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Protein seryl/threonyl phosphatase inhibitors such as calyculin A block inside-out and outside-in platelet signaling. Our studies demonstrate that the addition of calyculin A blocks platelet adhesion and spreading on fibrinogen, responses that depend on integrin alphaIIb beta3 signaling. We hypothesized that this reflects a change in alphaIIb beta3 structure caused by a specific state of phosphorylation. We show that addition of calyculin A leads to increased phosphorylation of the beta3 subunit, and phosphoamino acid analysis reveals that only threonine residues become phosphorylated; sequence analysis by Edman degradation established that threonine 753 became stoichiometrically phosphorylated during inhibition of platelet phosphatases by calyculin A. This region of beta3 is linked to outside-in signaling such as platelet spreading responses. The effect of calyculin A on platelet adhesion and spreading and on the phosphorylation of T-753 in beta3 is reversed by the calcium ionophore A23187, demonstrating that these effects of calyculin A are not generally toxic ones. We propose that phosphorylation of beta3 on threonine 753, a region of beta3 linked to outside-in signaling, may be a mechanism by which integrin alphaIIb beta3 function is regulated.  相似文献   

Integrin alphaIIbbeta3 functions as the fibrinogen receptor on platelets and mediates platelet aggregation and clot retraction. Among the events that occur during either "inside-out" or "outside-in" signaling through alphaIIbbeta3 is the phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (pp125(FAK)) and the association of pp125(FAK) with cytoskeletal components. To examine the role of pp125(FAK) in these integrin-mediated events, pp125(FAK) phosphorylation and association with the cytoskeleton was determined in cells expressing two mutant forms of alphaIIbbeta3: alphaIIbbeta3(D723A/E726A), a constitutively active integrin in which the putative binding site for pp125(FAK) is altered, and alphaIIbbeta3(F727A/K729E/F730A), in which the putative binding site for alpha-actinin is altered. Both mutants were expressed on the cell surface and were able to bind ligand, either spontaneously or upon activation. Whereas cells expressing alphaIIbbeta3(D723A/E726A) were able to form focal adhesions and stress fibers upon adherence to fibrinogen, cells expressing alphaIIbbeta3(F727A/K729E/F730A) adhere to fibrinogen, but had reduced focal adhesions and stress fibers. pp125(FAK) is recruited to focal adhesions in adherent cells expressing alphaIIbbeta3(D723A/E726A) and is phosphorylated in adherent cells or in cells in suspension in the presence of fibrinogen. In adherent cells expressing alphaIIbbeta3(F727A/K729E/F730A), pp125(FAK) was phosphorylated despite reduced formation of focal adhesions and stress fibers. We conclude that activation of pp125(FAK) can be dissociated from two important events in integrin signaling, the assembly of focal adhesions in adherent cells and integrin activation following ligand occupation.  相似文献   

Mutations that result in defective beta1-integrin focal adhesion formation were analyzed for effects on bacterial internalization. Mutations in the cytoplasmic domain of the beta1 chain that disrupt the sequence NPIY resulted in integrins deficient in bacterial uptake. Other mutations in the beta1 chain that reduced cytoskeletal association showed enhanced bacterial uptake. Replacement of the NPIY sequence of the beta1 subunit by the endocytosis internalization sequence PPGY resulted in integrin receptors highly proficient in bacterial internalization, yet severely defective in focal contact localization. Electron microscopy indicated that coated structures associated specifically with bacteria-binding beta1-integrins, with an apparent recruitment of coated pits from ventral cell surfaces to apical surfaces corresponding to nascent bacterial phagosomes. Clathrin inhibition studies indicated a role for the adaptor molecule AP2 as well as clathrin in integrin-mediated bacterial internalization. These results indicate that association of beta1-integrins with the cytoskeleton at focal contacts interferes with integrin-mediated bacterial internalization. Also, although actin polymerization is required for bacterial uptake, clathrin is probably involved in bacterial uptake promoted by beta-1-integrins.  相似文献   

