impact and fate. Air-surface exchange processes, where temperature plays a central role in controlling volatilization and deposition, are of key importance in controlling global POP dynamics. The present study is an assessment of the role of oceanic biogeochemical processes, notably phytoplankton uptake and vertical fluxes of particles, on the global dynamics of POPs. Field measurements of atmospheric polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzodioxins (PCDDs), and furans (PCDFs) are combined with remote sensing estimations of oceanic temperature, wind speed, and chlorophyll, to model the interactions between air-water exchange, phytoplankton uptake, and export of organic matter and POPs out of the mixed surface ocean layer. Deposition is enhanced in the mid-high latitudes and is driven by sinking marine particulate matter, rather than by a cold condensation effect. However, the relative contribution of the biological pump is a function of the physical-chemical properties of POPs. It is concluded that oceanic biogeochemical processes play a critical role in controlling the global dynamics and the ultimate sink of POPs.  相似文献   

The binding characteristics of organic ligands with Al(III) in soil dissolved organic matter (DOM) is essential to understand soil organic carbon (SOC) storage. In this study, two-dimensional (2D) FTIR correlation spectroscopy was developed as a novel tool to explore the binding of organic ligands with Al(III) in DOM present in soils as part of a long-term (21-year) fertilization experiment. The results showed that while it is a popular method for characterizing the binding of organic ligands and metals, fluorescence excitation-emission matrix-parallel factor analysis can only characterize the binding characteristics of fluorescent substances (i.e., protein-, humic-, and fulvic-like substances) with Al(III). However, 2D FTIR correlation spectroscopy can characterize the binding characteristics of both fluorescent and nonfluorescent (i.e., polysaccharides, lipids, and lignin) substances with Al(III). Meanwhile, 2D FTIR correlation spectroscopy demonstrated that the sequencing/ordering of organics binding with Al(III) could be modified by the use of long-term fertilization strategies. Furthermore, 2D FTIR correlation spectroscopy revealed that the high SOC content in the chemical plus manure (NPKM) treatment in the long term fertilization experiment can be attributed to the formation of noncrystalline microparticles (i.e., allophane and imogolite). In summary, 2D FTIR correlation spectroscopy is a promising approach for the characterization of metal-organic complexes.  相似文献   

Concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in freshwaters have increased significantly in Europe and North America, but the driving mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we test if the significant increase in TOC (total organic carbon, 90-95% DOC) in three acid-sensitive catchments in Norway of 14 to 36% between 1985 and 2003 is related to climate, hydrology, and/or acid deposition. Catchment TOC export increased between 10 and 53%, which was significant at one site only. The seasonal variation in TOC was primarily climatically controlled, while the deposition of SO4 and NO3--negatively related to TOC--explained the long-term increase in TOC. We propose increased humic charge and reduced ionic strength--both of which increase organic matter solubility--as mechanistic explanations for the statistical relation between reduced acid deposition and increased TOC. Between 1985 and 2003, ionic strength decreased significantly at all sites, while the charge density of TOC increased at two of the sites from 1-2 meq g(-1) C to about 5 meq g(-1) C and remained constant at the third site at 5 meq g(-1) C. The solubility of organic matter is discussed in terms of the pH-dependent deprotonation of carboxylic groups and the ionic strength-dependent repulsion of organic molecules.  相似文献   

Two distribution systems, one treating water by ozonation and another treating water by nanofiltration in parallel with lime softening, were monitored for bacterial growth. Both systems kept disinfectant residuals such as chlorine and chloramine in their respective distribution systems. Bacterial growth was assessed by heterotrophic plate counts (HPC) on R2A agar. In the distribution systems fed by ozonated water, HPCs were correlated (R2 = 0.96) using an exponential model with the assimilable organic carbon (AOC) at each sampling site. Also, it was observed that ozonation caused a significant increase in the AOC concentration of the distribution system (over 100% increase) as well as a significant increase in the bacterial counts of the distribution system (average increase over 100%). The HPCs from the distribution systems fed by nanofiltration in parallel with lime-softening water also displayed an exponential correlation (R2 = 0.73) with an exponential model based on AOC. No significant correlation was found between bacteria growth on R2A agar and BDOC concentrations. Therefore, in agreement with previous work, bacterial growth in the distribution systems was found to correlate with AOC concentrations.  相似文献   

