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分析安徽省中小企业发展和电子商务应用现状,中小企业发展电子商务对安徽省经济持续、健康发展具有重要作用。研究中小企业发展电子商务的制约因素,提出中小企业第三方电子商务平台应用的三大模式:网络平台模式,软件服务外包模式和网络营销服务外包模式。  相似文献   

电子商务的内涵很广,通常是指贸易活动,买卖双方在开放的网络环境下进行的各种商贸活动和消费者使用网上购物的新模式,网上交易和在线电子支付以及各种商务活动、金融活动和相关的综合服务。企业客户的营销管理网站竞争相对较小。消费者在网上直销店的消费将成为商家网络营销发展的主要趋势。特别是有了网络第三方平台的连接,将促进企业营销和消费者消费观念的转变。  相似文献   

1前言 随着计算机技术的不断发展,电子商务正成为一个新的经济增长点。网上支付制约着电子商务的发展,现在许多所谓的网上购物等电子商务行为实际上是网上浏览、网上订单、网下结算,由于结算渠道仍是传统的“一手交钱、一手交货”,电子商务的优势不能完全发挥。虽然国内已有不少成功的例子(如招商银行的“一网通”等),但这些都是基于B2C(商家对个人),基于B2B(商家对商家)的国内还未有先例。原因主要有以下两点:1、将银行直接与INTERNET相连,安全性要求很高,风险较大。2、缺乏一个值得信赖的认证机构。基干…  相似文献   

简要介绍了Struts框架结构的原理,讨论了基于MVC模式的Struts框架对Model、View和Controller层的实现技术.采用Struts框架对B2B电子商务平台进行了设计,并列出了各个功能模块,使所设计的系统具有高可扩展性、高度透明的分布性、高度模块化和可重用性.  相似文献   

利用Struts2、Java、JDBC等相关标准和技术,构建以Web方式提供服务的B2C通用电子商务平台,从而为商家和顾客之间提供了一个经济的、方便的、兼容的、可扩展的、安全的电子商务综合平台。以此方案为依据,建立了一个应用实例系统,实现了基于Struts2服务的包括用户管理、商品展示、购物车、订单生成过程、电子订货过程。在开发过程中,采用面向对象的分析与设计方法。  相似文献   

随着3G时代的到来,在移动带宽、上网速度、国家支持等各方面的优惠政策,无疑为电子商务又注入一针“催化剂”,增加了目标用户、拓展了运营渠道、扩大了市场空间。2009年底,中国手机网民总量已经达到2.33亿,2010年将突破2.6亿,移动电子商务的发展前景可谓一片光明。但在任何市场环境的盈利模式下,都必将产生与之相匹配的风险因素,收益必然与风险并存。  相似文献   

中小企业B2B时代已经来临,其需求成为电子商务网站的重要商机。当“缴纳年费”的方式难以被中小企业接受时,谁会取而代之?[编者按]  相似文献   

方锐 《软件》2013,(11):46-49
论文针对垂直类B2B电子商务特点,面向涂料化工行业,采用结构化设计方法及业务流程再造方法进行规划设计,为涂料化工产业链的企业搭建一个专业的信息化平台。平台实现了专业资讯提供、网上供需信息匹配、在线询价和报价、建立企业商铺等电子商务交易服务功能,给企业带来了实际经济效益,提升常州新型涂料产业基地的整体竞争力。  相似文献   

林剑谊 《福建电脑》2009,25(10):104-105
本文结合软件生命周期提出了B2C电子商务网站建设的过程,创建基于B/S模式的B2C电子商务购物网站,详细介绍在软件生命周期各阶段该网站设计过程所涉及的流程和技术,以及其中的几个子模块。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的发展,电子商务如雨后春笋般发展起来。电子商务是传统的店铺实地经营模式的扩展和延伸。中小企业在互联网的推动下,通过网络的营销实现了自己的经济利益。电子商务的营销模式有它自己本身的优势,例如没有地域的局限性、没有时间的局限性、客源广泛等等。这些成就了互联网电子商务的发展。中小企业利用这种互联网的优势开始从第三方的销售平台转为自建平台,这就需要对电子商务网站进行设计、优化,从而更好的来发展电子商务。  相似文献   

The dynamics of trust in B2C e-commerce: a research model and agenda   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
Trust is a key factor that determines the success of Business to Consumer (B2C) e-commerce transactions. Research has identified several critical factors that influence trust. These have been incorporated into the design of e-commerce web portals; however a vast majority of potential users are still wary of online business transactions. This points to the need for the development of more sophisticated and comprehensive models that can provide additional insights into the true role played by trust in the adoption of e-commerce portals. Here we do so by focusing on trust as it pertains to B2C e-commerce transactions. Pertinent issues addressed are: (1) Is trust the critical factor that makes all the difference between users accepting or rejecting a B2C portal? (2) Are there factors that could play a more critical role in user acceptance/rejection of such portals? (3) If so, what is the relevance of trust relative to these factors? The research model and agenda introduced here enable researchers to view trust in its proper perspective as part of the bigger picture of technology acceptance.  相似文献   

