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The apo- and metal-bound solution conformations of synthetic conantokin-G (con-G, G1Egamma gammaL5Q gamma NQgamma 10LIRgamma K15SN-CONH2, gamma = gamma-carboxyglutamic acid), an antagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor-derived neuronal ion channels, have been examined by one- and two-dimensional 1H NMR at neutral pH. A complete structure for the Mg2+-loaded peptide was defined by use of distance geometry calculations and was found to exist as an alpha-helix that spans the entire peptide. The alpha-helical nature of Mg2+/con-G was also supported by the small values (<5.5 Hz) of the 3JHNalpha coupling constants measured for amino acid residues 3-5, 8, 9, and 11-16, and the small values (<4 ppb/K) of the temperature coefficients observed for the alphaNH protons of residues 5-17. This conformation contrasted with that obtained for apo-con-G, which was nearly structureless in solution. Docking of Mg2+ into con-G was accomplished by use of the genetic algorithm/molecular dynamics simulation method, employing the NMR-derived Mg2+-loaded structure for initial coordinates in the midpoint calculations. For the 3 Mg2+/con-G model, it was found that binding of one Mg2+ ion is stabilized by oxygen atoms from three gamma-carboxylates of Gla3, Gla4, and Gla7; another Mg2+ is coordinated by two oxygen atoms, one from each of the gamma-carboxylates of Gla7; and a third metal ion through three donor oxygen atoms of gamma-carboxylates from Gla10 and Gla14. As shown from direct metal binding measurements to mutant con-G peptides, these latter two Gla residues probably stabilized the tightest binding Mg2+ ion. Circular dichroism studies of these same peptide variants demonstrated that all Gla residues contribute to the adoption of the Mg2+-dependent alpha-helical conformation in con-G. The data obtained in this investigation provide a molecular basis for the large conformational alteration observed in apo-con-G as a result of divalent cation binding and allow assessment of the roles of individual Gla residues in defining certain of the structure-function properties of con-G.  相似文献   

The EcoRV endonuclease contacts the minor groove of DNA through a peptide loop encompassing residues 67-72. This loop adapts to distorted DNA in the specific complex and to regular DNA in the nonspecific complex. Random mutagenesis had previously identified glutamine 69 as the key component of the loop and this study reports on mutants with glutamate (Q69E), lysine (Q69K), or leucine (Q69L) at this position. The mutants bound DNA specifically at the EcoRV recognition site in the presence of Ca2+, in the same manner as wild-type EcoRV. In the absence of divalent metals, Q69K and Q69L showed the same nonspecific binding as native EcoRV while Q69E failed to bind DNA. Glutamate at position 69 presumably repels nonspecific DNA whilst allowing the adaptations to specific DNA. Both Q69E and Q69K had severely impaired DNA cleavage activities, while Q69L had a steady-state k(cat) within an order of magnitude of wild-type EcoRV though its primary product was nicked DNA, in contrast to double strand breaks by wild-type EcoRV. The activity of Q69L required higher concentrations of Mg2+ than the wild-type and showed a sigmoidal dependence upon the Mg2+ concentration, indicating two metal ions per strand scission. Transient kinetics on Q69L gave lower rate constants for phosphodiester hydrolysis than wild-type EcoRV and its reaction also involved a slow conformational change preceding DNA cleavage that had no equivalent with the wild-type. Gln69 in EcoRV thus plays key roles in the adjustments of the protein to varied DNA structures and in the alignment of the catalytic functions for DNA cleavage.  相似文献   

The use of physical techniques such as scanning electron microscopy and microprobe analysis permits the analysis of valuable details of the structure of dried samples of mid-cycle cervical mucus during the period of maximum ferning. From a crystallographic point of view, particular attention was paid to the location, morphology and chemical composition of anisotropic organic sulphate microstructures. As distinct from the isotropic sodium chloride pattern described by Papanicolaou, these appear in a narrow period of time corresponding to the middle of the period of maximum ferning. Anisotropic microstructures were revealed to be tiny isolated crystals or polycrystalline aggregates composed of double salts of potassium and sodium. The potassium/sodium cation ratio, equal to 3/1, was constant in the best specimens. Using a simple polarizing microscope, the detection of anisotropic microstructures may be useful to determine the period of maximum fertility more accurately. In addition, experiments have been carried out in order to determine the relative importance of sulphate anisotropic structures as compared with the whole crystallized surface and to investigate precisely their transience after they appear.  相似文献   

We have used the method of Zinkel and Crothers (Zinkel, S.S., and Crothers, D.M. (1990) Biopolymers 29, 29-38) to determine the degree of bending induced by the binding of the restriction endonuclease EcoRV to its recognition sequence (-GATATC-). A set of four calibration DNA fragments was constructed that contained zero, two, four, or six phased A-tracts in their centers and an EcoRV site at the 5'-end to account for the electrophoretic influence of the bound protein. The mobilities of these calibration molecules complexed with EcoRV were compared to that of a test DNA containing a central EcoRV site also complexed with EcoRV. The EcoRV-induced bend angle was found to be 44 degrees +/- 4 degrees. These experiments were performed with a catalytically inactive EcoRV mutant that still binds DNA specifically in the presence of Mg2+. In the absence of Mg2+, which is necessary for specific binding, there is no difference in the mobilities of the fragments with a peripheral or a central EcoRV site complexed with EcoRV, indicating that nonspecific binding on average does not lead to measurable DNA bending.  相似文献   

