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Strict environment regulations in chemical and refinery industries lead to minimize resource consumption by designing utility networks within industrial process plants. The present study proposed a superstructure based optimization model for the synthesis of water and hydrogen networks with partitioning regenerators without mixing the regenerated sources. This method determines the number of partitioning regenerators needed for the regeneration of the sources. The number of the regenerators is based on the number of sources required to be treated for recovery. Each source is regenerated in an individual partitioning regenerator. Multiple regeneration systems can be employed to achieve minimum flowrate and costs. The formulation is linear in the regenerator balance equations. The optimized model is applied for two systems, partitioning regeneration systems of the fixed outlet impurity concentration and partitioning regeneration systems of the fixed impurity load removal ratio (RR) for water and hydrogen networks. Several case studies from the literature are solved to illustrate the ease and applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   

The Egyptian petroleum fuel market is increasing rapidly nowadays. These fuels must be in the standard specifications of the Egyptian General Petroleum Corporation (EGPC), which required lower sulfur gasoline and diesel fuels. So the fuels must be deep hydrotreated which resulted in increasing hydrogen (H2) consumption for deeper hydrotreating. Along with increased H2 consumption for deeper hydrotreating, additional H2 is needed for processing heavier and higher sulfur crude slates especially in hydrocracking process, in addition to hydrotreating unit, isomerization units and lubricant plants. Purification technology is used to increase the amount of recycled hydrogen. If the amount of recycled hydrogen is increased, the amount of hydrogen that is sent to the furnaces with the off gas will decrease. In this work, El Halwagi et al. (2003) and El Halwagi (2012) optimization methods which are used for recycle/reuse integration systems have been extended to be used in the partitioning purification of hydrogen networks to minimize the hydrogen consumption and the hydrogen discharge. An actual case study and two case studies from the literature are solved to illustrate the proposed method.  相似文献   

胺法至今仍是国内外应用最广泛的酸性天然气脱硫脱碳工艺方法,国内已有超过五十年的使用经验。脱硫脱碳装置在生产中出现不同程度的拦液现象,导致脱硫脱碳装置处理能力严重下降;天然气净化度不合格,溶液发泡引起雾沫夹带,导致大量胺溶液随气流带走,造成溶液损耗急剧增加及严重的经济损失。在总结过去几十年天然气净化工艺设计和生产操作经验的基础上,提出了天然气净化工艺设计要点,重点为脱硫脱碳装置工艺流程设计和关键设备选型;阐述了脱硫脱碳装置的原料气分离系统、胺液再生系统、胺液过滤及惰气保护、胺液和酸气冷却、贫胺液增压及循环泵等方面应重点注意的问题和工艺设计方案的优化;分析了净化工艺流程中的塔、容器、冷换设备、泵类等关键设备的设计要点。  相似文献   

氢气作为现代化炼厂必要的公用工程之一,在炼油成本中占相当高的比例。节氢是炼厂日常工作中提高炼厂氢气利用率的一项重要内容。从炼厂氢气系统技术构成与特点入手,分析了当前氢气系统优化的策略和方法,比较了各种优化方法的技术局限性。针对炼厂氢气系统与燃料气系统、轻烃系统不可分割的关联性,提出氢气系统与轻烃回收系统集成优化的方法和策略,并应用具体案例对集成优化方法进行分析、对比,得出炼厂氢气系统和轻烃回收系统进行集成优化的方法是科学合理的,有必要在开展炼厂氢资源优化工作时将轻烃回收纳入其中。  相似文献   

概述了板式空气预热器作为一种高效换热设备的工作机理、结构形式及技术特点,着重介绍了在某炼油厂制氢装置中的工业应用及优化设计情况,并探讨了进一步节能降耗的方法。  相似文献   

大榭石化通过对高瓦、低瓦、氢气系统失衡问题及流程等全面细致的综合梳理,结合全厂高瓦、低瓦、氢气系统的实际生产运行情况,通过技术改造和装置优化调整等措施,有效解决氢气大量富余、高瓦富余制约催化裂解装置加工负荷提升、低瓦无序排放等问题,取得了较高的综合效益。在同类企业全厂综合性高瓦、低瓦、氢气系统的优化管控和回收利用工作中具有一定的推广意义。  相似文献   