We have used gene targeting to examine the role of the G alpha subunit, G(olf), in olfactory signal transduction. Mice homozygous for a null mutation in G(olf) show a striking reduction in the electrophysiological response of primary olfactory sensory neurons to a wide variety of odors. Despite this profound diminution in response to odors, the topographic map of primary sensory projections to the olfactory bulb remains unaltered in G(olf) mutants. Greater than 75% of the G(olf) mutant mice are unable to nurse and die within 2 days after birth. Rare surviving homozygotes mate and are fertile, but mutant females exhibit inadequate maternal behaviors. Surviving homozygous mutant mice also exhibit hyperactive behaviors. These behavioral phenotypes, taken together with the patterns of G(olf) expression, suggest that G(olf) is required for olfactory signal transduction and may also function as an essential signaling molecule more centrally in the brain.  相似文献   

Killing of human cells by the parasite Entamoeba histolytica requires adherence via an amebic cell surface lectin. Lectin activity in the parasite is regulated by inside-out signaling. The lectin cytoplasmic domain has sequence identity with a region of the beta2 integrin cytoplasmic tail implicated in regulation of integrin-mediated adhesion. Intracellular expression of a fusion protein containing the cytoplasmic domain of the lectin has a dominant negative effect on extracellular lectin-mediated cell adherence. Mutation of the integrin-like sequence abrogates the dominant negative effect. Amebae expressing the dominant negative mutant are less virulent in an animal model of amebiasis. These results suggest that inside-out signaling via the lectin cytoplasmic domain may control the extracellular adhesive activity of the amebic lectin and provide in vivo demonstration of the lectin's role in virulence.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic tails of integrin heterodimers play central roles in controlling the activation states of integrins and in transmitting intracellular signals. Despite their short length, no structure of any integrin cytoplasmic domain has been determined. Therefore, molecular models for the cytoplasmic domain of alpha(IIb)beta3, the major platelet integrin, were generated, including models for the individual cytoplasmic tails, the binary alphaIIb-calcium complex, and the ternary alphaIIb-beta3-calcium complex. Structural analysis of circular dichroism spectra were compiled with data obtained from short homologous sequences within crystallized proteins, and with secondary structural predictions to develop starting models for each subunit. These models were subjected to a series of energy minimization and molecular dynamic simulations to generate final models. AlphaIIb was predicted to be ordered at its N-terminus and its C-terminus could accommodate a cation in a multicoordinated complex. The structure of beta3 was dominated by a beta-turn at its NPXY motif (beta3 744-747). In docking of alphaIIb to different sites within beta3, the conformation of the beta3 juxta-transmembrane (beta3 716-721) was greatly altered. This region was confirmed to be a conformational 'hot-spot' by circular dichroism. The conformational flexibility of this juxta-transmembrane region, which is highly conserved amongst integrins, is ideally located to regulate signaling.  相似文献   

Integrin signaling is mediated by interaction of integrin cytoplasmic domains with intracellular signaling molecules. Recently, we identified a novel 111-amino acid polypeptide, termed beta3-endonexin, which interacts selectively with the integrin beta3 cytoplasmic domain. In the present study we conducted a systematic mutational analysis of both the integrin beta3 cytoplasmic domain and beta3-endonexin to map sites required for interaction. The interaction of the full-length beta3 integrin subunit with beta3-endonexin in vitro required the beta3 cytoplasmic domain. In a yeast two-hybrid system, both membrane-proximal and membrane-distal residues of the beta3 cytoplasmic domain were necessary for interaction with beta3-endonexin. In particular, the membrane-distal NITY motif at beta3 756-759 was critical for the interaction. Exchange of beta3 residues 756-759 (NITY) for the corresponding residues in beta1 (NPKY) endowed the beta1 cytoplasmic domain with the ability to interact with beta3-endonexin. Conversely, exchange of the NPKY motif at beta1 772-775 for the NITY motif in beta3 abolished interaction of this chimeric cytoplasmic domain with beta3-endonexin. Because the NITY motif is present in the beta3 but not the beta1 cytoplasmic domain, these results explain the selective interaction of this cytoplasmic domain with beta3-endonexin. In addition, deletional analysis suggested that a core 91-residue sequence of beta3-endonexin is sufficient for specific binding to the beta3 cytoplasmic domain. These studies have identified a cytoplasmic domain sequence motif that specifies an integrin-specific protein-protein interaction.  相似文献   

