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Introducing hydrogen as the fuel of the future necessitates a comprehensive, widespread supply chain network that is capable of producing, distributing, storing, and dispensing hydrogen to end users. Most of the early attempts to design and model the future hydrogen supply chain (HSC) were either limited to examining an individual component of the supply chain or focused on a predetermined hydrogen pathway. In these studies, a simulation-based approach has commonly been adopted rather than using a mathematical programming-based approach. The work presented here is an extension of an early attempt to design and operate a deterministic, steady-state HSC network using a mathematical modelling approach. In this paper, however, the model is developed to consider the availability of energy sources (i.e. raw materials) and their logistics, as well as the variation of hydrogen demand over a long-term planning horizon leading to phased infrastructure development. The proposed model is formulated as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) and solved via a commercial software tool, GAMS. The results show that the optimal design of the future HSC network of Great Britain (GB) starts with small-size plant together with using the hydrogen currently produced by chemical processing plants. As demand grows, more plants of different sizes should be built to meet the demand. The hydrogen produced will be transported using liquid hydrogen trucks and stored in different sizes of storage facilities.  相似文献   

The world is currently facing a power shortage due to the inadequacy of conventional energy sources and increased energy requirements in almost all sectors of human life. To mitigate this issue, the researchers have taken the considerable interest of researchers over the past decade in enhancing energy efficiency and viability. A hybrid renewable energy system (HRES) can efficiently produce clean energy to meet energy demand. Thus, it is extensively employed to improve power system quality, reliability, and economy, rather than solely relying on non-renewable energy sources. Nevertheless, RE sources' uncertain and intermittent nature, like wind speed and solar radiation, is associated with HRES. This problem can be solved with proper optimization by coupling HRES with energy conversion and storage devices, e.g., electrolyzer, fuel cell, and hydrogen tank, which can admirably balance power generation and energy demand. The literature is rich in employing optimization techniques on HRES with hydrogen technologies (HRES-H2). However, a gap is found in the overall research progress of optimization approaches, considering HRES coupled with H2 equipment. Therefore, the current study comprehensively reviews all the optimization approaches applied in this field worldwide. Further, a text mining-based software VOSviewer is used to investigate the scientific landscape of the literature body to figure out the current trends and future scope of HRES-H2. It has been investigated that the researchers are focusing on: techno-economic optimization of HRES-H2, developing sophisticated hydrogen infrastructure to reduce the overall cost of hydrogen fuel, introducing AI-based multi-objective optimization techniques to make the HRES-H2 system more reliable and economically viable, and the impact of renewable and hydrogen technologies on the reduction of global warming. Lastly, an insightful of the current review highlighting the present shortcomings and opportunities of clean energy and hydrogen has been discussed, and suggestions are provided.  相似文献   

The introduction of hydrogen infrastructure and fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) to gradually replace gasoline internal combustion engine vehicles can provide environment and energy security benefits. The deployment of hydrogen fueling infrastructure to support the demonstration and commercialization of FCVs remains a critical barrier to transitioning to hydrogen as a transportation fuel. This study utilizes an engineering methodology referred to as the Spatially and Temporally Resolved Energy and Environment Tool (STREET) to demonstrate how systematic planning can optimize early investments in hydrogen infrastructure in a way that supports and encourages growth in the deployment of FCVs while ensuring that the associated environment and energy security benefits are fully realized. Specifically, a case study is performed for the City of Irvine, California – a target area for FCV deployment – to determine the optimized number and location of hydrogen fueling stations required to provide a bridge to FCV commercialization, the preferred rollout strategy for those stations, and the environmental impact associated with three near-term scenarios for hydrogen production and distribution associated with local and regional sources of hydrogen available to the City. Furthermore, because the State of California has adopted legislation imposing environmental standards for hydrogen production, results of the environmental impact assessment for hydrogen production and distribution scenarios are measured against the California standards. The results show that significantly fewer hydrogen fueling stations are required to provide comparable service to the existing gasoline infrastructure, and that key community statistics are needed to inform the preferred rollout strategy for the stations. Well-to-wheel (WTW) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, urban criteria pollutants, energy use, and water use associated with hydrogen and FCVs can be significantly reduced in comparison to the average parc of gasoline vehicles regardless of whether hydrogen is produced and distributed with an emphasis on conventional resources (e.g., natural gas), or on local, renewable resources. An emphasis on local renewable resources to produce hydrogen further reduces emissions, energy use, and water use associated with hydrogen and FCVs compared to an emphasis on conventional resources. All three hydrogen production and distribution scenarios considered in the study meet California's standards for well-to-wheel GHG emissions, and well-to-tank emissions of urban ROG and NOX. Two of the three scenarios also meet California's standard that 33% of hydrogen must be produced from renewable feedstocks. Overall, systematic planning optimizes both the economic and environmental impact associated with the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure and FCVs.  相似文献   