Effect of dissolved organic carbon on sorption of pyrethroids to sediments   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Despite their strong hydrophobicity, recent studies showed widespread occurrence of pyrethroid in downstream surface waters bodies. In this work, the effect of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) on the sorption and desorption of pyrethroids in sediment was evaluated to understand the role of DOC in facilitating pyrethroid transport. Presence of DOC from three sources at 38 ± 2 mg L?1 in the aqueous phase decreased pesticide sorption to a sediment by 1.7 to 38.9 times and increased their desorption by 1.2 to 41.4 times. The effect on pyrethroid sorption to the sediment was linear. In addition, interactions between DOC and pyrethroids, when taking place prior to the contact with sediment, decreased sorption of some pyrethroids even further, implying that DOC-pyrethroid complexs were relatively stable in solution. DOC sources with higher contents of carboxylic and phenolic groups were found to have a higher potential to associate with pyrethroids. The DOC-water partition coefficients (K(DOC)) obtained by solid-phase microextraction measurement were significantly correlated (P < 0.01) with K(d) values measured for the sediment. These results provide evidence that DOC increases the distribution of pyrethroids from the sediment to the solution phase and plays an important role in mobilizing pyrethroids in runoff and surface streams.  相似文献   

Although most of forested watersheds in temperate and boreal regions are snow-covered for a substantial portion of the year, responses of biogeochemical processes under the snow pack to climatic fluctuations are poorly understood. We investigated responses of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and surface water chemistry in stream and lake discharge waters draining the Arbutus Lake Watershed in the Adirondacks of New York State to climatic fluctuations during the snow-covered months from December through April. Interannual variability in stream discharge corresponded to changes in air temperature and snow pack depth across the winter months. Concentrations of DOC in stream water draining a subcatchment showed immediate positive responses to rising temperatures and subsequent increases in runoff during most snowmelt events. Increases in DOC concentrations usually coincided with decreases in pH and increases in total aluminum (Al) concentrations, while the correlations between concentrations of DOC and SO4(2-) or base cations were negative. Although changes in air temperature, snow pack depth, and runoff were all significantly correlated with stream water concentrations of major solutes, stepwise linear regression found that runoff was the best predictor of solute concentrations. Results of stepwise linear regression with long-term monthly monitoring data collected at the lake outlet showed weaker but still consistent climatic effects on interannual variations in concentrations of DOC and other solutes. Over the 17 winter periods from December 1983 through April 2000, changes in seasonal average concentrations of DOC, H+, and Al in lake discharge generally corresponded to interannual variations in temperature, precipitation, and runoff, while SO4(2-) and base cations displayed an opposite trend. The results suggest that snowmelt-mediated DOC responses to temperature fluctuations during the winter months might offset increases in the surface water pH caused by decreasing acidic deposition and pose a potential hazard of Al toxicity in surface waters.  相似文献   

为探明不同有机物料对土壤有机碳组分和呼吸速率的影响,研究了等碳量添加生物炭、秸秆、生物炭+秸秆条件下烤烟生长过程中土壤总有机碳(TOC)、易氧化有机碳(ROC)、可溶性有机碳(DOC)、微生物量碳(MBC)含量及土壤呼吸速率的动态变化,分析了土壤各有机碳组分之间及其与土壤呼吸速率的关系。研究结果显示,与单施化肥相比,等碳量添加有机物料后土壤各有机碳组分含量以及土壤呼吸速率均显著提高;添加有机物料的3个处理中,单施生物炭处理土壤TOC含量最高,CO2排放量最低;单施秸秆处理土壤活性有机碳(AOC)占TOC的比例及CO2排放量最高,但TOC含量最低;生物炭+秸秆处理土壤TOC含量显著高于添加秸秆处理,AOC含量显著高于单施生物炭处理,且CO2排放量显著低于单施秸秆处理。土壤ROC、DOC、MBC之间关系密切,三者与土壤呼吸速率均呈显著正相关。由此可见,等碳量添加有机物料条件下,生物炭有利于土壤有机碳的固存,可减少CO2的排放,但短期内对提高土壤AOC的效果不如秸秆直接还田明显,而秸秆直接还田对土壤AOC含量的提升效果最好,但会增加CO2的排放,两者配施既提高了土壤AOC的含量,又减少了CO2的排放。   相似文献   

