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The only really sustainable form of energy is solar energy. The densely populated tropical countries can do very well from this completely sustainable energy source without any novel technologies. Most of the commercial energy used world-wide is supplied by using non-renewable resources. Environmental damage—global warming, ozone hole, noise, chemical and radioactive waste—is due to high energy use. Environmental deterioration is a direct consequence of wealth generated and sustained by extremely cheap fossil fuel. The price of fossil fuel does not include the cost for the deterioration of the environment. We show in this paper that even a densely populated country like Bangladesh can attain a high standard of living by a proper utilization of solar energy. We suggest that poor tropical countries should mobilize their resources to develop solar technology.  相似文献   

A review of solar thermal technologies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The use of solar energy in recent years has reached a remarkable edge. The continuous research for an alternative power source due to the perceived scarcity of fuel fossils is its driving force. It has become even more popular as the cost of fossil fuel continues to rise. The earth receives in just 1 h, more energy from the sun than what we consume in the whole world for 1 year. Its application was proven to be most economical, as most systems in individual uses requires but a few kilowatt of power. This paper reviews the present day solar thermal technologies. Performance analyses of existing designs (study), mathematical simulation (design) and fabrication of innovative designs with suggested improvements (development) have been discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The indiscriminate exploitation of fossil fuels over a period of two centuries has eventually led us to a juncture where search for alternate energy sources and sustainable development has become inevitable. Solar energy remains the most reliable renewable energy source, efficient harnessing of which can serve to meet the future energy demands. Photo-assisted water splitting to generate hydrogen, a potential clean fuel has been the focus of current research in this field. Design and development of suitable materials for efficient solar energy conversion remains the major challenge to be tackled in this aspect. A cost-effective technology for conversion of solar energy is still a distant dream. The present paper attempts a general overview of the basic principles of water splitting with special focus on porphyrin-based systems as promising water splitting systems.  相似文献   

Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells (PEMFC) have proven to be a promising energy conversion technology in various power applications and since it was developed, it has been a potential alternative over fossil fuel-based engines and power plants, all of which produce harmful by-products. The inlet air coolant and reactants have an important effect on the performance degradation of the PEMFC and certain power outputs. In this work, a theoretical model of a PEM fuel cell with solar air heating system for the preheating hydrogen of PEM fuel cell to mitigate the performance degradation when the fuel cell operates in cold environment, is proposed and evaluated by using energy analysis. Considering these heating and energy losses of heat generation by hydrogen fuel cells, the idea of using transpired solar collectors (TSC) for air preheating to increase the inlet air temperature of the low-temperature fuel cell could be a potential development. The aim of the current article is applying solar air preheating for the hydrogen fuel cells system by applying TSC and analyzing system performance. Results aim to attention fellow scholars as well as industrial engineers in the deployment of solar air heating together with hydrogen fuel cell systems that could be useful for coping with fossil fuel-based power supply systems.  相似文献   

The associated harmful environmental, health and social effects with the use of traditional biomass and fossil fuel has enhanced the growing interest in the search for alternate cleaner source of energy globally. Ghana, a developing country depends heavy on woodfuel as a source of fuel contributing about 72% of the primary energy supply with crude oil and hydro making up the rest. Biogas generation has simply been seen as a by-product of anaerobic digestion of organic waste. Having proven to be a practicable and promising technology, it has been very successful and a very reliable and clean source of energy when proper management programmes are followed. There are vast biomass resources including organic waste in Ghana that have the potential for use as feedstock for biogas production to reduce the over reliance of woodfuel and fossil fuel, and to help reduce the it would reduce greenhouse gas emissions which may be affecting climate change. Ghana having the technical potential of constructing about 278,000 biogas plants, only a little over 100 biogas plants has so far been established. This paper presents the energy situation and the status of the biogas technology and utilization in Ghana. It also presents the potential benefits, prospects and challenges of the biogas technology.  相似文献   

节能、化石能源与非化石能源是保障我国能源供应的三种途径。这三种途径在满足终端用户能源需求时,提供单位能源服务的成本不同,具有不同的技术经济效益。本文在把节能作为"第五大能源"资源的前提下,对各种途径的技术经济水平进行了整理测算,对节能、化石能源与非化石能源提供单位能源服务的成本进行对比分析。研究发现,现阶段如果不考虑环境保护、政府补贴等外部成本,节能技术提供单位能源服务的成本最低,其次是化石能源,非化石能源的成本最高。  相似文献   