Brush border myosin I (BBMI) is a single-headed molecular motor. Its catalytic domain exhibits extensive sequence homology to the catalytic domain of myosin II, while its tail lacks the coiled-coil nature of myosin II. The BBMI tail domain contains at least three IQ motifs and binds calmodulin. Addition of calcium removes one of these calmodulin light chains, with effects on ATPase activity and motility in in vitro assays. Using the techniques of cryoelectron microscopy and helical image analysis we have calculated three-dimensional (3D) maps of BBMI-decorated actin filaments prepared in the presence and absence of calcium. The 3D maps describe a BBMI catalytic domain that is strikingly similar to the catalytic domain of myosin II subfragment 1 (S1), with the exception of a short amino-terminal region of the heavy chain, which is absent from BBMI. The tail domains of BBMI and S1 are highly divergent in structure, continuing on from their respective motor domains with very different geometries. Addition of calcium to BBMI, and the concomitant loss of a calmodulin light chain, results in an extensive reorganization of mass in the tail domain.  相似文献   

The solution structure of mamba intestinal toxin 1 (MIT1), isolated from Dendroaspis polylepis polylepis venom, has been determined. This molecule is a cysteine-rich polypeptide exhibiting no recognised family membership. Resistance to MIT1 to classical specific endoproteases produced contradictory NMR and biochemical information concerning disulphide-bridge topology. We have used distance restraints allowing ambiguous partners between S atoms in combination with NMR-derived structural information, to correctly determine the disulphide-bridge topology. The resultant solution structure of MIT1, determined to a resolution of 0.5 A, reveals an unexpectedly similar global fold with respect to colipase, a protein involved in fatty acid digestion. Colipase exhibits an analogous resistance to endoprotease activity, indicating for the first time the possible topological origins of this biochemical property. The biochemical and structural homology permitted us to propose a mechanically related digestive function for MIT1 and provides novel information concerning snake venom protein evolution.  相似文献   

Hemidesmosomes along the dermal-epidermal junction of larval and post-metamorphic newt skin have been examined in freeze-fracture replica images correlated with electron micrographs of sectioned material. Larval hemidesmosomal sites are characterized by large (200-300 A) intramembranous granules arranged into clusters, each of which is aligned with a cytoplasmic hemidesmosomal plaque. In unfixed epidermis the granules remain attached to the A-face, while after glutaraldehyde fixation they are found on both A- and B-faces. Following metamorphosis the clusters are less distinct and localized. Replicas of unfixed B-faces and nearby cytoplasm display elongate, filamentous profiles which traverse the cytoplasmic leaflet and extend onto the B-face. The possibility that these components constitute a filamentous network serving to link tonofilaments, hemidesmosomal plaque, and basal plasmalemma is considered in view of the evidence to date. Hemidesmosomal fine structure as revealed by these studies is compared to features of desmosomes as detailed in the following report.  相似文献   

The present work describes mutants of the restriction enzyme EcoRV that discriminate very efficiently between oligodeoxynucleotide substrates with an EcoRV recognition sequence in different sequence context. All of these EcoRV variants harbor substitutions at position 226, where in the cocrystal structure of the specific EcoRV/DNA complex an arginine contacts the backbone of the DNA substrate upstream of the recognition sequence, and cleave an oligodeoxynucleotide with an EcoRV site in a nonflexible sequence context (the recognition site being flanked by runs of A and T) with much higher catalytic efficiency (kcat/Km) than an oligodeoxynucleotide with an EcoRV site in a flexible sequence context (the recognition site being flanked by runs of AT), in contrast to the wild-type enzyme, that cleaves both substrates with the same catalytic efficiency. Steady-state and single-turnover kinetics indicate that the enhanced selectivity of the mutants is due to the catalytic step of the reaction. It is possible to enhance the discriminatory power of these EcoRV variants through the choice of appropriate reaction conditions, in particular low salt concentration and low reaction temperatures. It must be emphasized that the enhanced selectivity of these EcoRV variants toward EcoRV sites in a flexible and nonflexible sequence context, respectively, is not only seen with oligodeoxynucleotides, but also with plasmid substrates.  相似文献   

Field isolates of herpesviruses recovered from falcon, pigeon, and psittacine birds were compared by restriction endonuclease (RE) analysis using four separate enzymes. Pigeon and falcon herpesviruses had strikingly similar DNA cleavage patterns, while DNA cleavage pattern of virus isolates from a double-yellow headed Amazon and an African grey parrot had different genomic patterns to both the pigeon and falcon herpesviruses. These findings support the field observations that pigeon herpesvirus causes a fatal herpesviral infection in the livers of pigeon-eating falcons.  相似文献   

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