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The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) seeks to increase the number of ASEE student chapters. However, about half of the student chapters formed over the past decade have failed to sustain enrollment and activity and are currently inactive. Recent research suggests that sustainability is based on the number of students available to a given chapter. Since the current model of ASEE student chapters is oriented towards graduate students entering academia, schools that do not place many students in faculty positions upon graduation should have different goals for their ASEE student chapters. Thus, we propose a new, more‐inclusive model for ASEE student chapters.  相似文献   

This paper describes experience in using hands-on undergraduate research exposure as a tool to identify and recruit potentially successful graduate students. Undergraduate students with an interest in graduate education work toward a well-defined goal under the guidance of the faculty member, typically supporting a senior graduate student on his/her thesis research. The quality of the undergraduate research is maintained by requiring that the results of the research be presented at a major technical conference. It is found that a large percentage of such undergraduate students ultimately enroll and succeed in graduate school.  相似文献   

In 1995, the American Society of Civil Engineers sponsored an Education Conference to recommend changes for the Civil Engineering educational program. In addition, various other studies, such as that conducted by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), investigated methods to strengthen undergraduate education. The present investigation of Lamar University students and alumni suggests that both practicing engineers and undergraduate/graduate students perceive that 2 design considerations or constraints presently have been and should be incorporated into the engineering design sequence at a high level. They include Engineering Codes and Standards, and Manufacturability (Constructability). In contrast, both students groups and practitioners rate two other design constraints: Social Ramifications, and Political Factors, at a relatively lower score. The foregoing design constraints are among those that have been adopted by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) as criteria that should be considered in the major design experience or course in order to satisfy the requirements of an accredited engineering degree.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to introduce the engineering community to classroom captioning for deaf and hard of hearing students. This technology enables an in-class stenographer to transcribe instantaneously classroom discussions into full-length text using an electronic stenowriter, a laptop computer, and real-time captioning software. Four years of personal experience has demonstrated that classroom captioning enables students to grasp effectively both verbal and visual modes of a lecture near-simultaneously. This capability can position deaf and hard of hearing students on a near-equal playing field with hearing students in the classroom. The ongoing success of classroom captioning can be demonstrated by the phenomenal growth of this program at Purdue University, which started in Fall of 1992 with a single deaf engineering graduate student and stenographer for one course. Over the past three years, Purdue has provided services for an average of 10–20 deaf and hard of hearing students per year utilizing two stenographers in 45–55 courses each year.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to document a successful seminar series developed and used at Purdue University which educates undergraduates about graduate school and equips them to successfully move through the application and financial aid processes. The seminars are designed for all engineering disciplines. The series consists of four seminars given during a two-week period every fall and spring semester. The four seminars are “Graduate Study in Engineering: To Go or Not to Go, That is the Question,” “Helping Engineers Prepare for the General Graduate Record Exam (GRE),” “Approach and Helpful Hints on the GRE Engineering Exam,” and “Strategies for Applying to National Fellowship Programs.” The semester attendance for the four seminars collectively ranges from 150 to 250 students per semester. Data from student evaluations indicate that student knowledge about the graduate school process increases between 66%-164% for the four seminars. An alternative format for a single seminar highlighting all four topics has also been implemented.  相似文献   

This paper describes the growth of the individual and team national undergraduate and graduate AIAA/Industry design competitions. These design competitions have been developed primarily to enhance the university capstone design education experience of both undergraduate and graduate aerospace engineering programs. The competitions represent an Industry/University partnership to improve the design capability of individuals, corporations and the nation at large. The AIAA serves as the facilitator in this process. The student design teams respond to RFPs developed by AIAA Technical Committees. The competitions are funded by interested corporations. The AIAA design competition model or template could easily be implemented by any professional engineering society to nurture and encourage student capstone design efforts in that society's discipline. Students, corporations, the AIAA and the nation benefit from these competitions which enhance the competitiveness of all of the participants and thereby the competitiveness of the national community. The paper also includes an assessment of these competitions and some thought about their future direction.  相似文献   

