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A new, detailed kinetic model was developed for the homogeneous decomposition of HI–H2O solutions in vapor phase in the sulfur–iodine cycle. The kinetics of the process was represented by a reaction mechanism involving 32 reactions and 11 species. Comparisons between the kinetic calculations and experimental data showed that this model correctly predicted the hydrogen yield at the 500 °C–1000 °C temperature range under 1 atm. The effects of temperature, reaction time, and HI/H2O ratio on HI decomposition and hydrogen sensitivity analysis were investigated in the modeling process. The model predicted that the effect of the addition of H2O changed from inhibiting the decomposition ratio to promoting it with increasing temperature. The sensitivity analysis showed that elementary reactions (1) HI + HI = H2+I2, (4) HI + H = H2 + I, (5) HI + I = H + I2, and (8) HI + OH = H2O + I played important roles in hydrogen production. The reaction path of HI decomposition with H2O was constructed based on detailed kinetic modeling and sensitivity analysis results.  相似文献   

The faster and faster global growth of energy consumption generates serious problems on its supply and about the pollution that may result. Through the use of thermochemical cycles it is possible to use renewable energy to produce hydrogen from water, with the dual purpose of having an unlimited source of energy without producing greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

热化学硫碘循环制氢是目前最有前景的制氢方法之一.为了提高产氢效率,众多学者对硫碘循环制氢系统进行了优化.对热化学硫碘循环制氢系统及其各单元研究进展进行了综述,讨论了本生反应中水和碘的用量问题、相分离问题,以及硫酸分解与碘化氢分解反应的反应环境和反应催化等问题,并对目前研究该循环的部分团队的实验结果和流程计算进行了对比.  相似文献   

A flowsheet of the thermochemical H2S splitting cycle was designed and simulated for hydrogen and sulfur production. The heat and mass balance, as well as the thermal efficiency of the process, were calculated. A thermal efficiency of 40.865% for hydrogen production was obtained by optimizing the heat exchangers and the EED cell considering waste heat recovery. The effects of five calculation parameters, namely, the sulfuric acid concentration, hydrogen iodide (HI) conversion ratio, molar flow rate of HIx phase, pressure, and reflux ratio at the distillation column, on thermal efficiency were evaluated. The results indicated that further research on the membrane reactor is needed. The optimized conditions for the over-azeotropic HI solution yield should be prioritized. Furthermore, an H2SO4 concentration system should be reasonably designed to reduce the complexity of the process and equipment settings, as well as to improve thermal efficiency.  相似文献   

One of the most promising routes currently under development for sustainable hydrogen production is the sulphur iodine thermochemical water splitting cycle. The most important stage in determining overall process efficiency and feasibility of the cycle is the separation of HIx, a mixture of HI, H2O and I2. This paper investigates the scope for applying membrane separations to the HIx processing section, with the aim of improving the overall efficiency of the process. Simulations using ProSimPlus indicate that this efficiency can be increased from a base value of 36.9% to over 39% by applying a membrane separation unit which achieves 8.25% dewatering to the feed of the reactive distillation column. Comparison with experimental flux and separation data for both pervaporation and membrane distillation membranes gives design limits for the cost and feasibility of such a membrane system.  相似文献   

The Bunsen reaction for the production of hydriodic and sulfuric acids from water, iodine and sulfur dioxide, has been studied with the evaluation of the effect of some operative parameters on product phase behavior. Results show that operative temperature has a minor effect on the phase behavior. In contrast, both iodine and water loads can be adjusted to enhance the downstream operations of the sulfur–iodine thermochemical water-splitting cycle: the effect of iodine and water excess on resulting phases purity, side reaction occurrence and acid concentration was studied and, then, the most favorable operative conditions defined.  相似文献   

