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We have previously identified a p53-independent apoptotic response that is delayed until 48-72 h after irradiation of colorectal adenoma and carcinoma cells. Because the delay appears to be in part due to a transient G2 cell cycle arrest, the importance of this checkpoint in the mechanism of ionizing radiation (IR)-induced death of colorectal tumor cells was investigated. An adenoma cell line with (282Arg-->Trp) mutant p53 (S/RG/C2) and a carcinoma cell line (PC/JW/FI) lacking p53 protein treated with 5 Gy IR in the presence of 1.5 mm caffeine (CAF) reduced IR-induced G2 arrest and increased the level of apoptosis (1.5-1.6-fold) 24 h after treatment. Increased IR apoptotic cell death with CAF significantly reduced IR cell survival over a 7-day period in S/RG/C2 and PC/JW/FI. To investigate whether CAF radiosensitization correlated with lack of wild-type (wt) p53, we studied transfected derivatives of an adenoma-derived cell line (PC/AA/C1), in which the endogenous wt p53 activity was disrupted by the expression of a dominant negative (273Arg-->His) p53 mutant protein (designated AA/273p53/B). This p53-defective cell line was also radiosensitized by CAF, whereas the vector control (AA/PCMV/D), which retained wt p53 activity, was not. In addition, as with the S/RG/C2 and PC/JW/FI cell lines, the 7-day IR cell survival was reduced significantly in AA/273p53/B compared with the vector control cell line. This suggests that radiosensitization by CAF and increased cell death is dependent on loss of wt p53 function. Interestingly, radiosensitization of the AA/273p53/B cell line was not associated with accelerated apoptosis but correlated with increased polyploid giant cells, which have been associated with disruption of cell cycle checkpoints and genomic instability. These results demonstrate that G2 checkpoint inhibition with CAF leads to preferential IR cell killing in cell lines in which wt p53 is inactivated and that this increased cell killing is not necessarily dependent on increased IR-induced apoptosis.  相似文献   

Fludarabine (9-beta-D-arabinofuranosyl-2-fluoroadenine-5'-monophosphate), an adenine nucleoside analogue, has previously been shown to inhibit the repair of radiation-induced chromosome damage. Thus fludarabine may have therapeutic utility in combination with photon irradiation. The purpose of this study was to determine whether fludarabine could enhance radiation-induced murine tumor regrowth delay and to determine the most effective dose and schedule of the combination. A significant (P < 0.05) absolute regrowth delay enhancement was observed in three murine tumor models (SA-NH, a sarcoma; and MCA-K and MCA-4, mammary carcinomas) when fludarabine (800 mg/kg) was given 1 h prior to 25 Gy gamma-irradiation. While fludarabine enhanced radiation-induced tumor regrowth delay when given between -36 h and +6 h of radiation (SA-NH tumor), the greatest enhancement was observed when fludarabine was given at -24 h prior to irradiation (radiation dose modification factor of 1.82 at -24 h compared to 1.57 at -3 h prior to radiation). The degree of fludarabine enhancement (at -3 or -24 h) was dose dependent at doses above 200 mg/kg. When fludarabine and radiation were administered on a fractionated schedule (fludarabine given 3 h prior to radiation each day for 4 days), the dose modification factor increased to 2.14 (1.63 if the effect of fludarabine alone is subtracted). These results suggest that fludarabine enhances radiation-induced tumor regrowth delay in a more than additive fashion after both single and fractionated treatments, and the degree of enhancement is dependent on the sequence and timing of administration, the fludarabine dose, and the tumor type. Thus, fludarabine may have clinical potential as a radiation enhancer in the treatment of solid tumors.  相似文献   

Mammalian eggs are ovulated in metaphase II of meiosis, in a state characterized by high levels of cyclin B and of active maturation promoting factor (MPF). This arrest is mediated by an activity referred to as cytostatic factor (CSF) which prevents the degradation of cyclin. Fertilization triggers a train of Ca2+ spikes which is responsible for the decrease in activity of both MPF and CSF. The decline in MPF however much precedes that in CSF. Experimental observations on mammalian eggs indicate that the kinetics of cell cycle resumption much depends on the temporal pattern of the repetitive Ca2+ spikes. Here, we propose a theoretical model which accounts for Ca(2+)-induced relief from metaphase II arrest in mammalian eggs. The model is based on the fact that Ca2+/calmodulin kinase II (CaMKII) activation is the primary event leading to inactivation of both CSF and MPF. To account for experimental observations, it has to be assumed that CaMKII activation affects the level of the active form of the anaphase promoting complex (APC), which initiates the degradation of cyclin, through two pathways characterized by different time scales. Thus, we hypothesize that CaMKII activation by Ca2+ leads to the transformation of a mediator protein from a form which stimulates the inactivation of the APC into a form which gradually and indirectly induces the deactivation of CSF. In consequence, a sufficient number of Ca2+ spikes first triggers the decrease of MPF, thus allowing the egg to enter in interphase, and later that of CSF. Finally, when CSF is low and when Ca2+ oscillations have stopped, the level of MPF can increase again, a phenomenon that would correspond to the first mitosis. This model also accounts for the observed dependence of the time of entry in interphase (marked by the appearance of the pronuclei) on the frequency of Ca2+ spikes, as well as for the possible entry in metaphase III arrest, a pathological state of the egg which results from an insufficient activation by Ca2+. This study provides some theoretical prediction as to the time of the first mitosis as a function of the temporal pattern of Ca2+ oscillations.  相似文献   

