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耿海军  施新刚  王之梁  尹霞  尹少平 《软件学报》2018,29(12):3904-3920
研究表明,网络中的故障不可避免而且频繁出现.当故障发生时,目前互联网部署的域内路由协议需要经历收敛过程.在此过程中,路由信息可能不一致,从而导致报文丢失,降低了路由可用性.因此,业界提出了利用LFA(loop free alternates)应对网络中发生的单故障情形,从而提高路由可用性.然而,已有的LFA实现方式算法时间复杂度大,需要消耗大量的路由器CPU资源.针对该问题严格证明了当网络中出现单故障时,只需要为特定的节点计算备份下一跳,其余受该故障影响节点的备份下一跳和该特定节点的备份下一跳是相同的.基于上述性质,分别讨论了对称链路权值和非对称链路权值中对应的路由保护算法.实验结果表明:与LFA相比较,该算法的执行时间降低了90%以上,路径拉伸度降低了15%以上,并且与LFA具有同样的故障保护率.  相似文献   

随着互联网规模的膨胀,大量的实时应用部署在互联网上,这些实时应用对网络时延提出了更加严格的要求。然而,目前互联网部署的域内路由协议无法满足实时应用对网络时延的要求,因此提高域内路由可用性成为了一项亟待解决的关键性科学问题。学术界和工业界提出利用路由保护方案来提高路由可用性,从而减少由于网络故障造成的网络中断和报文丢失。已有的路由保护方案将网络中的节点同等对待,没有考虑节点在网络中的重要程度,然而实际情况并非如此。因此,提出了一种基于关键节点的域内路由保护算法(Intra-domain Routing Protection Algorithm Based on Critical Nodes,RPBCN)。首先,建立路由可用性模型,以定量衡量路由可用性;其次,建立节点关键度模型,以定量衡量网络中节点的重要程度;最后,基于路由可用性模型和节点关键度模型,提出基于关键节点的域内路由保护方案。实验结果表明,RPBCN在保证路由可用性的前提下极大地降低了算法的计算开销,从而为ISP解决路由可用性问题提供了一种全新的高效解决方案。  相似文献   

学术界和工业界提出利用路由保护方案来提高域内路由协议应对故障的能力,从而加速网络故障恢复,降低由于网络故障引起的网络中断时间。目前互联网普遍采用的路由保护方案包括LFA和U-turn,由于它们的简单和高效,受到了互联网服务提供商的支持,但是这两种方案的单链路故障保护率较低。因此,段路由(Segment Routing,SR)被提出解决上述两种方案存在的问题,已有的针对SR的研究主要集中在其体系结构和应用场景。研究如何在SR中计算segments,将该问题表述为一个整数线性规划问题,提出一种两阶段的启发式算法(Two Phase Heuristic Algorithm,TPHA)求解该问题,将算法在不同网络拓扑中进行了模拟。模拟结果表明,TPHA的单链路故障保护率远远高于LFA和U-turn的单链路故障保护率。  相似文献   

胡睿乾  耿海军  宋艳涛 《计算机应用研究》2023,40(4):1160-1164+1171
为了维护路由可用性,需要采取一定的路由保护策略来防止网络故障可能对网络造成的影响。因此,提出了一种基于节点偏序关系的路由可用性框架,该框架首先利用节点之间的偏序关系构造有向无环图,然后根据构造的有向无环图为每个节点计算备份下一跳节点。在此框架基础上,根据节点之间的偏序关系提出了四种路由保护方法。实验结果表明,四种路由保护算法都拥有较高的故障保护率,能有效降低故障造成的网络中断,在真实拓扑中故障保护率可以到达89.76%,在模拟拓扑中故障保护率达到98.995%,几乎接近100%。  相似文献   

嵌套移动网络中的路由优化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对嵌套移动网络内部节点间通信的乒乓路由问题,提出一种基于绑定更新的路由优化方案。该方案利用绑定更新报文所携带的信息构筑嵌套域内移动路由器的路由信息,实现了嵌套移动网络内部移动路由的功能,有效解决乒乓路由问题,避免由于隧道嵌套而造成的带宽浪费。实验结果表明该方案是可行的。  相似文献   

针对现有的贪婪方法不能有效处理拓扑结构中链路故障的问题,提出单链路故障和多链路故障本地化恢复策略。首先,通过利用克莱因伯格的贪婪嵌入给出单链路故障恢复策略;然后,将其扩展到多链路故障的情况;最后,在基于Python/C++的仿真环境下对提出的技术进行评估。实验结果表明,该技术仅需要非常有限的资源,且造成的路由质量损耗也有限,可以实现快速切换,可依网络生成树中链路数目扩展。该技术的可扩展性、简单性和低开销使其适合于大型网络。  相似文献   