In this paper1, an aircraft design from scratch and optimization is carried out to investigate the potentials of using liquid hydrogen and fuel cells in general aviation. The focus is set on finding an efficient aircraft configuration that considers all drive train-related components such as the hydrogen tank, fuel cells, and electric motors as well as passenger seats and cargo hold. The paper starts with the definition of the design requirements and specifications. Following, the baseline design of the aircraft in the Suave tool is presented. This includes making extensions to the Suave tool regarding the compatibility of fuel cells and hydrogen energy networks. Eventually, a multidisciplinary design optimization process of selected design variables together with the design constraints is carried out in Suave. Finally, the design is evaluated in terms of performance and emissions by drawing a comparison with conventional general aviation aircraft.  相似文献   

By using the optimization software tool HOMER, this project aims at the energetic and economical optimization of a RES-based stand-alone system, already installed at Leicestershire, UK. Based on local meteorological data, an optimization strategy has been developed to identify the most economical and efficient scenarios for the generation of electricity to cover the desirable load in annual basis. Furthermore, the environmental-friendly character of the system was highly concerned in terms of emissions reduction, therefore the capability of an off-grid system was also investigated. The simulations show that an off-grid project with zero emissions is feasible, presenting the additional advantage of minimal capital investment costs. Finally, it is found that grid connection corresponds to very high operational costs in a long term.  相似文献   

Establishing an industrial park-integrated energy system (IN-IES) is an effective way to reduce carbon emission, reduce energy supply cost and improve system flexibility. However, the modeling of hydrogen storage in traditional IN-IES is relatively rough. In order to solve this problem, an IN-IES with hydrogen energy industry chain (HEIC) is proposed in this paper. Hydrogen production, transportation, and storage technologies are applied in HEIC. Firstly, a novel long-term hydrogen storage model considering different time steps is presented. Secondly, hydrogen compressor models considering different pressure ratios are further employed. On this basis, the impact of the HEIC on the planning and operation results of IN-IES is studied. Finally, the superiority and the effectiveness of the proposed model and planning method are verified by simulation cases.  相似文献   

The following article is reproduced from ‘The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities and Challenges’, edited by Michael Ball and Martin Wietschel, to be published by Cambridge University Press in June 2009. In the light of ever-increasing global energy use, the increasing cost of energy services, concerns over energy supply security, climate change and local air pollution, this book centres around the question of how growing energy demand for transport can be met in the long term. Given the sustained interest in and controversial discussion of the prospects of hydrogen, the authors highlight the opportunities and the challenges of introducing hydrogen as alternative fuel in the transport sector from an economic, technical and environmental point of view. Through its multi-disciplinary approach the book provides a broad range of researchers, decision makers and policy makers with a solid and wide-ranging knowledge base concerning the hydrogen economy.  相似文献   

Variable renewable energy sources (VRES) will be the cornerstones of future energy supply systems. Nevertheless, their inherent intermittency remains an obstacle to their widespread deployment. Renewably-produced or ‘green’ hydrogen has been suggested as an energy carrier that could account for this in a sustainable manner. In this study, a fully VRES-based European energy system in the year 2050 is designed using an iterative minimal cost-optimization approach that ensures robust supply security across 38 weather-year scenarios (1980–2017). The impact of different power generation locations is factored in by defining exclusive VRES groups within each optimization region. From this, it can be seen that higher numbers of groups in each region offer cheaper electricity generation locations to the optimizer and thus decrease the system's total annual costs. Furthermore, the robust system design and impact of inter-annual variability is identified by iteratively combining the installed capacities of different system designs derived through the application of the 38 historical weather years. The system design outlined here has significantly lower capacities in comparison to the maximum regional capacities obtained in the first round of optimization.  相似文献   

