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通过开展合同评审和绩效评估工作,建立完善的评审标准,对业务流程、现场服务、客户管理等采购工作进行经验总结.  相似文献   

Hepatitis virus infections belong to the major etiological factors of both acute and chronic liver diseases. During the last years--apart from the passive immunoprophylaxis through the administration of immunoglobulin--safe and efficacious hepatitis vaccines (against hepatitis A and B viruses) has also became available in Hungary. In this review the authors focus on the practical considerations of the immunoprophylaxis of hepatitis viruses. General consensus concerning the clinical use of hepatitis A vaccine has not been accepted, and human immunoglobulin is the only acceptable measure to prevent postexposure hepatitis A virus infection. Hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) is administered to prevent hepatitis B infection after exposure of HBV-contaminated body fluids and in infants born to HbsAg-positive mothers. Recombinant hepatitis B vaccine has the crucial note in the WHO's program for eradication of hepatitis B. While in the areas of high endemicity the implementation of universal hepatitis B vaccination is recommended, in the countries with low HbsAg-carrier prevalence infants' and/or adolescents' vaccination can offer alternative choices. Prevention of health-care workers against hepatitis virus infection and the vaccination of patients with chronic liver disease are also of great importance. There is also an urgent need to establish multidisciplinary professional cooperation to be able to carry out effectively the WHO's recommendations for prevention of hepatitis B infection.  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) represents one of the most common neoplasms worldwide. To date, curative treatment options include liver transplantation or resection. Unfortunately, most patients are detected with nonresectable or -transplantable HCC due to disease extension or comorbid factors, and are therefore candidates only for palliative treatments. Palliative medical treatments, including systemic chemotherapy, immunotherapy or hormonal manipulation, have a borderline activity on HCC and cannot be recommended outside clinical trials. A high response rate has been reported with local therapies such as transcatheter arterial embolisation, intra-arterial chemotherapy or percutaneous alcohol (ethanol) injection, but as there is no clear evidence of a survival advantage for these treatment modalities, further investigations are required. Multidisciplinary treatment, including preoperative cytoreduction or postoperative adjuvant therapy, is currently under investigation, with encouraging survival results. HCC patients should be evaluated within clinical trials, possibly randomised and with homogeneous prognostic factors, in order that we may find the answer to all these important questions.  相似文献   

Enlightened geriatric care provides assistance to the elderly for living independently as long as possible. Essential to this amenity is the high priority placed upon restoration in coordination with other forms of therapy. Medical rehabilitation too often has been associated with employment-oriented goals and with major physical achievements. Restoration of the young spinal-injured paraplegic patient has been a model for rehabilitation medicine. The aged, also, often can be restored to optimal levels of functional capacity commensurate with their lesser needs. Rehabilitative principles for the management of disability are the same in old age as at any other time of life. Certain age-related factors, however, profoundly influence programs of restoration for the elderly. These factors need full consideration when physicians plan appropriate care for their aged patients. A list of guidelines is presented.  相似文献   

Maxillary canine teeth traditionally have been selected as overdenture abutments. Undesirable aspects associated with the use of maxillary canines as overdenture abutments are described. The use of maxillary lateral incisors as overdenture abutments offers vertical support to the prosthesis, favorable stress distribution, improved esthetics, and preservation of the premaxilla.  相似文献   

Sex therapy has proven helpful for many patients with sexual dysfunctions. In judging the appropriateness of this new treatment procedure the clinician should determine the following: that a sexual dysfunction exists, that a stable couple relationship exists, that there are no major marital, psychiatric or physical problems that are etiologically important or that would interfere with treatment, and that both partners are willing to engage in a treatment program.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The effectiveness of in-vitro fertilisation (IVF) treatment depends both on the overall success rate in the treating clinic and on the characteristics of the couple seeking treatment. Since 1991, the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) has been collecting information on all IVF cycles carried out in the UK. This database has been analysed to identify the factors that affect the outcome of treatment. METHODS: All IVF treatment cycles and outcomes registered between August, 1991, and April, 1994, were identified (52507). Cycles that involved gamete or embryo donation, frozen embryo transfer, or micromanipulation and unstimulated cycles were excluded. Thus, 36961 cycles (70% of those registered) were included in the analysis. The main outcome measure was liverbirth rate per cycle started. The relation between age and outcome was investigated by fitting of different fractional polynomials of age with logistic regression models. All other factors were analysed by logistic regression with age included in the model. FINDINGS: The overall livebirth rate per cycle of treatment was 13.9%. The highest livebirth rates were in the age-group 25-30 years; younger women had lower rates and there was a sharp decline in older women. At all ages over 30, use of donor eggs was associated with a significantly higher livebirth rate than use of the woman's own eggs, but there was also a downward trend in success rate with age (p = 0.04). After adjustment for age, there was a significant decrease in livebirth rate with increasing duration of infertility from 1 to 12 years (p < 0.001). The medical indication for treatment had no significant effect on the outcome. Previous pregnancy and livebirth significantly increased treatment success. The possibility of success decreased with each IVF treatment cycle. INTERPRETATION: We were able to identify by logistic regression the factors that significantly affect the outcome of IVF treatment, and to measure the magnitude of that effect. These factors should be taken into account in assessment of IVF results. After allowance for background clinic success rates, these factors can be used to predict outcome in individual cases.  相似文献   