Stream ecosystems are widely contaminated by mercury (Hg) via atmospheric transport and deposition in watersheds. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is well-known to be the dominant ligand for aqueous methylmercury (MeHg), the bioaccumulative form of Hg in aquatic food webs. However, it is less clear if and how the concentration and character (e.g., aromaticity) of DOC influences the availability of dissolved MeHg to stream food webs. In this work, we analyzed total-Hg and/or MeHg concentrations in water, seston, and macroinvertebrates (filter-feeding hydropsychid caddisflies), and other physiochemical properties in 30 streams along a south-north geographic gradient in eastern Minnesota that corresponds to substantial changes in dominant land cover (i.e., agriculture, urban, wetland, and forest). In general, MeHg concentrations in seston and hydropsychids were higher in watersheds with more forest and wetland coverage, and increased with dissolved MeHg concentration. However, we found that the efficiency of MeHg incorporation into the stream food webs (i.e., bioconcentration factors of MeHg in both seston and hydropsychids, BCF(MeHg) = solid MeHg ÷ dissolved MeHg) decreased significantly with DOC concentration and aromaticity, suggesting that MeHg bioavailability to the base of food webs was attenuated at higher levels of terrestrial DOC. Therefore, our findings suggest that there is a dual role of DOC on MeHg cycling in streams: terrestrial DOC acts as the primary carrier ligand of dissolved MeHg for transport into surface waters, yet this aromatic DOC also attenuates dissolved MeHg uptake by aquatic food webs. Thus, consideration of MeHg bioavailability and its environmental regulation could help improve predictive models of MeHg bioaccumulation in stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

The production of dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) in freshwater lakes is induced by solar radiation and is also thought to be linked to processes mediated by dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Studies investigating these processes using comparisons between lakes are often confounded by differences in DOC content and structure. In this study, we investigated the link between DOC concentrations and DGM production by using tangential ultrafiltration to manipulate DOC concentrations in water samples taken from a given lake. In this way, a range of samples with different DOC concentrations was produced without substantial changes to DOC structure or dissolved ions. This was repeated for four lakes in central Quebec: two with highly logged drainage basins and two with minimally logged drainage basins. On two separate days for each lake, water samples (filtered to remove >99% of microorganisms) with varying DOC concentrations were incubated in clear and dark Teflon bottles on the lake surface. DGM concentrations were measured at 3.5-h intervals over the course of 10.5 h. Levels of DGM concentrations increased with increasing cumulative irradiation for all lakes until approximately 4000 kJ m(-2) (400-750 nm, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)), when DGM concentrations reached a plateau (between 20 and 200 pg L(-1)). When we assumed that DGM production was limited by the amount of photoreducible mercury, reversible first-order reaction kinetics fitted the observed data well (r2 ranging between 0.59 and 0.98, p < 0.05 with the exception of N70 100% DOC, 0% DOC, and K2 0% DOC with p = 0.06, 0.10, and 0.11, respectively). The DGM plateaus were independent of DOC concentrations but differed between lakes. In contrast, photoproduction efficiency (DGMprod) (i.e., the amount of DGM produced per unit radiation (fg L(-1) (kJ/m2)(-1)) below 4000 kJ m(-2) PAR) was linearly proportional to DOC concentration for both logged lakes (r2 = 0.97, p < 0.01) and nonlogged lakes (r2 = 0.52, p = 0.018) studied. Furthermore, logged lakes had a lower DGMprod per unit DOC (p < 0.01) than the nonlogged lakes. In these four lakes, the rate of DGM production per unit PAR was dependent on the concentration of DOC. The DGM plateau was independent of DOC concentration; however, there was a significant difference in DGM plateaus between lakes presumably due to different DOC structures and dissolved ions. This research demonstrates an important mechanism by which logging may exacerbate mercury levels in biota.  相似文献   

