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In this study, a solar thermal based integrated system with a supercritical-CO2 (sCO2) gas turbine (GT) cycle, a four-step Mg–Cl cycle and a five-stage hydrogen compression plant is developed, proposed for applications and analyzed thermodynamically. The solar data for the considered solar plant are taken for Greater Toronto Area (GTA) by considering both daily and yearly data. A molten salt storage is considered for the system in order to work without interruption when the sun is out. The power and heat from the solar and sCO2-GT subsystems are introduced to the Mg–Cl cycle to produce hydrogen at four consecutive steps. After the internal heat recovery is accomplished, the heating process at required temperature level is supplied by the heat exchanger of the solar plant. The hydrogen produced from the Mg–Cl cycle is compressed up to 700 bar by using a five-stage compression with intercooling and required compression power is compensated by the sCO2-GT cycle. The total energy and exergy inputs to the integrated system are found to be 1535 MW and 1454 MW, respectively, for a 1 kmol/s hydrogen producing plant. Both energy and exergy efficiencies of the overall system are calculated as 16.31% and 17.6%, respectively. When the energy and exergy loads of the receiver are taken into account as the main inputs, energy and exergy efficiencies become 25.1%, and 39.8%, respectively. The total exergy destruction within the system is found to be 1265 MW where the solar field contains almost 64% of the total irreversibility with a value of ~811 MW.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a new low-temperature electrolysis hydrogen production system using molybdenum-oxo catalysts in the cathode and a platinum based anode. A thermodynamic model is developed for the electrolysis process in order to predict and analyze the energy and exergy efficiencies. The new electrolysis system with molybdenum-oxo catalysts consists of two half cells of PEM (proton exchange membrane) and alkaline electrolysis. The effects of temperature and membrane thickness are reported at varying current densities. The results are presented and compared with previous studies to demonstrate the promising performance of the system.  相似文献   

In the proposed study, the thermodynamic performance assessment of ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) based hydrogen generation and liquefaction system are evaluated. In this context, the energetic and exergetic analyses of integrated system are conducted for multigeneration. This integrated process is consisted of the heat exchangers, turbine, condenser, pumps, solar collector system, hot storage tank, cold storage tank and proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyzer. In addition to that, the impacts of different design indicators and reference ambient parameters on the exergetic performance and exergy destruction rate of OTEC based hydrogen production system are analyzed. The energetic and exergetic efficiencies of integrated system are founded as 43.49% and 36.49%, respectively.  相似文献   

PEM electrolysis for production of hydrogen from renewable energy sources   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Frano Barbir   《Solar Energy》2005,78(5):661-669
PEM electrolysis is a viable alternative for generation of hydrogen from renewable energy sources. Several possible applications are discussed, including grid independent and grid assisted hydrogen generation, use of an electrolyzer for peak shaving, and integrated systems both grid connected and grid independent where electrolytically generated hydrogen is stored and then via fuel cell converted back to electricity when needed. Specific issues regarding the use of PEM electrolyzer in the renewable energy systems are addressed, such as sizing of electrolyzer, intermittent operation, output pressure, oxygen generation, water consumption and efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes an integrated HyS cycle (hybrid sulfur cycle), isobutane cycle and electrolyzer for hydrogen production. The operating parameters such as concentration, pressure and temperature are varied to investigate their effects on the energy and exergy efficiencies of the system with/without heat recovery and integration, as well as the decomposer and rate of hydrogen produced. A new heat exchanger network is also developed to recover heat within the HyS cycle in the most efficient manner. The exergy destruction rate in each component is analyzed and discussed. From the results, increasing the pressure is beneficial up to 3222 kPa, after which the performance remains constant. The exergy efficiency varies more significantly with operating parameters than the energy efficiency. The maximum exergy destruction occurs in the heat exchanger so this component should be the focus to enhance the overall performance of the system.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an integrated system, consisting of a heliostat field, a steam cycle, an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and an electrolyzer for hydrogen production. Some parameters, such as the heliostat field area and the solar flux are varied to investigate their effect on the power output, the rate of hydrogen produced, and energy and exergy efficiencies of the individual systems and the overall system. An optimization study using direct search method is also carried out to obtain the highest energy and exergy efficiencies and rate of hydrogen produced by choosing several independent variables. The results show that the power and rate of hydrogen produced increase with increase in the heliostat field area and the solar flux. The rate of hydrogen produced increases from 0.006 kg/s to 0.063 kg/s with increase in the heliostat field area from 8000 m2 to 50,000 m2. Moreover, when the solar flux is increased from 400 W/m2 to 1200 W/m2, the rate of hydrogen produced increases from 0.005 kg/s to 0.018 kg/s. The optimization study yields maximum energy and exergy efficiencies and the rate of hydrogen produced of 18.74%, 39.55% and 1571 L/s, respectively.  相似文献   

