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The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) is one of three nuclei at the terminal zone of the auditory nerve. Axons of its projection neurons course via the dorsal acoustic stria (DAS) to the inferior colliculus (IC), where their signals are integrated with inputs from various other sources. The DCN presumably conveys sensitivity to spectral features, and it has been hypothesized that it plays a role in sound localization based on pinna cues. To account for its remarkable spectral properties, a DCN circuit scheme was developed in which three inputs converge onto projection neurons: auditory nerve fibers, inhibitory interneurons, and wide-band inhibitors, which possibly consist of Onset-chopper (Oc) cells. We studied temporal and binaural properties in DCN and DAS and examined whether the temporal properties are consistent with the model circuit. Interneurons (type II) and projection (types III and IV) neurons differed from Oc cells by their longer latencies and temporally nonlinear responses to amplitude-modulated tones. They also showed evidence of early inhibition to clicks. All projection neurons examined were inhibited by stimulation of the contralateral ear, particularly by broadband noise, and this inhibition also had short latency. Because Oc cells had short-latency responses and were well driven by broadband stimuli, we propose that they provide short-latency inhibition to DCN for both ipsilateral and contralateral stimuli. These results indicate more complex temporal behavior in DCN than has previously been emphasized, but they are consistent with the recently described nonlinear behavior to spectral manipulations and with the connectivity scheme deduced from such manipulations.  相似文献   

Responses to clicks were increased in cartwheel cells of the dorsal cochlear nucleus of cats after pairing presentations of the clicks with local iontophoretic delivery of glutamate. The cells were identified by bursting discharges, and were recorded intracellularly in vivo. The findings indicate that inhibitory interneurons such as cartwheel cells can participate in complex adaptive acoustic signal processing. Each cell displayed doublet discharges of > 800 Hz. In 70% of the cells, some of the doublet discharges reached rates > 1000 Hz.  相似文献   

The response map scheme introduced by Evans and Nelson (1973) and modified by others, including Davis et al. (1996) for use with gerbils, has been used primarily for classifying units recorded in the cochlear nucleus of unanesthetized decerebrate preparations. Units lacking spontaneous activity (SpAc) have been classified as either type I/III or type II units based on the relative strength of their responses to broad-band noise compared to their responses to best-frequency (BF) tones. The relative noise index (rho), a ratio of these responses after SpAc is subtracted out, provides a convenient measure of this relative strength. In this paper, responses of 320 units recorded in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of barbiturate-anesthetized gerbils to short-duration BF tones and broad-band noise were recorded. Since 87.5% of these units lacked SpAc, their response maps resembled those of type II and type I/III units. Units were characterized by rho and the normalized slope (m) of a best line fit to the BF rate versus level plot starting from the sound level corresponding to the first inflection point of the rate curve (typically its maximum value or the start of its sloping saturation). The distributions of rho and m values do not form distinct clusters as they do for units in the decerebrate preparation. Thus, the criteria developed for classifying DCN units in the decerebrate preparation do not appear appropriate for units in the barbiturate-anesthetized preparation. Deposits of horseradish peroxidase were used to locate 52 units. Most of the low SpAc units, 56% with poor noise responses (5/9) and nearly 70% with strong noise responses (25/36), and nearly all of the high SpAc units (6/7), were located either within or below the fusiform cell layer.  相似文献   