We have investigated the structural requirements of the beta3 integrin subunit cytoplasmic domain necessary for tyrosine phosphorylation of focal adhesion kinase (FAK) and paxillin during alphav beta3-mediated cell spreading. Using CHO cells transfected with various beta3 mutants, we demonstrate a close correlation between alphav beta3-mediated cell spreading and tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK and paxillin, and highlight a distinct involvement of the NPLY747 and NITY759 motifs in these signaling processes. Deletion of the NITY759 motif alone was sufficient to completely prevent alphav beta3-dependent focal contact formation, cell spreading, and FAK/paxillin phosphorylation. The single Y759A substitution induced a strong inhibitory phenotype, while the more conservative, but still phosphorylation-defective, Y759F mutation restored wild type receptor function. Alanine substitution of the highly conserved Tyr747 completely abolished alphav beta3-dependent formation of focal adhesion plaques, cell spreading, and FAK/paxillin phosphorylation, whereas a Y747F substitution only partially restored these events. As none of these mutations affected receptor-ligand interaction, our results suggest that the structural integrity of the NITY759 motif, rather than the phosphorylation status of Tyr759 is important for beta3-mediated cytoskeleton reorganization and tyrosine phosphorylation of FAK and paxillin, while the presence of Tyr at residue 747 within the NPLY747 motif is required for optimal beta3 post-ligand binding events.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of the beta3 subunit of the major platelet integrin alphaIIb beta3 has been shown to occur during thrombin-induced platelet aggregation (1). We now show that a wide variety of platelet stimuli induced beta3 tyrosine phosphorylation, but that this phosphorylation occurred only following platelet aggregation. Several lines of evidence suggest that the beta3 cytoplasmic domain tyrosine residues and/or their phosphorylation function to mediate interactions between beta3 integrins and cytoskeletal proteins. First, phospho-beta3 was retained preferentially in a Triton X-100 insoluble cytoskeletal fraction of thrombin-aggregated platelets. Second, in vitro experiments show that the cytoskeletal protein, myosin, associated in a phosphotyrosine-dependent manner with a diphosphorylated peptide corresponding to residues 740-762 of beta3. Third, mutation of both tyrosines in the beta3 cytoplasmic domain to phenylalanines markedly reduced beta3-dependent fibrin clot retraction. Thus, our data indicate that platelet aggregation is both necessary and sufficient for beta3 tyrosine phosphorylation, and this phosphorylation results in the physical linkage of alphaIIb beta3 to the cytoskeleton. We hypothesize that this linkage may involve direct binding of the phosphorylated integrin to the contractile protein myosin in order to mediate transmission of force to the fibrin clot during the process of clot retraction.  相似文献   

E-selectin, a selectin expressed on activated vascular endothelium, supports rolling and stable adhesion of leukocytes at sites of inflammation. Previously, we have reported that leukocyte adhesion to cultured endothelial cells induces association of the cytoplasmic domain of E-selectin with cytoskeletal elements, suggesting that outside-in signaling may occur during E-selectin-mediated adhesion. To investigate this potential signaling function of E-selectin, HUVEC activated with recombinant human IL-1beta (10 U/ml, 4 h) were labeled with [32P]orthophosphate, and E-selectin was immunoprecipitated using mAb H18/7. Autoradiography revealed constitutive phosphorylation of E-selectin in these cells and time-dependent dephosphorylation following adhesion of HL-60 cells. Cross-linking of cell surface E-selectin using H18/7 and a polyclonal secondary Ab induced E-selectin dephosphorylation, as did adhesion of beads coated with recombinant P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1), an E-selectin ligand. Using adenoviral vector-mediated transfection in HUVEC of a tail-less E-selectin and phosphoamino acid analysis, we documented phosphorylation occurring exclusively within the cytoplasmic domain and involving serine residues. Additional experiments using a series of cytoplasmic domain mutants of E-selectin expressed in COS-7 cells localized the regions that were constitutively phosphorylated. Preincubation with okadaic acid and sodium vanadate abrogated adhesion-induced dephosphorylation of E-selectin. Thus, E-selectin, which is constitutively phosphorylated in cytokine-activated human endothelial cells, undergoes an enzymatically regulated dephosphorylation following leukocyte adhesion. This process appears to be triggered by multivalent ligand binding and/or cross-linking of cell surface E-selectin. Ligand-dependent regulation of the phosphorylation of E-selectin's cytoplasmic domain provides additional evidence for a transmembrane signaling function of this molecule during leukocyte-endothelial interactions.  相似文献   