As a critical subsection in the sulfur-iodine (SI) thermochemical cycle, HI concentration and separation must cope with the pseudo-azeotropy of HIx (HI-I2-H2O) and excess iodine in HIx solution. Although electro-electrodialysis (EED) coupled with conventional distillation is a validated method of HI separation from HIx solution in the SI process, the iodine deposition, resulting from changes in temperature and HI molality in HIx solution, can lead clogged flow channels of the EED anode and other tubes. A precipitator can address this problem by recovering excess iodine from HIx solution after the HIx purification column. The energy duty and required input flow rate per mole HI was investigated in this study using a process flowsheet simulation. A decrease in iodine concentration in the streams to EED could reduce cell duty effectively. An increase in HI molality in the EED cathode outlet resulted in an increase in EED duty; however, the amplitude was slight. The iodine molar concentration in the feed of the distillation column exhibited an appreciable influence on the distillation duty. However, with an increase in distillation column pressure, the effect of diminished iodine in feed on the HI distillate duty continued to decline. To assess the utilization of an iodine precipitator in the HI separation subsection, the energy demands and required input flow rates of three different flowsheets were calculated using Aspen Plus and Microsoft Office Excel. Results indicated that the flowsheet that only recovered iodine in the stream to the EED anode chamber exhibited the least HI separation duty and the lowest required input flow rate.  相似文献   

Water thermolysis by means of the sodium manganese ferrite cycle for sustainable hydrogen production is reviewed, with particular focus on known elementary chemical processes taking place on solid substrates in the 600–800 °C temperature range. For the purpose, in-situ high temperature x-ray diffraction technique has been utilized to observe structural transformations produced by both temperature and reactive environment. The water-splitting reaction and the regeneration of initial reactants are described as multi-step reactions, in which the role of carbon dioxide, through carbonation and de-carbonation reactions is highlighted. A thermodynamic phase stability diagram is reported for the system MnFe2O4/Na2CO3/CO2.  相似文献   

The kinetic modeling of homogeneous decomposition of hydrogen iodide (HI) and HI/H2O vapors with the addition of diatomic iodine (I2) using the mechanism proposed in the companion work (part I) in the sulfur–iodine cycle was investigated in this paper. Thermodynamic results calculated by FactSage and the kinetic experiment verified the applicability of the mechanism. The effect of temperature, residence time, pressure, HI/H2O/I2 molar ratio, HI/I2 molar ratio, and sensitivity analysis on the HI conversion was observed in the modeling process. The addition of small amount of diatomic iodine greatly decreases the HI conversion, and the overall pressure could promote the HI decomposition rate in the kinetic process. Sensitivity analysis shows that hydrogen yield was most sensitive to reactions (4) HI + H = H2 + I, (1) HI + HI = H2 + I2, (5) HI + I = I2 + H, and (8) HI + OH = H2O + I. The existence of diatomic iodine increases the reverse reaction of (1) and (5).  相似文献   