Type II units in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) are characterized by vigorous but nonmonotonic responses to best frequency tones as a function of sound pressure level, and relatively weak responses to noise. A model of DCN neural circuitry was used to explore two hypothetical mechanisms by which neurons may be endowed with type II unit response properties. Both mechanisms assume that type II units receive excitatory input from auditory nerve (AN) fibers and inhibitory input from an unspecified class of cochlear nucleus interneurons that also receive excitatory AN input. The first mechanism, a lateral inhibition (LI) model, supposes that type II units receive inhibitory input from a number of narrowly tuned interneurons whose best frequencies (BFs) flank the BF of the type II unit. Tonal stimuli near BF result in only weak inhibitory input, but broadband stimuli recruit enough lateral inhibitors to greatly weaken the type II unit response. The second mechanism, a wideband inhibition (WBI) model, supposes that type II units receive inhibitory input from interneurons that are broadly tuned so that they respond more vigorously to broadband stimuli than to tones. Physiological and anatomical evidence points to the possible existence of such a class of neurons in the cochlear nucleus. The model extends an earlier computer model of an iso-frequency DCN patch to multiple frequency slices and adds a population of interneurons to provide the inhibition to model type II units (called 12-cells). The results show that both mechanisms accurately simulate responses of type II units to tones and noise. An experimental paradigm for distinguishing the two mechanisms is proposed.  相似文献   

The dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of mammals displays a cortical structure containing a number of cell types organized into distinct layers. In the present study, the migratory mode of large multipolar cells and granule cells as well as the morphological differentiation of the projection neurons were investigated in the development of the mouse DCN. The classification of the DCN neurons followed that of Ryugo and Willard. The mode of neuronal migration was examined by immunohistochemical bromodeoxyuridine labeling. Large multipolar neurons originated from the primary rhombic lip and small granule cells from the secondary rhombic lip. Large multipolar neurons migrated radially from the ventricular zone into the forming DCN. Granule cells were generated later than the large multipolar neurons and migrated via the subependymal and subpial routes. Large multipolar neurons and small granule cells were thus segregated early in the DCN development and intermixed later during perinatal maturation. Projection neurons retrogradely labeled by DiI application to the contralateral inferior colliculus showed neurite extension between the pial surface and the ventricular zone during migration in the DCN primordium. The retrogradely labeled projection neurons showed a well-differentiated morphology of the large multipolar neurons as early as the late embryonic stage. The arrangement of the radial glial processes coincided with that of the migratory projection neurons. The migratory immature neurons showed close apposition with the radial glial processes, suggesting that glial scaffolds are involved in the migration and settlement of the large multipolar neurons. Thus, it is suggested that the mode of migration and settlement of large multipolar neurons and granule cells in the developing DCN is highly similar to that of Purkinje and granule cell migration in the cerebellar development, based on the findings of this study and the structural similarity between the cerebellum and DCN.  相似文献   

Intracellular recordings were made from neurons of the mouse dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) in vitro using current clamp techniques in the presence or absence of different ion channel blocking drugs. Four electrophysiologically distinct cell groups were identified in the DCN. The groups were characterized on the basis of their spontaneous firing properties, the shape of the action potential (AP) and the pattern of firing, the shape of the current-voltage (I/V) relationship and the effects of channel blocking agents. By comparison with known histology, three of the four DCN groups were postulated to be cartwheel-like, fusiform-like, or tuberculoventral-like cells. The fourth group was postulated to be a stellate-like as it had similar properties to the spike train (stellate) cell of the AVCN. DCN stellate-like cells were spontaneously active, the action potentials (APs) were always followed by a large, brief hyperpolarization and the cells had linear current voltage relationships. The fusiform-like cells were spontaneously active and spontaneous IPSPs were also observed. The I/V relationship was linear for these cells. Tuberculoventral-like cells were not spontaneously active, but APs could be elicited by inward current injection. The I/V relationships for tuberculoventral-like cells were linear. Cartwheel-like cells were spontaneously active. These cells were characterized by the distinctive shape of their APs which were single, large amplitude, short duration APs sometimes followed by a series of complexes consisting of small, long duration APs. Cartwheel-like cells were the only cell type in the DCN which had non-linear I/V relationships. All cells in the DCN had APs which were abolished by tetrodotoxin. Different calcium dependent channels play a role in the formation of both the fast single AP and the slow complex AP in the cartwheel-like cells since all APs were abolished by the use of high concentrations of verapamil. Verapamil dramatically increased the duration of APs in fusiform-like cells and had no effect on tuberculoventral-like cells. In both tuberculoventral-like cells and cartwheel-like cells, 4-aminopyridine (4AP) depolarized the cells and all APs were abolished. Tetraethylammonium chloride (TEA) had a similar effect in cartwheel-like cells. In stellate-like, tuberculoventral-like and fusiform-like cells, the hyperpolarization which followed the AP was abolished by TEA. The AP duration in these cells was also increased by TEA. 4AP had a similar effect in stellate-like and fusiform-like cells. The data for DCN suggest that electrophysiological properties can be used to distinguish and identify neurons.  相似文献   