Several factors have led to growing interest in a hydrogen energy economy, especially for transportation. A successful transition to a major role for hydrogen will require much greater cost-effectiveness, fueling infrastructure, consumer acceptance, and a strategy for its basis in renewable energy feedstocks. Despite modest attention to the need for a sustainable hydrogen energy system in several countries, in most cases in the short to mid term hydrogen will be produced from fossil fuels. This paper surveys the global status of hydrogen energy research and development (R&D) and public policy, along with the likely energy mix for making it. The current state of hydrogen energy R&D among auto, energy and fuel-cell companies is also briefly reviewed. Just two major auto companies and two nations have specific targets and timetables for hydrogen fuel cells or vehicle production, although the EU also has an aggressive, less specific strategy. Iceland and Brazil are the only nations where renewable energy feedstocks are envisioned as the major or sole future source of hydrogen. None of these plans, however, are very certain. Thus, serious questions about the sustainability of a hydrogen economy can be raised.  相似文献   

The goal that the international community has set itself is to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the short/medium-term, especially in Europe that committed itself to reducing GHG emissions to 80–95% below 1990 levels by 2050. Renewable energies play a fundamental role in achieving this objective. In this context, the policies of the main industrialized countries of the world are being oriented towards increasing the shares of electricity produced from renewable energy sources (RES).In recent years, the production of renewable energy has increased considerably, but given the availability of these sources, there is a mismatch between production and demand. This raises some issues as balancing the electricity grid and, in particular, the use of surplus energy, as well as the need to strengthen the electricity network.Among the various new solutions that are being evaluated, there are: the accumulation in batteries, the use of compressed air energy storage (CAES) and the production of hydrogen that appears to be the most suitable to associate with the water storage (pumped hydro). Concerning hydrogen, a recent study highlights that the efficiencies of hydrogen storage technologies are lower compared to advanced lead acid batteries on a DC-to-DC basis, but “in contrast […] the cost of hydrogen storage is competitive with batteries and could be competitive with CAES and pumped hydro in locations that are not favourable for these technologies” (Moliner et al., 2016) [1].This shows that, once the optimal efficiency rate is reached, the technologies concerning the production of hydrogen from renewable sources will be a viable and competitive solution. But, what will be the impact on the energy and fuel markets? The production of hydrogen through electrolysis will certainly have an important economic impact, especially in the transport sector, leading to the creation of a new market and a new supply chain that will change the physiognomy of the entire energy market.  相似文献   

Recently, the integration of various energy resources, including renewable generation and combined heat and power (CHP) units in microgrids, has created the opportunity of off-grid operation with a suitable range of reliability. This paper presents an optimization model to schedule an islanded MG with various resources, including CHP, photovoltaic (PV), and boiler, as the primary energy provision sources besides electric battery storage, thermal storage and hydrogen energy system (HES). The HES has the power-to-hydrogen (P2H) and hydrogen-to-power (H2P) modes, which increases the flexibility of the scheduling. The uncertainty management is the most essential task in the CHP-based MGs scheduling problem, since the power and heat productions are interrelated and can result in economic losses without enough deliberations. Hence, this paper proposes the robust optimization approach (ROA) to cope with the uncertainties associated with the PV production and electric and heat load demands. The robust counterparts are applied to the deterministic problem to create a tractable adjustable robust framework. The problem is structured as a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) handled by the General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS) using CPLEX solver. The results verified the effectiveness of the proposed robust counterparts in managing the associated risk. The results illustrated a conscious scheduling strategy under robust conditions. However, the more preserved decisions are taken, the higher operational cost is realized. In this regard, the increment of robustness level from the lowest value (deterministic condition) to the highest value (conservatism condition) increased the operation cost by about 43.29%.  相似文献   

