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This paper evaluates the benefits of developing the mini-generation PV market in Portugal. It presents the legal framework and current status of the Portuguese PV electricity sector, and compares the country to other European nations: France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Spain and the United Kingdom. A model that combines PVGIS with a self-developed financial tool is used to assess the feasibility of a 150 kW mini-generation system using five different technologies: fixed mount, single-axis tracking, double-axis tracking, low concentration and medium concentration (MCPV). The profitability of the mini-generation systems in the seven countries studied is calculated and compared. According to this analysis, MCPV and, of the conventional technologies, the single-axis tracking systems are the most profitable technologies. Despite the attractiveness of the current Portuguese feed-in tariffs and of the abundant solar resource, investors are discouraged and the country's PV market is far from mature. Specific mini-generation regulations should focus on a fast and transparent licensing procedure and should promote the access to financing. This would attract new investments, which would result in the growth of the PV electricity produced, and would help Portugal to meet its European Union Renewable Energy targets.  相似文献   

A regression analysis is performed to make projections for the Canadian energy production and consumption. These have been increasing and are projected to increase even further in the near future. The primary energy production and consumption are projected to increase by 52% and 34%, respectively, by 2025 over 2004 if business as usual. The amount of fossil energy resources is finite and the extraction, transportation and combustion of fossil fuels cause environmental pollution and climate change. On the other hand, energy plays an important role in the economic and social development of Canada. Canada can develop further from an energy balance point of view, but this alone cannot be sustainable, because of the negative consequences of the major energy use on the environment. Application of energy localization and diversification is a promising solution, but in order to reach that, better energy efficiency and more use of renewable energy are necessary. Instead of non-compulsory policies Canada’s policy approach should have more compulsory policies. Only then Canada can be made to develop further in a sustainable manner.  相似文献   

Thermochemical energy storage materials have advantage of much higher energy densities compared to latent or sensible heat storage materials. Metal hydrides show good reversibility and cycling stability combined with high enthalpies. They can be used for short and long-term heat storage applications and can increase the overall flexibility and efficiency of solar thermal energy production. Metal hydrides with working temperatures less than 500 °C were in the focus of research and development over the last years. For the new generation of solar thermal energy plants new hydrides materials with working temperatures above 600 °C must be developed and characterized. In addition to thorough research on new metal hydrides, the construction and engineering of heat storage systems at these high temperatures are challenging. Corrosion problems, hydrogen embrittlement and selection of heat transfer fluids are significant topics for future research activities.  相似文献   

Sustainable energy is becoming of increasing concern world-wide. The rapid growth of global climate changes along with the fear of energy supply shortage is creating a large consensus about the potential benefits of a hydrogen economy coming from renewable energy sources. The interesting perspectives are over-shadowed by uncertainties about the development of key technologies, such as renewable energy sources, advanced production processes, fuel cells, metal hydrides, nanostructures, standards and codes, and so on. The availability of critical technologies can create a base for the start of the hydrogen economy, as a fuel and energy carrier alternative to the current fossil resources. This paper will explore the rationale for such a revolution in the energy sector, will describe the state-of-the-art of major related technologies (fuel cell, storage systems, fuel cell vehicles) and current niche applications, and will sketch scientific and technological challenges and recommendations for research and development (R&D) initiatives to accelerate the pace for the widespread introduction of a hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

This paper illustrates the main results of an expert elicitation survey on advanced (second and third generation) biofuel technologies. The survey focuses on eliciting probabilistic information on the future costs of advanced biofuels and on the potential role of Research, Development and Demonstration (RD&D) efforts in reducing these costs and in supporting the deployment of biofuels in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and non-OECD countries. Fifteen leading experts from different EU member states provide insights on the future potential of advanced biofuel technologies both in terms of costs and diffusion. This information results in a number of policy recommendations with respect to public RD&D strategies and is an important contribution to the integrated assessment modelling community.  相似文献   

Because of high efficiency, low environmental impacts and a potential role in transforming our energy system into a hydrogen economy, fuel cells are often considered as a key technology for a sustainable energy supply. However, the future framing conditions under which stationary fuel cells have to prove their technical and economic competitiveness are most likely characterised by a reduced demand for space heating, and a growing contribution of renewable energy sources to heat and electricity supply, which both directly limit the potential for combined heat and power generation, and thus also for fuel cells. Taking Germany as a case study, this paper explores the market potential of stationary fuel cells under the structural changes of the energy demand and supply system required to achieve a sustainable energy supply. Results indicate that among the scenarios analysed it is in particular a strategy oriented towards ambitious CO2-reduction targets, which due to its changes in the supply structure is in a position to mobilise a market potential that might be large enough for a successful fuel cell commercialisation. However, under the conditions of a business-as-usual trajectory the sales targets of fuel cell manufacturers cannot be met.  相似文献   