B2C电子商务是企业与消费者之间的电子商务模式,使用Intemet为技术支撑,为消费者提供服务.本文对B2C模式的电子商务类型进行了评述,分析了我国目前B2C电子商务存在的问题,同时为解决这些问题提出了相应的对策.  相似文献   

In a traditional retail environment, the reputation value of a brand name leads profitable firms with established brands to work hard to maintain quality. A store may rely on its reputation to signal that its goods are of high quality. A retailer that expects repeated purchases by a consumer – if it provides high-quality products – has a strong incentive not to provide defective products or poor service. Translating this type of quality assurance into digital sales media poses unique challenges, particularly for small businesses. Retailers that have only a local geographic reputation require innovative strategies to convince a potential global market that the products or services they provide are of appropriate quality when they make the move into electronic commerce retailing. This paper provides a model that identifies a number of unique factors that should be considered when estimating the optimal level of investment into an e-commerce initiative. Decisions of this type are particularly difficult for small businesses because they may lack expertise in digital marketing and sales and they may have insufficient resources required for ideal levels of investment. These constraints have led to some creative cost and risk minimizing solutions that have been adopted by certain small businesses in their effort to make the transition into the digital marketplace. Published online: 22 August 2001  相似文献   

电子商务网站建设的成本分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机技术的发展,尤其是因特网的迅速发展,风起云涌的网站在炒足了概念之后,都纷纷转向了务实,而务实比较鲜明的特点就是绝大多数的网站都在试图做实实在在的电子商务。本文主要分析了目前电子商务网站的建设成本,对成本的构成进行了分析。  相似文献   

万东 《微型机与应用》2011,30(9):67-68,70
基于Java XML的新一代电子商务平台集成了XML高度结构化以及Java语言跨平台的优点,其适用于企业与企业跨平台计算机应用系统之间的商务往来以及信息交换,具有十分广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于J2EE构建B2B电子商务平台   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
分析了基于J2EE的三层B/S结构以及在构建B2B电子商务平台的过程中用到的几种关键的J2EE技术,以某烟草行业的B2B电子商务系统的开发为实例,探讨了在J2EE环境下如何建立一个B2B电子商务平台的基本框架。  相似文献   

针对一些电子商务网站缺乏资源难以实施推荐系统的现状,提出一种基于“软件即服务”(SaaS)模式的推荐服务架设方式并实现了原型平台。该平台使用统一的脚本收集电子商务网站的用户行为信息,并通过标准的接口提供推荐服务,从而实现平台与电子商务网站的低耦合以降低部署成本。平台上线运行结果表明,该模式的推荐服务能够有效帮助电子商务网站提升转化率和增加订单量。  相似文献   

B2C e-commerce is becoming more widespread as more people come to recognize its convenience and its ability to rapidly respond to requests and as more products and services become available. However, many electronic marketplaces, especially in the business-to-consumer, are in essence some kind of search engine where buyers look for the best product in a database of products offered by sellers. Usually, such e-marketplaces do not use agent technology at all although agents could significantly improve the services provided both for the buyers and the sellers. Further, negotiation capabilities are essential for B2C e-commerce systems. In an automated negotiation, intelligent agents engage in broadly similar processes to achieve the same end. In more detail, the agents prepare bids for and evaluate offers on behalf of the parties they represent with the aim of obtaining the maximum benefit for their users. Nevertheless, in the current situation, price is the only criterion by which agents are created. This factor is easy to measure and automate. However, the criteria for advanced transactions need to be elaborated, for example, details of giveback and dividend. In this paper, we present a multiple-attributes negotiation model for B2C e-commerce, which deploys intelligent agents to facilitate autonomous and automatic on-line buying and selling by intelligent agents while quickly responding to consumers. These include a 4-phase model, information collection, search, negotiation, and evaluation. We also apply fuzzy theory and analytical hierarchy process to develop the system interface to facilitate the user inputs. Finally, an example of the notebook purchasing process is illustrated.  相似文献   

张梦 《计算机科学》2016,43(Z6):547-550
我国企业信息管理逐步向现代化和高效化转变,自动化的办公流程已成为必须,一个现代化的企业人事管理系统有助于企业提高市场竞争力。根据中小企业人力资源的特点,给出了一个基于C/S结构的中小企业人事管理系统,在人事管理中应用本系统,能规范人事制度、节约人力资源成本、提高企业办公效率。  相似文献   

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