The molecular events involved in apoptosis induced by ionizing radiation remain unresolved. In this paper we show that the cleavage of fodrin to a 150 kDa fragment is an early proteolytic event in radiation-induced apoptosis in the Burkitts' Lymphoma cell line BL30A and requires 100 microM zVAD-fmk for inhibition. Caspases-1, -3, -6 and -7 were shown to cleave fodrin to the 150 kDa fragment in vitro and all were inhibited by 10 microM zVAD-fmk. We also show that the in vitro cleavage of fodrin by calpain is inhibited by 100 microM zVAD-fmk as was the calpain-mediated hydrolysis of casein. We demonstrate that calpain is activated within 15 min after radiation exposure, concomitant with the cleavage of fodrin to the 150 kDa fragment whereas caspase-3 is activated at 2 h correlating with the cleavage of fodrin to the 120 kDa fragment. These results support a role for calpain in the early phases of the radiation-induced apoptosis pathway, upstream of the caspases.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We previously reported excellent outcome at 6 months after transplantation in recipients of expanded criteria donor kidneys that other local centers had declined, kidneys that nobody wanted (KNW), versus controls. We now report follow-up after 23 months. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 27 donor and 24 recipient characteristics in 126 adult recipients of transplants from January 1, 1995, to November 25, 1996. RESULTS: Donors of control kidneys versus KNW were younger and had significantly higher minimum 4-hr urine output. Recipients of control kidneys versus KNW had significantly more HLA matches and lower 3-month posttransplant serum creatinine levels. Patient and graft survival rates were similar between the control kidneys versus the KNW. We also compared the control kidneys and KNW with regard to prompt function or delayed graft function and satisfactory versus unsatisfactory function (unsatisfactory: serum creatinine > or =2.5 ml/dl or graft loss at 6 months) to identify donor and recipient characteristics associated with delayed graft function and unsatisfactory outcome. The incidence of rejection was significantly lower in control kidneys and KNW with satisfactory function versus control kidneys and KNW with unsatisfactory function. CONCLUSIONS: These data demonstrate: (1) similar graft survival at 12 months, (2) lower donor age, (3) higher minimum 4-hr urine output, and (4) more HLA matches in recipients of control kidneys versus KNW. Optimal outcome was achieved in recipients of control kidneys and KNW with prompt function and satisfactory function based upon serum creatinine in the first 6 months and in recipients with lower rates of rejection. Although outcome is dependent upon many donor and recipient variables, we believe that with careful donor and recipient selection, excellent outcome can be achieved using expanded criteria donor kidneys.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effect of the insulin-like growth factor I receptor (IGF-IR) on ionizing radiation (IR)-induced cell death using the following two mouse embryo fibroblast cell lines: (i) R- cells with a null mutation of the IGF-IR gene, therefore expressing no endogenous IGF-IR; (ii) R+ cells derived from R- cells, a stable transfectant overexpressing the human IGF-IR. Numbers of R- cells began to detach from dishes and float into the medium about 48 h after 10 Gy of X-irradiation. Internucleosomal DNA fragmentation detected by agarose gel electrophoresis, which is characteristic of apoptosis, was observed in the floating R- cells, but not in the attached cells. Unexpectedly, morphological analysis of the floating cells 72 h after irradiation revealed that only about half of them showed apoptotic death and the rest showed a nonapoptotic, presumably necrotic, one. On the other hand, R+ cells retained more than 90% viability even 4 days after irradiation, and very few floating cells were observed. The G2 arrest was induced in both cell lines following irradiation and G2/M fractions similarly returned to normal levels by around 20 h after irradiation, indicating that the cell death which appeared thereafter in R- cells is mediated through mitosis. Significant induction of p53 following irradiation was not detected by Western blot analysis in either R- or R+ cells. Collectively, these results demonstrate that signal transduction pathways originating from the IGF-IR may be involved in preventing IR-induced apoptosis and necrosis without affecting cell cycle arrest or p53 pathways.  相似文献   

