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西班牙光伏激励政策的走势和分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡润青 《太阳能》2009,(8):8-10
一 光伏激励政策和市场走势 西班牙2004年通过了43612004号法令,从2005年开始实施可再生能源固定上网电价政策,光伏发电系统的固定上网电价为0.44∈/kWh,有效期25年.由于西班牙太阳能资源丰富,年均辐照度为1700kWh/m2,远大于中欧的太阳能年均辐照度1000kWh/m2.虽然西班牙光伏发电的上网电价低于德国光伏上网电价,但在西班牙投资光伏发电项目的收益率远高于在德国的收益率.  相似文献   

Economic impact of solar thermal electricity deployment in Spain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of the work is to estimate the socio-economic impacts of increasing the installed solar thermal energy power capacity in Spain. Using an input–output (I–O) analysis, this paper estimates the increase in the demand for goods and services as well as in employment derived from solar thermal plants in Spain under two different scenarios: (a) based on two solar thermal power plants currently in operation (with 50 and 17 MW of installed capacity); (b) the compliance to the Spanish Renewable Energy Plan (PER) 2005–2010 reaching 500 MW by 2010.  相似文献   

一<实施意见>和<资金办法>规定的扶持重点领域有哪些? 推进太阳能光电发展是一项系统工程,涉及技术进步、产业发展、市场培育等多个领域,近年,有关部门已在科技研发等方面出台了相关扶持政策,极大地促进了我国太阳能光电发展,此次,财政部、住房和城乡建设部印发了<实施意见>和<资金办法>,主要是要通过财政补助支持开展光电建筑应用示范项目,解决太阳能光电建筑一体化设计及施工能力不足、相关应用技术标准缺乏、与建筑实现构件化的太阳能光电组件生产能力薄弱等问题,从而启动太阳能光电在城乡建筑领域的应用市场,带动太阳能光电产业发展.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to apply managerial economics and methods of decision analysis to study the optimal pattern of innovation activities for development of new energy technologies in developing countries. For this purpose, a model of energy research and development (R&D) planning is developed and it is then linked to a bottom-up energy-systems model. The set of interlinked models provide a comprehensive analytical tool for assessment of energy technologies and innovation planning taking into account the specific conditions of developing countries. An energy-system model is used as a tool for the assessment and prioritization of new energy technologies. Based on the results of the technology assessment model, the optimal R&D resources allocation for new energy technologies is estimated with the help of the R&D planning model. The R&D planning model is based on maximization of the total net present value of resulting R&D benefits taking into account the dynamics of technological progress, knowledge and experience spillovers from advanced economies, technology adoption and R&D constraints. Application of the set of interlinked models is explained through the analysis of the development of solar PV in Iranian electricity supply system and then some important policy insights are concluded.  相似文献   

陈诚 《太阳能》2006,(5):11-12
我国是世界能源消费大国,我国的能源供应正面临着严峻挑战:一是对外石油资源的依存度快速加大;二是世界上的化石能源的可持续供应能力遭遇挑战。面对能源决策复杂的国际环境,开发利用可再生能源,尤其是光伏发电产业显得尤为重要。  相似文献   

Governments, NGO's and UN organisations are increasingly convinced that renewable energies not only help to solve energy problems in Africa but are indispensable in alleviating regional disparities, social problems and bridging the digital gap. Still, many years after introducing high efficiency solar PV systems the necessary breakthrough of implementing them on a mass scale is still not a reality. Karim Asali, Kyocera Fineceramics GmbH, provides perspectives on developing solar PV in Africa.  相似文献   

赖文辉 《太阳能》2011,(9):19-20
光伏发电系统是由能把太阳光能直接转换为电能的部件和子系统构成。其中的光伏阵列是将入射的太阳辐射能直接转换为直流电能的单元,太阳电池板组成的阵列与光伏阵列连接箱连接,电流经连接箱汇流后输出到逆变器或直接应用环节。太阳电池板组成的光伏阵列约占光伏发电系统总成本的70%,如何保护光伏阵列和充分提高  相似文献   

