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C.T. Chuang 《Solid-state electronics》1984,27(4):299-304
The J-V characteristics of epitaxial Schottky barrier diodes are analyzed. Based on the assumption of negligible recombination in the epitaxial layer, formal solution from which the J-V characteristics can be calculated is derived. The solution is valid for all injection levels and reduces to the form I = Is[exp (q(V?IR)/kT) ? 1], where R is the series resistance of the epitaxial layer, under C12 C12V low-injection conditions. The analysis is justified by very close correspondence with exact numerical calculations using the Finite Element Device Analysis Program (FIELDAY) in which thermionic emission boundary conditions are implemented for both electrons and holes. It is shown that for low barrier Schottky diodes the minority carrier injection is negligible and the expression I = Is[exp (q(V?IR)/kT) ? 1] describes the I-V characteristics over large bias range. For high barrier C12 C12 V Schottky diodes the exact solution must be used as minority carriers are injected and the series resistance is decreased due to conductivity modulation effect. 相似文献
The effects of radiation damage on the electrical characteristics of Ni-nGaAs Schottky diodes are studied, the damage being introduced by implanting various ions (B, O, He, Ge) into the depletion layer. Current-voltage characteristics show excess current flow after irradiation, this being explained in terms of a recombination-generation process. A trap assisted-tunnelling mechanism is also believed responsible for conduction in reverse bias for voltages greater than a few volts. Reverse voltage-capacitance measurements indicate the presence of a compensated layer within the depletion region which strongly affects the capacitance of deeply implanted diodes. For shallower implants, however, the capacitance becomes dominated by surface state effects at the interface. In forward bias the capacitance-voltage characteristics are very similar to those expected for a p-i-n structure, becoming more p-i-n like in behaviour as the damage is increased. Finally a model is proposed to explain the observed characteristics in terms of a change in the physical nature of the barrier region due to damage produced defect states. 相似文献
V. F. Drobny 《Journal of Electronic Materials》1985,14(3):283-296
The values of diode-quality factor and reverse-current leakage of Au/Pd/Ti:W/Pd2Si/nSi unguarded Schottky barrier diodes are much higher than expected from silicide/silicon junction-radius induced highfield
effects. Experimental Ti-, W-, and Ti:W-MIS structures were built and tested to show that Ti is responsible for the formation
of a parasitic Ti-MIS structure around the unguarded-diode perimeter. This parasitic structure is responsible for excessive
current leakage and also for an additional unguarded-diode degradation induced by annealing at 400 °C. 相似文献
Schottky barrier diode theory conventionally assumes that the barrier height remains constant with the applied bias. However, high ideality factors and certain anomalous capacitance-voltage characteristics can only be explained by letting the barrier height vary with the applied voltage. Changes in the occupation of surface states have been inferred to be the cause of this change in barrier height, although the precise nature of these surface states has not yet been determined. This article examines the role of monoenergetic interfacial defect states whose occupancy is dynamically controlled by the local carrier densities, rather than by equilibrium conditions. Certain types of surface donor and acceptor states are shown to have a strong influence on the resulting current-voltage characteristics. The Al/GaAs(100) system is discussed in detail and experimental results are compared to this analytic model 相似文献
Before barrier metal evaporation, silicon Schottky diodes were cleaned by argon-ion bombardment. Some device series were evaporated just after the ion cleaning, whereas others were annealed beforehand. The electrical characteristics of the different series were checked by means of standard I/V and C/V measurements. Whereas the ideality coefficient and the barrier height obtained from I/V characteristics showed nearly complete recovery after heat treatment for 1 h at 700°C, the barrier height from C/V measurements did not recover. 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1974,21(2):172-173
Schottky barriers with a thermally oxidized mesa structure have been fabricated. The fabrication process is described. The mesa structure averts electric field crowding at the barrier periphery. The reverse diode characteristic shows a sharp breakdown at the voltage expected for an ideal, abrupt diode of semi-infinite extent and identical doping concentration. 相似文献
T.G.M. Kleinpenning 《Solid-state electronics》1979,22(2):121-128
The low-frequency excess noise in Schottky barrier diodes has been investigated. In the ideal case where the saturation current is completely determined by thermionic emission of electrons, no 1/? noise will be produced in the barrier. The presence of trap states in the depletion region can lead to generation-recombination noise. At sufficient high forward currents 1/? noise can be generated in the series resistance of the Schottky diode. Deviations from the ideal diode, for example as a result of edge effects, produce 1/? noise and increase at the same time the ideality factor. It is empirically found that the 1/? noise level decreases very rapidly if the ideality factor tends to unity. 相似文献
Results of the experimental study of Au n-type SiC Schottky barrier diodes at room temperature are presented. The diodes are fabricated by vacuum-evaporating gold on chemically etched n-type hexagonal (6H) SiC surfaces and exhibit excellent forward current vs voltage characteristics with the exponential factor n of about 1·07±0·02 for voltages between 0·35 and 0·85 V. The linear part of the characteristic, in a semi-logarithmic plot, extends over seven orders of magnitude in current. The forward current-voltage characteristics are found to agree quantitatively with the theory based on thermionic emission with the barrier height modified by image force lowering. The Schottky barrier height is determined from three independent techniques: differential capacitance vs voltage, photoresponse, and forward current vs voltage methods. The barrier height deduced from the three methods is about 1·40±0·05 V. 相似文献
