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We present an adaptive fault-tolerant wormhole routing algorithm for hypercubes by using 3 virtual networks. The routing algorithm can tolerate at least n−1 faulty nodes and can route a message via a path of length no more than the shortest path plus four. Previous algorithms which achieve the same fault tolerant ability need 5 virtual networks. Simulation results are also given in this paper.  相似文献   

It is important for a distributed computing system to be able to route messages around whatever faulty links or nodes may be present. We present a fault-tolerant routing algorithm that assures the delivery of every message as long as there is a path between its source and destination. The algorithm works on many common mesh architectures such as the torus and hexagonal mesh. The proposed scheme can also detect the nonexistence of a path between a pair of nodes in a finite amount of time. Moreover, the scheme requires each node in the system to know only the state (faulty or not) of each of its own links. The performance of the routing scheme is simulated for both square and hexagonal meshes while varying the physical distribution of faulty components. It is shown that a shortest path between the source and destination of each message is taken with a high probability, and, if a path exists, it is usually found very quickly  相似文献   

Multicast communication services, in which the same message is delivered from a source node to an arbitrary number of destination nodes, are being provided in new-generation multicomputers. Broadcast is a special case of multicast in which a message is delivered to all nodes in the network. The nCUBE-2, a wormhole-routed hypercube multicomputer, provides hardware support for broadcast and a restricted form of multicast in which the destinations form a subcube. However, the broadcast routing algorithm adopted in the nCUBE-2 is not deadlock-free. In this paper, four multicast wormhole routing strategies for 2-D mesh multicomputers are proposed and studied. All of the algorithms are shown to be deadlock-free. These are the first deadlock-free multicast wormhole routing algorithms ever proposed. A simulation study has been conducted that compares the performance of these multicast algorithms under dynamic network traffic conditions in a 2-D mesh. The results indicate that a dual-path routing algorithm offers performance advantages over tree-based, multipath, and fixed-path algorithms  相似文献   

Efficient checkpointing and resumption of multicomputer applications is essential if multicomputers are to support time-sharing and the automatic resumption of jobs after a system failure. We present a checkpointing scheme that is transparent, imposes overhead only during checkpoints, requires minimal message logging, and allows for quick resumption of execution from a checkpointed image. Furthermore, the checkpointing algorithm allows each processorp to continue running the application being checkpointed except during the time thatp is actively taking a local snapshot, and requires no global stop or freeze of the multicomputer. Since checkpointing multicomputer applications poses requirements different from those posed by checkpointing general distributed systems, existing distributed checkpointing schemes are inadequate for multicomputer checkpointing. Our checkpointing scheme makes use of special properties of wormhole routing networks to satisfy this new set of requirements.  相似文献   

The simplicity of regular mesh topology Network on Chip (NoC) architecture leads to reductions in design time and manufacturing cost. A weakness of the regular shaped architecture is its inability to efficiently support cores of different sizes. A proposed way in literature to deal with this is to utilize the region concept, which helps to accommodate cores larger than the tile size in mesh topology NoC architectures. Region concept offers many new opportunities for NoC design, as well as provides new design issues and challenges. One of the most important among these is the design of an efficient deadlock free routing algorithm. Available adaptive routing algorithms developed for regular mesh topology cannot ensure freedom from deadlocks. In this paper, we list and discuss many new design issues which need to be handled for designing NoC systems incorporating cores larger than the tile size. We also present and compare two deadlock free routing algorithms for mesh topology NoC with regions. The idea of the first algorithm is borrowed from the area of fault tolerant networks, where a network topology is rendered irregular due to faults in routers or links, and is adapted for the new context. We compare this with an algorithm designed using a methodology for design of application specific routing algorithms for communication networks. The application specific routing algorithm tries to maximize adaptivity by using static and dynamic communication requirements of the application. Our study shows that the application specific routing algorithm not only provides much higher adaptivity, but also superior performance as compared to the other algorithm in all traffic cases. But this higher performance for the second algorithm comes at a higher area cost for implementing network routers.  相似文献   

A new, rectilinear-monotone polygonally shaped fault block model, called Minimal-Connected-Component (MCC), was proposed in [D. Wang, A rectilinear-monotone polygonal fault block model for fault-tolerant minimal routing in mesh, IEEE Trans. Comput. 52 (3) (2003) 310–320] for minimal adaptive routing in mesh-connected multiprocessor systems. This model refines the widely used rectangular model by including fewer non-faulty nodes in fault blocks. The positions of source/destination nodes relative to faulty nodes are taken into consideration when constructing fault blocks. Adaptive routing algorithm was given in Wang (2003), that constructs a minimal “Manhattan” route avoiding all fault blocks, should such routes exist. However, if there are no minimal routes, we still need to find a route, preferably as short as possible. In this paper, we propose a heuristic algorithm that takes a greedy approach, and can compute a nearly shortest route without much overhead. The significance of this algorithm lies in the fact that routing is a frequently performed task, and messages need to get to their destinations as soon as possible. Therefore one would prefer to have a fast answer about which route to take (and then take it), rather than spend too much time working out an absolutely shortest route.  相似文献   