Developing countries like Pakistan need continuous supply of cheap energy. It is common fear in today’s world that fossil fuels will be depleted soon. The cost of energy is increasing continuously and is expected to be at its peak by 2050. Many technologically advanced countries are successfully using renewable energy sources for their energy needs, however, they still believe in the importance of fossil fuel. In renewable energy field, Pakistan is using hydropower for energy needs successfully, whereas project regarding solar and wind energy is in progress. Biomass, a renewable energy source, is gaining interest in many researchers because it produces similar type of fuel extracted from crude oil. Energy from biomasses only depends upon the availability of cheap raw material.Biodiesel, which is produced by the reaction of vegetable oil and alcohol, can be used with same or with better performance in diesel engine. It is a clean fuel that causes less environment pollution as compared to petro diesel. High cost and non-continuous supply of vegetable oil is the main hurdle for its general acceptance. Many advanced countries have developed strategy for continuous supply of cheap price energy crops (source of biomass). Biodiesel is the only possible reciprocal to petro diesel or otherwise diesel engine will be useless after the depletion of crude oil.In this study, biodiesel as an energy source has been discussed; this is indigenous diesel engine fuel and is beneficial for our environment, economy, and more importantly will increase the income of our farmers.  相似文献   

A technical and economical study of regenerative absorption chillers with multi-pressure cycle has been undertaken as solar operated refrigeration systems. Referred to as advanced absorption chillers they represent one of the new technology options that are under development. Advanced absorption cooling technology offers the possibility of chillers with thermal COPs of 1.5 or greater at driving temperatures of 140°C, which reduces the collector area and the heat rejection requirements compared to current absorption cooling technology. Two different absorption systems have been considered. The first is an advanced, double-effect regenerative absorption cooling system, driven at 140°C, whose efficiency is about 55% of the Carnot efficiency. The second is an ideal, single-effect regenerative absorption system that achieves 70% of the Carnot efficiency driven at 140°C or 200°C. To evaluate the solar performance of a thermally driven chiller requires a separate analysis of the solar availability for a given location compared to the required monthly average solar input. In this analysis different systems, including the vapour compression chillers, have been compared in terms of the thermal and electrical energy input. An effective electrical COP may be computed assuming that the ratio of electrical energy cost to thermal energy cost is four, which is typical of today’s fossil fuel costs. The effective electrical COPs of different technical options can then be compared. Those systems with higher electrical COPs will have lower energy costs. If solar is to be competitive, then the cost of delivered solar thermal energy should be less than the cost of delivered fossil thermal energy.  相似文献   

Motivated by the increasing transition from fossil fuel–based centralized systems to renewable energy–based decentralized systems, we consider a bi‐objective investment planning problem of a grid‐connected decentralized hybrid renewable energy system. In this system, solar and wind are the main electricity generation resources. A national grid is assumed to be a carbon‐intense alternative to the renewables and is used as a backup source to ensure reliability. We consider both total cost and carbon emissions caused by electricity purchased from the grid. We first discuss a novel simulation‐optimization algorithm and then adapt multi‐objective metaheuristic algorithms. We integrate a simulation module to these algorithms to handle the stochastic nature of this bi‐objective problem. We perform extensive comparative analysis for the solution approaches and report their performances in terms of solution time and quality based on well‐known measures from the literature.  相似文献   

Climate change concerns, increasing global energy demand, coupled with pending peak supply of fossil fuels, calls for development of new power source. The rapid price drops for solar technologies and combined with international and national policy changes makes solar energy more affordable and accessible for widespread adoption. Solar energy also contributes towards the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. The combination of electrolysis of water and fuel cells, which use hydrogen as an energy carrier extends the utility of the solar energy. For an integrated solar powered hydrogen production, storage and utilisation system, one of the elements that needs to be designed carefully is the power management system. Power management strategy has a complex function in this type of solar hydrogen system. This paper presents a power management strategy based on fuzzy logic technology to address the problems.  相似文献   