Last years hydrogen as energy carrier becomes one of the best solutions of energy and ecological problems. Intensive development of fuel cells, especially based on proton exchange membrane (PEM), where pure hydrogen is needed, stimulates electrolyzers development for the future application in hydrogen energy and technology. From point of view of the authors PEM electrolysis is very perspective for this goal. Advantages and possible fields of applications of this type of electrolyzers in comparison with another one are reviewed. Some results achieved up to now in PEM electrolysis, including last achievement of the authors, are summarized.  相似文献   

In this paper, we conduct energy and exergy analyses of the magnesium-chlorine (Mg-Cl) thermochemical cycle for hydrogen production and examine the respective cycle energy and exergy efficiencies. We also undertake a parametric study to investigate how the overall cycle performance is affected by changing the reference environment temperature and operating conditions. The results show that Mg-Cl cycle offers a good potential due to its high energy and exergy efficiencies as 63.63% and 34.86%, respectively, based upon the conditions and parameters considered. In this regard, Mg-Cl cycle appears to be a promising low temperature thermochemical cycle. It may, therefore, compete with other low temperature thermochemical and hybrid cycles such as the copper–chlorine cycle.  相似文献   

Seven models are considered for the production and liquefaction of hydrogen by geothermal energy. In these models, we use electrolysis and high-temperature steam electrolysis processes for hydrogen production, a binary power plant for geothermal power production, and a pre-cooled Linde–Hampson cycle for hydrogen liquefaction. Also, an absorption cooling system is used for the pre-cooling of hydrogen before the liquefaction process. A methodology is developed for the economic analysis of the models. It is estimated that the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction ranges between 0.979 $/kg H2 and 2.615 $/kg H2 depending on the model. The effect of geothermal water temperature on the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction is investigated. The results show that the cost of hydrogen production and liquefaction decreases as the geothermal water temperature increases. Also, capital costs for the models involving hydrogen liquefaction are greater than those for the models involving hydrogen production only.  相似文献   

In this paper, a modeling of the Solid Oxide Electrolysis Cell (SOEC), through energetic, exergetic and electrochemical modeling approaches, is conducted, and its performance, particularly through exergy efficiency, is analyzed under various operating conditions and state properties for optimum hydrogen production. In a comprehensively performed parametric study, at a single electrolysis cell scale, the effects of varying some operating conditions, such as temperature, pressure, steam molar fraction and the current density on the cell potential and hence the performance are investigated. In addition, at the electrolyzer system scale, the overall electrolyzer performance is investigated through energy and exergy efficiencies, in addition to the system's power density consumption, hydrogen production rate, heat exchange rates and exergy destruction parameters. The present results show that the overall solid oxide electrolyzer energy efficiency is 53%, while the exergy efficiency is 60%. The exergy destruction at a reduced operating temperature increases significantly. This may be overcome by the integration of this system with a source of steam production.  相似文献   

In this study, a techno-economic analysis of the capacity of Morocco to produce hydrogen from solar energy has been conducted. For this reason, a Photovoltaic-electrolyze system was selected and the electricity and hydrogen production were simulated for 76 sites scattered all over the country. The Global Horizontal Irradiation (GHI) data used for the simulation were extracted from the CAMS-Rad satellite database and meteorological stations at ground level.Before simulations, the accuracy of the GHI values from the satellite dataset has been checked, and their uncertainties was calculated against accurate data measured in-situ. After that, the simulated values of the hydrogen mass were interpolated using a GIS software to create a Hydrogen production map of Morocco. Finally, an economical investigation of electricity and hydrogen production costs has been conducted by calculating the LCOE and LCOH2.Results show that the satellite dataset has a mean average deviation of 6.8% which is a very acceptable error rang. Also, it was found that Morocco have a high potential for hydrogen production, with a daily annual production that varies between 6489 and 8308 Tons/km2. Moreover, the cost of electricity and hydrogen production in the country are in the range of 0.077–0.099 $/kWh and 5.79–4.64 $/Kg respectively.The findings of this study are with high importance as they provide an overall perspective of the country potential of hydrogen production for policy makers and investors, and it was motivated by the lack of information on the subject in the literature since it's, at the best of our knowledge, the first study assessing the hydrogen production from solar for the whole country.  相似文献   