The origin of medullary cells that form the cardiac vagal branch and the vagal branches in the lower thorax innervating the gastrointestinal (GI) tract was studied using horseradish peroxidase (HRP), a retrograde transport tracer in the cat. The distributions of parasympathetic postganglionic neurons of the heart were studied with acetylcholinesterase histochemistry. Intracardiac ganglionic neurons were found mainly in the connective tissue surrounding the base of the pulmonary arteries and in an area in and dorsal to the interatrial septum. Following injection of HRP into the subepicardum where most of the cardiac postganglionic neurons reside, 91% of the labelled neurons were found bilaterally distributed in the nucleus ambiguus (NA). A small population of labelled neurons was found in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMV) and an intermediate zone (IZ) between the two nuclei. When HRP was injected into the left or right cardiopulmonary vagus branch, labelled neurons were found exclusively in the ipsilateral NA, DMV and IZ with a predominance in the NA. In the thorax, after they course around the heart, the left and right thoracic vagus nerves divides into a left and a right branch, respectively. The left branch of the left thoracic vagus joins the left branch of the right thoracic vagus to form the anterior vagus nerve at 3 cm above the diaphragm. The right branch of the right thoracic vagus nerve joins the right branch of the left thoracic vagus to form the posterior vagus nerve. After application of HRP into the right or the left branch of the left thoracic vagus, HRP labelled cells were found in the left DMV. Similarly, after application of HRP into the left or the right branch of the right thoracic vagus, labelled cells were found in the right DMV. On the other hand, when HRP was injected into the anterior vagus, labelled neurons were found bilaterally in the DMV. This suggests that all rostral branches of the thoracic vagus have their origin in the ipsilateral DMV, and intermixing occurs only at the caudal level near the diaphragm. Findings of the present experiments suggest that parasympathetic preganglionic neurons innervating the GI tract are located exclusively in the DMV while those of the heart are located mainly in the NA. Within the DMV, GI vagal neurons were found medially from the level 0-2.5 mm rostral to the obex. In contrast, cardiac vagal neurons were found in the lateral edge of the DMV at the level 0-1 mm rostral to the obex.  相似文献   

Cartwheel cells are prominent interneurons in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) that bear considerable homology to cerebellar Purkinje cells. They contact other cartwheel cells as well as fusiform cells, the principal cells of the DCN. In fusiform cells, the inhibition from cartwheel cells interacts with excitation mediated by granule cells and auditory nerve fibers, and shapes the output of the DCN in its ascent to the inferior colliculi. With intracellular recordings from anatomically identified cells in slices, synaptic inputs to fusiform and cartwheel cells were analyzed pharmacologically. Shocks to the auditory nerve and granule cell domains evoked glutamatergic, glycinergic, and GABA(A)ergic postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) in both cartwheel and fusiform cells. The temporal patterns of spontaneous and evoked glycinergic PSPs in fusiform and cartwheel cells were similar and mirrored the pattern of firing of cartwheel cells, probably reflecting the anatomical connections between these cell types and supporting the conclusion that cartwheel cells are glycinergic. In fusiform cells, glycinergic and GABA(A)ergic IPSPs evoked with shocks reversed at -68 mV on average. In marked contrast, glycinergic and GABA(A)ergic PSPs in cartwheel cells, as well as responses to exogenous application of 50-100 mM glycine or 100 microns muscimol, were depolarizing. Reversal potentials of PSPs and responses to glycine and muscimol were similar and averaged -52 mV. Glycinergic and GABA(A)ergic PSPs could elicit firing from cartwheel cells at their resting potentials, but could also reduce rapid firing during strong depolarizations. Thus, the action of glycinergic and GABA(A)ergic inputs on cartwheel cells depends on the electrophysiological context in which they occur.  相似文献   