Three alternatives for hydrogen production from solar energy have been analyzed on both efficiency and economic grounds. The analysis shows that the alternative using solar energy followed by thermochemical decomposition of water to produce hydrogen is the optimum one. The other schemes considered were the direct conversion of solar energy to electricity by silicon cells and water electrolysis, and the use of solar energy to power a vapor cycle followed by electrical generation and electrolysis. The capital cost of hydrogen via the thermochemical alternative was estimated at $575/kW of hydrogen output or $3·15/million Btu. Although this cost appears high when compared with hydrogen from other primary energy sources or from fossil fuel, environmental and social costs which favor solar energy may prove this scheme feasible in the future.  相似文献   

Non-Conventional Energy Sources, such as solar and hydrogen energy will remain available for infinite period. One of the reasons of great worry for all of us is reducing sources of conventional energies. The rate of fossil fuel consumption is higher than the rate of the fossil fuel production by the nature. The results will be the scarcity of automobile fuel in the world which will create lot of problems in transport sector. The other aspect is pollution added by these sources in our environment which increases with more use of these sources, resulting in the poor quality of life on this planet. There is constant search of alternate fuel to solve energy shortage which can provide us energy without pollution.Hence most frequently discussed source is hydrogen which when burnt in air produces a clean form of energy. In the last one decade hydrogen has attracted worldwide interest as a secondary energy carrier. This has generated comprehensive investigations on the technology involved and how to solve the problems of production, storage and transportation of hydrogen. The interest in hydrogen as energy of the future is due to it being a clean energy, most abundant element in the universe, the lightest fuel, richest in energy per unit mass and unlike electricity, it can be easily stored. Hydrogen gas is now considered to be the most promising fuel of the future. In future it will be used in various applications, e.g. it can generate Electricity, useful in cooking food, fuel for automobiles, hydrogen powered industries, Jet Planes, Hydrogen Village and for all our domestic energy requirements.Hydrogen as a fuel has already found applications in experimental cars and all the major car companies are in competition to build a commercial car and most probably they may market hydrogen fuel automobiles in near future but at a higher cost compared to gasoline cars but it is expected that with time the cost of hydrogen run cars will decrease with time. Long lasting, light and clean metal hydride batteries are already commercial for lap top computers. Larger capacity batteries are being developed for electrical cars. Hydrogen is already being used as the fuel of choice for space programmes around the world. It will be used to power aerospace transports to build the international space station, as well as to provide electricity and portable water for its inhabitants. Present article deals with the storage and applications of hydrogen in the present energy scenario.  相似文献   

So far, solar energy has been viewed as only a minor contributor in the energy mixture of the US due to cost and intermittency constraints. However, recent drastic cost reductions in the production of photovoltaics (PV) pave the way for enabling this technology to become cost competitive with fossil fuel energy generation. We show that with the right incentives, cost competitiveness with grid prices in the US (e.g., 6–10 US¢/kWh) can be attained by 2020. The intermittency problem is solved by integrating PV with compressed air energy storage (CAES) and by extending the thermal storage capability in concentrated solar power (CSP). We used hourly load data for the entire US and 45-year solar irradiation data from the southwest region of the US, to simulate the CAES storage requirements, under worst weather conditions. Based on expected improvements of established, commercially available PV, CSP, and CAES technologies, we show that solar energy has the technical, geographical, and economic potential to supply 69% of the total electricity needs and 35% of the total (electricity and fuel) energy needs of the US by 2050. When we extend our scenario to 2100, solar energy supplies over 90%, and together with other renewables, 100% of the total US energy demand with a corresponding 92% reduction in energy-related carbon dioxide emissions compared to the 2005 levels.  相似文献   

The continued economic decline of sub-Saharan Africa, and the African energy crisis in particular, have received considerable attention in recent literature. Little attention, however, has been given to the assessment of solar power as an environmentally sound and economically viable energy strategy. Considering the increasing fuelwood scarcity and debt incurred through petroleum imports, solar energy provides a welcome alternative to traditional biomass and fossil fuel energy sources. Research and development in solar energy has concentrated primarily on highly technical, capital intensive applications, leaving possibilities for small scale utilizations unexplored. This paper argues for small scale, decentralized development of solar power as a sustainable household fuel source for sub-Saharan Africa. Domestic cooking constitutes more than 60% of total energy use in the region and consumes scarce time, labor, income, and natural resources. Thus, the appropriate management of fuel and energy resources in the residential sector is crucial for significant development. This paper examines the economic viability of solar box cookers (SBCs), their costs and benefits both on the household and community levels, and how they may contribute to economic development. In arguing for the implementation of SBCs, policy implications in terms of financing and a comprehensive energy plan geared towards sustainable development are also presented.  相似文献   