Wind energy and the hydrogen economy—review of the technology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The hydrogen economy is an inevitable energy system of the future where the available energy sources (preferably the renewable ones) will be used to generate hydrogen and electricity as energy carriers, which are capable of satisfying all the energy needs of human civilization. The transition to a hydrogen economy may have already begun. This paper presents a review of hydrogen energy technologies, namely technologies for hydrogen production, storage, distribution, and utilization. Possibilities for utilization of wind energy to generate hydrogen are discussed in parallel with possibilities to use hydrogen to enhance wind power competitiveness.  相似文献   

The transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy sources is critical to reduce future emissions and mitigate the consequences hereof. Yet, the expansion of renewable energy, especially the highly fluctuating production of wind energy, poses economic challenges to the existing energy system in Denmark. This paper investigates the economic feasibility of integrating a 250 kW, 500 kW, 750 kW and 1 MW water electrolysis system in the existing Danish energy market to exploit excessive off- and onshore wind energy for hydrogen production used as fuel for transportation purposes. In 2018, Danish wind turbines produced excess energy during 1238 h, which poses a capacity constraint as the electrolysis systems are limited to only produce hydrogen for 14% of the total available annual hours. This paper concludes that the net present value of each investment is negative as the fixed and variable production costs exceeds the generated revenues and it is therefore not economical feasible to invest in an electrolysis system with the purpose of only operating whenever excess off- and onshore wind energy is available.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the optimal planning of microgrids including the hydrogen energy system through mixed-integer linear programming model. A real case study is analyzed by extending the only microgrid lab facility in Austria. The case study considers the hydrogen production via electrolysis, seasonal storage and fueling station for meeting the hydrogen fuel demand of fuel cell vehicles, busses and trucks. The optimization is performed relative to two different reference cases which satisfy the mobility demand by diesel fuel and utility electricity based hydrogen fuel production respectively. The key results indicate that the low emission hydrogen mobility framework is achieved by high share of renewable energy sources and seasonal hydrogen storage in the microgrid. The investment optimization scenarios provide at least 66% and at most 99% carbon emission savings at increased costs of 30% and 100% respectively relative to the costs of the diesel reference case (current situation).  相似文献   

This study proposes a multi-objective optimization approach to design a steam methane reforming (SMR) reactor and maximize the efficiency of the hydrogen production process. Out of 1782 possible variable combinations, only 50 iterations were performed, identifying three Pareto optimal that resulted in reactor size reductions of 50.53%, 35.56%, and 20.69%, respectively, compared to the reference reactor. The process efficiency for each optimal design varied slightly, with one achieving a 105.05% increase in efficiency, another remaining stable at 100.48%, and a third experiencing a slight decrease to 86.66% compared to the reference case. The results offer practical insights for planning an on-site distributed hydrogen production system, demonstrating that an increase in overall process efficiency can be achieved even with a reduced reactor size. This work is the first attempt to optimize a hydrogen production system by simultaneously considering overall process efficiency and SMR reactor design.  相似文献   

The paper provides brief introduction to the National South African Program, branded HySA (Hydrogen South Africa) as well as discusses potential business cases for deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in South Africa. This paper also describes some key activities in the area of hydrogen production and storage within HySA Infrastructure Center of Competence in South Africa. The content of this paper is based on the presentation given during the recent WHEC 2016 Congress in Zaragoza, Spain. More specifically, the discussion of activities at HySA Infrastructure Center of Competence in the paper includes hydrogen production and storage.  相似文献   

A transition from gasoline internal combustion engine vehicles to hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) is likely to emerge as a major component of the strategy to meet future greenhouse gas reduction, air quality, fuel independence, and energy security goals. Advanced infrastructure planning can minimize the cost of hydrogen infrastructure while assuring that energy and environment benefits are achieved. This study presents a comprehensive advanced planning methodology for the deployment of hydrogen infrastructure, and applies the methodology to delineate fully built-out infrastructure strategies, assess the associated energy and environment impacts, facilitate the identification of an optimal infrastructure roll-out strategy, and identify the potential for renewable hydrogen feedstocks. The South Coast Air Basin of California, targeted by automobile manufacturers for the first regional commercial deployment of FCEVs, is the focus for the study. The following insights result from the application of the methodology:
Compared to current gasoline stations, only 11%-14% of the number of hydrogen fueling stations can provide comparable accessibility to drivers in a targeted region.
To meet reasonable capacity demand for hydrogen fueling, approximately 30% the number of hydrogen stations are required compared to current gasoline stations.
Replacing gasoline vehicles with hydrogen FCEVs has the potential to (1) reduce the emission of greenhouse gases by more than 80%, reduce energy requirements by 42%, and virtually eliminate petroleum consumption from the passenger vehicle sector, and (2) significantly reduce urban concentrations of ozone and PM2.5.
Existing sources of biomethane in the California South Coast Air Basin can provide up to 30% of the hydrogen fueling demand for a fully built-out hydrogen FCEV scenario.
A step-wise transition of judiciously located existing gasoline stations to dispense and accommodate the increasing demand for hydrogen addresses proactively key infrastructure deployment challenges including a viable business model, zoning, permitting, and public acceptance.