The cochlear nucleus is composed of three sub-nuclei: the dorsal (DCN), anteroventral (AVCN) and posteroventral cochlear nucleus (PVCN). In addition to connections between these sub-nuclei, each nucleus receives frequency specific tonotopically organised input from the cochlea. Evidence suggests that connections from the DCN to the AVCN are inhibitory and organised tonotopically but the functional significance of this pathway has yet to be elucidated. The possible role of this pathway in frequency discrimination using a T-maze behavioural paradigm and DCN suppression was examined. Five rats were trained on a two choice frequency discrimination task. Once frequency difference limens for 10-30% performance above chance were determined, rats had cannulae implanted bilaterally over the DCN. After recovery rats were tested on the behavioural task with nothing, saline and the GABA agonist muscimol injected into the DCN via the cannulae. Muscimol alone significantly reduced the rats ability to perform the task. This performance decrease was attributed to an inability to discriminate high frequency and not low frequency tones suggesting that place and not temporal coding of sound was compromised by DCN suppression. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that inhibitory drive from the DCN to AVCN may be crucial for the fine tuning of frequency information.  相似文献   

A recent intracellular study of dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) neurons in vitro by Manis [P. B. Manis, J. Neurosci. 10, 2338-2351 (1990)] suggests that the expression of the pause-build discharge pattern is in large part dependent on hyperpolarization of their membrane potentials in a period just preceding a depolarizing stimulus ("hyperpolarization conditioning" hypothesis). Our examination of the activity of a sample of pause-build units (n = 72) revealed suppression of discharge activity during a time window of the silent interstimulus interval (SII) just preceding the tone burst relative to the spontaneous rate in 74% of all units. The discharge suppression of a subset of DCN pause-build units in the SII satisfies a requirement of the "hyperpolarization conditioning" hypothesis, and thus supports the hypothesis.  相似文献   