A photovoltaic-thermal (PV-T) integrated ethanol proton exchange membrane electrolyzer (PEME) was proposed as a low-energy consuming energy storage option for renewable-sourced electricity as well as a way for simultaneous chemical production in this study. Energy and exergy analyses were applied to each component of the system (e.g., pumps, heat exchanger, PV-T, PEME, and separation unit (SPU)) and the whole system to assess the system performance. The mathematical modelling of the whole system along with its main components except for the SPU was done using the Engineering Equation Solver (EES) software package while the SPU was modelled through the ASPEN Plus. A detailed modelling of the PEME was also included. The effects of the PV-T and PEME parameters on energy and exergy efficiencies of the system were evaluated while the improvement potentials and scale up options were discussed. Energy and exergy efficiencies of the proposed system at the optimum operation of the PEME and under average climatic conditions in the city of Izmir, Turkey were determined to be 27.8% and 3.1%, respectively. Energy and exergy efficiencies of the system were mainly regulated by the PV-T and PEME, whose energy and exergy efficiencies were 40.6%, 56.6% and 13.8%, 14.1%, respectively. Effective PEME parameters for energy and exergy efficiencies of the system were membrane conductivity, membrane thickness, anode catalyst and the operation temperature of the PEME. By changing the PV-T and PEME parameters and by scale-up, energy and exergy efficiencies of the system could be improved.  相似文献   

In this study, we thermodynamically analyze and experimentally investigate a continuous type hybrid photoelectrochemical H2 generation reactor. This system enhances solar spectrum use by employing photocatalysis and PV/T. Additionally, by replacing electron donors with electrodes to drive the photocatalysis, the potential of pollutant emissions are minimized. In this study, the present reactor is tested under electrolysis operation during which the present reactor is investigated under three different inlet mass flow rates (0.25, 0.50, and 0.75 g/s) and four different operating temperatures (20, 40, 60, and 80 °C). Some parametric studies are run by varying the environmental temperature between 0 and 40 °C. In addition, the impact of coating the membrane electrode assembly of the reactor with Cu2O is investigated. The present results show that the highest energy and exergy efficiencies occur at the environmental temperature of 20 °C which is about 60% and 50%, respectively. The Cu2O coated membrane gives a lot higher current readings, meaning that the coating makes the membrane more conductive and increases H2 production by permitting ions at a higher rate.  相似文献   

In this study, geothermal-based hydrogen production methods, and their technologies and application possibilities are discussed in detail. A high-temperature electrolysis (HTE) process coupled with and powered by a geothermal source is considered for a case study, and its thermodynamic analysis through energy and exergy is conducted for performance evaluation purposes. In this regard, overall energy and exergy efficiencies of the geothermal-based hydrogen production process for this HTE are found to be 87% and 86%, respectively.  相似文献   

This article reports the off-design performance analysis of a closed-cycle ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) system when a solar thermal collector is integrated as an add-on preheater or superheater. Design-point analysis of a simple OTEC system was numerically conducted to generate a gross power of 100 kW, representing a base OTEC system. In order to improve the power output of the OTEC system, two ways of utilizing solar energy are considered in this study: (1) preheating of surface seawater to increase its input temperature to the cycle and (2) direct superheating of the working fluid before it enters a turbine. Obtained results reveal that both preheating and superheating cases increase the net power generation by 20–25% from the design-point. However, the preheating case demands immense heat load on the solar collector due to the huge thermal mass of the seawater, being less efficient thermodynamically. The superheating case increases the thermal efficiency of the system from 1.9% to around 3%, about a 60% improvement, suggesting that this should be a better approach in improving the OTEC system. This research provides thermodynamic insight on the potential advantages and challenges of adding a solar thermal collection component to OTEC power plants.  相似文献   