油气资源与目标一体化评价技术是21世纪石油工业领域应着力发展的十大技术之一.通过对技术内涵和应用需求的分析,提出了构建该系统的总体结构,并研制集成了集勘探数据管理、油气资源评价与勘探目标评价于一体的"油气资源与目标一体化评价系统RIOSys 1.0".该系统由"油气资源与目标一体化评价数据图形总库"及"油气资源与目标一体化评价应用软件"两大层次构成,集成了包括数据库-图形库、区块评价、勘探目标经济评价与决策、油气资源空间分布及风险预测技术在内的多项新技术,是开展油气资源与目标一体化评价研究的工作平台,将在今后的勘探评价研究中发挥重要作用.  相似文献   

为解决超深裂缝性气藏增产难题,研究发展了以地质力学为枢纽的地质工程一体化增产关键技术体系,形成从井位优选—井型、井轨迹优化—改造方案精细设计的多维度超深储层增产工作流程.结果 表明:超深储层具有高温高压高应力条件,裂缝发育且非均质性强,增产机理异于中—浅储层,激活天然裂缝是超深裂缝性气藏改造提产的关键;地质工程一体化增...  相似文献   

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) was used to maintain the microbial wash water quality of a full-scale leafy vegetables (radicchio, sugar loaf, curled endive, lollo, lollo rosso) wash water process. Despite addition of 300 L/h of 1.8% H2O2 to a 450 L washing bath (333 ± 50 kg/h fresh-cut produce introduction speed), the H2O2 quickly decreased and a lower wash water contamination of aerobic psychrotrophic plate count (APC) and enterococci than without addition of H2O2 could not be maintained. There was no significant difference between the APC on fresh-cut leafy vegetables washed with H2O2 and those washed with water.In a second part, lab-scale experiments were performed to assess the impact of a commercial metal ion formulation (Bacsan®, containing a. o. Cu2+, Zn2+, Ag+) on the stability of H2O2 in artificial wash water, made from iceberg lettuce and tap water. Bacsan improved the stability of H2O2 in artificial lettuce wash water and fresh-cut leafy vegetables wash water from a processing company and synergistically increased the disinfection efficiency of APC and Escherichia coli (E. coli) compared to H2O2 or Bacsan. Increasing chemical oxygen demand (COD) had detrimental effect on the H2O2 stability and disinfection efficiency. Addition of Ag+ to Bacsan further synergistically enhanced the H2O2 stability.H2O2 is not suited as an in situ wash water disinfectant to avoid cross-contamination in fresh-cut leafy vegetables washing processes due to the slow water disinfection kinetics and the rapid H2O2 consumption. However, H2O2/Bacsan shows potential for use in off-line processes.  相似文献   

利用正交试验设计方法优选低渗油藏整体压裂方案   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用正交试验设计方法,对低渗油藏整体压裂时裂缝参数和注采压差对区块最终采收率的影响进行了直观分析和方差分析,得到了裂缝参数和注采压差对最终采收率影响的主次顺序,优选了适合于研究区块的裂缝参数和注采压差的最佳组合方案,对该区块的压裂施工和生产开发设计具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

浮式天然气液化装置(LNG Floating Production Storage and Offloading Unit,缩写为LNG-FPSO)具有便于迁移、设备可靠、安全性高等优点,但其海上适应性较差。为此,中海石油气电集团有限责任公司技术研发中心研发了一种浮式双混合制冷剂的天然气液化工艺流程,进行了流程模拟并与中国石油大学(华东)合作建造了实验装置;通过利用不同配比的两种混合冷剂实现DMR模块化设计及流程运行参数的优化,提高了LNG-FPSO工艺的效率及海上适应性。同时选择适应于海上复杂工况的设备进行双混合制冷剂流程的实验,并针对压缩机出、入口压力、水冷器温度等关键参数进行误差分析以及控制方案的确定,通过实验确定了流程中实际操作参数,为LNG-FPSO实际生产中的设备选型和运行提供了经验。最后分析了该工艺对原料气温度、压力、流量以及组分含量的敏感性,并给出了该工艺在生产中适应的参数变化范围。结论认为:该工艺可适应于复杂的海况并进行大规模的天然气液化处理。  相似文献   

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