1. Single units and evoked potentials were recorded in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of paralyzed decerebrate cats in response to electrical stimulation at two sites: 1) in the somatosensory dorsal column nuclei (together called MSN below for medullary somatosensory nuclei), which activates mossy-fiber inputs to granule cells in superficial DCN, and 2) on the free surface of the DCN, which activates granule cell axons (parallel fibers) directly. The goal was to evaluate hypotheses about synaptic interactions in the cerebellum-like circuitry of the superficial DCN. A four-pulse facilitation paradigm was used (50-ms interpulse interval); this allows identification of three components of the responses of DCN principal cells (type IV units) to these stimuli. The latencies of the response components were compared with the latency of the evoked potential in DCN, which signals the arrival of the parallel fiber volley at the recording site. 2. The first component is a short-latency inhibitory response; this component is seen only with MSN stimulation and is seen almost exclusively in units also showing the second component, the transient excitatory response. The short-latency inhibitory component precedes the evoked potential. No satisfactory explanation for the short-latency component can be given at present; it most likely reflects a fast-conducting inhibitory input that arrives at the type IV unit before the slowly conducting parallel fibers. 3. The second component is a transient excitatory response; this component is seen with both MSN and parallel fiber stimulation; it is weak and appears to be masked easily by the inhibitory response components. The excitatory component occurs at the same latency as the evoked potential and probably reflects direct excitation of principal cells by granule cell axons. The excitatory component is seen in about half the type IV units for both stimulating sites. With MSN stimulation, the lack of excitation in some units suggests a heterogeneity of cochlear granule cells, with some carrying somatosensory information and some not carrying this information; with parallel fiber stimulation, excitation probably requires the stimulating and recording electrodes to be lined up on the same "beam" of parallel fibers. 4. The third component is a long-lasting inhibitory response that is observed in virtually all type IV units with both MSN and parallel-fiber stimulation; its latency is longer than the evoked potential. Evidence suggests that it is produced by inhibitory input from cartwheel cells. The appearance of this inhibitory component in almost all type IV units can be accounted for by the considerable spread of cartwheel-cell axons in the direction perpendicular to the parallel fibers. 5. The evoked potential and all three components of the unit response vary systematically in size over the four pulses of the electrical stimulus. These results can be accounted for by two phenomena: 1) a facilitation of the granule cell synapses on all cell types that produces a steadily growing response through the four pulses, resembles presynaptic facilitation, and is seen with both MSN and parallel-fiber stimulation; and 2) a strong reduction in the granule cell response between the first and second pulse for MSN stimulation only. This reduction probably occurs presynaptically in the glomerulus or in the granule cell itself and could reflect inhibitory inputs. 6. The response components described above are seen in type IV units recorded in both the fusiform-cell and deep layers of the DCN; this suggests that both pyramidal and giant cells are activated similarly. The simplest interpretation is that both principal cell types are activated by the cerebellum-like circuitry in superficial DCN. Alternatively, because giant cells appear to make limited contact with the granule-cell circuits of superficial DCN, this finding may suggest the existence of currently undescribed granule cell circuits in deep DCN that are si  相似文献   

The gain of the H reflex attenuates during passive stepping and pedalling movements of the leg. We hypothesized that the kinematics of the movement indirectly reflect the receptor origin of this attenuation. In the first experiment, H reflexes were evoked in soleus at 26 points in the cycle of slow, passive pedalling movement of the leg and at 13 points with the leg static (the ankle was always immobilized). Maximum inhibition occurred as the leg moved through its most flexed position (P < 0.05). Inhibition observed in the static leg was also strongest at this position (P < 0.05). The increase in inhibition was gradual during flexion movement, with rapid reversal of this increase during extension. In the second experiment, the length of stretch of the vasti muscles was modelled. Variable pedal crank lengths and revolutions per minute (rpm) altered leg joint displacements and angular velocities. Equivalent rates of stretch of the vasti, achieved through different combinations of joint displacements and velocities, elicited equivalent attenuations of mean reflex magnitudes in the flexed leg. Reflex gain exponentially related to rate of stretch (R2 = 0.98 P < 0.01). The results imply that gain attenuation of this spinal sensorimotor path arises from spindle discharge in heteronymous extensor muscles of knee and/or hip, concomitant with movement.  相似文献   

The integrative contribution of cartwheel cells of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) was assessed with intracellular recordings from anatomically identified cells. Recordings were made, in slices of the cochlear nuclei of mice, from 58 cartwheel cells, 22 fusiform cells, 3 giant cells, 5 tuberculoventral cells, and 1 cell that is either a superficial stellate or Golgi cell. Cartwheel cells can be distinguished electrophysiologically from other cells of the cochlear nuclei by their complex spikes, which comprised two to four rapid action potentials superimposed on a slower depolarization. The rapid action potentials were blocked by tetrodotoxin (n = 17) and were therefore mediated by voltage-sensitive sodium currents. The slow spikes were eliminated by the removal of calcium from the extracellular saline (n = 3) and thus were mediated by voltage-sensitive calcium currents. The spontaneous and evoked firing patterns of cartwheel cells were distinctive. Cartwheel cells usually fired single and complex spikes spontaneously at irregular intervals of between 100 ms and several seconds. Shocks to the DCN elicited firing that lasted tens to hundreds of milliseconds. With the use of these distinctive firing patterns, together with a pharmacological dissection of postsynaptic potentials (PSPs), possible targets of cartwheel cells were identified and the function of the connections was examined. Not only cartwheel and fusiform cells, but also giant cells, received patterns of synaptic input consistent with their having originated from cartwheel cells. These cell types responded to shocks of the DCN with variable trains of PSPs that lasted hundreds of milliseconds. PSPs within these trains appeared both singly and in bursts of two to four, and were blocked by 0.5 or 1 microM strychnine (n = 4 cartwheel, 4 fusiform, and 2 giant cells), indicating that cartwheel cells are likely to be glycinergic. In contrast with cartwheel cells, which are weakly excited by glycinergic input, glycinergic PSPs consistently inhibited fusiform and giant cells. Tuberculoventral cells and the putative superficial stellate cell received little or no spontaneous synaptic activity. Shocks to the DCN evoked synaptic activity that lasted approximately 5 ms. These cells therefore probably do not receive input from cartwheel cells. In addition, the brief firing of tuberculoventral cells and of the putative superficial stellate cell in response to shocks indicates that these cells are unlikely to contribute to the late, glycinergic synaptic potentials observed in cartwheel, fusiform, and giant cells.  相似文献   