Older people often describe their headaches as starting with vague neck discomfort and eventually moving to the temples and forehead. These are muscle-tension headaches, by far the most common type in the elderly. Although cervical osteoarthritis often is at fault, depression can be a significant factor, patricularly when headaches are chronic. There is no sure cure for tension headache, and often, several of the many remedies-ethyl chloride spray, moist heat, massage, antidepressant drugs, analgesics, local anesthetics, etc.-must be tried before an effective one is found. But just as important to successful therapy are concern, compassion, and a willingness to listen on the part of the physician. True migraine headaches are rare in the elderly. More prevalent is the type of vascular headache associated with giant cell arteritis, which is severe and resistant to any form of analgesic except the strongest narcotics. Vascular headaches also may result from congestive heart failure (which produces venous congestion in the cranial cavity), transient ischemia, increased intracranial pressure, and a variety of metabolic disturbances.  相似文献   

In conclusion, OPAT is a cost-effective, quality-controlled alternative setting for treating patients with HIV. The program provides a desirable situation for the patient, physician, and nurse. Continuity of care provided by the health care team in the physician's office is a unique situation that can meet the treatment modalities necessary to care for the HIV patient with dignity and pride. In short, OPAT offers an attractive alternative to long-term hospitalization for a variety of HIV-related infections. Such therapy is rapidly becoming a standard of treatment that provides both cost savings and efficacious medical care to patients with HIV-related complications.  相似文献   

Patients with stage I or II breast cancer are candidates for either modified radical mastectomy or breast preservation therapy involving limited resection of the primary tumor, axillary dissection, and breast irradiation. The overall survival rates of both these approaches are comparable according to retrospective reviews and ongoing clinical trials, and long-term follow-up confirms the earlier findings. Thus, patients should be given the choice between these two options by surgeons, radiation therapists, and other physicians involved in their care. However, not all breast cancer patients will choose breast preservation surgery, and because of tumor-related and other factors not all patients are candidates. The patient selection criteria are discussed herein and the optimal surgical techniques are reviewed.  相似文献   

热轧带钢酸洗线的选型探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了推拉式酸洗线和连续式酸洗线的主要设备和工艺流程。通过对2种热轧带钢酸洗线的比较,结合国内部分钢厂酸洗线的类型、产能、主要设备和产品用途的调查分析,探讨了宁钢首条热轧酸洗线的选型和设备配置。  相似文献   

A growing number of physicians are performing exercise tests in their offices for the purposes of diagnosing cardiopulmonary disease and assessing exercise capacity in patients with heart disease. Methodology of testing is important in making the most effective use of the information gathered from the test. Selecting an approach that fits the objectives of the test and the individual being tested is essential for accurate and reproducible results. This article discusses the various exercise protocols and equipment used in exercise testing.  相似文献   

本文阐述了中铝山西分公司6kV配电所直流电源的现状,讨论了整流系统、蓄电池系统等诸多方面,提出了6kV配电所直流系统相控电源更新为高频开关电源的设备配置及选择方案。  相似文献   

压滤机是金属矿山选矿厂压滤车间精矿脱水、尾矿脱水工艺中不可或缺的设备之一,其计算选型的合适与否直接关系到压滤车间工艺流程的畅通和技术指标的稳定。依据压滤机的操作参数及压滤试验结果确定压滤机合适的操作周期,采用Excel将压滤车间的主要设备压滤机、给料泵、缓冲槽以及卸料皮带一起进行技术参数计算;计算出的最大操作周期须大于拟定的操作周期,富余时间需满足滤布清洗、滤布挂料清理所需时间;这种便捷的计算方式和设备选型方法可供设计人员参考。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to describe the operating conditions of dry chemistry instruments in primary care, as well as to elucidate financial aspects in general practice fee-for-service settings. We used questionnaires mailed to all users of the two most used dry chemistry instruments in Norway, as well as to a 14% random sample of Norwegian GPs. The overall response rate was 79%. The mean number of dry chemistry analyses varied considerably between individual users, but in general a substantial number of analyses were carried out. Even though most analyses on the instruments' repertoire were available in all user groups, a total of 13 additional constituents were suggested to be included in the repertoire. In occupational health care most results were ready when the client was present; this was not the case in general practice. The instruments were more profitable when more constituents were analysed per sample, although profitability varied substantially in the period studied (1986-1989). A discrete time history event analysis revealed that net profit earned, lower instrument price, available information about the technology and being in solo practice significantly influenced the decision to buy an instrument in fee-for-service practices.  相似文献   

影响班级学风的原因及建设良好班级学风的措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
班级的学风建设是学生辅导员的一项重要的工作内容。在独立学院,班级的学风建设在学生工作的全局中显得更加重要。影响学生学风的原因是多方面的,独立学院更要在学生学风建设上加强研究.寻找形成独立学院优良学风的有效措施。  相似文献   

Discusses reasons for including or not including a pretest in experimental studies. The present authors do not advocate the abandonment of the pretest but point out that it is possible to have a sound design and analysis without a pretest. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

陈偶  汪凤伟  陈建新 《黄金》2021,42(4):47-50
矿山设备选型关系到矿山初期成本的投入及后期的运营费用,一个合理的矿山设备既要满足技术要求又要考虑其经济性,在对矿山设备经济性评价时既要考虑设备运行成本,又要加入时间因素.以某矿山运输设备为例,建立贴现现金流模型,将2种设备选型方案购买费用及运营费用进行贴现,对满足技术选型的设备方案进行了经济性对比,进一步确定出该矿山最...  相似文献   

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