India′s ambitious goals for renewable energy raise many questions regarding the nature of investment required. We conduct financial modeling of actual renewable projects in India; and derive the following insights. First, the high cost of debt is the most pressing problem: higher cost and inferior terms of debt in India may raise the cost of renewable energy by 24–32% compared to the U.S. Second, even if cost of debt goes down, loan terms – including short tenors and variable interest rates – will become significant impediments, given that they add 13–14% to the cost of renewable energy in India compared to the U.S. Finally, due to the high cost of debt, policy lessons from the U.S. and Europe; which focus on finer instruments such as duration of revenue-support, revenue-certainty, investor-risk-perception, and completion/cost-certainty; are not likely to be as effective, with potential impacts on the cost of renewable energy in the 3–11% range. In fact, we find that an interest-rate subsidy, which reduces the cost of debt, reduces the overall subsidy burden by 13–16%. This suggests that Indian policymakers need to prioritize the provision of low-cost, long-term debt and take a closer look at the successful efforts by China and Brazil.  相似文献   

李鹏 《太阳能》2009,(6):47-47
6月6日上午,由全国工商联新能源商会、中科院电工研究所主办,北京泰豪智能工程有限公司和新奥光伏集成有限公司承办的"太阳能电源与智能建筑节能减排论坛"在人民大会堂隆重召开.通过国内知名专家学者的积极沟通与交流,探讨和推动环境保护活动的开展以及太阳能电源与智能建筑结合的节能减排策略.全国政协副主席、全国工商联主席黄孟复等相关领导和专家出席此次论坛.  相似文献   

Energy storage has long been viewed as a solution to the growing challenge of intermittent electricity supply. However, energy storage deployment remains limited despite falling costs. One reason for this is current market rules that inadequately compensate storage for the value it can provide. A recent policy change in the United States (FERC Order 755) seeks to rectify this by requiring grid operators to compensate providers of frequency regulation services based on their speed and accuracy. This seemingly subtle change has a beneficial effect for fast-acting storage resources. Using a difference-in-differences method, exploiting the fact the Order covers only a subset of U.S. electricity regions, we find the order increases the likelihood projects are built to provide frequency regulation services by about 37%. While cost barriers remain to widespread storage deployment, our results suggest improving market rules to properly reflect the value of storage can overcome many regulatory barriers impeding investment.  相似文献   

The implementation process of a photovoltaic system and its connection to the national grid in Spain is examined from an economic, an administrative and a legal standpoint. In the first place, this case study describes the solar farm, and it goes on to examine the economic aspects of electricity production, its associated costs, and relevant grants and financial subsidies. Finally, problems related to the administration of the project and the issuing of permits by local and regional authorities are discussed.  相似文献   

This article investigates the extent to which the value of solar electricity (that is, electricity generated by photovoltaics), a form of distributed generation, would be higher under a nodal pricing system as compared to a uniform pricing system. More specifically, solar radiation and electricity market data for the period 1 January 2005–31 December 2006 are examined for locations near Mississauga, Ontario and Kingston, Ontario. The hybrid optimization model for electric renewables (HOMER) program is used for the simulation of solar electricity output. For Mississauga, the average monthly value of the solar electricity based on Ontario's uniform pricing system (the hourly Ontario energy price, or HOEP) was C$20.62. Based on nodal pricing, the average monthly value was C$27.20 per month (32% higher). For Kingston, the average monthly value of the solar electricity based on HOEP was C$23.78 per month. Based on nodal pricing, the average monthly value was C$36.03 (52% higher). Over the two-year period, the monthly differences were greatest during the summer, with a 53% spread in June in Mississauga and a 106% spread in May in Kingston. As debates regarding electricity futures progress, the importance of proper valuation of alternative generation sources continues to be critical. This research aims to contribute to discussions regarding the extent to which a nodal pricing system could facilitate the contribution of solar electricity to a sustainable electricity system in Ontario.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the administrative procedures for the granting of authorisations for the siting of wind farms in Spain, currently the competency of regional authorities. The analysis reveals some commonalities and differences between the procedures across regions. Furthermore, some aspects regarding these procedures have raised the concern of different stakeholders, including the central government and wind energy investors. A conflict between the interests of the central and regional governments can be observed. Lack of coordination between the different administrative levels and the “more is better mentality” of regional authorities have led to a significant growth of wind energy requests for the (national) feed-in tariff. In turn, investors have complained about the discretionarity and non-transparency of those procedures and the lack of homogeneity across regions. This is likely to result in delays, uncertainty for investors and higher transaction costs. Although there has been a trend to a model which involves the use of multicriteria bidding procedures with more explicit, objective and precise criteria regarding project selection, the aforementioned problems suggest the need to improve coordination between the different administrative levels.  相似文献   