Henry T. Minden 《Solid-state electronics》1973,16(10):1185-1188
Gallium arsenide diodes were made which had Schottky-barriers for both contacts. Devices which were too thick for space change reach-through to occur at breakdown showed microwave oscillations, while thin diodes did not oscillate. Additionally, the structures could be distinguished on the basis of the noise accompanying breakdown. The performance was analysed in terms of transistor theory in which there is avalanche multiplication in the collector space charge region. It was concluded that there is a smooth transition between the reachthrough breakdown characteristic of the BARITT and true avalanche breakdown. The nature of the breakdown depends on the base width and the emitter efficiency. 相似文献
Oscillation characteristics of GaAs Schottky barrier IMPATT diodes are studied by computer simulation. For a Schottky barrier-n-n+ structure, the Read condition and the just-punch-through condition are found to be optimum with respect to the efficiency and power at 30 GHz. In order to improve the efficiency, a superabrupt doping profile is proposed and a high efficiency of 32 per cent is predicted. Calculation of the frequency dependence of the efficiency shows that GaAs IMPATT diodes still have the potentiality of high efficiency oscillator at 100 GHz and they are a promising microwave source in mm-wave region. 相似文献
We have identically prepared Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd Schottky barrier diodes (SBDs) (21 dots) on the InSe:Cd substrate. The electrical analysis of Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd structure has been investigated by means of current-voltage (I-V), capacitance-voltage (C-V) and capacitance-frequency (C-f) measurements at 296 K temperature in dark conditions. The effective barrier heights and ideality factors of identically fabricated Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd SBDs have been calculated from their experimental forward bias current-voltage (I-V) characteristics by applying a thermionic emission theory. The BH values obtained from the I-V characteristics have varied between 0.74 eV and 0.82 eV with values of ideality factors ranging between 1.49 and 1.11 for the Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd SBDs. It has been determined a lateral homogeneous barrier height value of approximately 0.82 eV for these structures from the experimental linear relationship between barrier heights and ideality factors. The Schottky barrier height (SBH) value has been obtained from the reverse-bias C-V characteristics of Au-Be/p-InSe:Cd SBD for only one diode. At high currents in the forward direction, the series resistance effect has been observed. The value of series resistance has been determined from I-V measurements using Cheung’s and Norde’s methods. 相似文献
Characteristics of 4H-SiC Schottky barrier diodes with breakdown voltages up to 1000 V are reported for the first time. The diodes showed excellent forward I-V characteristics, with a forward voltage drop of 1.06 V at an on-state current density of 100 A/cm2. The specific on-resistance for these diodes was found to be low (2×10 -3 Ω-cm2 at room temperature) and showed a T 1.6 variation with temperature. Titanium Schottky barrier height was determined to be 0.99 eV independent of the temperature. The breakdown voltage of the diodes was found to decrease with temperature 相似文献
The cut-off frequency of the simplest planar Schottky diode on a uniformly doped n-layer of GaAs is derived. The theoretical results are given as functions of doping concentration and layer thickness with the specific contact resistance as parameter. An improved planar diode structure is presented with several short Schottky contact fingers connected in parallel. Experimental values ranging from 100 to 300 GHz agree with the calculated values when parasitic capacitances are taken into account. 相似文献
The conventional method used to determine the mechanism of current transport in a Schottky barrier diode can lead to erroneous inferences if a fluctuation of parameters, such as that which would occur in a large area diode, is present. This has been illustrated by taking a Gaussian variation of a parameter in case of diodes showing T0 anomaly. 相似文献
《Electron Devices, IEEE Transactions on》1968,15(10):761-769
Noise measurements have been performed on forward and reverse-biased silicon Schottky barrier diodes. Measurements were performed in the frequency range of 100 Hz to 50 kHz. Apart from excess noise observed for some diodes in a portion of this frequency range, the noise for the diodes was found to be in excellent agreement with shot-noise theory. Some refinements of the shot-noise theory have been considered, but the difference between the refined and the simple theories was not resolvable in our measurements. A useful noise-measurement technique is described. 相似文献
Zirath H.H.G. Nilsen S.M. Hjelmgren H. Ramberg L.P. Kollberg E.L. 《Microwave Theory and Techniques》1988,36(11):1469-1475
The fabrication and characterization of gold-gallium arsenide Schottky-barrier diodes on molecular-beam-epitaxy (MBE)-grown epitaxial gallium arsenide intended for cryogenic millimeter-wave mixer applications is reported. The Schottky barriers were formed either by pulse plating or by in situ evaporation in the MBE system after the epitaxial growth. The equivalent temperature as derived from the current-voltage characteristic is considerably lower at high current densities and cryogenic temperature than for the more commonly used Pt-GaAs Schottky diode. Noise-generation mechanisms are investigated as a function of forward bias and temperature. At cryogenic temperature, a best equivalent noise temperature of 22 K was obtained at 4 GHz for a DC-biased diode 相似文献
Ivanov P. A. Grekhov I. V. Kon’kov O. I. Potapov A. S. Samsonova T. P. Semenov T. V. 《Semiconductors》2011,45(10):1374-1377
The I-V characteristics of high-voltage 4H-SiC diodes with a Schottky barrier ∼1.1 eV in height are measured and analyzed. The forward I-V characteristics proved to be close to “ideal” in the temperature range of 295–470 K. The reverse I-V characteristics are adequately described by the model of thermionic emission at the voltages to 2 kV in the temperature range of 361–470 K if, additionally, a barrier lowering with an increase in the band bending in the semiconductor is taken into account. 相似文献