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In this paper, we propose secondary relaying schemes in cognitive spectrum leasing. In the proposed protocols, a primary transmitter uses rateless code to transmit its data to a primary receiver. In the secondary network, \(M\) secondary transmitters are ready to help the primary transmitter forward the data to a primary receiver so that they can find opportunities to transmit their data. For performance evaluation, we derive the average outage probability, the average number of encoded packets transmitted by the primary transmitter, the average number of remaining time slots for secondary network and the average capacity of the secondary network over Rayleigh fading channels. Various Monte-Carlo simulations are presented to verify the derivations.  相似文献   

认知无线电中衰落环境下的能量检测性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于能量检测对信道环境的敏感性,采用理论推导加数值实验的方法,研究认知无线电中衰落环境下的能量检测性能.首先,在等效低通数字域上通过严格的数学推导,给出能量检测的虚警和漏检概率解析式,然后在统计意义上给出了能量检测在瑞利衰落和阴影衰落环境下的检测性能表达式.此外,还在统计意义上,在大信噪比和小信噪比两种条件下对能量检测器的检测概率与观测点数或检测器抽样速率之间的关系进行了分析.最后,在Matlab环境下进行了数值实验,结果表明:在瑞利衰落环境下能量检测器的检测性能明显下降;在阴影衰落环境下能量检测器的检测性能进一步恶化;能量检测器可以通过适当增加观测点数或提高抽样频率来补偿信噪比的下降.  相似文献   

栾宇  李洪祚  王亚非 《中国通信》2012,9(12):108-116
Cognitive radio allows Secondary Users (SUs) to dynamically use the spectrum resource li-censed to Primary Users (PUs ), and significantly improves the efficiency of spectrum utilization and is viewed as a promising technology. In cognitive radio networks, the problem of power control is an important issue. In this paper, we mainly focus on the problem of power control for fading channels in cognitive radio networks. The spectrum sharing un-derlay scenario is considered, where SUs are al-lowed to coexist with PUs on the condition that the outage probability of PUs is below the maximum outage probability threshold limitation due to the interference caused by SUs. Moreover, besides the outage probability threshold which is defined to protect the performance of PUs, we also consider the maximum transmit power constraints for each SU. With such a setup, we emphasize the problem of power control to minimize the outage probability of each SU in fading channels. Then, based on the statistical information of the fading channel, the closed expression for outage probability is given in fading channels. The Dual-Iteration Power Control (DIPC) algorithm is also proposed to minimize the outage probability based on Perron-Frobenius theo-ry and gradient descent method under the constraint condition. Finally, simulation results are illustrated to demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

We propose a cross-layer optimal access and transmission framework for dynamic spectrum access to maximize expected long-term average throughput under power and collision constraints by a dynamic programming method namely Constrained Markov decision process (CMDP). The optimal policy for CMDP is capable of guiding transmitter to choose an available channel and transmission rate at the beginning of each frame for its long-term goals according to current channel sensing results and prior channel fading information. The complexity of finding the optimal policy by Linear programming (LP) approach increases exponentially with the number of channels and fading levels, which incurs so-called curse of dimensionality. Therefore we propose two complexity- reduced suboptimal policies, namely, policy separation and heuristic algorithms. Finally, we compare the performances of policies by numerical results.  相似文献   

In dynamically changing environments, the spectrum-sharing method is a promising method to address the spectrum underutilization problem for cognitive radio (CR) systems. This paper investigates the capacity of cognitive radio multiple-access channel (CR-MAC) over a dynamic fading environment. Multiple secondary users (SUs) transmit to the secondary base station under the transmit power (TP) and interference temperature (IT) at the primary base station constraints. In order to perform a general analysis, a theoretical dynamic fading model termed hyper-fading model, which is suitable to the dynamic nature of cognitive radio channel, is considered. The optimal power allocation method is employed to maximize the capacity of CR-MAC for hyper-fading channel with TP and IT constraints and full channel side information. Through the numerical simulations, the capacity of the hyper-fading channels are compared with that of other channel fading models such as Rayleigh, Nakagami-2, and with an additive white Gaussian noise channel. Additionally, the impacts of the number of SUs on capacity is investigated.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a modulation classification algorithm for M-ary QAM signals in Rician and Rayleigh fading channels. The developed algorithms are based on the maximum log-likelihood functions, which are derived from received signals. First of all, we derived the amplitude PDF of M-ary QAM signal over flat and slowly Rayleigh and Rician fading channel, then we developed the log-likelihood functions and then the decision functions for classification. To demonstrate the performance of the proposed classifier, we give an example to classify the 16/32 QAM signals. Results indicate that the performance of classifier is heavily dependent on the severity of channel fading. When channel is AWGN, which means that there exists only one path (may be specular path) between transmitter and receiver, and the Rician factor k, approaches infinity in this case, henceforth, the performance is the best. The performance, however, is degraded with the decrease of k, and finally the classifier performs worst when channel becomes Rayleigh. Further performance improvement can be achieved by increasing the length of record.  相似文献   

