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A binary code is called ℤ4-linear if its quaternary Gray map preimage is linear. We show that the set of all quaternary linear Preparata codes of length n = 2m, m odd, m ≥ 3, is nothing more than the set of codes of the form with
where T λ(⋅) and S ψ (⋅) are vector fields of a special form defined over the binary extended linear Hamming code H n of length n. An upper bound on the number of nonequivalent quaternary linear Preparata codes of length n is obtained, namely, . A representation for binary Preparata codes contained in perfect Vasil’ev codes is suggested.__________Translated from Problemy Peredachi Informatsii, No. 2, 2005, pp. 50–62.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Tokareva.Supported in part by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation program “Development of the Scientific Potential of the Higher School,” project no. 512.  相似文献   

Summary The k-th threshold function, T k n , is defined as: where x i{0,1} and the summation is arithmetic. We prove that any monotone network computing T 3/n(x 1,...,x n) contains at least 2.5n-5.5 gates.This research was supported by the Science and Engineering Research Council of Great Britain, UK  相似文献   

A new algorithm for solving systems of linear equations Ax = b in an Euclidean domain is suggested. In the case of the ring of integers, the complexity of this algorithm is O (n 3 mlog2 ||A||), where n)$$ " align="middle" border="0"> is a matrix of rank n and , if standard algorithms for the multiplication of integers and matrices are used. Under the same conditions, the best algorithm of this kind among those published earlier, which was suggested by Labahn and Storjohann in [1], has complexity O (n 4 mlog2 ||A||). True, when using fast algorithms for the multiplication of numbers and matrices, the theoretical complexity estimate for the latter algorithm is O (n mlog2 ||A||), which is better than the similar estimate O (n 3 mlog||A||) for the new algorithm.  相似文献   

Given a nonempty set of functions
where a = x 0 < ... < x n = b are known nodes and w i , i = 0,...,n, d i , i = 1,..., n, known compact intervals, the main aim of the present paper is to show that the functions and
exist, are in F, and are easily computable. This is achieved essentially by giving simple formulas for computing two vectors with the properties
] is the interval hull of (the tolerance polyhedron) T; iff T 0 iff F 0. , can serve for solving the following problem: Assume that is a monotonically increasing functional on the set of Lipschitz-continuous functions f : [a,b] R (e.g. (f) = a b f(x) dx or (f) = min f([a,b]) or (f) = max f([a,b])), and that the available information about a function g : [a,b] R is "g F," then the problem is to find the best possible interval inclusion of (g). Obviously, this inclusion is given by the interval [( ,( )]. Complete formulas for computing this interval are given for the case (f) = a b f(x) dx.  相似文献   

P. Baratella 《Calcolo》1977,14(3):237-242
In this paper we study the remainder term of a quadrature formula of the form $$\int\limits_{ - 1}^1 {f(x)dx = A_n \left[ {f( - 1) + f(1)} \right] + C_n \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {f(x_{n,i} ) + R_n \left[ f \right],} } $$ , withx x,i -1,1, andR n [f]=0 whenf(x) is a polynomial of degree ≤n+3 ifn is even, or ≤n+2 ifn is odd. Such a formula exists only forn=1(1)11. It is shown that, iff(x)∈ C(h+1) [-1,1], (h=n+3 orn+2), thenR n [f]=f h+1 (τ)·± n . The values α n are given.  相似文献   

In this paper we construct an interpolatory quadrature formula of the type $$\mathop {\rlap{--} \smallint }\limits_{ - 1}^1 \frac{{f'(x)}}{{y - x}}dx \approx \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {w_{ni} (y)f(x_{ni} )} ,$$ wheref(x)=(1?x)α(1+x)β f o(x), α, β>0, and {x ni} are then zeros of then-th degree Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind,T n (x). We also give a convergence result and examine the behavior of the quantity \( \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {|w_{ni} (y)|} \) asn→∞.  相似文献   

Summary We define a measure of complexity for (the group of permutations ofn elements). We thus obtain non trivial lower bounds for the number of Turing steps necessary for applaying a permutation to a tape withn entries. Transposing annxn matrix, for example, stored linearly needs at leastCn 2 Ign steps.  相似文献   