Actins comprise six isoforms of which the nonmuscle isoforms beta-/gamma-actins are expressed by all eukaryotic cells. The expression pattern of one of the muscle actin isoforms, alpha-sm actin, previously believed to be restricted to smooth muscle, has been broadened to encompass activated fibroblasts (myofibroblasts) as well. The significance of this molecular conversion has remained largely unknown. We have recently shown that a reduction in filamentous alpha-sm actin by electroinjected specific antibodies or antisense oligodeoxynucleotides leads to increased motility in breast myofibroblasts (R?nnov-Jessen, L., Petersen, O. W. J. Cell Biol. 1996, 134, 67-80). In the present study we have expanded on the functional significance of actin isotypes in fibroblasts from the opposite point of view, namely filamentous nonmuscle actin. Nonmuscle actins in fibroblasts and myofibroblasts were ADP-ribosylated by Clostridium botulinum C2 toxin. The substrate for C2 toxin is globular actin, which upon ribosylation cannot incorporate into microfilaments. The pattern of actin ADP-ribosylation in (myo)fibroblasts in the presence of [32P]NAD was analyzed by isoelectric focusing, fluorography and immunoblotting. The influence of C2 toxin on microfilaments in intact cells was further assessed by immunofluorescence, and motility was measured in a mass migration assay and by computerized video time-lapse microscopy. We show here that C2 toxin specifically ribosylates beta- and gamma-actin in both fibroblasts and myofibroblasts. Whereas fibroblasts rapidly round up and stop migrating when filamentous beta-/gamma-actin is reduced by short-term ADP-ribosylation, myofibroblasts maintain their flattened morphology and a basic low motility.  相似文献   

Genetic alterations in gamma-ray- and alpha-particle-induced HPRT mutants were examined by multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. A total of 39-63% of gamma-ray-induced and 31-57% of alpha-particle-induced mutants had partial or total deletions of the HPRT gene. The proportion of these deletion events was dependent on radiation dose, and at the resolution limits employed there were no significant differences between the spectra induced by equitoxic doses of alpha particles (0.2-0.4 Gy) and gamma rays (3 Gy). The molecular nature of the deletions was analyzed by the use of sequence tagged site (STS) primers and PCR amplification as a "probe" for specific regions of the human X chromosome within the Xq26 region. These STSs were closely linked and spanned regions approximately 1.7 Mbp from the telomeric side and 1.7 Mbp from the centromeric side of the HPRT gene. These markers include: DXS53, 299R, DXS79, yH3L, 3/19, PR1, PR25, H2, yH3R, 1/44, 1/67, 1/1, DXS86, D8C6, DXS10 and DXS144. STS analyses indicated that the maximum size of total deletions in radiation-induced HPRT mutants can be greater than 2.7 Mbp and deletion size appears to be dependent on radiation dose. There were no apparent differences in the sizes of the deletions induced by alpha particles or gamma rays. On the other hand, deletions containing portions of the HPRT gene were observed to be 800 kbp or less, and the pattern of the partial deletion induced by alpha particles appeared to be different from that induced by gamma rays.  相似文献   

Flow microfluorometry has been used to characterize the effects of serum concentration and cell density on the initiation of cell cycle transit of stationary phase (G0) human diploid fibroblasts (strain WI-38). The concentration of serum used to stimulate these cultures had no effect on the time cells began appearing in S (the DNA synthetic period), nor on the synchrony with which they moved around the cell cycle. However, as the serum concentration increased, the fraction of the stationary phase population released from G0 increased. Cell density modulated the ability of serum to stimulate cell cycle traverse. For example, at a cell density of 1.81 X 10(4) cells/cm2, 78% of the population was sensitive to serum stimulation; whereas, when the density was increased to 7.25 X 10(4) cells/cm2, only 27% of the population could be stimulated. This effect of cell density on the serum response is not simply the result of changing the ratio of serum concentration to cell density, but appears to reflect a true modulation of the population's sensitivity to serum stimulation. These results are consistent with the interpretation that the primary action of serum is to determine the transition of cells from a non-cycling G0 state to a cycling state and that cell density determines the proportion of the population capable of undergoing this transition.  相似文献   

