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在分子束外延系统中,利用3nmGaAs薄盖层将InAs自组装量子点部分覆盖,然后在500°C以及As2气氛中退火一分钟,制成纳米尺度的InAs量子环。这一形成敏感地依赖于退火时的生长条件和生长InAs自组装量子点时的淀积量。InAs在GaAs表面的扩散以及同时发生的In-Ga互混控制着InAs量子环的形成。  相似文献   

低落曙GaAs外延层上生长InAs量子点的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用退火技术,实现了在低温GaAs外延层上InAs量子点的生长。透射电镜(TEM)研究表明,低温GaAs外延层上生长的InAs量子点比通常生长的InAs量子眯明显变小,且密度变大,认为是由于低温GaAs中的点缺陷以及As沉淀引起的:点缺陷释放了部分弹性能,使得量子点变小,而As沉淀可能是量子点密度变大的原因。在光致发光谱(PL)上,退火低温外延层上生长的量子点的发光峰能量较高,且半高宽变窄。  相似文献   

报道了分子束外延生长的1.3μm多层InGaAs/InAs/GaAs自组织量子点及其室温连续激射激光器.室温带边发射峰的半高宽小于35meV,表明量子点大小比较均匀.原子力显微镜图像显示,量子点密度可以控制在(1~7)×1010cm-2范围之内,而面密度处于4×1010cm-2时有良好的光致发光谱性能.含有三到五层1. 3μm量子点的激光器成功实现了室温连续激射.  相似文献   

采用分子束外延方法在GaAs(331)A高指数衬底上制备自对齐InAs量子线(QWR)或者三维(3D)岛状结构。InAs量子线(QWR)选择性生长在GaAs层的台阶边缘。通过原子力显微镜(AFM)仔细研究了InAs纳米微结构的表面形貌,发现不同的生长条件如衬底温度、生长速率和InAs层厚度等,对InAs表面形貌有很大的影响。低温更容易导致线状纳米微结构的形成,而高温更利于3D岛状结构形成。表面形貌的转变归结于表面能同应变能之间的竞争。  相似文献   

分子束外延InAs量子点的RHEED实时原位分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
介绍了利用反射式高能电子衍射(RHEED)方法在自组装InAs量子点制备过程中进行结构分析的理论研究与实验工作的最新进展。从反射式高能电子衍射在InAs量子点临界转变状态测定、量子点表面取向、量子点应力分布测定、量子点形核长大动力学过程研究等方面的应用,可以看出RHEED在InAs量子点形成过程中对多种结构特征的原位分析具有突出优势。反射式高能电子衍射仪作为分子束外延系统中的标准配置,已成为一种对InAs量子点微观结构进行分析的简易而理想的分析测试工具。随着反射式高能电子衍射以及衍射理论的进一步发展,必将促进InAs量子点结构的精确表征水平的提高,进而实现更加理想结构的InAs量子点的制备及其应用。  相似文献   

本文简要报告我们气态源分子束外延实验结果。  相似文献   

用快速率(1.0ML/s)生长MBE InAs/GaAs(001)量子点。原子力显微镜观察结果表明,在量子点体系形成的较早阶段,量子点密度N(θ)随InAs沉积量θ的变化符合自然指数形式N(θ)∝ek(θ-θc),这与以前在慢速生长(≤0.1ML/s)条件下出现的标度规律N(θ)∝(θ-θc)α明显不同。另外,在N(θ)随θ增加的过程中,快速率生长量子点的高度分布没有经历量子点平均高度随沉积量θ逐渐增加的过程。这些实验观察说明,以原子在生长表面作扩散运动为基础的生长动力学理论至少是不全面的,不适用于解释InAs量子点的形成。这些观察和讨论说明,即使在1.0ML/s的快速率生长条件下,量子点密度也可以通过InAs沉积量有效地控制在1.0×108cm-2以下,实现低密度InAs量子点体系的制备。  相似文献   