The quality of the reporting channel and the relaying mechanism play a significant role in cooperative spectrum sensing (CSS). However, these factors are frequently overlooked when it comes to discussing the performance of CSS in cognitive radio (CR) networks. In this work we investigate the performance of a relay-based CSS approach proposed for CR applications. Specifically, we analyze the detection accuracy of a CR network considering channel impairments, amplify-and-forward relying protocol, and a selection combining scheme. First, a closed form expression for the average false alarm probability is derived. Then, the probability density function (PDF) of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is obtained and a closed-form expression for the average detection probability at high SNR applications is derived. The sensing and the reporting channels are assumed to be subjected to independent and identically distributed Rayleigh fading. The PDF approach is used in our analysis. This approach is not easily tractable as it involves higher orders of Bessel functions. However, an approximated polynomial representation of a first-order modified Bessel function of the second kind makes this task possible. The results obtained validate the derived closed form expressions and show the importance of considering reporting channel statistics and relaying mechanism for accurate performance analysis of the CSS in CR networks.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider a wideband cognitive radio network (CRN) containing a single secondary user (SU) which can only serially sense multiple narrowband channels and thus maximize the utilization of perceived available channels. Before transmitting, during a period of time τ, SU allocates τ i to each channel and senses whether the channel is available or not. When transmitting, SU allocates different transmit power P i to each channel. We study the problem of designing the optimal spectrum sensing time allocation τ i , total sensing time τ and power allocation P i between the multiple channels so as to maximize the achievable rate of CRN subject to the constraint of the total transmit power and probability of detection. The problem is transformed into some subproblems with low complexity and solved by optimal means separately. From the time and power allocation parameters, we conclude that channels with low probability of transmission chance or low channel gain will be closed without sensing or transmission in order to get the maximum rate. We also analyze how the conclusions can be applied to the scenario of multiple SUs. Numerical investigation shows that the proposed scheme can significantly achieve spectrum access and the optimization process improves the rate obtained by CRN.  相似文献   

We derive a closed-form bit error rate (BER) formula for underlay cognitive N-hop networks operated over Nakagami-m fading channels where N is the arbitrary integer. This formula is corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations and useful for evaluating the network performance under different parameters such as modulation level, path-loss, maximum transmit power, tolerable interference power level, fading model, and the number of hops. Numerical results illustrate that underlay cognitive multi-hop networks suffer a high error floor and the BER performance not only depends on the number of hops but also the network topology. For the linear network model, the higher the number of hops, the better the network performance.  相似文献   

本文在DS-CDMA PCN系统抗干扰性能的分析中,首次提出了用户归一化扩频信号等效左半部分和等效右半部分的分析模型,并在此基础上有效地结合传统扩频通信RAKE接收机的抗多径性能和多用户信号检测器的抗多址干扰特性,得到了一种能同时消除同频干扰和对抗多径多用户信号检测新方法。  相似文献   

This paper considers multiple-input multiple-output broadcast channels in cognitive radio networks which consist of a cognitive base station (CBS), K secondary users (SUs) and N primary users (PUs). The multiantenna-based CBS concurrently operates with the PUs. The channel state information for SUs is assumed to be perfectly known at the CBS. To ensure the quality of service of PUs and maximize sum-rate capacity of SUs, two problems are considered: (1) What is the optimal power control of CBS? (2) What are the optimal power allocations of SUs? A two-level game is presented to jointly consider the benefits of power control of CBS and power allocations of SUs. Under this game model, the corresponding game algorithms are also proposed. Finally, numerical simulation results are provided to examine the performance of our proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

Our contribution in this paper is the derivation of an exact closed-form outage probability formula for underlay cognitive cooperative networks operated over Rayleigh fading channels. The derivation considers the correlation among received signal-to-noise ratios, two critical constraints (interference power constraint and maximum transmit power constraint), and non identically distributed (i.d.) channels. The derived formula is corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations and is served as an useful and effective tool to evaluate the performance behavior of underlay cognitive cooperative networks without time-consuming simulations under different operation parameters. Numerical results illustrate that underlay cognitive cooperative networks suffer the outage saturation phenomenon for a given maximum interference power level.  相似文献   


In this paper, we investigate physical-layer security performance of the cooperative vehicular relaying networks, wherein the communication from a source vehicle to the destination vehicle is assisted by an amplify-and-forward (AF) relay vehicle in the presence of a passive eavesdropper vehicle. We assume that the communication links between the vehicles experience double-Rayleigh fading. We also consider two AF relaying protocols: (1) fixed gain relaying which requires partial channel state information (CSI), and (2) variable gain relaying which requires full CSI. Specifically, we derive the novel intercept probability and ergodic secrecy capacity expressions for both fixed and variable gain relaying in the presence of double-Rayleigh fading channels. The numerical and simulation results verify our theoretical and analytical findings, and show the impacts of channel conditions and relay and eavesdropper locations on the system secrecy performance.