Computer simulations of a network model of an isofrequency patch of the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) were run to explore possible mechanisms for the level-dependent features observed in the cross-correlograms of pairs of type IV units in the cat and nominal type IV units in the gerbil DCN. The computer model is based on the conceptual model (of a cat) that suggests two sources of shared input to DCN's projection neurons (type IV units): excitatory input for auditory nerves and inhibitory input from interneurons (type II units). Use of tonal stimuli is thought to cause competition between these sources resulting in the decorrelation of type IV unit activities at low levels. In the model, P-cells (projection neurons), representing type IV units, receive inhibitory input from I-cells (interneurons), representing type II units. Both sets of model neurons receive a simulated excitatory auditory nerve (AN) input from same-CF AN fibers, where the AN input is modeled as a dead-time modified Poisson process whose intensity is given by a computationally tractable discharge rate versus sound pressure level function. Subthreshold behavior of each model neuron is governed by a set of normalized state equations. The computer mode has previously been shown to reproduce the major response properties of both type IV and type II units (e.g., rate-level curves and peri-stimulus time histograms) and the level-dependence of the functional type II-type IV inhibitory interaction. This model is adapted for the gerbil by simulating a reduced population of I-cells. Simulations were carried out for several auditory nerve input levels, and cross-correlograms were computed from the activities of pairs of P-cells for a complete (cat model) and reduced (gerbil model) population of I-cells. The resultant correlograms show central mounds (CMs), indicative of either shared excitatory or inhibitory input, for both spontaneous and tone-evoked driven activities. Similar to experimental results, CM amplitudes are a non-monotonic function of level and CM widths decrease as a function of level. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that shared excitatory input correlates the spontaneous activities of type IV units adn shared inhibitory input correlates their driven activities. The results also suggest that the decorrelation of the activities of type IV units can result from a reduced effectiveness of the AN input as a function of increasing level. Thus, competition between the excitatory and inhibitory inputs is not required.  相似文献   

