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The solubility of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) in supercritical carbon dioxide has been determined at 315, 327, 334 and 345 K and in the pressure range from 13.2 to 25.1 MPa using an analytical method with a quasi-flow apparatus. Prior to performing these measurements, the method was validated by measuring anthracene solubilities and comparing these with literature values. The molar solubility for Δ9-THC ranged from 0.20 to 2.95 × 10−4. The data were correlated using the Peng-Robinson equation of state in combination with quadratic mixing rules. Deviations between calculated results and the experimental data ranged from 4.1 to 13.3% absolute average relative deviation (AARD).  相似文献   

Oil was extracted from the peach (Prunus persica) seeds by supercritical carbon dioxide. Principal phytosterols (stigmasterol, campesterol and β-sitosterol) that have been known to have cholesterol lowering properties were investigated in the extracted oil. Based on gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) analysis, β-sitosterol was identified in the peach seed oil. The effects of temperature, pressure, flow rate of supercritical CO2, mean particle size of the seeds and extraction time on the amounts of extracted oil and β-sitosterol were investigated. Supercritical fluid extractions were performed in a range of 35–55 °C, 160–240 bar, 4–8 ml CO2/min, 0.3–1.7 mm and 1–4 h for mentioned parameters. The results indicated that the amounts of oil and β-sitosterol extracted from the peach seeds were optimal with values of 35.3 g/100 g seed and 1220 mg/kg seed respectively at 40 °C, 200 bar, 7 ml/min, 0.3 mm and 3 h.  相似文献   

A visual and volume-variable high-pressure phase equilibrium analyzer was used for measuring the vapor–liquid phase boundaries of the ternary systems containing carbon dioxide and mixed solvents of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) + ethanol or chloroform + methanol at temperatures from 298.15 K to 348.15 K over wide composition ranges including near critical points. Four pseudo-binary systems of carbon dioxide plus mixed solvents with constant molar ratios of DMSO/ethanol = 3/7, 5/5, 7/3, and chloroform/methanol = 1/2, were studied in this work. The critical conditions at each investigated temperature were estimated from the experimental isothermal phase boundaries by interpolation. The Peng–Robinson equation of state with the two-parameter van der Waals mixing rules was applied to calculate the phase boundaries. The experimental values were compared with the predicted results from the Peng–Robinson equation using the binary interaction parameters determined from the vapor–liquid equilibrium data of the constituent binaries. The agreement is reasonably well for carbon dioxide + chloroform + methanol, but obvious overestimations are found near the critical regions of carbon dioxide + DMSO + ethanol, especially at higher temperatures.  相似文献   

The aim of this research was to investigate the phase equilibrium behavior of a system containing guaçatonga extract + ethanol + CO2 in order to help define the adequate conditions of temperature and pressure for the co-precipitation process, performed by means of supercritical anti-solvent (SAS) technique. Guaçatonga (Casearia sylvestris) is a native medicinal plant from Brazil, rich in valuable components such as β-caryophyllene, α-humulene and bicyclogermacrene. Phase equilibrium data were obtained by the static method using guaçatonga extract dissolved in ethanol (1:100, wt/wt), at temperatures ranging from 35 to 75 °C and CO2 mass content from 60 to 90 wt%. It was noticed that the system exhibited solid–vapor–liquid, solid–liquid–liquid and solid–vapor–liquid–liquid transition types and a lower critical solution temperature behavior. Phase behavior study was considered for the definition of the SAS conditions applied for the encapsulation of guaçatonga extract in the biopolymer Pluronic F127. The conditions tested ranged from 80 to 140 bar at 45 °C. At 80 bar only segregated particles of extract and the biopolymer were detected, while at 110 and 140 bar an extract encapsulation was achieved.  相似文献   

The ternary liquid–liquid equilibria (LLE) of the following systems were analytically determined at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure using stirred and thermo-regulated cells: {dimethyl carbonate (DMC) + methanol + water}, {DMC + ethanol + water}, {DMC + 1-propanol + water}, {DMC + 2-propanol + water}, {DMC + 1-butanol + water} and {DMC + 2-butanol + water}. The experimental ternary LLE data were correlated with the non-random two liquid (NRTL) and UNIversal QUAsiChemical (UNIQUAC) activity coefficient models. In addition, the Bachman–Brown correlation was used to ascertain the reliability of the experimental data for each system.  相似文献   