Net-metering is commonly known as a practice by which owners of distributed generation (DG) units may offset their electricity consumption from the grid with local generation. The increasing number of prosumers (consumers that both produce and consume electricity) with solar photovoltaic (PV) generation combined with net-metering results in reduced incomes for many network utilities worldwide. Consequently, this pushes utilities to increase charges per kW h in order to recover costs. For non-PV owners, this could result into inequality issues due to the fact that also non-PV owners have to pay higher chargers for their electricity consumed to make up for netted costs of PV-owners. In order to provide insight in those inequality issues caused by net-metering, this study presents the effects on cross-subsidies, cost recovery and policy objectives evolving from different applied netmetering and tariff designs for a residential consumer. Eventually this paper provides recommendations regarding tariffs and metering that will result in more explicit incentives for PV, instead of the current implicit incentives which are present to PV owners due to net-metering.  相似文献   

New solar Photovoltaic (PV) installations have grown globally at a rapid pace in recent years. We provide a comprehensive assessment of the cost competitiveness of this electric power source. Based on data available for the second half of 2011, we conclude that utility-scale PV installations are not yet cost competitive with fossil fuel power plants. In contrast, commercial-scale installations have already attained cost parity in the sense that the generating cost of power from solar PV is comparable to the retail electricity prices that commercial users pay, at least in certain parts of the U.S. This conclusion is shown to depend crucially on both the current federal tax subsidies for solar power and an ideal geographic location for the solar installation. Projecting recent industry trends into the future, we estimate that utility-scale solar PV facilities are on track to become cost competitive by the end of this decade. Furthermore, commercial-scale installations could reach “grid parity” in about ten years, if the current federal tax incentives for solar power were to expire at that point.  相似文献   

In many climate change mitigation scenarios, integrated assessment models of the energy and climate systems rely heavily on renewable energy technologies with variable and uncertain generation, such as wind and solar PV, to achieve substantial decarbonization of the electricity sector. However, these models often include very little temporal resolution and thus have difficulty in representing the integration costs that arise from mismatches between electricity supply and demand. The global integrated assessment model, MESSAGE, has been updated to explicitly model the trade-offs between variable renewable energy (VRE) deployment and its impacts on the electricity system, including the implications for electricity curtailment, backup capacity, and system flexibility. These impacts have been parameterized using a reduced-form approach, which allows VRE integration impacts to be quantified on a regional basis. In addition, thermoelectric technologies were updated to include two modes of operation, baseload and flexible, to better account for the cost, efficiency, and availability penalties associated with flexible operation. In this paper, the modeling approach used in MESSAGE is explained and the implications for VRE deployment in mitigation scenarios are assessed. Three important stylized facts associated with integrating high VRE shares are successfully reproduced by our modeling approach: (1) the significant reduction in the utilization of non-VRE power plants; (2) the diminishing role for traditional baseload generators, such as nuclear and coal, and the transition to more flexible technologies; and (3) the importance of electricity storage and hydrogen electrolysis in facilitating the deployment of VRE.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how African governments are considering supporting and promoting the diffusion of solar PV. This issue is explored by examining so-called ‘technology action plans (TAPs)’, which were main outputs of the Technology Needs Assessment project implemented in 10 African countries from 2010 to 2013. The paper provides a review of three distinct but characteristic trajectories for PV market development in Kenya (private-led market for solar home systems), Morocco (utility-led fee-for service model) and Rwanda (donor-led market for institutional systems). The paper finds that governments’ strategies to promoting solar PV are moving from isolated projects towards frameworks for market development and that there are high expectations to upgrading in the PV value chain through local assembly of panels and local production of other system elements. Commonly identified measures include support to: local production; financing schemes; tax exemptions; establishment and reinforcement of standards; technical training; and research and development.  相似文献   

Brazil's primary energy matrix is based on more than 47% of renewables, and more than 85% of its electricity is generated by hydro power sources. Despite this large fraction of renewable energy resources, less than 0.3% of the national energy supply comes from solar or wind sources. This paper presents a diagnostic review on the penetration of the solar and wind energy technologies in Brazil. It also includes a survey of the latest government policies and incentives for renewable energies deployment by entrepreneurs, industry and commercial and residential consumers. In addition, the paper analyses how to best meet the requirements for policy support and information technology to boost the deployment of solar technology and wind energy in Brazil. This study was mostly based on results of a widely distributed survey covering key issues, and also by personal interviews carried out with key stakeholders in order to better understand the issues highlighted in the survey responses. The study pointed out some of the main obstacles to effectively promote and improve government policies and actions for investment in solar and wind energy market in Brazil.  相似文献   

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