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文章从理论上分析了无互连线逆变器并联系统中等效输出阻抗Z∠θ不一致时的功率分布情况。分析表明,Z∠θ呈感性时, Z∠θ不一致会引起无功功率偏差;而Z∠θ呈阻性时,Z∠θ不一致会导致有功功率偏差。在此基础上提出了下垂系数调整法以减小功率偏差。仿真和实验结果都表明提出的方法可明显提高各逆变模块的功率均分精度。 相似文献
多模块化UPS供电系统便于系统扩容,提高了系统的稳定性.逆变器之间的并联控制为系统的核心,给出了一种基于有功功率与无功功率检测的全数字化无线控制方案.对方案的重要环节如数字锁相环的设计,有功功率无功功率的检测,下垂特性控制进行了分析.利用Saber软件的MAST语言完成相关模块的建模仿真,对控制方案进行了验证. 相似文献
两类串并联逆变器组合系统的控制策略 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对四种串并联逆变器组合系统分析了其各种可能的控制策略,并根据所采用控制策略的相似性以及输入端的联结方式将其分为两大类:输入并联型与输入串联型。对于前者优先考虑采用输出端的控制策略,而对于后者则需考虑采用复合式控制策略。从这两大类系统中各取一种(IPOP系统和ISOS系统)分别给出了与上述控制策略对应的具体控制方案,每个系统都引入了负载电流前馈技术但作用不尽相同。本文研制了样机,对上述控制方案进行了实验验证。 相似文献
Dejan Schreiber 《电源世界》2008,(12):27-30
单个IGBT摸块难以满足风力发电所需的大功率器件要求。本文阐述了采用串并联的方法提高耐压和扩大容量以满足风力发电机驱动器和大功率逆变器的要求,并对用于中压风力发电机驱动器和逆变器的IGBT摸块进行了分析,利用串并联IGBT摸块可得到更高的输出功率和效率。 相似文献
逆变的并联技术和热插拔技术提高了逆变电源系统的可靠性、扩容性和功率密度。传统的主从法能实现良好的并联,但不能实现真正的热插拔。本文在主从法的基础上设计了一种实用的自动主从热插拔并联系统。该方案能实现良好的动态、静态均流,并能做到真正的热插拔,构成真正的冗余逆变系统。该系统能以较小的代价实现可靠的并联,其实验结果证明是可行的,现已成功用于铁道信号电源屏。 相似文献
为了充分发挥并网逆变器结构及功能上的潜在优势,研究将滤波及无功补偿功能融入光伏电站逆变器中,同时实现有功并网、谐波抑制、无功补偿及电压补偿等多功能复用。在研究了逆变器控制策略以及微电网电能质量特性和控制方法后,对光伏电站拓扑结构进行了改进。在此基础上提出了一种基于逆变器动态剩余容量的无功分配策略,对并联逆变器和串联逆变器的控制策略进行详细讨论。运用该控制策略有效地实现了光伏规模化并网的电能质量复合治理,并用PSCAD/EMTDC软件通过实例仿真验证了控制策略的正确性和有效性。 相似文献
Keiju Matsui Yasutaka Kawata Tadashi Yamaguchi Fukashi Ueda 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1997,120(2):49-58
The neutral point clamped (NPC)-PWM inverter has significant advantages, such as its ability to operate motors with nearly sinusoidal current waveforms. For this reason, in larger-capacity inverter systems, NPC-PWM inverters using GTOs and the like have been put into practical use, because of great advantages to large-capacity ac motor drives, such as lower ripple currents and higher output voltages. With the spread of applications, inverters of still larger capacity are expected. However, since the capacities of such switching devices are insufficient, a certain technique and controlling method are proposed for the parallel connection of NPC inverters. In this paper, conventional modulation techniques are extended to improve the inverter characteristics; asymmetrical modulation and overmodulation techniques are introduced for the parallel-connected NPC inverter. In the proposed modulation strategies, the waveforms become more complicated, so that it is difficult to analyze the output waveforms. For those waveforms, an analytical waveform analysis method using the switching function is proposed. With such a method, the physical meaning of harmonic generation can be realized to some extent. © 1997 Scripta Technica, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 120(2): 49–58, 1997 相似文献
分析了不同并联控制技术的特点和采用无主从并联方式的优点,在模型分析的基础上得到了逆变器无功功率与电压幅值、有功功率与电压相位之间的关系,提出了一种基于数字信号处理器(DSP)的无主从双模块逆变器并联控制方案.通过系统结构框图和双模块并联控制框图阐述了无主从并联模式的实现过程.通过分析电压、电流的相位关系提出了有功和无功的计算方法.给出了锁相环的控制框图,实现了双模块并联时对相位的高精度要求.基于上述原理研制了样机,实现了2台3 kV·A逆变器的并联均流控制,两逆变模块输出电压相位误差小于1°,在额定容量时两逆变模块之间的环流很小,不大于2 A,实验结果验证了所提出方法的可行性. 相似文献
针对微电网中含有非线性、不平衡以及无功负荷,从而导致微电网的电压、电流发生畸变,引起谐波污染等电能质量问题。提出了一种能够实现并网发电和电能质量治理双重功能的多功能并网逆变器。集成了向分布式电网注入有功功率和对并网点处的谐波、负载无功、三相不平衡进行补偿等多种功能。最后,利用PSCAD/EMTDC验证了设计的可行性。 相似文献
Fukashi Ueda Keiju Matsui Kazuo Tsuboi Masahiro Asao Tadashi Kobayashi Makoto Watanabe 《Electrical Engineering in Japan》1996,117(5):57-69
The neutral-point-clamped (NPC) PWM inverters have many advantages such as the ability to operate the motor with nearly sinusoidal current waveforms. For this reason, in larger-capacity inverter systems, NPC PWM inverters using the GTOs, etc., have also been put into practical use because of great advantages to large-capacity ac motor drives such as lower ripple currents and higher output voltages. With the spread of applications, still larger-capacity inverters also are expected. However, since the capacities of such switching devices are insufficient, a certain technique and controlling method are proposed for the parallel connections of NPC inverters. The output voltage waveforms of the proposed inverter have certain voltage levels, and thus it is anticipated that it will be difficult to analyze the output harmonics. For such waveforms of output voltage and current-sharing reactor, a frequency analysis approach is described whose results are verified by experiments. 相似文献