今年9月4日,国务院正式颁布了《可再生能源中长期发展规划》。这是继《可再生能源法》实施以来的又一件具有里程碑意义的大事。可再生能源中长期发展规划的具体发展目标是:2010年可再  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to discuss the benefits as well as the necessary changes linked to this substation automation communication technology. More specifically, this paper addresses the evolutions to be done during system engineering in order to properly use the capabilities of the IEC 61850 toolbox. As per any tool there is a need to know how to properly use it and to fully understand its limits  相似文献   

The present global economy downturn affects every corner of the world including the vehicular fuel industry. This paper highlights some of the perspectives for the biodiesel industry to thrive as an alternative fuel, while discussing benefits and limitations of biodiesel. This includes the improvement of the conversion technology to achieve a sustainable process at cheaper cost, environmentally benign and cleaner emissions, diversification of products derived from glycerol, and policy and government incentives. More specifically, an overview is given on making the production process more economical by developing high conversion and low cost catalysts from renewable sources, and utilizing waste oil as feedstock. Further emphasis is given on the need for public education and awareness for the use and benefits of biodiesel, while promoting policies that will not only endorse the industry, but also promote effective land management.  相似文献   

In the early 1980S, the tone for the United Kingdom's energy policy was set with a much quoted speech by the Secretary of State for Energy Nigel Lawson. Speaking in Cambridge, England, in 1982 and in advance of the privatization of many of the United Kingdom's national industries, the secretary declared, "It does not help us very much to try to guess the unguessable, namely what U.K. energy consumption will be in 20, let alone 50, years' time--and then aim to produce this amount judiciously divided up between the primary fuel sources." He added, "Energy is a traded good . . . the job of government is to remove distortions in the marketplace." With the Electricity Act of 1989, this market-based vision was realized and the framework for privatization and regulation of the U.K. electricity industry was introduced. From this point on, successive administrations have been committed to the doctrine that markets (and not policy makers) will deliver a secure and affordable power system. As such, energy policy throughout this period has shied away from "picking winners" in the industry; it has maintained a constant focus on the development of market-based instruments to implement policy aims and on lighttouch regulation to achieve efficient operation and evolution of the system.  相似文献   

文中阐述了被动式技术、主动式技术、高技术、低技术在建筑可持续设计中的适用性和价值意义,以及四种技术策略的特性、优势、不足和应用前景,并对这四种技术策略在可持续架构下的关系进行了分析,最后归纳出建筑设计走可持续之路所需要的五个技术系统,即可持续建筑的技术策略体系。设计依赖于技术,技术需要被设计,未来的可持续建筑必然越来越需要系统技术的策略支持。  相似文献   

首钢滑雪大跳台场馆的设计、建设践行绿色、可持续理念,坚持绿色低碳、高效集约、赛时赛后兼顾、实用美观的原则,场馆总体设计充分利用既有资源,将冬奥场馆与工业遗产相结合,提升与改造周边老工业区环境.大跳台本身设计充分考虑赛后可持续利用,赛道可借助临时构件实现剖面具备一定近似性的单板大跳台项目与空中技巧项目的 相互转换,为训练与赛事举办提供更多的可能性.大跳台在施工阶段采用绿色环保技术、BIM技术等整体解决方案,最大限度地节约资源、保护环境、减少污染,切实成为绿色场馆的实践者.  相似文献   

《Solar Cells》1989,26(1-2):73-86
Photovoltaics (PV) has a high priority in the Italian program on alternative energy sources, because of its innovative technological features and because of its general positive environmental compatibility. In a long term perspective, PV conversion is expected to become an integrative energy source which could supply a substantial share of Italian electrical requirements. At present, high costs are the main limiting factor of the diffusion of PV technology. Costs can be reduced through the joint effects of technological innovation and mass production: therefore, the Italian strategy consists in promoting the gradual enlargement of production volumes and, at the same time, the introduction of less expensive technologies and processes, as soon as they become available. The main responsibility for PV strategies and activities is assigned to ENEA, the Italian National Commission for Nuclear and Alternative Energy Sources. The current ENEA five year plan (1985 – 1989) has allocated about US $ 100 million in the PV sector and, as a result, today ENEA is the main national organization promoting PV energy development. ENEA programs concern the whole PV production process, from raw materials to complete systems, and include both in-house research and external activities, carried out in cooperation with industrial firms, Universities, the National Research Council and other research institutions. Finally, market enlargement is pursued by ENEA through the promotion of demonstration systems, both in stand-alone and grid-connected configurations.  相似文献   