Recent studies with patients suffering from epidermolysis bullosa simplex associated with muscular dystrophy and the targeted gene disruption in mice suggested that plectin, a versatile cytoskeletal linker and intermediate filament-binding protein, may play an essential role in hemidesmosome integrity and stabilization. To define plectin's interactions with hemidesmosomal proteins on the molecular level, we studied its interaction with the uniquely long cytoplasmic tail domain of the beta4 subunit of the basement membrane laminin receptor integrin alpha6beta4 that has been implicated in connecting the transmembrane integrin complex with hemidesmosome-anchored cytokeratin filaments. In vitro binding and in vivo cotransfection assays, using recombinant mutant forms of both proteins, revealed their direct interaction via multiple molecular domains. Furthermore, we show in vitro self-interaction of integrin beta4 cytoplasmic domains, as well as disruption of intermediate filament network arrays and dislocation of hemidesmosome-associated endogenous plectin upon ectopic overexpression of this domain in PtK2 and/or 804G cells. The close association of plectin molecules with hemidesmosomal structures and their apparent random orientation was indicated by gold immunoelectron microscopy using domain-specific antibodies. Our data support a model in which plectin stabilizes hemidesmosomes, via directly interlinking integrin beta4 subunits and cytokeratin filaments.  相似文献   

Applying the technique of targeted disulfide cross-linking to the cytoplasmic domain of the aspartate receptor of Salmonella typhimurium indicates a generally alpha-helical conformation of the linker region, and a close juxtaposition and a parallel alignment at the interface between the two subunits in the linker region. This conclusion is supported by the results from the Fourier transform of the hydrophobicity values of the amino acid sequences. Aspartate binding in the periplasmic domain causes a closer juxtaposition of the two subunits in the cytoplasmic domain, as indicated by the more rapid disulfide cross-linking on addition of aspartate.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic domains of LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18) are thought to play an important role in the regulation of LFA-1 function. To further elucidate the role of the LFA-1 cytoplasmic domains, we transfected chimeric proteins consisting of the extracellular domain of CD4 fused with the transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains of LFA-1 into T and B cell lines, EL-4 and A20, respectively, and examined their effects on LFA-1-mediated cell adhesion. The CD4/18, but not CD4/11a, chimera profoundly inhibited LFA-1-mediated cell adhesion to ICAM-1, as well as cell spreading following cell adhesion. Unexpectedly, cell adhesion to fibronectin was also inhibited by the CD4/18 chimera. The CD4/18 chimera did not affect the expression of endogenous LFA-1 or the association of CD11a and CD18. Truncation of the carboxyl-terminal 13 amino acid residues of the CD18 cytoplasmic domain of the chimera completely abrogated the inhibitory effect on LFA-1. Among these amino acid residues, the carboxyl-terminal six residues were dispensable for the inhibitory effect in EL-4 cells, whereas it significantly reduced the inhibitory activity of CD4/18 in A20 cells. A larger truncation of the CD18 cytoplasmic domain was needed to fully abrogate the inhibitory effects of CD4/18 on the adhesion to fibronectin. These results show that 1) the CD4/18 chimera has dominant-negative effects on cell adhesion mediated by LFA-1 as well as fibronectin receptors, and 2) amino acid residues of the CD18 cytoplasmic domain involved in the inhibition of LFA-1 seem to be different from those for fibronectin receptors.  相似文献   