Rivers with high biological productivity typically show substantial increases in pH and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentration during the day and decreases at night, in response to changes in the relative rates of aquatic photosynthesis and respiration. These changes, coupled with temperature variations, may impart diel (24-h) fluctuations in the concentration of trace metals, nutrients, and other chemical species. A better understanding of diel processes in rivers is needed and will lead to improved methods of data collection for both monitoring and research purposes. Previous studies have used stable isotopes of dissolved oxygen (DO) and dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) as tracers of geochemical and biological processes in streams, lakes, and marine systems. Although seasonal variation in 6180 of DO in rivers and lakes has been documented, no study has investigated diel changes in this parameter. Here, we demonstrate large (up to 13%o) cycles in delta18O-DO for two late summer sampling periods in the Big Hole River of southwest Montana and illustrate that these changes are correlated to variations in the DO concentration, the C-isotopic composition of DIC, and the primary productivity of the system. The magnitude of the diel cycle in delta18O-DO was greater in August versus September because of the longer photoperiod and warmer water temperatures. This study provides another biogeochemical tool for investigating the O2 and C budgets in rivers and may also be applicable to lake and groundwater systems.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore how acid deposition may affect the concentration and quality of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in soil-water. This was done by a small-scale acidification experiment during two years where 0.5 × 0.5 m(2) plots were artificially irrigated with water with different sulfuric acid content, and soil-water was sampled using zero-tension lysimeters under the O-horizon. The DOM was characterized using absorbance, fluorescence, and size exclusion chromatography analyses. Our results showed lower mobility of DOM in the high acid treatment. At the same time, there was a significant change in the DOM quality. Soil-water in the high acid treatment exhibited DOM that was less colored, less hydrophobic, less aromatic, and of lower molecular weight, compared to the low acid treatment. This supports the hypothesis that reduction in sulfur deposition is an important driver behind the ongoing brownification of surface waters in many regions.  相似文献   

Specific UV absorbance (SUVA) is defined as the UV absorbance of a water sample at a given wavelength normalized for dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration. Our data indicate that SUVA, determined at 254 nm, is strongly correlated with percent aromaticity as determined by 13C NMR for 13 organic matter isolates obtained from a variety of aquatic environments. SUVA, therefore, is shown to be a useful parameter for estimating the dissolved aromatic carbon content in aquatic systems. Experiments involving the reactivity of DOC with chlorine and tetramethylammonium hydroxide (TMAH), however, show a wide range of reactivity for samples with similar SUVA values. These results indicate that, while SUVA measurements are good predictors of general chemical characteristics of DOC, they do not provide information about reactivity of DOC derived from different types of source materials. Sample pH, nitrate, and iron were found to influence SUVA measurements.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter leached from decomposing organic matter is important in the leaching of nutrients from the root zone of ecosystems, eluviation of metals, and transport of hydrophobic pollutants. The objective of this study was to compare microbial mineralization rates in intact soil cores of various fractions of water-soluble dissolved organic matter. Uniformly 14C-labeled Populus fremontii leaf litter that had decomposed for 1 year was extracted in water and this extract was fractionated into phenolic, humic acid, fulvic acid, hydrophilic acid, and hydrophilic neutral fractions. Fulvic acid comprised 42.1% of C in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) extracted from the litter. These fractions were added to intact cores of soil or sand, and respired 14CO2 was collected. The percentage of labeled substrate C mineralized in soil at the end of 1 year was, in order from least to greatest, hydrophilic acid (30.5), fulvic acid (33.8), humic acid (39.0), whole, unfractionated DOC (43.5), unseparated hydrophilic acid and neutral (44.7), phenolic (63.3), glucose (66.4), and hydrophilic neutral (70.2). In acid-washed nutrient-amended sand that was inoculated with soil microbes, mineralization rates of fulvic acid and glucose were lower. The fractionation appeared to separate the DOC into components with widely different rates of mineralization. Results also supported the ideas that the dissolved humic substance and hydrophilic acid fractions are inherently difficult for microbes to mineralize, and this property can contribute to movement of refractory C in soil and into aquatic ecosystems.  相似文献   