The in vitro effect of recombinant human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor (rh-GMCSF) on the leishmanicidal activity and superoxide anion productivity of macrophages derived from human blood monocytes (MOs) were investigated. MOs treated with 25, 125, or 250 U/mL of rh-GMCSF for 72 h prior to infection with leishmania parasites, manifested significant dose-dependent increase in its leishmanicidal activities against Leishmania major and Leishmania donovani parasites. The percentage of increase in leishmanicidal activity of L. major-infected MOs were 22.71, 64.34 and 81.34, respectively while in L. donovani-infected MOs, it reached 3.01, 32.28 and 74.38, respectively. Treatment of leishmania-infected MOs with rh-GMCSF (250 U/mL) for different periods of time up to 96 hours, induced a significant time-dependent reduction in the percentage of infected cells and the parasitic load (No. of amastigotes/100 MOs). After 96 h of treatment with rh-GMCSF, the percentages of reduction in the infection rates were 82.45 in L.major-infected MOs (p < 0.001) and 39.65 in L. donovani-infected cells (p < 0.01). The percentage of reduction in the parasitic load reached 90.82 (p < 0.001) and 36.6 (p < 0.05) in MOs infected with L. major and L. donovani, respectively. The priming effect of rh-GMCSF on superoxide anion production by human MOs stimulated with phorbol myristate acetate (PMA) was both dose-dependent and time-dependent. In 72 hour-old human MOs, the maximum superoxide anion release was generated by MOs primed for 45 min with 500 U/mL of rh-GMCSF. These cells produced 8.960 +/- 2.075 nmol/5 x 10(4) MOs/ 180 min as compared to 4.563 +/- 1.773 nmol/5 x 10(4) unprimed cell control/180 min (p < 0.001).  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cetirizine is a H1 histamine antagonist which possesses anti-inflammatory properties through inhibition of leucocyte recruitment and activation, and reduction of ICAM-1 expression on mucosal epithelial cells. No studies have addressed the potential anti-inflammatory activities of cetirizine on skin keratinocytes. OBJECTIVES: Cetirizine and hydrocortisone were compared in their capacity to counteract human keratinocytes activation by IFNgamma. In particular, expression of immuno-modulatory membrane molecules and chemokine release have been examined. METHODS: Keratinocyte cultures established from normal skin of healthy donors were activated by IFNgamma (100-500 U/mL) in the absence or presence of cetirizine (10(-3)-10(3) microM) or hydrocortisone (10(-3)-10(2) microM), and tested for expression of ICAM-1, HLA-DR, MHC class I and CD40 as well as for release of RANTES, IL-8, macrophage chemotactic protein-1 (MCP-1) and granulocyte macrophage-colony stimulating factor (GM-CSF). RESULTS: Cetirizine at high concentrations (10(2)-10(3) microM) markedly inhibited IFNgamma-induced expression of membrane ICAM-1, HLA-DR and up-regulation of MHC class I, but had no effect on CD40 expression. In contrast, hydrocortisone (10(2) microM) enhanced IFNgamma-induced membrane ICAM-1, reduced expression of HLA-DR and did not alter expression of MHC class I and CD40. Consistently, high doses of cetirizine decreased, whereas hydrocortisone increased, soluble ICAM-1 levels in the supernatants of IFNgamma-treated keratinocytes. The inhibiting and stimulating effects of cetirizine and hydrocortisone, respectively, on ICAM-1 expression were confirmed at the mRNA level by Northern blot analysis. Finally, cetirizine, but not hydrocortisone, inhibited the release of MCP-1 and RANTES from IFNgamma-stimulated keratinocytes. In contrast, hydrocortisone, but not cetirizine, reduced GM-CSF and IL-8 release. CONCLUSIONS: The results indicate that cetirizine has the capacity to block the IFNgamma-induced activation of keratinocytes, and thus can exert important regulatory effects on TH1 cell-mediated immune responses in the skin. The high doses required for evidencing these activities suggest the potential benefits of a topical use of cetirizine.  相似文献   