A quality engineering education is of utmost importance to undergraduate students seeking an engineering degree. Providing a quality education to these students is the responsibility of engineering faculty. The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at Utah State University (USU), in cooperation with the officers of the student chapter of the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), has developed a series of six lessons focusing on teaching skills and faculty performance in the classroom. This series of lessons, known as the “Undergraduate Teaching Workshop”, is an effort to improve the teaching of the department faculty, and thereby the undergraduate education of its students. The lessons that make up this workshop range from student concerns to the use of learning resources and equipment. This paper discusses the workshop format and the experience we had with the workshop as it was conducted within our department.  相似文献   

The Environmental Engineering (ENVE) Department was established at the Middle East Technical University (METU) as a graduate program in January 1973. It began offering undergraduate programs in 1978. The department today has 12 faculty members and about 250 students. Numerous courses both on Environmental Sciences and on Environmental Technology are offered at the graduate and undergraduate level. This paper summarizes the curriculum development and missions of the ENVE Department at METU. Also, the basic characteristics of the undergraduate and graduate program are reviewed from the point of view of sustainable production.  相似文献   

Recently, the National Society of Professional Engineers (NSPE) and the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) sponsored programs to recommend changes for the engineering curriculum. In addition, various other studies, such as that conducted by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), investigated methods to strengthen undergraduate education. The present investigation is based on a study of Lamar University civil engineering undergraduate and graduate students as well as practicing alumni. The findings suggest that all three groups, practicing engineers as well as undergraduate and graduate students, perceive that some subject areas are more important than others. For example, greater than 40% of each group identified four subject areas that presently receive or should receive a high level of coverage in the civil engineering curriculum. They include: mathematics through calculus and differential equations; structural and geotechnical engineering; and major design experience or course. In addition, more than 40% of the undergraduates and practicing engineers also perceive that hydraulics/hydrology/water resources presently receive or should receive a high level of coverage. In contrast, graduate students and practitioners also believe that construction management/surveying, and structural/materials and hydraulics laboratories receive or should receive a high level of coverage. These results suggest strong support for the traditional technical aspect of engineering. In addition, they may be interpreted as positive reinforcement for the Engineering Criteria 2000 program requirements. Nevertheless, all three groups rate professional practice issues at a relatively lower percentage. The foregoing are among the various subjects that have been included in the Civil and Similarly Named Engineering Program Criteria that have been adopted by the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) as criteria that must be considered in order to satisfy the requirements of an accredited civil engineering degree.  相似文献   

Nanotechnology is an inherently interdisciplinary field that has generated significant scientific and engineering interest in recent years. In an effort to convey the excitement and opportunities surrounding this discipline to senior undergraduate students and junior graduate students, a nanotechnology engineering course has been developed in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at Northwestern University over the past two years. This paper examines the unique challenges facing educators in this dynamic, emerging field and describes an approach for the design of a nanotechnology engineering course employing the non‐traditional pedagogical practices of collaborative group learning, interdisciplinary learning, problem‐based learning, and peer assessment. Utilizing the same nanotechnology course given the year before as a historical control, analysis of the difference between measures of student performance and student experience over the two years indicates that these practices are successful and provide an educationally informed template for other newly developed engineering courses.  相似文献   