This work aims of the determination of a series of vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) experimental data at low pressure (70 kPa) for binary mixtures of ethyl acetate with methanol and ethanol. The Fischer's ebulliometer was used for the measurements of VLE data. A complete series of equilibrium data was obtained such as pressure, temperature and compositions of the liquid and vapor phases (PTxy). The two VLE data sets were submitted to a thermodynamic consistence test, where the deviations were evaluated in all variables, using the UNIQUAC activity coefficient equation. The magnitude of the average deviations was within the experimental uncertainty satisfying the Gibbs–Duhen equation. The data sets were also used to test the prediction of the UNIFAC model in its original and modified editions and the results were also within experimental uncertainties. Then a series of binary systems containing alcohols (methanol and ethanol) and esters (methyl and ethyl acetate) were collected from the literature for testing systematically the capability of the UNIFAC contribution method for this type of mixtures.  相似文献   

High pressure vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE) of CO2-expanded organic solvents was investigated using Peng–Robinson-LCVM-UNIFAC equation of state. Bubble pressure of several ternary mixtures was predicted using this model and correlations were developed based only on binary experimental data. A sensitivity study of the LCVM parameter numerical value was done by considering the coherence between the mathematical features of the mixing rule and the quality of the simulation. The results provided by PR-LCVM-UNIFAC were compared with those ones given by Peng–Robinson equation of state using the classical quadratic mixing rules (PR-CMR). Despite the use of two adjustable parameters for each binary system, PR-CMR is not able to provide good results when applied to ternary systems. The capability of PR-LCVM-UNIFAC model to predict liquid mixture density for ternary systems using parameters regressed only from bubble pressure experimental data was also investigated. Due to the lack of liquid density experimental data, it was possible to perform only a qualitative assessment of the density curves calculated by this equation of state.  相似文献   

The phase behavior of PDMS(OH)–CO2 binary mixtures was investigated. Two different molecular weight PDMS(OH) were utilized and the demixing pressures were determined at three temperatures for a wide composition range. Both of these polymers were found to form miscible mixtures with CO2 at all compositions at pressures lower than 31 MPa in the temperature range 313.2–333.2 K. Depending on the composition of the binary mixtures, two types of phase separation was observed during depressurization; the bubble point and the cloud point. In addition, at specific weight fractions a color change was also observed which was attributed to the mixture critical point. The demixing pressures were observed to increase with temperature and decrease with increasing polymer weight fraction. In addition, higher demixing pressures were obtained for the higher molecular weight polymer mixtures. The bubble point data were modeled by using Sanchez–Lacombe equation of state (SLEoS) and the binary interaction parameters were regressed at the studied temperatures. It was observed that the binary interaction parameters decreased with increasing temperature.  相似文献   

Experimental phase equilibrium data for the systems CO2 + n-dodecane, CO2 + 1-decanol and CO2 + 3,7-dimethyl-1-octanol were used to determine values for binary interaction parameters for use in the RK-ASPEN thermodynamic model in Aspen Plus®. Bubble and dew point data of the mixtures CO2 + (n-dodecane + 1-decanol), CO2 + (n-dodecane + 3,7-dimethyl-1-octanol), CO2 + (1-decanol + 3,7-dimethyl-1-octanol) and CO2 + (n-dodecane + 1-decanol + 3,7-dimethyl-1-octanol) were measured experimentally in a static synthetic view cell, and compared to the data predicted by the RK-ASPEN model. The model predicted the phase equilibrium data reasonably well in the low solute concentration region; significant deviation of model predictions from experimental data occurred in the mixture critical and high solute concentration regions due to the exclusion of solute–solute interaction parameters in the model. Distribution coefficients and separation factors were determined for the multi-component mixture and separation of the alkane from the alcohol mixture with a supercritical fluid extraction process was found to be possible.  相似文献   

Liquid–liquid equilibrium data for {1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinone (NMP) + heterocyclic nitrogen compounds + hexadecane} systems were analytically determined at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure using stirred and thermo-regulated cell. The experimental data were modeled with the NRTL and UNIQUAC equations. Besides, the Bachman–Brown correlation was used to ascertain the reliability of the experimental data. Additionally, excess molar volumes (VE) and deviations in the molar refractivity (ΔR) data at 298.15 K were determined for the {NMP + heterocyclic nitrogen compounds} binary systems using a digital vibrating-tube densimeter and a precision digital refractometer. The VE and ΔR data were modeled with the Redlich–Kister equation.  相似文献   

Hydrate–liquid–vapour (HLV) equilibrium of aqueous clathrates formed from gas mixtures can be complex compared to hydrates formed with single guests. Typically, pressure and temperature are controlled to obtain these data, but for multicomponent systems, it is necessary to control/report more intensive variables, namely, composition. Metastability, manifested as impractically long experimental times, has been reported to be a challenge with some multicomponent systems. We present HLV equilibrium conditions of two ternary gas mixtures: methane + ethane + propane (90:7:3 molar ratio) and methane + propane + carbon dioxide (55:5:40 molar ratio). Conditions varied in the temperature range of 275–285 K and the pressure range of 1.24–4.75 MPa. Experimental standard uncertainties were on average 0.10 K and 0.005 MPa for methane + ethane + propane and 0.19 K and 0.005 MPa for methane + propane + carbon dioxide. Our technique allowed us to bypass the limitations reported in the literature and provided fast, reproducible HLV equilibria for gas-dominated systems.  相似文献   