Fault-tolerance in a communication network is defined as the ability of the network to effectively utilize its redundancy in the presence of faulty components (i.e., nodes or links). New technologies of integration now enable the design of computing systems with hundreds and even thousands of independent processing elements which can cooperate on the solution of the same problem for a corresponding improvement in the execution time. However, as the number of processing units increases, concerns for reliability and continued operation of the system in the presence of failures must be addressed. Adaptive routing algorithms have been frequently suggested as a means of improving communication performance in large-scale massively parallel computers, Multiprocessors System-on-Chip (MP-SoCs), and peer-to-peer communication networks. Before such schemes can be successfully incorporated in networks, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the factors which affect their performance potential. This paper proposes a novel analytical model to investigate the performance of five prominent adaptive routings in wormhole-switched 2-D tori fortified with an effective scheme suggested by Chalasani and Boppana [S. Chalasani, R.V. Boppana, Adaptive wormhole routing in tori with faults, IEE Proc. Comput. Digit. Tech. 42(6) (1995) 386–394], as an instance of a fault-tolerant method widely used in the literature to achieve high adaptivity and support inter-processor communications in parallel computers. Analytical approximations of the model are confirmed by comparing them with those obtained through simulation experiments.  相似文献   

Fault-tolerant systems aim at providing continuous operation in the presence of faults. Multicomputers rely on an interconnection network between processors to support the message-passing mechanism. Therefore, the reliability of the interconnection network is very important for the reliability of the whole system. This paper analyzes the effective redundancy available in a wormhole network by combining connectivity and deadlock freedom. Redundancy is defined at the channel level. We propose a sufficient condition for channel redundancy, also computing the set of redundant channels. The redundancy level of the network is also defined, proposing a theorem that supplies its value. This theory is developed on top of our necessary and sufficient condition for deadlock-free adaptive routing. The new theory also considers the failure of physical channels when virtual channels are used. Finally, we propose a methodology for the design of fault-tolerant routing algorithms, showing its application to n-dimensional meshes  相似文献   

We propose a fault-tolerant tree-based multicast algorithm for 2-dimensional (2-D) meshes based on the concept of the extended safety level which is a vector associated with each node to capture fault information in the neighborhood.In this approach each destination is reached through a minimum number of hops,In order to minimize the total number of traffic steps,three heuristic strategies are proposed.This approach can be easily implemented by pipelined circuit switching(PCS).A simulation study is conducted to measure the total number of traffic steps under different strategies.Our approach is the first attempt to address the faulttolerant tree-based multicast strategies.Our approach is the first attempt to address the faulttolerant tree-based multicast problem in 2-D meshes based on limited global information with a simple model and succinct information.  相似文献   

A survey of wormhole routing techniques in direct networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Ni  L.M. McKinley  P.K. 《Computer》1993,26(2):62-76
Several research contributions and commercial ventures related to wormhole routing, a switching technique used in direct networks, are discussed. The properties of direct networks are reviewed, and the operation and characteristics of wormhole routing are discussed in detail. By its nature, wormhole routing is particularly susceptible to deadlock situations, in which two or more packets may block one another indefinitely. Several approaches to deadlock-free. routing, along with a technique that allows multiple virtual channels to share the same physical channel, are described. In addition, several open issues related to wormhole routing are discussed  相似文献   

胡哲琨  杨升春  陈杰 《计算机应用》2016,36(5):1201-1205
为了减小路由表的规模且避免使用较多虚通道(VC),从而降低硬件资源用量,针对虫孔交换的2D Mesh片上网络提出了一种分区容错路由(RFTR)算法。该算法根据故障节点和链路的位置将2D Mesh网络划分为若干个相连的矩形区域,数据包在矩形区域内可使用确定性或自适应路由算法进行路由,而在区域间则按照up*/down*算法确定路由路径。此外,利用通道依赖图(CDG)模型,证明了该算法仅需两个虚通道就能避免死锁。在6×6 Mesh网络中,RFTR算法能减少25%的路由表资源用量。仿真结果表明,在队列缓存资源相同的情况下,RFTR算法能实现与up*/down*算法和segment算法相当甚至更优的性能。  相似文献   

Several recent studies have shown that adaptive routing algorithms based on deadlock recovery have superior performance characteristics than those based on deadlock avoidance. Most of these studies, however, have relied on software simulation due to the lack of analytical modelling tools. In an effort towards filling this gap, this paper presents a new analytical model of compressionless routing in wormhole-routed hypercubes. This routing algorithm exploits the tight coupling between wormhole routers for flow control to detect and recover from potential deadlock situations. The advantages of compressionless routing include deadlock-free adaptive routing with no extra virtual channels, simple router design, and order-preserving message transmission. The proposed analytical model computes message latency by determining the message transmission time, blocking delay at each router, multiplexing delay at each network channel, and waiting time in the source before entering the network. The validity of the model is demonstrated by comparing analytical results with those obtained through simulation experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a fault-tolerant routing algorithm for torus networks by using only 4 virtual channels. The proposed algorithm is based on the solid fault model, which includes rectangular faults and many practical nonconvex faults. Previous works need at least 6 virtual channels to achieve the same fault-tolerant ability.  相似文献   