Background Research is considered the essence of graduate engineering education, but knowledge about the engineering graduate student research experience is scarce in literature. Some studies that examine graduate engineering education suggest that students are experiencing educational deficiencies that can affect the research experience. Thus, exploring engineering graduate student research proficiency is warranted. Purpose (Hypothesis ) This work begins to earnestly answer the research questions “How proficient are engineering graduate students in research?” and “What factors affect the research proficiency of these students?” Design /Method In order to answer the two research questions specifically for the Georgia Institute of Technology Environmental Engineering graduate program, current students in the program participated in two surveys. Survey questions were designed to measure students' perceptions of their research proficiency and to aid in determining student academic motivations tied to proficiency. Results Many students indicated that they lacked research preparation upon beginning graduate study and during the first year of study, lacked development in important research skills like statistics and communicating in writing, and were somewhat hindered in research organization and progress. Regarding academic motivations, students generally valued personal advancement and enrichment over paper publication. Doctoral students overall indicated more preparation with respect to several aspects of research and more value placed on paper publication than did master's students. Conclusions The surveys provided important findings regarding student research proficiency for the engineering graduate program in question. These findings encourage the exploration of engineering graduate student research proficiency on a broader scale in future studies.  相似文献   

Maintaining student interest is more than an academic exercise. Institutions or departments that fail to challenge and actively involve their students in the learning process risk losing them to competing programs where the curricula are more dynamic and relevant. Within the Department of Nuclear Engineering at Oregon State University, we continually seek innovative ways to promote student retention while maintaining academic excellence. One recent effort was to restructure a first‐year nuclear engineering/health physics course. Using nuclear techniques, students were required to solve a fictitious murder. In the process they learned about teamwork, nuclear forensics methods, radiation protection, and basic radiation interactions. The class members were brought into the mystery playing the part of “graduate students” who helped their police‐detective uncle solve the case. To assist in their investigation the students subpoenaed expert “witnesses” to educate them on nuclear principles. The students, through homework, explained their actions, methods, and reasoning to a nontechnical participant (their “uncle“). By building on knowledge gained through interviews and homework, the students were able to solve the mystery. This mode of teaching requires extensive hands‐on faculty participation. However, the potential long‐term benefit is increased comprehension of course content as well as greater student interest and retention.  相似文献   

Abstract This study was undertaken to provide information on the factors that most influence students to undertake graduate studies in engineering following their baccalaureate degrees. Several hundred engineering deans were asked to send a questionnaire to the three departments in his/her college that had been most successful in encouraging their undergraduates in proceeding to graduate school. Responses indicated that student participation in semester research, student participation in summer research, and mentoring by faculty are the most significant in encouraging students to proceed with graduate studies. These conclusions were confirmed by a survey of newly entering engineering graduate students. Fifty percent of student respondents indicated that they had been involved in some form of research as undergraduates and eighty percent of this group identified that this experience had been important to them in deciding to choose graduate study. It is concluded that the inclusion of undergraduate students in research programs can be very important in influencing their career choices and in enhancing their likelihood of proceeding with graduate studies.  相似文献   

In the last decade rapid advances and complex nature of new and improved technologies and fierce competition are demanding a more profound expertise at all professional levels in Chemical Engineering related industries. Graduate programs are an attractive option to fill this need. This and other factors led the chemical engineering department at the University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez campus to implement several programs and initiatives in order to encourage students to pursue doctoral degrees. A key component of this strategy is the Sloan Foundation Undergraduate Scholarship Program. During the first three years a significant increase (from 2 to 10% of the graduating BS class) resulted in those continuing to graduate school. The main components of the program are mentoring, undergraduate research, summer internships, and graduate school orientation seminars.  相似文献   

This paper describes and evaluates the effectiveness of a summer undergraduate research program designed to attract qualified minority students into graduate school in electrical engineering. This eight-week program recruits students of at least junior-level undergraduate standing on a nationwide basis and pairs them with faculty members and graduate student mentors to undertake research. The research activities are conducted in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering and National Science Foundation Engineering (NSF) Research Center in Low-Cost Electronic Packaging at the Georgia Institute of Technology. From 1992–1995, a total of 47 students participated in this program. Thirty-six of these participants were interviewed by phone to obtain qualitative and quantitative information about the program's impact. The findings indicate that 92% of the program participants are either currently enrolled in a graduate program, plan to attend graduate school in the next two years, or have completed a graduate degree. In comparison to a control group of individuals drawn from the membership of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) alumni, it is found that program participants are more likely to pursue advanced degrees and more likely than non-participants to continue their studies in engineering. In addition, participants report higher starting salaries than non-participants. Overall, attitudes toward the program are positive, and the data suggests that GT-SUPREEM does have a significant impact on the student participants.  相似文献   