Cadherins are transmembrane glycoproteins involved in Ca2+-dependent cell-cell adhesion. Deletion of the COOH-terminal residues of the E-cadherin cytoplasmic domain has been shown to abolish its cell adhesive activity, which has been ascribed to the failure of the deletion mutants to associate with catenins. Based on our present results, this concept needs revision. As was reported previously, leukemia cells (K562) expressing E-cadherin with COOH-terminal deletion of 37 or 71 amino acid residues showed almost no aggregation. Cells expressing E-cadherin with further deletion of 144 or 151 amino acid residues, which eliminates the membrane-proximal region of the cytoplasmic domain, showed E-cadherin-dependent aggregation. Thus, deletion of the membrane-proximal region results in activation of the nonfunctional E-cadherin polypeptides. However, these cells did not show compaction. Chemical cross-linking revealed that the activated E-cadherin polypeptides can be cross-linked to a dimer on the surface of cells, whereas the inactive polypeptides, as well as the wild-type E-cadherin polypeptide containing the membrane-proximal region, can not. Therefore, the membrane-proximal region participates in regulation of the adhesive activity by preventing lateral dimerization of the extracellular domain.  相似文献   

Many aspects of myogenesis are believed to be regulated by myoblast interactions with specific components of the extracellular matrix. For example, laminin has been found to promote adhesion, migration, and proliferation of mammalian myoblasts. Based on affinity chromatography, the alpha7beta1 integrin has been presumed to be the major receptor mediating myoblast interactions with laminin. We have prepared a monoclonal antibody, O26, that specifically reacts with both the X1 and the X2 extracellular splice variants of the alpha7 integrin chain. This antibody completely and selectively blocks adhesion and migration of rat L8E63 myoblasts on laminin-1, but not on fibronectin. In contrast, a polyclonal antibody to the fibronectin receptor, alpha5beta1 integrin, blocks myoblast adhesion on fibronectin, but not on laminin-1. The alpha7beta1 integrin also binds to a mixture of laminin-2 and laminin-4, the major laminin isoforms in developing and adult skeletal muscle, but O26 is a much less potent inhibitor of myoblast adhesion on the laminin-2/4 mixture than on laminin-1. Based on affinity chromatography, we suggest that this may be due to higher affinity binding of alpha7X1 to laminin-2/4 than to laminin-1.  相似文献   

Dye transfer between lens fiber cells and between lens epithelial cells and underlying fiber cells was studied using a wide dynamic range-cooled CCD camera, H2O immersion objectives and image analysis techniques. Each lens was decapsulated by a new technique which leaves the epithelial cells adherent to the lens fiber mass. Lucifer Yellow CH was injected into either single epithelial cells or single fiber cells using the standard whole cell configuration of the patch voltage clamp technique. The results demonstrate extensive dye communication between fiber cells at the lens posterior surface, anterior surface, and equatorial surface. Dye transfer between deep fiber cells was also observed. Dye transfer between approximately 10% of epithelial cells and their underlying fiber cells was apparent when care was taken to yield wide dynamic range images. This was required because the relatively high concentration of dye in the epithelial cell masks the presence of much lower dye concentrations in the underlying fiber cell. A mathematical model which includes dye concentration, time, and spatial spread suggests that those epithelial cells that are coupled to an underlying fiber cell are about as well dye coupled as the epithelial cells themselves. The relatively low dye concentration in a fiber cell is due to its larger volume and diffusion of the dye along the axis of the fiber away from the fiber/epithelial junction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nitric oxide (NO) plays an important role in numerous reproductive processes. To date, most studies have assessed the role of NO by using nonspecific pharmacological inhibitors of the precursor to NO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS). These pharmacological NOS inhibitors suppress all isoforms of NOS; thus, the precise contribution of each isoform to female reproductive physiology is unknown. The purpose of this study was to determine the specific role of neuronal NOS (nNOS) in the regulation of ovulation in female mice lacking the gene that encodes for nNOS (nNOS-/-). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ovulation was assessed in wild-type (WT) and nNOS-/- female mice by examining the number of ovarian rupture sites and number of oocytes recovered from the oviducts following mating or exposure to exogenous gonadotropins (i.e., 5 IU pregnant mares serum gonadotropin [PMSG] and 5 IU human chorionic gonadotropin [hCG]). Ovulatory efficiency was determined as the number of ovulated oocytes per number of ovarian rupture sites. To examine whether ovulatory deficits in nNOS-/- mice were due to alternations in central mechanisms, plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) concentrations were assessed in WT and nNOS-/- mice that were challenged with 25 ng of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH). To determine whether ovulatory deficits in nNOS-/- mice were due to local ovulation processes, nerves innervating the reproductive tract of WT and nNOS-/- females were examined for the presence of nNOS protein. RESULTS: There were substantial fertility deficits in nNOS-/- female mice; the nNOS-/- mice had fewer oocytes in their oviducts following spontaneous and gonadotropin-stimulated ovulation. Pituitary responsiveness to exogenous GnRH challenge was intact in nNOS-/- mice. Dense nNOS protein staining was observed in nerves innervating the reproductive tracts of WT mice. CONCLUSIONS: The reproductive deficits in nNOS-/- females are most likely due to alternations in the transfer of oocytes from the ovaries to the oviducts during ovulation. These results suggest that defects in neuronally derived NO production may contribute to female infertility.  相似文献   