The marginal shell of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) is anatomically different from its central core. We investigated 38 single units in the shells of 10 cats and contrasted them with 62 single units in the cores of 15 cats. The sites of all shell units were localized with the use of reconstructed electrode tracks. The shell units were divided into acoustically well-driven (68%) and weakly/not-driven (32%) subgroups. The shell units mostly exhibited low spontaneous rates (SRs). Among the well-driven shell units, a large majority (68%) exhibited wide dynamic ranges (> or = 50 dB) to tones, noise, or both, with some ranges as wide as 89 dB. In contrast, a large majority (80%) of the core units exhibited narrow dynamic ranges (< 50 dB) to tones and noise. The poststimulus time histograms (PSTHs) of the well-driven shell units included pause-build (29%), onset (24%), and unusual (33%) types, whereas those of the core units included mainly primary-like (47%) and chopper (29%) types. The excitatory-inhibitory areas (EIAs) of the well-driven shell units included types I/III (47%), III (22%), IV (13%), and II (9%), whereas those of the core units included mainly types III (52%) and I/III (32%). On the basis of Fisher's exact tests, we conclude that the shell and core neural groups of the AVCN are significantly different regarding all of the following physiological characteristics: SR, maximum driven rate, threshold and dynamic range to tones and noise, frequency response area, PSTH type, latency, and EIA type. Wide dynamic ranges of the well-driven shell units suggest that they may play a role in encoding absolute intensity of acoustic stimulus.  相似文献   

1. Recent studies have shown antagonists at the NK1 subtype of receptor for tachykinins are antiemetics and suggested that this may result from blockade of tachykinin-mediated synaptic transmission at a central site in the emetic reflex. 2. We have used intracellular recording in vitro to study the pharmacology of tachykinins in the nucleus of the solitary tract (NST) and dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMNV). 3. Neurones in the NST were depolarized by substance P (SP), the presumed endogenous ligand for the NK1 receptor and these effects were mimicked by the NK1 agonists, SP-O-methylester (SPOMe), GR73632 and septide; however, SP was nearly an order of magnitude less potent than the latter two agonists. 4. In the DMNV, SP and NK1 receptor agonists evoked similar depolarising responses but SP appeared to be more potent than in the NST and was closer in potency to the other agonists. 5. NK1-receptor antagonists blocked responses to septide and GR73632 in the NST but had little effect on responses to SP and SPOMe. In contrast, in the DMNV the NK1-receptor antagonists blocked responses to septide and GR73632 but also reduced responses to SP and SPOMe. 6. Neurokinin A (NKA) was almost equipotent with septide and GR73632 in depolarizing both NST and DMNV neurones but these effects were not mimicked by a specific NK2-receptor agonist. Responses to NKA were unaffected by an NK2-receptor antagonist; however, the depolarizing effects of NKA were blocked by NK1-receptor antagonists. 7. Neurones in both DMNV and NST were unaffected by the endogenous NK3-receptor ligand, neurokinin B and by a specific agonist for this site, senktide. 8. The results with NK1 receptor agonists and antagonists suggest that the septide-sensitive NK1 site is involved in the excitation of both NST and DMNV neurones. The 'classical' NK1 receptor may play more of a role in the DMNV and a third unknown site may be responsible for the depolarizing response to SP in the NST. The effects of NKA are best interpreted as an action at the septide-sensitive NK1 site. This raises the possibility that anti-emetic action of the NK1 antagonists may be due to blockade of NKA transmission at the septide-sensitive site.  相似文献   

Spike discharge patterns showing intrinsic oscillations (IOs) have been reported in units in the dorsal cochlear nucleus (DCN) of the decerebrate cat. These oscillations are related to the regularity of a unit's discharge rate and may be important for pitch perception. A DCN unit's regularity can be affected by several factors including: synaptic architecture, cell membrane properties, and the auditory nerve discharge rate. Responses to multiple presentations of short-duration tone bursts (200 ms duration, 1 s trial) at the unit's best frequency (BF) at 20 dB re threshold were recorded from 297 units in the DCN of the barbiturate-anesthetized gerbil. Comparisons of unit regularity properties and IO properties are shown. The relative power spectrum (Fourier transform of the autocorrelogram normalized by the average rate) was used to quantify IO properties. Most units (84%) exhibited IOs in their sustained discharge rate. With the exception of Onset units and most bursting units, the mean inter-spike interval was correlated with the IO frequency and the coefficient of variation was correlated with the IO magnitude. These results suggest that stimulus-encoding mechanisms utilizing IOs may depend on the temporal evolution of the units' regularity properties.  相似文献   

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