In this paper we establish a forward error analysis of the generalized complete Horner scheme for a polynomial with pivotal pointsz 1, ...,z n . The error analysis is based on the linearization method whose fundamental tools are systems of linear error equations and associated condition numbers which yield optimal bounds of the possible errors under data perturbations and rounding errors in floating point arithmetic. For Horner's scheme the bounds may be calculated by simple recurrences. The ordinary complete Horner scheme is characterized byz=z 1=...=z n . In contrast to the hitherto known error estimates for this special case our new optimal bounds for the polynomialp atz differ from those for the polynomial at |z| and thus take into account the possible partial cancellation of terms. The error estimates are illustrated by a series of numerical examples.
Rundungsfehleranalyse des Hornerschemas
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit entwickeln wir eine Vorwärts-Fehleranalyse für das vollständige verallgemeinerte Hornerschema eines Polynoms an den Stellenz 1, ...,z n . Dieser Fehleranalyse liegt die Linearisierungsmethode zugrunde, deren wesentliche Hilfsmittel Systeme linearer Fehlergleichungen und zugehöriger Konditionszahlen sind, welche optimale Schranken für die Fehler liefern, die bei Datenstörungen und dem Rechnen in Gleitkommaarithmetik entstehen können. Für das Hornerschema lassen sich diese Konditionszahlen auf einfache Weise rekursiv berechnen. Das gewöhnliche vollständige Hornerschema ist gekennzeichnet durchz=z 1=...=z n . Im Gegensatz zu den für diesen Fall bisher bekannten Fehlerabschätzungen für das Polynomp and der Stellez unterscheiden sich unsere optimalen Schranken von denen für das Polynom an der Stelle |z| und berücksichtigen so das sich teilweise Aufheben von Termen. Eine Reihe von numerischen Beispielen veranschaulicht die erhaltenen Fehlerschranken.

Binhai Zhu 《GeoInformatica》2000,4(3):317-334
This paper studies the idea of answering range searching queries using simple data structures. The only data structure we need is the Delaunay Triangulation of the input points. The idea is to first locate a vertex of the (arbitrary) query polygon and walk along the boundary of the polygon in the Delaunay Triangulation and report all the points enclosed by the query polygon. For a set of uniformly distributed random points in 2-D and a query polygon the expected query time of this algorithm is O(n 1/3 + Q + E K + L r n 1/2), where Q is the size of the query polygon , {\bf E}K = O(n\bcdot area is the expected number of output points, L r is a parameter related to the shape of the query polygon and n, and L r is always bounded by the sum of the edge lengths of . Theoretically, when L r = O(1/n1/6) the expected query time is O(n1/3 + Q + E K), which improves the best known average query time for general range searching. Besides the theoretical meaning, the good property of this algorithm is that once the Delaunay Triangulation is given, no additional preprocessing is needed. In order to obtain empirical results, we design a new algorithm for generating random simple polygons within a given domain. Our empirical results show that the constant coefficient of the algorithm is small, at least for the special (practical) cases when the query polygon is either a triangle (simplex range searching) or an axis-parallel box (orthogonal range searching) and for the general case when the query polygons are generated by our new polygon-generating algorithms and their sizes are relatively small.  相似文献   

Any given n×n matrix A is shown to be a restriction, to the A-invariant subspace, of a nonnegative N×N matrix B of spectral radius (B) arbitrarily close to (A). A difference inclusion , where is a compact set of matrices, is asymptotically stable if and only if can be extended to a set of nonnegative matrices B with or . Similar results are derived for differential inclusions.  相似文献   

K. J. Förster  K. Petras 《Calcolo》1994,31(1-2):1-33
For ultraspherical weight functions ωλ(x)=(1–x2)λ–1/2, we prove asymptotic bounds and inequalities for the variance Var(Q n G ) of the respective Gaussian quadrature formulae Q n G . A consequence for a large class of more general weight functions ω and the respective Gaussian formulae is the following asymptotic result, $$\mathop {lim}\limits_{n \to \infty } n \cdot Var\left( {Q_n^G } \right) = \pi \int_{ - 1}^1 {\omega ^2 \left( x \right)\sqrt {1 - x^2 } dx.} $$   相似文献   

The population dynamics model , was considered. For this model with uniform distribution of delays and a n = 0, nonnegativeness and convexity of the sequence a k (0 k n) was shown to be the sufficient stability condition. Therefore, there is no need to constrain the reproduction rate and the mean delay .  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the problem ofL 1 sensitivity minimization for linear plants with commensurate input delays. We describe a procedure for computing the minimum performance, and we characterize optimal solutions. The computations involve solving a one-parameter family of finite-dimensional linear programs. Explicit solutions are presented for important special cases.Notation X * Dual space of a normed linear spaceX - All elements inS with norm 1 - S The annihilator subspace defined as . - S The annihilator subspace defined as . - BV(X) Functions of bounded variation onX - C 0(X) Continuous function on a locally compact spaceX such that for all > 0, {x ¦f(x)¦s is compact - C N (a, b) Vectors of continuous functions on (a, b) The authors acknowledge support from the Army Research Office, Center for Intelligent Control, under grant DAAL03-86-K-0171, and the National Science Foundation, under grant 8810178-ECS.  相似文献   