Flowing leukocytes tether to and roll on P-selectin, a receptor on endothelial cells that is rapidly internalized in clathrin-coated pits. We asked whether the association of P-selectin with clathrin-coated pits contributes to its adhesive function. Under flow, rolling neutrophils accumulated efficiently on CHO cells expressing wild-type P-selectin or a P-selectin construct with a substitution in the cytoplasmic domain that caused even faster internalization than that of the wild-type protein. By contrast, far fewer rolling neutrophils accumulated on CHO cells expressing P-selectin constructs with a deletion or a substitution in the cytoplasmic domain that impaired internalization. Neutrophils rolled on the internalization-competent constructs with greater adhesive strength, slower velocity, and more uniform motion. Flowing neutrophils tethered equivalently to internalization-competent or internalization-defective P-selectin, but after tethering, they rolled further on internalization-competent P-selectin. Confocal microscopy demonstrated colocalization of alpha-adaptin, a component of clathrin-coated pits, with wild-type P-selectin, but not with P-selectin lacking the cytoplasmic domain. Treatment of CHO cells or endothelial cells with hypertonic medium reversibly impaired the clathrin-mediated internalization of P-selectin and its ability to support neutrophil rolling. Interactions of the cytoplasmic domain of P-selectin with clathrin-coated pits provide a novel mechanism to enhance leukocyte adhesion under flow.  相似文献   

The expression of the intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), and the integrins CD49, CD11b/c, and CD11a (LFA-1 alpha chain) was analyzed in an experimental model of pulmonary fibrosis. Adult rats were exposed to 75% oxygen during 10 weeks, and to 2.0 mg/kg of paraquat twice weekly. Rats were sacrificed at 2 days, and at 2 and 10 weeks after the first injection of paraquat. Lungs were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and used for histology and immunohistochemistry. At 2 days the lungs showed a diffuse inflammation composed of a mixed polymorphonuclear and mononuclear cell infiltrate. Afterwards, the inflammatory process was predominantly mononuclear, and an increasing fibroblast proliferation was observed. Early inflammatory events (48 h) correlated with a moderate increased expression of ICAM-1, LFA, and CD11b/c in epithelial cells as well as a pronounced expression of ICAM-1 and CD11b/c in macrophages. At 2 and 10 weeks, there was a progressive increased expression of CD11b/c and ICAM-1 by macrophages, as well as of LFA in epithelial cells, and of ICAM-1 and CD49 by epithelial and interstitial cells. Lymphocytes showed a slight increased expression of LFA at 2 weeks, and of CD49 at 2 and 10 weeks. These results suggest that macrophages expressing ICAM-1, CD11b/c, and CD49 are involved in the earlier and late phases of the disease whereas fibroblast and epithelial cells expressing ICAM-1 and CD49 might play a role in the cell interactions involved in the fibrotic phase.  相似文献   

The physiological function of mammalian sperm acrosin has long been believed to be involved in the limited proteolysis of the oocyte zona pellucida, thus enabling the sperm to penetrate this extracellular matrix and to gain access to the oocyte plasma membrane. Here we show that male mice homozygous for a targeted mutation in the mouse acrosin gene are still fertile in spite of the complete absence of acrosin protease activity in the sperm. In vitro fertilization assays verified that sperm from the homozygous mutant mice penetrate the zona pellucida and effect fertilization. Therefore, acrosin is not essential for both sperm penetration of the zona pellucida and fertilization.  相似文献   

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