The acid/base properties of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) are an important feature of soil and surface waters. Large differences in the acid/base properties of DOC found by different studies might be interpreted as spatial and temporal differences in these properties. Different analytical techniques, however, may explain some of the differences. We used a combination of ion-exchange techniques, titration, and surface water chemistry data to evaluate DOC character from two substantially different areas--the relatively pristine boreal zone of Sweden and the heavily acidified temperate zone of the Czech Republic. We found a significantly higher site density (amount of carboxylic groups per milligram of DOC) for the Swedish sites (10.2 microequiv/mg of DOC +/- 0.6) as compared to the Czech sites (8.8 microequiv/mg of DOC +/- 0.5). This suggests a slightly higher buffering capacity for Swedish DOC. A triprotic model of a type commonly incorporated in biogeochemical models was used for estimating the DOC dissociation properties. For Swedish sites, the following constants were calibrated: pKa1 = 3.04, pKa2 = 4.51, and pKa3 = 6.46, while the constants for Czech sites were pKa1 = 2.5, pKa2 = 4.42, and pKa3 = 6.7. Despite differences in site density values, both models predict very similar dissociation and thus pH buffering by DOC in the environmentally important pH range of 3.5-5.0. This can be incorporated into models to make reliable estimates of the effect of organic acids on pH and buffering in different regions.  相似文献   

The relationship between dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and the acidification of soils and freshwaters by sulfate (SO4(2-)) has been a topic of great debate over the last few decades. Most interest has focused on long-term acidification. Few have considered the influence of episodic drought-induced acidification in peatlands on DOC mobility, even through the increased acidity and ionic strength associated with the oxidation of reduced sulfur to SO4(2-) are known to reduce DOC solubility. Reduced DOC concentrations during droughts have often been attributed to: (i) reduced hydrological export; (ii) physicochemical changes in the peat structure; or (iii) changes in the biological production and/or consumption of DOC. Our experimental drought simulations on peat cores showed that SO4(2-) induced acidification reduced DOC concentrations during droughts. However, the relationships between SO4(2-)/pH/ ionic strength and DOC were only apparent when the reductions in observed DOC were expressed as a fraction of the estimated DOC concentration in the absence of SO4(2-), which were derived from soil depth, temperature, and watertable data. This analysis showed that a pH fall from 4.3 to 3.5, due to a SO4(2-) rise from < 2.5 to 35 mg L(-1), caused a 60% reduction in DOC concentrations. In contrast, poor correlations were recorded between S042-/pH/ionic strength and the observed DOC data. As DOC both influences acidity and is influenced by acidity, the relative change in DOC needed to be considered to disentangle the effect of inputs of mineral acids into a system naturally dominated by variable concentrations of organic acids.  相似文献   

Much work has suggested that the rate of attenuation of water-soluble organic contaminants in aerobic aquatic systems is dependent on the level of secondary nutrients in the water column. For example, the decay rate of alachlor, a common herbicide, was over 10 times higher under hypereutrophic compared with oligotrophic water conditions. It has been presumed that higher water column nutrient levels produce larger microbial communities, resulting in higher rates of alachlor cometabolism. However, most earlier field studies only assessed alachlor fate in systems with full light exposure (FLE). Therefore, new experiments were performed to assess how variations in light level affect alachlor cometabolism in such systems. Twelve tank mesocosms were maintained using identical nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) supply conditions: four units with full light exposure (100% FLE), four with partial shading (19.3% FLE), and four with near complete shading (0.5% FLE). Alachlor half-lives were found to vary broadly, from 50 to 60 days in higher light units to > 180 days in the 0.5% FLE units. Nutrient analysis indicated that the low light units were severely carbon (C)-limited for microbial decomposition, whereas the other units had excess C relative to N and P. Apparently, reduced light levels cause decreased production of bioavailable C for decomposition, which significantly reduces alachlor cometabolism. The data suggest that water column nutrient levels only correlate with the alachlor decay rate when light levels are high, and that the biodegradable carbon supply must be considered when the fate of water-soluble contaminants in aerobic aquatic systems is assessed.  相似文献   

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