Relationship between thermal-softening properties and deformation appearing after heating and cooling processes with loading was investigated. In the heating process, an obvious decrease in relative relaxation modulus due to thermal-softening of lignin was found at around 60 °C. After the cooling process, around 70% of residual deformation was measured. Also, the residual set depended on the maximum temperature reached in the heating process and the unloaded temperature in the cooling process. It was thought that these results suggest that the glass transition of lignin from the rubbery to glassy state is important to fix the deformation.  相似文献   

1.我们,来自78个国家的部长和政府代表,在2005北京国际可再生能源大会上共聚一堂,重申我们将履行曾在世界峰会、世界可持续发展峰会、联合国2005年千年回顾峰会上所做出的承诺,并且一如约翰内斯堡执行计划中所号召的那样,我们迫切地要求在全球的能源供应中可持续地、大幅度地提高可再生能源的比例。  相似文献   

The limited resources of fossil fuels and bio energies, along with the environmental pollution caused by their combustion, make it necessary to search for renewable and clean alternative sources and to optimize the available current energies specifically for required energy for using in buildings. This is mandatory for a solution of future energy production issues as huge consumption of energy in buildings and structures is unavoidable in buildings for instance China's higher education buildings consume huge amounts of bioenergy. Most of the attention in the production of biofuel has been focused on the use of plant biomass, agricultural waste, solid waste, and sewage treatment sludge. Today, there are renewable resources to replace fossil fuels such as biofuels for usage in buildings required energy; however, in the last decade, the cultivation of microalgae has been proposed as another option for biomass production. Utilization of algae biomass is more cost-effective than vegetable crops in terms of water consumption and cultivated area and reduces costs and greenhouse gas emissions by replacing fossil fuels. Artificial intelligence is a tool to help for this utilization and becoming much better in recent researches. Many types of microalgae, due to their high ability to consume organic carbon and inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus, can grow in different water environments, including urban, industrial, agricultural wastewaters, and wastewaters containing animal waste, which contain large amounts of organic and inorganic carbon. There are nitrogen, phosphorus and other elements that act as a biological filter that with extensive studies and inventing new methods, cost-effective production of algae-biofuels can be achieved. This review goals to run over the latest innovations and artificial intelligence approaches for biohydrogen generation from algal towards sustainable energy optimization and greener environment for buildings required energy. The current state of the art, existing and upcoming challenges, latest technologies, and solutions to overcome existing limitation are presented in details.  相似文献   

This paper presents a selection of architectural design projects produced since 1983 by the practice of Stephen Greenberg and Dean Hawkes. Each of these, in some way, incorporates aspects of the research into low-energy design which has followed the increase in energy costs which occurred in the early 1970s. The aim of the paper is to show how these individual projects may be seen collectively as elements of a low-energy city, or as steps towards the idea of a sustainable city. The paper develops a critique of this proposition and concludes with a speculation about the nature of the truly sustainable city.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is generating a lot of attention these days and therefore building great expectations not only in the academic community but also among investors, the governments, and industry. Its unique capability to fabricate new structures at atomic scale has already produced novel materials and devices with great potential applications in a wide number of fields. Among them, significant breakthroughs are especially required in the energy sector that will allow us to maintain our increasing appetite for energy, which increases both with the number of people that join the developed economies and with our demand per capita. This needs to be done in a way that includes the environment in the wealth production equation as we gather more evidences of the human impact on the climate, biodiversity and quality of the air, water and soil. This review article does not cover in detail all the specific contributions from nanotechnology to the various sustainable energies, but in a broader way, it collects the most recent advances of nanotechnology to sustainable energy production, storage and use. For this review paper, solar, hydrogen and new generation batteries and supercapacitors are described as the most significant examples of the contributions of nanotechnology in the energy sector. The aim of this review article is to present some significant contributions from many research groups who are mainly unconnected and are working from different viewpoints, to find solutions to one of the great challenges of our time, i.e., the production and use of energy, without compromising our environment, from one of the most exciting and multidisciplinary fields, nanotechnology.  相似文献   

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