通过MBE外延系统生长了1.3 μm的GaAs基InAs量子点激光器.为了获得更好的器件性能,InAs量子点的最优生长温度被标定为520 ℃,并且在有源区中引入Be掺杂.制备了脊宽100 μm,腔长2 mm的激光器单管器件,在未镀膜的情况下,达到了峰值功率1.008 W的室温连续工作,阈值电流密度为110 A/cm-2,在80℃下仍然可以实现连续工作,在50 ℃以下范围内,特征温度达到405 K.  相似文献   

Molecular beam epitaxy growth of a bilayer stacked InAs/GaAs quantum dot structure on a pure GaAs matrix has been systemically investigated.The influence of growth temperature and the InAs deposition of both layers on the optical properties and morphologies of the bilayer quantum dot(BQD) structures is discussed.By optimizing the growth parameters,InAs BQD emission at 1.436μm at room temperature with a narrower FWHM of 27 meV was demonstrated.The density of QDs in the second layer is around 9×109 to 1.4×1010 cm-2. The BQD structure provides a useful way to extend the emission wavelength of GaAs-based material for quantum functional devices.  相似文献   

报道了InAs/GaSb超晶格中波材料的分子束外廷生长技术研究.通过改变GaSb衬底上分子束外延InAs/GaSb超晶格材料的衬底温度,以及界面的优化等,改善超晶格材料的表面形貌和晶格失配,获得了晶格失配△a/a=1.5×10-4,原子级平整表面的InAs/GaSb超晶格材料,材料77 K截止波长为4.87 μm.  相似文献   

The growth of InAs quantum dots (QDs) on GaAs (0 0 1) substrates by selective area molecular beam epitaxy (SA-MBE) with dielectric mask is investigated. The GaAs polycrystals on the mask, which is formed during growth due to low GaAs selectivity between dielectric mask and epitaxial region in MBE, strongly affect the distribution of InAs QDs on the neighbouring epitaxial regions. It is found that the GaAs polycrystalline regions strongly absorb indium during QD growth, confirmed by microscopic and optical studies. GaAs polycrystalline deposit can be reduced under low growth rate and high-temperature growth conditions. Almost no reduction in QD areal density is observed when there is minimal polycrystalline coverage of the mask.  相似文献   

We report the molecular beam epitaxial growth of InSb quantum dots (QD) inserted as sub-monolayers in an InAs matrix which exhibit intense mid-infrared photoluminescence up to room temperature. The InSb QD sheets were formed by briefly exposing the surface to an antimony flux (Sb2) exploiting an As-Sb anion exchange reaction. Light emitting diodes were fabricated using 10 InSb QD sheets and were found to exhibit bright electroluminescence with a single peak at 3.8 μm at room temperature.  相似文献   

We report detailed studies of the optical properties of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) grown on ZnSe and ZnBeSe by molecular-beam epitaxy (MBE). We performed steady-state and time-resolved photoluminescence (PL) measurements and observe that nonradiative processes dominate at room temperature (RT) in the CdSe/ZnBeSe QDs structures, though these nonradiative processes do not dominate in the CdSe/ZnSe QDs structures up to RT. We performed secondary ion-mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurement and propose that the oxygen incorporation in the ZnBeSe layers (possibly caused by the reactivity of Be) may contribute to the dominant nonradiative processes at high temperatures in the QDs grown on ZnBeSe.  相似文献   

A number of nano-engineering methods are proposed and tested to improve optical properties of a laser gain medium using the self-assembled InAs quantum dot (QD) ensemble. The laser characteristics of concern include higher gain, larger modulation bandwidth, higher efficiency at elevated temperatures, higher thermal stability, and enhanced reliability. The focus of this paper is on the management of QD properties through design and molecular beam epitaxial growth and modification of QD heterostructures. This includes digital alloys as high-quality wide-bandgap barrier; under- and overlayers with various compositions to control the dynamics of QD formation and evolution on the surface; shape engineering of QDs to improve electron-hole overlap and reduce inhomogeneous broadening; band engineering of QD heterostructures to enhance the carrier localization by reduction of thermal escape from dots; as well as tunnel injection from quantum wells (QWs) to accelerate carrier transfer to the lasing state. Beneficial properties of the developed QD media are demonstrated at room temperature in laser diodes with unsurpassed thermal stability with a characteristic temperature of 380 K, high waveguide modal gain >50 cm−1, unsurpassed defect tolerance over two orders of magnitude higher than that of QWs typically used in lasers, and efficient emission from a two-dimensional (2-D) photonic crystal nanocavity.  相似文献   