已有的路由保护方案都没有考虑网络中节点的重要程度,然而在实际网络中不同节点在网络中的重要程度是不相同的。针对该问题,提出一种基于节点多样性的域内路由保护算法(intra-domain routing protection algorithm based on node diversity,RPBND)。计算节点构造以目的为根的最短路径树(shortest path tree,SPT),从而保证RPBND算法和目前互联网部署的路由算法的兼容性;在该最短路径树的基础上构造特定结构的有向无环图(directed acyclic graph,DAG),从而最大化路由可用性。实验结果表明,RPBND极大地提高了路由可用性,降低了故障造成的网络中断时间,为ISP部署域内路由保护方案提供了充分的依据。  相似文献   

业界提出利用LFA(loop free alternates)方案来应对网络中频繁出现的故障,然而LFA并不能保护网络中所有可能出现的单故障情形。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于逐跳转发方式的单故障路由保护算法SFRPA(single failure routing protection algorithm based on hop by hop forwarding)。SFRPA首先提出了三个无环路备份下一跳选取规则,然后制定了优先级队列的操作规则,最后利用优先级队列和无环路备份下一跳选取规则为所有源目的节点对计算出一个最优的备份下一跳。该算法具有支持逐跳转发、支持增量部署、保护网络中所有可能的单故障情形三个特征。实验结果表明,与经典的路由保护方案LFA、DMPA、TBFH和IAC相比较,SFRPA不仅可以应对网络中所有可能的单故障情形,并且具有较小的路径拉伸度。  相似文献   

业界通常采用路由保护方案来提高域内路由可用性.然而已有的路由保护方案存在下面两个方面的问题:a)没有考虑网络中链路的失效概率,同等对待网络中所有的链路,事实上在互联网中,不同链路的失效概率是不同的,因此应该在路由保护方案中考虑链路的失效概率;b)将保护链路的数量作为设计目标,事实上方面某些链路出错的概率非常低,保护这些链路反而会增加开销,而另一方面某些链路出错的概率非常高,需要重点保护这些链路.因此应该将路由可用性作为路由保护方案的设计目标.针对上述两个问题,提出了一种基于关键网络状态的域内路由保护方案(RPBCNS),该算法首先通过链路失效概率计算出所有的关键网络状态,然后在每种关键网络状态下计算节点对之间相应的路径,保证节点对之间路径的多样性,从而使得尽可能多的节点对满足路由可用性需求.仿真实验将RPBCNS算法与主流算法ECMP、DC、path splicing分别在三个真实网络中进行对比,在网络可用性和节点对可用性满足率上RPBCNS的性能明显优于其他三种算法.仿真结果表明,RP-BCNS不仅具有较高的网络可用性,并且能够使得尽可能多的节点对满足路由可用性目标,更符合实时应用的实际需求.  相似文献   

本文针对一种无缓存的高性能计算机光互连网络BOIN中存在的结点饿死问题,提出了两种不同的解决方法——尽量回避的X优先路由算法和允许丢弃的X优先路由算法。这两种路由算法利用了报文在向X方向发送时其Y方向链路空闲的特点,使得发生冲突的报文可以通过空闲的链路顺利转发。模拟实验结果表明,采用这两种路由算法,能够很好地解决报文在发送时的饿死现象。  相似文献   

IP Fast ReRoute (IPFRR) has received increasing attention as a means to effectively shorten traffic disruption under failures. A major approach to implementing IPFRR is to pre-calculate backup paths for nodes and links. However, it may not be easy to deploy such an approach in practice due to the tremendous computational overhead. Thus, a light-weight IPFRR scheme is desired to effectively provide cost-efficient routing protection. In this paper, we propose a Fast Tunnel Selection (FTS) approach to achieve tunnel-based IPFRR. FTS approach can find an effective tunnel endpoint before complete computation of entire SPT and thus effectively reduce computation overhead. Specially, we propose two FTS algorithms to provide protection for networks with symmetric and asymmetric link weights. We simulate FTS with topologies of different sizes. The results show that FTS approach reduces more than 89% computation overhead compared to the existing approaches, and achieves more than 99% average link protection rate and more than 90% average node protection rate. Moreover, FTS approach achieves less than 15% path stretch, which is better than the existing approaches.  相似文献   

为了减少故障对网络运行带来的影响,提出了一种基于重构SPT的单链路故障路由保护算法SLFRPRSPT。该算法在最短路径树SPT的基础上实现,通过制定一系列定义和规则,对SPT进行重构,搜索节点关系发生改变的节点,为每个节点计算最佳备份下一跳节点,从而达到提高路由可用性的目的。经过实验验证,其在网络拓扑中故障保护率可以达到1,并且具有较低的路径拉伸度,可以有效避免单链路故障带来的影响。该方案支持增量部署和逐跳转发,便于实现。  相似文献   