A new theory of deadlock-free adaptive routing in wormhole networks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The theoretical background for the design of deadlock-free adaptive routing algorithms for wormhole networks is developed. The author proposes some basic definitions and two theorems. These create the conditions to verify that an adaptive algorithm is deadlock-free, even when there are cycles in the channel dependency graph. Two design methodologies are also proposed. The first supplies algorithms with a high degree of freedom, without increasing the number of physical channels. The second methodology is intended for the design of fault-tolerant algorithms. Some examples are given to show the application of the methodologies. Simulations show the performance improvement that can be achieved by designing the routing algorithms with the new theory  相似文献   

Distributed memory multiprocessor (DMMP) systems have gained much attention because their performance can be easily scaled up by increasing the number of processor-memory modules. The k-ary n-cube is the most popular interconnection network topology currently used in DMMPs. Wormhole routing is one of the most promising switching technology and has been used in many new generation multicomputers. Wormhole routing makes the communication latency insensitive to the network diameter and reduces the size of the channel buffer of each router. The concept of virtual channels and virtual networks are widely invented for deadlock-free design. A fully adaptive wormhole routing method for k-ary n-cubes has been proposed by Linder in 1991 [10]. Unfortunately, the need of 2n − 1 virtual networks makes it unreasonable. In this paper, we propose a virtual network system to support an adaptive, minimal and deadlock free routing in k-ary n-cubes. It uses only four virtual networks but can get a higher degree of adaptability and higher traffic capacity. Simulation results are presented to verify the performance.  相似文献   

mesh优先级容错路由   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
随着深亚微米技术的发展,片上网络(Network on Chip,NOC)已成为芯片设计的热点。单位面积晶体管的急剧增多,给NOC可靠性带来了挑战。当节点或链路出现故障时,如何实现容错,提高系统可靠性成为NOC设计的重点。在对NOC容错技术进行简要介绍的基础上,利用现有mesh拓扑结构和维序路由算法,提出一种全新的基于优先级的mesh容错路由算法(fault-tolerant routing in mesh based on priority,PR算法),并采用OPNET仿真平台对算法进行仿真和性能对比。  相似文献   

《Parallel Computing》2002,28(3):485-501
This paper presents an analytical evaluation of the performance of adaptive wormhole routing in a two-dimensional torus. Our analysis focuses on minimal and fully adaptive wormhole routing that allows a message to use any shortest path between source and destination. A validation of the analysis through simulation is presented to demonstrate the accuracy of the obtained results. Finally, we remark that no theoretical limitation prevents the extension of our analytical approach to the evaluation of the performance of adaptive wormhole routing in hypercubes or other symmetric topologies with wrap-around connections.  相似文献   

This paper presented a routing algorithm that finds n disjoint shortest paths from the source node s to target node d in the n-dimensional hypercube. Fault-tolerant routing over all shortest node-disjoint paths has been investigated to overcome the failure encountered during routing in hypercube networks. In this paper, we proposed an efficient approach to provide fault-tolerant routing which has been investigated on hypercube networks. The proposed approach is based on all shortest node-disjoint paths concept in order to find a fault-free shortest path among several paths provided. The proposed algorithm is a simple uniform distributed algorithm that can tolerate a large number of process failures, while delivering all n messages over optimal-length disjoint paths. However, no distributed algorithm uses acknowledgement messages (acks) for fault tolerance. So, for dealing the faults, acknowledgement messages (acks) are included in the proposed algorithm for routing messages over node-disjoint paths in a hypercube network.  相似文献   

The ability to tolerate faults is critical in multicomputer employing large numbers of processors. This paper describes a class of fault-tolerant routing algorithms for n-dimensional meshes that can tolerate large numbers of faults without using virtual channels. We show that these routing algorithms prevent livelock and deadlock while remaining highly adaptive.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》1999,31(1-2):79-88
We propose a new parallel topology discovery algorithm for irregular, mesh-connected networks with unidirectional links and wormhole routing. An algorithm of this type was developed for the ATOMIC high speed local area network to avoid the need for manually updating routing tables. Similar needs may arise in wireless networks where channels may be unidirectional because of limited transmission power, multipath, and similar effects. Like the ATOMIC topology discovery algorithm, our algorithm accumulates a map of the network at a distinguished node called the Address Consultant. However, our algorithm is much faster. In addition, our algorithm is more general, because it can correctly resolve topologies that contain multiple links between the same nodes. We implemented both algorithms in a concurrent simulation environment, and tested them on a variety of topologies.  相似文献   

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