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Prospective application fields of organic functional polymers, polymer actuators and transistors The paper gives a short survey of prospective high tech products in which conducting polymers and other polymers with special electronic properties will be applied. Such products are, for example, polymer actuators, organic field effect transistors (OFET's) and integrated plastic circuits, organic light emitting diodes (OLED's), plastic solar or photovoltaic cells, membranes for fuel cells, polymer batteries and various polymer sensors. It will be informed about structures and properties of intrinsic conducting polymers and more in detail on electro‐chemo‐mechanical polymer actuators and on polymeric field effect transistors.  相似文献   

Current Developments in CZ Si Crystal Growing Technology The industrial growing of increasingly large and perfect silicon (Si) monocrystals for applications in microelectronics and photovoltaics requires continuous improvement of process control and growing technology. Continuous adaptation and optimization of system technology in terms of reliability, process flexibility and dimensioning are also necessary. The basic principles of industrial silicon crystal growing and the resultant requirements for the Si process andsystem technologies are described in the first part of this series of articles. The constantly increasing requirements for the performance and complexity of the electronic circuits (chips) in accordance with Moore's Law mean that the requirements for the perfection and dimensions of monocrystalline Si wafers and Si crystals are also continuously rising. After the introduction of the 300 mm Si wafer generation in recent years, the next Si wafer generation (450 mm) is therefore being discussed already. The technological and economic effects of these constantly increasing requirements for the necessary system technologies will be set out and discussed in the subsequent articles on the basis of current Si CZ crystal growing systems as well as new system concepts.  相似文献   

New systems technology for developing larger‐diameter Si wafers In the semiconductor and microelectronics industry, the idea of launching a new generation of larger‐diameter wafers is being discussed and driven forward primarily by operators of large production lines, who expect a productivity gain and cost advantage from this in their chip manufacturing. The process engineering requirements for growing large Si crystals with diameters of 300mm and 450mm mean significant demands and challenges for the suitable system technology. These new requirements cannot be fulfilled with a simple upgrade of the previous system technology. For this reason, a new development of a system generation for 300mm and 450mm Si crystals is required that differs from previous generations in its basic design, static construction and equipment and component handling. PVA TePla already has experience developing systems for 450mm wafers.  相似文献   

Klinkermauerwerk als traditionelles Fassadenelement wird heutzutage in der sog. zweischaligen Bauweise erstellt. Dies ermöglicht eine echte Trennung von Fassade und Tragstruktur, und zusätzlich wird der Einsatz von Dämmmaterial zwischen den zwei Schalen ermöglicht. Diese weit verbreitete Technik ist in Deutschland durch die DIN 1053 geregelt und definiert. Erst seit kurzem gibt es den Bedarf, über die Regelungen der derzeit gültigen DIN 1053‐1:1996‐11 hinaus Lösungen für bautechnische Anforderungen beim zweischaligen Mauerwerk zu finden. Auslöser dafür sind die veränderten Anforderungen an den Wärmebedarf von Gebäuden. Durch die Einführung der EnEV im Jahre 2002 und deren fortlaufende Verschärfung wird immer deutlicher, dass Wärmeverluste über die Fassadenflächen minimiert werden müssen. Dies führt häufig zu Überschreitungen der zulässigen Schalenabstände gemäß DIN 1053, um die geforderten Dämmstärken erreichen zu können. Auch weitere Einflussfaktoren wie z. B. Wärmebrückenverluste durch Abfangkonsolen oder Luftschichtanker rücken stärker in den Fokus. Im Folgenden wird darauf eingegangen, wie Planer und Ingenieure auf die ständig steigenden Anforderungen reagieren können und welche Lösungen die Firma Halfen als Hersteller von Verblendabfangkonstruktionen anbieten kann. Current Developments for Brickwork Support Systems. Brickwork masonry is a traditional building material for façade constructions and is applied today in a two cavity construction. This enables a strict separation of loadbearing structure and façade elements and thus allows for insulation in between. This common building technique is defined in regulation DIN 1053 for Germany. Recently demands for solutions beyond the above mentioned regulations can be detected. The Main reasons for this are increasing requirements for insulation and focus on energy consumption of buildings. In Germany the EnEV (an Energy Saving Regulation) has come into force in 2002. This regulation specifies that energy loss via façade areas have to be reduced to a minimum and the requirements are increasingly becoming more and more effective with each edition. This leads to increased cavities beyond the specifications of the currently available DIN 1053‐1:1996‐11 mainly due to the required insulation thicknesses. Other influences such as thermal bridges due to brickwork support brackets and brick ties come into focus, too. The following essay will show how designer and engineers can react to the ongoing changes and increasing requirements and which solutions can be provided by company Halfen as a supplier of brickwork support systems.  相似文献   

Topical Developements at TMCP‐rolled Heavy Plates The lecture presents topical developements at TMCP‐rolled heavy plates for shipbuilding application. There are shown requirements for present‐day shipbuilding plates and the subsequently derived different processes of thermomechanical rolling of heavy plates. Based on the plate making process of the rolling mill of Dillinger Hütte the metallurgical design and results of the heavy plate production are presented.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bei der praktischen Anwendung der analytischen Signale ist es erforderlich, die Ermittlung der Hilbert-Transformation numerisch durchzuführen. Dazu wurden u.a. Verfahren von H.W. Schü?ler, R. Unbehauen und G. Wunsch vorgeschlagen. In der Arbeit werden allgemeine Ergebnisse zur numerischen Umsetzung der Hilbert-Transformation dargestellt. Es wird gezeigt, da? alle praktisch realisierbaren Verfahren für bestimmte Signale divergieren. Damit ist es m?glich, die in der Experimentalphysik schon l?nger bekannten Schwierigkeiten bei der Umsetzung der Hilbert-Transformation zu erkl?ren.  相似文献   

In the recent years dry machining, i.e. machining without or with a minimal amount of coolants and lubricants has developed to an ecological and economical alternative to the conventional production methods, also under the impression of changes in the awareness. Temperature stability of the tool materials plays an important part at the implementation of this technology. With a number of recently developed hard material layers they try to increase high temperature stability of the cutting edges of tools under maintaining their hardness. The latest developments in the tools sector such as super nitrides and nanocomposite layers reveal considerable potentials especially for dry machining.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Erweiterung des Vierscheitelsatzes ergibt die M?glichkeit auch Aussagen zu treffen über die Scheitelpunkte der ebenen geschlossenen Kurvengattungen mit Singularit?ten wie Doppelpunkten und auch teilweise geradlinig verlaufenden geschlossenen Kurven. Eine Anwendung finden die Ergebnisse in den Koppelkurven der ebenen Getriebe. Schlie?lich wird eine analytische Methode zur Ermittlung der Scheitelpunkte einer bekannten ebenen Kurve angegeben.  相似文献   

In the paper power plant operation is modelled using continuous time Markov chains with discrete state space. The model is used to compute the power plant reliability and the importance and influence of individual states, as well as the transition probabilities between states. For comparison the model is fitted to data for coal and nuclear power plants recorded over several years.  相似文献   

Powder-Technology has developed into a significant and still increasing market. There is a demand for high quality meaning highest purity and spherical particle shape of the powder. In order to reach this aim metal alloys are melted under vacuum and atomized with intertgas. To improve the chemical purity the produced powder is treated under vacuum for instance by the static or dynamic degassing process.  相似文献   

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