In this paper, we analyze the performance of multi-hop multi-branch amplify-and-forward (AF) networks over generalized fading channels. Using the moment generating function (MGF)-based approach, we develop general expressions for the outage probability and symbol-error rate (SER) performance of the system with maximal ratio combining (MRC) receiver. The MGF-based approach relies on numerical integration. To gain insights into system performance, we therefore investigate the asymptotic outage and SER performance of the system with MRC and selection combining (SC) receiver at the destination. In particular, we develop the asymptotic statistics of the end-to-end signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of an AF multi-hop link. We further derive the cumulative density function of the sum of the individual end-to-end SNRs, received from different diversity paths for MRC receiver. We also study the power allocation problem in a multi-hop multi-branch system with MRC receiver. In generalized Gamma fading environments, we seek to find the power allocation strategy that maximizes the SNR at the destination subject to a total power constraint. By means of simulations, we validate our theoretical developments and verify the efficiency of our proposed power allocation in improving the received SNR compared to a generic cooperative system with no power allocation. We also conclude that our asymptotic expressions for the outage probability and SER match the simulations very well in medium-to-high-SNR regime.  相似文献   

曹慧 《电视技术》2011,35(11):80-83
研究了认知无线电中能量检测的实现,并针对能量检测性能相对较差的缺点,提出采用天线分集提高能量检测的性能.通过数值分析以及瑞利信道下分集能量检测的仿真,对几种方案在瑞利信道下的性能进行了比较,结果表明几种天线分集方案对能量检测性能都有所改善,其中平方率合并方案性能最优.  相似文献   

A communication system using noiseless feedback for Rayleigh fading channels is proposed. Pilot tone signaling is used to provide channel amplitude and phase information for the detection of antipodal signals. Channel estimates generated in the receiver are fed back to control the transmitter power and rate. Power division and rate control rules are derived, and it is shown that definite performance improvement over diversity systems is obtained. Because of the requirement of small loop propagation delays, the technique is mainly applicable to low data rate multitone modems for short range HF channels.  相似文献   

A cognitive radio (CR) network refers to a secondary network operating in a frequency band originally licensed/allocated to a primary network consisting of one or multiple primary users (PUs). A fundamental challenge for realizing such a system is to ensure the quality of service (QoS) of the PUs as well as to maximize the throughput or ensure the QoS, such as signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs), of the secondary users (SUs). In this paper, we study single-input multiple output multiple access channels (SIMO-MAC) for the CR network. Subject to interference constraints for the PUs as well as peak power constraints for the SUs, two optimization problems involving a joint beamforming and power allocation for the CR network are considered: the sum-rate maximization problem and the SINR balancing problem. For the sum-rate maximization problem, zero-forcing based decision feedback equalizers are used to decouple the SIMO-MAC, and a capped multi-level (CML) water-filling algorithm is proposed to maximize the achievable sum-rate of the SUs for the single PU case. When multiple PUs exist, a recursive decoupled power allocation algorithm is proposed to derive the optimal power allocation solution. For the SINR balancing problem, it is shown that, using linear minimum mean-square-error receivers, each of the interference constraints and peak power constraints can be completely decoupled, and thus the multi-constraint optimization problem can be solved through multiple single-constraint sub-problems. Theoretical analysis for the proposed algorithms is presented, together with numerical simulations which compare the performances of different power allocation schemes.  相似文献   

This paper investigates a new channel gain map tracking by Space-Time Extended Kalman Filtering (STEKF) for a flat channel, and a novel spectrum sensing via Time Spatial Weighted Non-negative Lasso (TSWNL) algorithm. STEKF enables CRs to estimate and interpolate channel gain map for the entire geographical area of interest with a limited number of CRs measurements. In order to sense primary users (PU) activities, include the transmission power by each PU, location and number of active PUs, TSWNL algorithm is proposed. Numerical results illustrate that the proposed STEKF channel estimation and TSWNL sensing algorithms outperforms linear methods.  相似文献   

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