Although the available evidence suggests that whereas the caspase family plays a major role in apoptosis, they are not the sole stimulators of death. A random yeast two-hybrid screen of a lymphocyte cDNA library (using caspase-3 as the bait) found an interaction between caspase-3 and the regulatory subunit Aalpha of protein phosphatase 2A. This protein was found to be a substrate for caspase-3, but not caspase-1, and could compete effectively against either a protein or synthetic peptide substrate. In Jurkat cells induced to undergo apoptosis with anti-Fas antibody, protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) activity increased 4.5-fold after 6 h. By 12 h, the regulatory Aalpha subunit could no longer be detected in cell lysates. There was no change in the amount of the catalytic subunit. The effects on PP2A could be prevented by the caspase family inhibitors acetyl-Asp-Glu-Val-Asp (DEVD) aldehyde or Ac-DEVD fluoromethyl ketone. The mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway is regulated by PP2A. At 12 h after the addition of anti-Fas antibody, a decrease in the amount of the phosphorylated forms of MAP kinase was observed. Again, this loss of activated MAP kinase could be prevented by the addition of DEVD-cho or DEVD-fmk. These data are consistent with a pathway whereby induction of apoptosis activates caspase-3. This enzyme then cleaves the regulatory Aalpha subunit of PP2A, increasing its activity. These data show that the activated PP2A will then effect a change in the phosphorylation state of the cell. These data provide a link between the caspases and signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The accumulation of monoclonal chronic lymphocytic leukemia B (B-CLL) cells may be due to excessive proliferation and longevity. Clinical progression may thus come from a constitutive but altered expression of a number of genes that results in extended B-CLL cells life span, increased proliferative capacity and diminished cell death. B-CLL cells express a number of surface markers that characterise the normal B-cells phenotype. However, B-CLL cells are CD5 positive and most of them also express CD6, surface receptors that are present in just a small subset of normal B-cells. When exploring CD6 function, we found out that cross-linking of CD6 protected B-CLL from anti-IgM-induced apoptosis. CD6 activation blocked anti-IgM- induced Bax(alpha) up-regulation and, by doing so, corrected an imbalance in the Bcl-2/Bax ratio that accompanies apoptosis. Here, we review all surface receptors and cytokines that have been described as participating in the induction or protection of B-CLL apoptosis together with data on chemosensitivity and gene modulation, data on the Fas receptor/Fas ligand system, and the implications of all the latter for B-CLL cell survival.  相似文献   

Two Hep G2 subclones overexpressing CYP2E1 were established with the use of transfection and limited dilution screening techniques. The Hep G2-CI2E1-43 and -47 (E47) cells (transduced Hep G2 subclones that overexpress CYP2E1) grew at a slower rate than parental Hep G2 cells or control subclones that do not express CYP2E1, but remained fully viable. When GSH synthesis was inhibited by treatment with buthionine sulfoximine, GSH levels rapidly declined in E47 cells but not control cells, which is most likely a reflection of CYP2E1-catalyzed formation of reactive oxygen species. Under these conditions of GSH depletion, cytotoxicity and apoptosis were found only with the E47 cells. Low levels of lipid peroxidation were found in the E47 cells, which became more pronounced after GSH depletion. The antioxidants vitamin E, vitamin C, or trolox prevented the lipid peroxidation as well as the cytotoxicity and apoptosis, as did transfection with plasmid containing antisense CYP2E1 or overexpression of Bcl-2. Levels of ATP were lower in E47 cells because of damage to mitochondrial complex I. When GSH was depleted, oxygen uptake was markedly decreased with all substrates in the E47 extracts. Vitamin E completely prevented the decrease in oxygen uptake. Under conditions of CYP2E1 overexpression, two modes of CYP2E1-dependent toxicity can be observed in Hep G2 cells: a slower growth rate when cellular GSH levels are maintained and a loss of cellular viability when cellular GSH levels are depleted. Elevated lipid peroxidation plays an important role in the CYP2E1-dependent toxicity and apoptosis. This direct toxicity of overexpressed CYP2E1 may reflect the ability of this enzyme to generate reactive oxygen species even in the absence of added metabolic substrate.  相似文献   