数据中心是云计算的核心,而当前基于电交换器、传统多级交换网络、集中放置与管理的数据中心架构无法满足未来云服务对高性能数据中心在可生存性、高可用性与设计灵活性等方面的要求。以网络可生存性和最小化网络代价为目标,针对数据中心的放置、服务路由及保护进行联合优化设计。首先通过设计ILP获取最优解。该ILP集成了p-cycle、服务量备份以及快速重路由等思想,分别针对单个链路或单个服务器损坏进行快速保护。然后进一步给出一种启发式算法,该算法包含数据中心的放置及服务路由和快速保护两大步骤。ILP和启发式两种方法最终都通过广泛的仿真实验进行了验证。  相似文献   

在软件定义广域网(SD-WAN)中, 链路故障会导致大量丢包, 严重时会引起部分网络瘫痪. 现有的流量工程方法通过在数据平面提前安装备份路径能够加快故障恢复过程, 但在资源受限的情况下难以适应各种网络故障情况, 从而使恢复后的网络性能下降. 为了保证网络在故障恢复之后的性能并减少备份资源的消耗, 本文提出一种基于拥塞及内存感知的主动式故障恢复方案(CAMA), 不仅能够将受影响数据流进行快速重定向, 还能实现负载均衡避免恢复后潜在的链路拥塞. 实验结果表明, 与已有方案相比, CAMA能有效利用备份资源, 在负载均衡上有较好的性能, 且仅需少量备份规则即可覆盖所有单链路故障情况.  相似文献   

In this paper, we tackle the joint link dimensioning and routing metric assignment problem for reliable wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) networks. This design problem consists to find the number of wavelength channels on each link and the routing metrics (considering shortest-path routing) that ensure the routing of all virtual wavelength paths (VWPs) and the successful rerouting of the reliable VWPs for all failure scenarios of interest to the network planner. A mixed integer mathematical programming model is proposed for the problem. The model is adapted for the single link failure scenarios. Since the problem is NP-hard, we propose a tabu search algorithm to obtain good approximate solutions for real-size instances of the problem. Finally, a lower bound is proposed and numerical results are presented and analyzed.  相似文献   

In recent years, there are substantial demands to reduce packet loss on the Internet. Among the proposed schemes, finding backup paths in advance is considered to be an effective method to reduce the reaction time. Very commonly, a backup path is chosen to be the most disjoint path from the primary path, or on the network level, a backup path is computed for each link (e.g., IPFRR). The validity of this straightforward choice is based on two things. The first thing is all the links may have the equal likelihood to fail; the second thing is, facing the high protection requirement today, it just looks weird to have links not protected or to share links between the primary and backup paths. Nevertheless, many studies have confirmed that the individual vulnerability of the links on the Internet is far from being equal. In addition, we have observed that full protection schemes (In this paper, full protection schemes means schemes (1) in which backup path is a most disjoint path from the primary path; or (2) which compute backup path for each link.) may introduce high cost (e.g., computation).In this paper, we argue that such approaches may not be cost-efficient and therefore propose a novel critical protection scheme based on link failure characteristics. Firstly, we analyze the link failure characteristics based on real world traces of CERNET2 (China Education and Research NETwork 2). The analysis results clearly show that the failure probabilities of the links in CERNET2 backbone are heavy-tailed, i.e., a small set of links causing most of the failures. Based on this observation, we find out two key parameters which strongly impact link criticality and propose a critical protection scheme for both single link failure situation and multi-link failure situation. We carefully analyze the implementation details and overhead for backup path schemes of the Internet today; the problem is formulated as an optimization problem to guarantee the routing performance and minimize the backup cost. This cost is special as it involves computational overhead. Based on this, we propose a novel Critical Protection Algorithm which is fast itself for both the single link failure and the multi-link failure versions. A comprehensive set of evaluations with randomly generated topologies, real world topologies and the real traces from CERNET2, shows that our scheme gains significant achievement over full protection in both single link failure situation and multi-link failure situation. It costs only about 30–60% of the full protection cost when the network relative availability increment is 90% of the full protection scheme.  相似文献   

The protection design is a key issue in survivable wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical networks. Most researches focused on protecting unicast traffic against the failure of a single network component such as a link or a node. In this paper, we investigate the protection scheme for multicast traffic in meshed WDM optical networks under dual-link failure consideration, and propose a novel protection algorithm called shared segment protection with reprovisioning (SSPR). Through dynamically adjusting link-cost according to the current network state, SSPR establishes a primary light-tree and corresponding link-disjoint backup segments for each multicast connection request. A backup segment can efficiently share wavelength capacity of its working tree or the common resource of other backup segments. Capacity reprovisioning establishes new segments for the vulnerable connections after a link failure and tolerates following link failures. The simulation results show that SSPR not only can make good use of wavelength resources and protect multicast sessions against any single-link failure, but also can greatly improve the traffic restorability in the event of dual-link breakdown.  相似文献   

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