Solar energy systems are an effective way to meet the needs of zone heating, cooling, electricity, and domestic hot water. However, to reach sustainability, and energy storage unit should be considered for installation. In this study, two combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) systems are simulated and studied using TRNSYS software; both using natural gas engine generators and photovoltaics as prime movers and a hydrogen fuel cell/electrolyzer storage unit, one with absorption chiller and another with compression chiller cooling. For the study, a residential building is modeled for three major populated climate zones of the United States of America, namely, Hot-humid, mixed-humid and cold using DesignBuilder and EnergyPlus software. The energy demand for its HVAC operation and domestic electricity is obtained and used for system simulation in TRNSYS software. Due to choosing actual equipment for the CCHP arrangement, precise economic and environmental models are designed to further evaluate the possibility of execution of the system. The results show that absorption chiller-equipped CCHP has better performance both environmentally and economically. In addition, the outcome shows that the suggested systems show less favorability to be utilized in hot humid climate zones.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is gradually becoming one of the important carriers of global energy transformation and development. To analyze the influence of the hydrogen storage module (HSM) on the operation of the gas-electricity integrated energy system, a comprehensive energy system model consisting of wind turbines, gas turbines, power-to-hydrogen (P2H) unit, and HSM is proposed in this paper. The model couples the natural gas network and power grid bidirectionally, and establishes a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem considering HSM. The linearization model of the natural gas pipeline flow equation and the generator set equation is constructed by piecewise linearization method to improve the efficiency of solving the model. And the energy flow distribution in the gas-electricity integrated energy system is finally solved. In Model 1, compared with not considering the installation of P2H units, when the hydrogen doping ratio is 10%, the operating cost can be reduced by 6.63%, and the wind curtailment cost can be reduced by 17.54%, and the carbon emission can be reduced by 298.7 tons. The optimization results of Model 2 reveal that compared with no HSM, the system operating cost is reduced by 5.96%, the hydrogen content level in the natural gas pipeline network is increased by 42.12%, and the carbon emission of the system is reduced by 117.6 tons, and the fluctuation of wind power is suppressed. This study demonstrates the feasibility of large-scale absorption of renewable energy through HSM.  相似文献   

Utilizing renewable energy resources is one of the convenient ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. However, the intermittent nature of these resources has led to stochastic characteristics in the generation and load balancing of the microgrid systems. To handle these issues, an energy management optimization for microgrids operation should be done to urge the minimization of total system costs, emissions, and fuel consumption. An optimization program for decreasing the operational cost of a hybrid microgrid consisting of photovoltaic array, wind unit, electrolyzer, hydrogen storage system, reformer, and fuel cell is presented. Two different methods of producing hydrogen are considered in this study to ensure the effectiveness of the developed methodology. In the microgrid system with high penetration of renewable energy resources, using storage technologies to compensate for the intermittency of these resources is necessary. To evaluate the functioning of the microgrid system, a mathematical model for each source is developed to coordinate the system operation involving energy conversion between hydrogen and electricity. Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm is utilized to determine the optimum size and operational energy management within the system. It is evident from the results that there is about a 10% reduction in the amount of CH4 consumption in reformer when the electrolyzer was employed in the system. It is observed that the CH4 reduction in summer and fall is higher than other seasons (10.6% and 11.5%, respectively). The reason is that the highest RES production occurs in these seasons during a year. It is also worth mentioning that the electrolyzer technology would play a significant role in decreasing the CH4 consumption in the microgrid system.  相似文献   

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