The response of eukaryotic cells to ionizing radiation (IR) includes induction of apoptosis. However, the signals that regulate this response are unknown. The present studies demonstrate that IR treatment of U-937 cells is associated with: (i) internucleosomal DNA fragmentation; (ii) cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase; (iii) cleavage of protein kinase C delta; and (iv) induction of an Ac-DEVD-p-nitroanilide cleaving activity. Overexpression of the cowpox protein CrmA blocked tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced apoptosis but had no effect on IR-induced DNA fragmentation or cleavage of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase and protein kinase C delta. By contrast, overexpression of the baculovirus p35 protein blocked both IR- and TNF-induced apoptosis. The results further demonstrate that the IR-induced proteolytic activity is directly inhibited by the addition of purified recombinant p35, but not by CrmA. We show that the CPP32 protease is sensitive to p35 and not CrmA. We also show that IR induces activation of CPP32 and that this event, like induction of apoptosis, is sensitive to overexpression of p35 and not CrmA. These findings indicate that IR-induced apoptosis involves activation of CPP32 and that this CrmA-insensitive apoptotic pathway is distinct from those induced by TNF and certain other stimuli.  相似文献   

Much evidence strongly suggests a positive role for one or more E2F species in the control of exit from G0/G1. Results described here provide direct evidence that endogenous E2F-1, as predicted, contributes to progression from G0 to S. By contrast, cycling cells lacking an intact E2F-1 gene demonstrated normal cell cycle distribution. Therefore, E2F-1 exerts a unique function leading to timely G0 exit of resting cultured primary cells, while at the same time being unnecessary for normal G1 to S phase progression of cycling cells.  相似文献   

To analyze the effects of supraphysiological dosages of growth hormone (GH) on carbohydrate (CH) and lipid metabolism, we investigated 87 girls with Turner syndrome (TS) in two studies: (1) a 4-year GH dose-response (DR) study comparing three groups with stepwise GH dosage increases up to 8 IU/m2/d in girls aged 2 to 11 years, and (2) a 2-year GH administration frequency-response (FR) study in girls aged 11 to 17 years, comparing once-daily (OD) and twice-daily (BID) injections of a total GH dose of 6 IU/m2/d in combination with low-dose ethinyl estradiol (50 ng/kg/d orally). At baseline, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) was present in 6% of the girls, and at the end of the studies, in 5%. In the DR study, the area under the curve for time-concentration (AUCab) for glucose after an oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) showed no change over time and no significant difference between any of the study groups. However, in all three DR groups, the AUCab for insulin, fasting glucose, the insulinogenic index, hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), and urinary C-peptide (uCp) were all significantly higher after 4 years compared with pretreatment (P<.05). In the FR study, group differences were not observed. Compared with healthy Dutch control subjects, the median baseline levels in relatively young girls in the DR study were similar for total cholesterol (TC) and lower for high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol. In contrast, the median TC levels of relatively older girls in the FR study were higher and HDL levels were similar. With increasing GH dosage in the DR study, median TC and low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels decreased, whereas median HDL levels increased. The changes after 4 years were significant, including a decrease in the atherogenic index. GH treatment at the supraphysiological dosages used in this study did not increase the frequency of IGT or clinical diabetes. However, we observed an increased insulinogenic index indicative of insulin resistance. Therefore, long-term follow-up study is warranted in these otherwise healthy subjects. OD injection regimens changed the lipid profile toward a more cardioprotective direction with a significant reduction of the TC/HDL cholesterol ratio.  相似文献   

The aim of this investigation was to study the effects of prostaglandins E1 and E2 (PGE1 and PGE2) on the accumulation, release and metabolism of C19 steroids by human gingival fibroblasts (HGF) and gingivae, due to their anabolic potential in inflammatory repair. For the accumulation studies, HGF were incubated with 14C-testosterone at timed intervals and the cell-digests analysed for label uptake. The release of 5 alpha-dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by HGF was studied by preincubating the cells with 14C-DHT and reincubating with cold steroid to quantify its release at timed intervals. For the metabolic studies, HGF/gingival tissue were incubated with 14C-testosterone and serial concentrations of PGE1 and PGE2 to study their effects on the synthesis of DHT. The incubations were terminated at 24 h and extracted metabolites were analysed and quantified. The accumulation of 14C-testosterone by human gingival fibroblasts was elevated 3-fold at 24 h by PGE1 (n = 3, p < 0.001; 1-way ANOVA). The release of 14C-DHT was enhanced nearly 2-fold by PGE1 (n = 3, p < 0.001), compared with controls. Both PGE1 and PGE2 caused 2-fold increases in DHT synthesis by HGF and 3-fold increases in 4-androstenedione formation (n = 4, p < 0.001). With the tissue incubations PGE1/PGE2 caused 3-4 fold increases in DHT synthesis (n = 5, p < 0.005; Wilcoxon signed rank statistic for paired observations). Direct stimulation of the accumulation/release and metabolism of these steroids by prostaglandins in gingivae may contribute to the anabolic potential of androgens in inflammatory periodontal disease.  相似文献   

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