Molten-salt fuel cells—Technical and economic challenges   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper presents a personal view of the status and research needs of the MCFC and other molten-salt fuel cells. After an overview of current MCFC performance, compared with performance and cost of other fuel cells, improvements in power density and lifetime as well as cost reduction are identified as key priorities to accelerate the commercialization of the MCFC. In spite of its unfavorable public image (compared to, in particular, PEMFC and planar SOFC) MCFC technology has progressed steadily and cost reduction has been significant. Large-scale commercialization, especially in the distributed generation and cogeneration market, remains a possibility but its chances are highly dependent on a forceful and consistent energy policy, for example taking into account the externalities associated with various modes of electric power production from fossil fuels. In spite of steady improvements in performance, important defects in fundamental knowledge remain about wetting properties, oxygen reduction kinetics, corrosion paths and control mechanisms. These must be addressed to stimulate further simplification of design and find solutions to lifetime issues. Recently, alternative concepts of molten-salt fuel cells have been capturing attention. The direct carbon fuel cell (DCFC), reviving an old concept, has caught the attention of energy system analysts and some important advances have been made in this technology. Direct CO and CH4 oxidation have also been a focus of study. Finally, the potential of nanotechnology for high-temperature fuel cells should not be a priori excluded.  相似文献   

Long-term perspective on the development of solar energy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We use dynamic optimization methods to analyze the development of solar technologies in light of the increasing scarcity and environmental pollution associated with fossil fuel combustion. Learning from solar R&D efforts accumulates in the form of knowledge to gradually reduce the cost of solar energy, while the scarcity and pollution externalities associated with fossil fuel combustion come into effect through shadow prices that must be included in the effective cost of fossil energy. Accounting for these processes, we characterize the optimal time profiles of fossil and solar energy supply rates and the optimal investment in solar R&D. We find that the optimal rate of fossil energy supply should decrease over time and vanish continuously upon depletion of the fossil fuel reserves, while the optimal supply of solar energy should gradually increase and eventually take over the entire energy demand. The optimal solar R&D investment should initially be set at the highest feasible rate, calling for early engagement in solar R&D programs, long before large scale solar energy production becomes competitive.  相似文献   

Brovst is a small district in Denmark. This paper analyses the use of local renewable resources in the district heating systems of Brovst. The present use of fossil fuels in the Brovst district heating plant (DHP) represents an increasing environmental and climate-related load. Therefore, an investigation has been made to reduce the use of fossil fuels for district heating system and make use of the local renewable resources (biogas, solar, and heat pump) for district heating purposes. In this article, the techno-economic assessment is achieved through the development of a suite of models that are combined to give cost and performance data for this district heating system. Local fuels have been analyzed for different perspectives to find the way to optimize the whole integrated system in accordance with fuel availability and cost. This paper represents the energy system analysis mode, energyPRO, which has been used to analyze the integration of a large-scale energy system into the domestic district heating system. A model of the current work on the basis of information from the Brovst plant (using fossil fuel) is established and named as a reference option. Then, four other options are calculated using the same procedure according to the use of various local renewable fuels known as “biogas option,” “solar option,” “heat pump option,” and “imported heat option.” A comparison has been made between the reference option and other options. The greatest reduction in heat cost is obtained from the biogas option by replacing a new engine, where 66 % of the current fuel is substituted with biogas.  相似文献   

Temperature control systems based on solar and wind energy differ in two important ways from existing fossil fuel systems. One is that solar systems, at least active solar systems, all have some kind of energy storage, the other is that the source of energy in a solar and wind energy system is variable and uncontrollable. Because of these added complications and the high capital investment required for solar and wind energy systems, considerably more sophisticated techniques are required for the design of those systems. In this study, a new technique is applied to the optimal control problem of solar heating systems.  相似文献   

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