In overall iodine-sulphur (I-S) cycle (Bunsen reaction), HI decomposition is a serious challenge for improvement in H2 production efficiency. Herein, we are reporting an electrochemical process for HI decomposition and simultaneous H2 and I2 production. Commercial Nafion 117 membrane has been generally utilized as a separator, which also showed huge water transport (electro-osmosis), and deterioration in conductivity due to dehydration. We report sulphonated poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene) (PVDF-co-HFP) (SCP) and sulphonated graphene oxide (SGO) composite stable and efficient polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) for HI electrolysis and H2 production. Different SCP/SGO composite PEMs were prepared and extensively characterized for water content, ion-exchange capacity (IEC), conductivity, and stabilities (mechanical, chemical, and thermal) in comparison with commercial Nafion117 membrane. Most suitable optimized SCP/SGO-30 composite PEM exhibited 6.78 × 10?2 S cm?1 conductivity in comparison with 9.60 × 10?2 S cm?1 for Nafion® 117. The electro-osmotic flux ofSCP/SGO-30 composite PEM (2.53 × 10?4 cm s?1) was also comparatively lower than Nafion® 117 membrane (2.75 × 10?4 cm s?1). For HI electrolysis experiments, SCP/SGO-30 composite PEM showed good performance such as 93.4% current efficiency (η), and 0.043 kWh/mol-H2 power consumption (Ψ). Further, intelligent architecture of SCP/SGO composite PEM, in which hydrophilic SGO was introduced between fluorinated polymer by strong hydrogen bonding, high efficiency and performance make them suitable candidate for electrochemical HI decomposition, and other diversified electrochemical processes.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a novel two-step thermochemical cycle for hydrogen production from water using germanium oxide. The thermochemical cycle is herein referred to as KIER 4. KIER 4 consists of two reaction steps: the first is the decomposition of GeO2 to GeO at approximately 1400–1800 °C, the second is hydrogen production by hydrolysis of GeO below 700 °C. A 2nd-law analysis was performed on the KIER 4 cycle and a maximum exergy conversion efficiency was estimated at 34.6%. Thermodynamic analysis of GeO2 decomposition and hydrolysis of GeO confirmed the possibility of this cycle. To demonstrate the cycle, the thermal reduction of GeO2 was performed in a TGA with mass-spectroscopy. Results suggest GeO2 decomposition and oxygen gas evolution. To confirm the thermal decomposition of GeO2, the effluent from GeO2 decomposition was quenched, filtered and analyzed. SEM analysis revealed the formation of nano-sized particles. XRD analysis for the condensed-filtered particles showed the presence of Ge and GeO2 phases. The result can be explained by thermodynamic instability of GeO. It is believed that GeO gas disproportionates to ½Ge and ½GeO2 during quenching. 224 ml hydrogen gas per gram of reduced GeO2 was produced from the hydrolysis reaction.  相似文献   

Iodine–sulfur (IS) thermo-chemical water-splitting process is a promising technology to produce hydrogen using solar or nuclear energy. To avoid the undesirable side reactions between HI and H2SO4 phases formed in Bunsen reaction of IS cycle, it is necessary to purify the two phases. The purification process could be achieved by reverse reaction of Bunsen reaction. In this paper, the purification process in continuous mode by reacting sulfuric acid and HI in a packed column was experimentally studied; the influences of operational parameters, including the reaction temperature, the flow rate of nitrogen gas, and the flow rate of the raw material solutions, on the purification efficiency, were investigated in detail. Based on the results, the suitable conditions for continuous purification process of two phases were proposed.  相似文献   

An all silica DDR (deca dodecasil rhombohedral) zeolite membrane with dense, interlocked structure has been developed for separation of H2 from HI/I2 mixture of HI decomposition reaction. In this work, the DDR zeolite membrane was synthesized on the seeded clay-alumina substrate within 5 days. The seeds were synthesized by sonication mediated hydrothermal process within short crystallization time which enhanced the nucleation for the membrane growth. The synthesized membranes along with seed crystals were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), Field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDAX). The selectivity of hydrogen with respect to CO2 and Ar was evaluated by single gas permeation studies at room temperature. The tests for corrosion resistance were carried out upto 120 h with both support and DDR membrane at 130 °C which confirmed the stability of membrane under the harsh HI/I2 environment.  相似文献   

The conventional treatment method for H2S is the Claus process, which produces sulfur and water. This results in a loss of the valuable potential product hydrogen. H2S treatment would be more economically valuable if both hydrogen and sulfur products could be recovered. Based on standard heats of formation analysis, the theoretical energy required to produce hydrogen from H2S dissociation is only 20.6 kJ/mol of H2 as compared to 63.2 kJ/mol of H2 from steam methane reforming and 285.8 kJ/mol of H2 from water electrolysis. Among the many thermal decomposition methods that have been explored in the literature, Micro-wave plasma dissociation of H2S prevails as the method of choice to attain the best conversion and energy efficiency. Chemical kinetics simulations using an ideal flow reactor network have been carried out on the CHEMKIN-PRO software package and they support these findings. The reactor network simulates the thermal plasma behavior in the plasma torch, the plasma reactor, and the sulfur condenser. Two chemical kinetics mechanisms have been used and the results show an almost complete conversion of H2S into hydrogen and sulfur in the plasma reactor at an optimum temperature of about 2400 K at atmospheric pressure. While the most challenging task of the process is found to be the plasma cooling rate at the sulfur condenser where very fast quenching is required to conserve the hydrogen product from converting back to H2S.  相似文献   