Volumetric expansion data and vapour-liquid equilibria (VLE) for α-methylstyrene (AMS) with CO2 are reported at temperatures of 308 and 323 K and pressures approaching the mixture critical point. Similar data are reported for the mixture of carbon dioxide and cumene at a temperature of 323 K. It is shown that the volumetric expansion data for the various systems coincide when plotted as a function of the solubility of CO2 in the liquid phase. A procedure is described for calculating the molar volume of the liquid phase from the phase compositions and volumetric expansion data. The experimental VLE data are correlated with the Peng-Robinson (PR) equation of state and the interaction parameter for each binary system is obtained by regression. The interaction parameter is subsequently used to predict the liquid molar volume for each binary system. The use of a single interaction parameter with the PR equation of state provides a satisfactory correlation of the liquid molar volume.  相似文献   

Films based on bitter potato starch (BPS) and its blends with chitosan (BPS-Ch) or soy protein isolate (BPS-SPI) loaded with copaiba leaf extract (E) are prepared via the casting method. The physical–mechanical and antioxidant properties of the as-prepared films are compared with those of a control. Moreover, the half-maximal degradation (t50) of the prepared films is calculated by fitting the Hill model to disintegrability kinetic data. Among the analyzed films, BPS-Ch-E exhibits the lowest (p < 0.05) solubility in water and opacity, strongest water vapor-barrier (3.58 × 10−11 g m−1 s−1 Pa−1), and highest tensile strength and elongation at break. The Fourier transform infrared spectra of BPS-Ch-E and BPS-SPI-E demonstrate new peaks at 1550, 1239, and 1070 cm−1 corresponding to N H and C O stretching. The BPS-E and BPS-Ch-E surfaces are devoid of scratches and phase separation. The incorporation of E significantly increases the antioxidant activity of the films. BPS-SPI-E and BPS-Ch-E demonstrate the lowest (t50 ≈ 1.4 days) and highest (t50 ≈ 3.5 days) disintegration rates, respectively, among the prepared films. E loading facilitates the development of films possessing beneficial physical–mechanical and antioxidant properties as well as rapid disintegrability, enabling their potential application as a eco-friendly packaging material.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the foaming of poly(ɛ-caprolactone-co-lactide) in carbon dioxide and carbon dioxide + acetone mixtures. Experiments were carried out in specially designed molds with porous metal surfaces and fluid circulation features to generate foams with uniform dimensions at 60, 70 and 80 °C at pressures in the range 7–28 MPa. Depending upon the conditions, foams with pores in the range from 5 to 200 μm were generated. Adding acetone to carbon dioxide improved the uniformity of the pores compared to foams formed by carbon dioxide alone. In addition, a unique high-pressure solution extrusion system was designed and used to form porous tubular constructs by piston-extrusion of a solution from a high-pressure dissolution chamber through an annular die into a second chamber maintained at controlled pressure/temperature and fluid conditions. Long uniform porous tubular constructs with 6 mm ID and 1 mm wall thickness were generated with glassy polymers like poly(methyl methacrylate) by extruding solutions composed of 50 wt% polymer + 50 wt% acetone, or 25 wt% polymer + 10% acetone + 65% carbon dioxide at 70 °C and 28 MPa. Pores were in the 50 μm range. The feasibility of forming similar tubular constructs were demonstrated with poly(ɛ-caprolactone-co-lactide) as well. Tubular foams of the copolymer with interconnected pores with pore sizes in the 50 μm range were generated by extrusion of the copolymer solution composed of 25 wt% polymer + 10 wt% acetone + 65 wt% carbon dioxide at 70 °C and 28 MPa. Reducing the acetone content in the solution led to a reduction of pore sizes. Comparisons with the foaming behavior of the homopolymer poly(ɛ-caprolactone) that were carried out in the molds with porous metal plates show that the foaming behavior of the copolymer is more akin to the foaming behavior of the caprolactone homopolymer component.  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(21):31614-31626
The utilization of rare earth resources, especially secondary resources (e.g., RE-oxide system slag), has been limited by the lack of thermodynamic information. In order to supplement and improve the thermodynamic data related to rare earth, the equilibrium experiments of SiO2–Ce2O3–CaO-25 wt %Al2O3 system phase diagram was carried out at 1673 K and 1773 K by the high-temperature isothermal equilibration/quenching technique in current paper. The composition of seven phase regions were determined by FE-SEM, XRD, EPMA and XRF analysis on the samples obtained by high temperature equilibrium technology at 1673 K and 1773 K, including the primary crystal regions of three compounds (C2AS, 2CaO·SiO2, CaO·2Ce2O3·3SiO2) and three three-phase coexistence regions (L + C2AS + 2CaO·SiO2, L + C2AS + CaO·2Ce2O3·3SiO2, L + CaO·2Ce2O3·3SiO2+CeAl11O18) and a liquid region. The phase relations and isotherms of SiO2–Ce2O3–CaO-25 wt %Al2O3 system obtained in current work are beneficial to the recycling of rare earth resources containing cerium.  相似文献   