As is well known, a finite field n = GF(q n ) can be described in terms of n × n matrices A over the field = GF(q) such that their powers A i , i = 1, 2, ..., q n – 1, correspond to all nonzero elements of the field. It is proved that, for fields n of characteristic 2, such a matrix A can be chosen to be symmetric. Several constructions of field-representing symmetric matrices are given. These matrices A i together with the all-zero matrix can be considered as a n -linear matrix code in the rank metric with maximum rank distance d = n and maximum possible cardinality q n . These codes are called symmetric rank codes. In the vector representation, such codes are maximum rank distance (MRD) linear [n, 1, n] codes, which allows one to use known rank-error-correcting algorithms. For symmetric codes, an algorithm of erasure symmetrization is proposed, which considerably reduces the decoding complexity as compared with standard algorithms. It is also shown that a linear [n, k, d = nk + 1] MRD code k containing the above-mentioned one-dimensional symmetric code as a subcode has the following property: the corresponding transposed code is also n -linear. Such codes have an extended capability of correcting symmetric errors and erasures.  相似文献   

In this paper we study quadrature formulas of the form $$\int\limits_{ - 1}^1 {(1 - x)^a (1 + x)^\beta f(x)dx = \sum\limits_{i = 0}^{r - 1} {[A_i f^{(i)} ( - 1) + B_i f^{(i)} (1)] + K_n (\alpha ,\beta ;r)\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {f(x_{n,i} ),} } } $$ (α>?1, β>?1), with realA i ,B i ,K n and real nodesx n,i in (?1,1), valid for prolynomials of degree ≤2n+2r?1. In the first part we prove that there is validity for polynomials exactly of degree2n+2r?1 if and only if α=β=?1/2 andr=0 orr=1. In the second part we consider the problem of the existence of the formula $$\int\limits_{ - 1}^1 {(1 - x^2 )^{\lambda - {1 \mathord{\left/ {\vphantom {1 2}} \right. \kern-\nulldelimiterspace} 2}} f(x)dx = A_n f( - 1) + B_n f(1) + C\sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {f(x_{n,i} )} }$$ for polynomials of degree ≤n+2. Some numerical results are given when λ=1/2.  相似文献   

In this paper we study quadrature formulas of the types (1) $$\int\limits_{ - 1}^1 {(1 - x^2 )^{\lambda - 1/2} f(x)dx = C_n^{ (\lambda )} \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n f (x_{n,i} ) + R_n \left[ f \right]} ,$$ (2) $$\int\limits_{ - 1}^1 {(1 - x^2 )^{\lambda - 1/2} f(x)dx = A_n^{ (\lambda )} \left[ {f\left( { - 1} \right) + f\left( 1 \right)} \right] + K_n^{ (\lambda )} \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n f (\bar x_{n,i} ) + \bar R_n \left[ f \right]} ,$$ with 0<λ<1, and we obtain inequalities for the degreeN of their polynomial exactness. By using such inequalities, the non-existence of (1), with λ=1/2,N=n+1 ifn is even andN=n ifn is odd, is directly proved forn=8 andn≥10. For the same value λ=1/2 andN=n+3 ifn is evenN=n+2 ifn is odd, the formula (2) does not exist forn≥12. Some intermediary results regarding the first zero and the corresponding Christoffel number of ultraspherical polynomialP n (λ) (x) are also obtained.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider the system of bilinear forms which are defined by a product of two polynomials modulo a thirdP. We show that the number of multiplications depend on how the field of constants used in the algorithm splitsP. If then 2 ·deg(P) – k multiplications are needed. (We assume thatP i is irreducible.)  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss the minimal number of observables Q 1, ..., Q , where expectation values at some time instants t 1, ..., t r determine the trajectory of a d-level quantum system (qudit) governed by the Gaussian semigroup . We assume that the macroscopic information about the system in question is given by the mean values E j(Q i) = tr(Q i(t j)) of n selfadjoint operators Q 1, ..., Q n at some time instants t 1 < t 2 < ... < t r, where n < d 2– 1 and r deg (, ). Here (, ) stands for the minimal polynomial of the generator of the Gaussian flow (t).  相似文献   

The paper describes an improved algorithm for computing cohomologies of Lie (super)algebras. The original algorithm developed earlier by the author of this paper is based on the decomposition of the entire cochain complex into minimal subcomplexes. The suggested improvement consists in the replacement of the arithmetic of rational or integer numbers by a more efficient arithmetic of modular fields and the use of the relationship dim H k( p) dimH k() between the dimensions of cohomologies over an arbitrary modular field p = /p and the filed of rational numbers . This inequality allows us to rapidly find subcomplexes for which dimH k( p) > 0 (the number of such subcomplexes is usually not great) using computations over an arbitrary p and, then, carry out all required computations over in these subcomplexes.  相似文献   

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