The College of Engineering at the University of Cincinnati has evaluated the use of instructional technologies to improve the learning process for students in fundamental engineering science courses. The goal of this effort was to both retain more students in engineering programs and improve student performance through appropriate use of technology. Four modes of instruction were used to teach an engineering fundamentals course in statics. A traditional instructor‐led course, a Web‐assisted course, a streaming media course, and an interactive video course were all presented using a common syllabus, homework, tests, and grading regimen. Evaluations of final course grades indicate that use of instructional technology improved student performance when compared with traditional teaching methods. Student satisfaction with technology varied considerably with the Web‐assisted format having the highest student approval rating of the technologies. The results indicate that time on task and interest in content can be improved through the appropriate use of technology.  相似文献   

Short demonstrations of basic fluid mechanics principles were developed for use in 50 minute seminar sessions, led by graduate student TA's. These have provided structured training for our TA's, lightened the load on our undergraduate lab facilities, and provided our students with visual, active learning opportunities. The demonstrations and handouts were developed by an undergraduate student as a summer project, and expanded on by successive TA's. The response from the students is best illustrated by the increase in seminar attendance from 30% to over 80%.  相似文献   

A two‐semester, video‐teleconferenced (2‐way video/audio) course entitled Principles of Biomedical Engineering I and II was offered from 1999 to 2001 for graduate students enrolled at Purdue University (PU; West Lafayette, IN) and Indiana University/Purdue University at Indianapolis (IUPUI; Indianapolis, IN). Results of the study provided evidence that during the control (i.e., traditional lecture) distance learning environment, on‐campus students consistently received statistically significant higher final course grades than off‐campus students. In contrast, upon implementation of interactive distance learning methods, the on‐ and off‐campus students received similar (not statistically different) final grades. In this manner, the study demonstrated that effective use of video‐teleconferencing occurs when students at remote‐sites actively participate in the learning experience rather than passively observe the lectures on a television monitor (as occurs during traditional distance learning lectures).  相似文献   

Teaching inter‐disciplinary material poses special challenges due to the diversity of student backgrounds. This problem is compounded if the material being taught is intended for both undergraduate and graduate students. Mechanical Engineering faculty members from three universities have come together to address this problem using a layered, multimedia delivery mechanism via the Internet. This has resulted in the first‐ever, live, full‐duplex, Internet course taught at any of the three partner universities: Auburn University, the University of Maryland, and the University of Minnesota. With the addition of colleagues from industrial sites such as Philips in the Netherlands and three other universities in Japan, Singapore, and Australia, the next offering will expand to become an international course. The authors hope to illustrate that a course delivered over the Internet adds significantly to the learning process in a cost‐effective manner .  相似文献   

Traditionally, business schools are known to promote entrepreneurship education in their undergraduate and graduate programs. To meet the challenges due to advances in technology in the twenty-first century and entrepreneurial competition from developing nations, such as India and China, entrepreneurship programs in engineering education are being developed through grants from public and private foundations in order to promote entrepreneurial mindsets among all graduating engineers. This article highlights one such entrepreneurship engineering education program established at the Mercer University School of Engineering (MUSE) through Kern family foundation grants in 2007. What is currently being done at MUSE in promoting entrepreneurial mindsets among undergraduate and graduate students is highlighted and presented in terms of curriculum development, entrepreneurship clubs for engineering students, and entrepreneurial design projects with innovation and creativity components? This article presents the entrepreneurship engineering education curriculum in place at MUSE and a typical senior design project ‘Retrofitting of Tabletop CNC Lathe’ undertaken by senior engineering students through this program. The results obtained from this senior design project, the difficulties encountered by the student team, and the successful completion of the project are highlighted and discussed.  相似文献   

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