We have studied the properties of molecular beam epitaxially (MBE)-grown Erdoped III-V semiconductors for optoelectronic applications. Optically excited Er3+ in insulating materials exhibits optical emission chiefly around 1.54 μm, in the range of minimum loss in silica fiber. It was thought, therefore, that an electrically pumped Er-doped semiconductor laser would find great applicability in fiber-optic communication systems. Exhaustive photoluminescence (PL) characterization was conducted on several of As-based III-V semiconductors doped with Er, on bulk as well as quantum-well structures. We did not observe any Errelated PL emission at 1.54 μm for any of the materials/structures studied, a phenomenon which renders impractical the realization of an Er-doped III-V semiconductor laser. Deep level transient spectroscopy studies were performed on GaAs and AlGaAs co-doped with Er and Si to investigate the presence of any Er-related deep levels. The lack of band-edge luminescence in the GaAs:Er films led us to perform carrier-lifetime measurements by electro-optic sampling of photoconductive transients generated in these films. We discovered lifetimes in the picosecond regime, tunable by varying the Er concentration in the films. We also found the films to be highly resistive, the resistivity increasing with increasing Er-concentration. Intensive structural characterization (double-crys-tal x-ray and transmission electron microscopy) performed by us on GaAs:Er epilayers indicates the presence of high-density nanometer-sized ErAs precipitates in MBE-grown GaAs:Er. These metallic nanoprecipitates probably form internal Schottky barriers within the GaAs matrix, which give rise to Shockley-Read-Hall recombination centers, thus accounting for both the high resistivities and the ultrashort carrier lifetimes. Optoelectronic devices fabricated included novel tunable (in terms of speed and responsivity) high-speed metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM) photodiodes made with GaAs:Er. Pseudomorphic AlGaAs/ InGaAs modulation doped field effect transistors (MODFETs) (for high-speed MSM-FET monolithically integrated optical photoreceivers) were also fabricated using a GaAs:Er buffer layer which substantially reduced backgating effects in these devices.  相似文献   

We have determined the shape of InAs quantum dots using reflection high energy electron diffraction. Our results indicate that self-assembled InAs islands possess a pyramidal shape with {136} bounding facets. This shape is characterized by C2v symmetry and a parallelogram base, which is elongated along the direction. Cross-sectional transmission electron microscopy images taken along the [110] and directions as well as atomic force microscopy images strongly support the {136} shape. Furthermore, polarization-resolved photoluminescence spectra show strong in-plane anisotropy, with emission predominantly polarized along the direction, consistent with the proposed quantum dot shape.  相似文献   

We have investigated the formation and characteristic of self-organized CdSe quantum dots (QDs) on ZnSe(001) surfaces with the use of photoluminescence (PL) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Coherent CdSe QDs are naturally formed on ZnSe surfaces, when the thickness of CdSe layers is around 2 ML. The plan-view TEM images exhibit that CdSe QDs have a relatively narrow distribution of QD size, and that the density of CdSe QDs is about 1010 cm−2. The base structure of the CdSe dot is rhombic, which has the long axis of about 20 nm in length along direction. The temperature dependence of macro-PL spectra reveals that the behavior of self-organized CdSe QDs is quite different from that of ZnCdSe quantum well (QW), resulting from characteristic features of zero-dimensional structures of QDs. Moreover, the macro-PL results suggest the existence of QW-like continuous state lying over QD states. Micro-PL measurements show several numbers of high-resolved sharp lines from individual CdSe QDs. The linewidth broadening with temperature depends on peak energy position of the QDs. The linewidths of lower energy lines, corresponding to larger size QDs, are more temperature dependent.  相似文献   

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