Ocean water covers a vast portion of the Earth's surface and is also the world's largest solar energy collector. It plays an important role in maintaining the global energy balance as well as in preventing the Earth's surface from continually heating up because of solar radiation. The ocean also plays an important role in driving the atmospheric processes. The heat exchange processes across the ocean surface are represented in an ocean thermal energy budget, which is important because the ocean stores and releases thermal energy. The solar energy absorbed by the ocean heats up the surface water, despite the loss of heat energy from the surface due to back‐radiation, evaporation, conduction, and convection, and the seasonal change in the surface water temperature is less in the tropics. The cold water from the higher latitudes is carried by ocean currents along the ocean bottom from the poles towards the equator, displacing the lower‐density water above and creating a thermal structure with a large reservoir of warm water at the ocean surface and a large reservoir of cold water at the bottom, with a temperature difference of 22°C to 25°C between them. The available thermal energy, which is the almost constant temperature water at the beginning and end of the thermocline, in some areas of the oceans, is suitable to drive ocean thermal energy conversion (OTEC) plants. These plants are basically heat engines that use the temperature difference between the surface and deep ocean water to drive turbines to generate electricity. A detailed heat energy budget of the ocean is presented in the paper taking into consideration all the major heat inputs and outputs. The basic OTEC systems are also presented and analyzed in this paper. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new configuration of solar energy-driven integrated system for ammonia synthesis and power generation is proposed in this study. A detailed dynamic analysis is conducted on the designed system to investigate its performance under different radiation intensities. The solar heliostat field is integrated to generate steam that is provided to the steam Rankine cycle for power generation. The significant amount of power produced is fed to the PEM electrolyser for hydrogen production after covering the system requirements. A pressure swing adsorption system is integrated with the system that separates nitrogen from the air. The produced hydrogen and nitrogen are employed to the cascaded ammonia production system to establish increased fractional conversions. Numerous parametric studies are conducted to investigate the significant parameters namely; incoming beam irradiance, power production using steam Rankine cycle, hydrogen and ammonia production and power production using TEGs and ORC. The maximum hydrogen and ammonia production flowrates are revealed in June for 17th hour as 5.85 mol/s and 1.38 mol/s and the maximum energetic and exergetic efficiencies are depicted by the month of November as 25.4% and 28.6% respectively. Moreover, the key findings using the comprehensive dynamic analysis are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Electrolysis is a relatively simple process for obtaining hydrogen and can be combined with use of renewable energy sources, such as solar photovoltaic energy, for clean, sustainable gas production. This study designed a cylindrical electrolytic cell made of acrylic and 304 stainless steel electrodes to produce hydrogen. The electrolyte used was sodium hydroxide (NaOH 2–5 mol L?1), and the direct current voltages applied were 2.0, 2.7, and 3.4 V. The maximum hydrogen production was achieved with 5.0 mol L?1 NaOH and 3.4 V electric voltage. The system was connected to a photovoltaic panel of 20 W and exposed to solar radiation from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Approximately 2 L of hydrogen was produced within a period, and an average irradiance of 800.0 W m?2 ± 60 W m?2 was achieved. The system was stable throughout the tests.  相似文献   

The paper discusses the feasibility of the use solar energy into hydrogen production using a photovoltaic energy system in the four main cities of Iraq. An off-grid photovoltaic system with a capacity of 22.0 kWp, an 8.0 kW alkaline electrolyser, a hydrogen compressor, and a hydrogen tank were simulated for one year in order to generate hydrogen. A mathematical model of the proposed system behavior is presented using MATLAB/Simulink, considering nine years from the 2021 to 2030 project span using hourly experimental weather data. The outcomes demonstrated that the annual hydrogen production ranged from 1713.92 kg up to 1891.12 kg, oxygen production ranged from 1199.74 to 1323.78 kg, and water consumption ranged from 7139.91 L to 7877.29 L. The hydrogen evaluated costs equal to $3.79/kg. The results show that the optimum site for solar hydrogen production systems can be established in the midwest of Iraq and in other cities with similar climates, especially those that get a lot of sunlight.  相似文献   

A multigeneration system based on solar thermal energy associated with hot and cold thermal storage is designed and analyzed energetically and exergetically. The system produces electricity, a heating effect, a cooling effect, hydrogen, and dry sawdust biomass as outputs by means of organic Rankine cycles, a heat pump, two absorption chillers, an electrolyser, and a belt dryer. The intermittent behavior of the renewable energy source is addressed through the incorporation of hot and cold thermal storage systems to operate an organic Rankine cycle and provide cooling at night. The performance assessment indicates that the overall (day and night) energy and exergy efficiencies are 20.7% and 13.7%, respectively. The majority of the total exergy destruction is attributable to the sawdust belt dryer, at about 64.0%.  相似文献   

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