This work investigates the feasibility of applying high temperature oxygen separation to the sulphuric acid decomposition process, a common step in the Sulphur Iodine and Hybrid Sulphur thermochemical cycles for massive scale hydrogen production. Process simulations indicate that the decomposition yield can be increased from 62.3% to 90.1% by using a catalytic membrane reactor. Equilibrium calculations show yttria-stabilised zirconia (YSZ), combined with platinum electrodes, to be a candidate membrane for the separation process. Bespoke experimental apparatus was designed and commissioned in order to investigate the oxygen flux through YSZ membranes in the presence of sulphur dioxide, during external voltage application. Results from an experiment at 900 °C show that oxygen permeation through YSZ membranes occurs under these conditions. X-ray diffraction and impedance spectroscopy are used to investigate the reason for the oxygen flux decrease with time.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the ability to split H2O into hydrogen at a reduced voltage by the influence of sulfur dioxide (SO2) and anode tolerance materials. This will improve the energy consumption for the production of hydrogen. Hydrogen is produced at the cathode while the anode electrode is bathed in sulfur dioxide and water to form sulfuric acid by the application of potential in the form of electrical energy. In the presence of SO2, the theoretical equilibrium voltage requirement is 0.19 V, thereby reducing the thermochemical free energy to less than one-sixth of its initial value, that is, from 56 to 9.18 kcal/mole. By using SO2 to scavenge the anode we have in practice reduced the equilibrium voltage to 0.6 V. Based on different electrode configurations, ruthenium oxide (RuO2) electrocatalyst deposited on silicon (Si) electrode exhibited superior performance for the low voltage H2O electrolysis.  相似文献   

The Ni/CeO2 catalysts with successive oxidization, reduction and re-oxidization have been tested for hydrogen production in sulfur–iodine (SI or IS) cycle. The samples were characterized by BET, XRD, TEM, TPR and XPS. The oxidative/reductive atmosphere affected the structure and performance of the catalysts. It was suggested that a migration of Ce4+ from the bulk to the surface occurred during the reductive treatment. The diffusion process was reversed when the atmosphere was changed to an oxidative one. The reduced and re-oxidized samples seemed to be similar all the time and showed better catalytic activity in comparison with the as-received and oxidized samples. For the re-oxidized sample, the strongest interaction compared with other samples occurred between Ni and CeO2 and oxygen vacancies transferred from bulk to surface, which led to form more surface sites and oxygen vacancies. The metal Ni was found only on the surface of the reduced sample. The active site of metal Ni besides the surface site and oxygen vacancy were assumed to play an important role for hydrogen production.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic bacteria are favorable candidates for biological hydrogen production due to their high conversion efficiency and versatility in the substrates they can utilize. For large-scale hydrogen production, an integrated view of the overall metabolism is necessary in order to interpret results properly and facilitate experimental design. In this study, a summary of the hydrogen production metabolism of the photosynthetic purple non-sulfur (PNS) bacteria will be presented.Practically all hydrogen production by PNS bacteria occurs under a photoheterotrophic mode of metabolism. Yet results show that under certain conditions, alternative modes of metabolism—e.g. fermentation under light deficiency—are also possible and should be considered in experimental design.Two enzymes are especially critical for hydrogen production. Nitrogenase promotes hydrogen production and uptake hydrogenase consumes hydrogen.Though a wide variety of substrates can be used for growth, only a portion of these is suitable for hydrogen production. The efficiency of a certain substrate depends on factors such as the activity of the TCA cycle, the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio, the reduction-state of that material and the conversion potential of the substrate into alternative metabolites such as PHB.All these individual components of the hydrogen production interact and are subject to strict regulatory controls. An overall scheme for the hydrogen production metabolism is presented.  相似文献   

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