Torstensen BE  Lie O  Frøyland L 《Lipids》2000,35(6):653-664
Triplicate groups of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) were fed four diets containing different oils as the sole lipid source, i.e., capelin oil, oleic acid-enriched sunflower oil, a 1∶1 (w/w) mixture of capelin oil and oleic acid-enriched sunflower oil, and palm oil (PO). The β-oxidation capacity, protein utilization, digestibility of dietary fatty acids and fatty acid composition of lipoproteins, plasma, liver, belly flap, red and white muscle were measured. Further, the lipid class and protein levels in the lipoproteins were analyzed. The different dietary fatty acid compositions did not significantly affect protein utilization or β-oxidation capacity in red muscle. The levels of total cholesterol, triacylglycerols, and protein in very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), low density lipoprotein (LDL), high density lipoprotein (HDL), and plasma were not significantly affected by the dietary fatty acids. VLDL, LDL, and HDL fatty acid compositions were decreasingly affected by dietary fatty acid composition. Dietary fatty acid composition significantly affected both the relative fatty acid composition and the amount of fatty acids (mg fatty acid per g tissue, wet weight) in belly flap, liver, red and white muscle. Apparent digestibility of the fatty acids measured by adding yttrium oxide as inert marker, was significantly lower in fish fed the PO diet compared to the other three diets.  相似文献   

Ethylene glycol monoisopropyl ether (iC3E1) and ethylene glycol monoisobutyl ether (iC4E1) are nonionic surfactants which have been attracting considerable attention due to inter and intra-molecular association, related to the presence of O and OH in the same molecule. Binary isothermal vapor + liquid equilibrium data were measured for cyclohexane + ethylene glycol monoisopropyl ether and cyclohexane + ethylene glycol monoisobutyl ether systems at four different temperatures ranging from 303.15 K to 333.15 K at 10 K intervals. A static apparatus was used in this study. Two systems show positive deviation from Raoult's law and no azeotrope. The experimental data were correlated well with Peng–Robinson–Stryjek–Vera equation of state using Wong–Sandler mixing rule.  相似文献   

Ce3 + (La3 + or Sm3 +)~β/Al-MCM-41 molecular sieves were synthesized by impregnation and used to catalyze the esterification of oleic acid with short chain alcohols, such as methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, and isobutanol, to obtain biodiesel. Ce3 +(La3 + or Sm3 +)~β/Al-MCM-41 was found to exhibit excellent catalytic activity and stability. The effect of rare earth elements on the acidity of catalysts was examined in detail by NH3-TPD and Py-FTIR. The optimum conditions for the esterification of oleic acid with methanol were determined. Moreover, the kinetics of the esterification showed that the average reaction order (n) was 1.92, with an activation energy of 51.46 kJ/mol.  相似文献   

The phase behavior of hexamethyldisiloxane (HMDS)–carbon dioxide (CO2) binary mixture was investigated using a constant volume view cell. The accuracy of the measurement technique was inspected against the bubble point pressure data in the literature for ethanol (C2H5OH)–carbon dioxide (CO2) binary mixture. The bubble point pressures for C2H5OH–CO2 agreed well with the literature values. The bubble point pressures of HMDS–CO2 binary mixture were determined at five different temperatures (T = 298.2 K, 308.2 K, 313.2 K, 323.2 K, 333.2 K) and at various compositions. The bubble point pressures increased with increasing temperature and CO2 mole fraction in the binary mixture. The phase behavior of the binary mixture was modeled using the Peng–Robinson Stryjek–Vera equation of state (PRSVEoS). The binary interaction parameters were regressed from experimental bubble point pressures at each temperature and were found to exhibit a linear dependency on temperature. The HMDS–CO2 binary mixture was also found to exhibit Type II phase behavior. Additionally, PTρ measurements for the same binary system were conducted and excess molar volumes were calculated.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide capture and sequestration is drawing increasing attention as a potential method for controlling greenhouse gas emissions. Low cost ionic liquid analogues, namely, deep eutectic solvents (DESs), have attracted more attention for use in a diversity of applications. DESs exhibit many favourable properties, such as availability, non-toxicity, biodegradability, recyclability, non-flammability, and low price.  相似文献   

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