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The purpose of this study is to perform an energetic-exergetic comparison between two micro-cogenerative (CHP) units for residential applications, based on Proton Exchange Membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) and Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) respectively. Such systems, both fed by natural gas, are dedicated to electricity and heat production for typical residential users. Simulations of two zero-dimensional models in Aspen Plus environment have been conducted in order to perform the comparison. Results obtained by the simulations have been compared on the basis of the First and the Second Law efficiencies aiming to find the most advantageous technology for small residential applications. Results analyses indicate that the PEMFC-based CHP system, operating at atmospheric pressure and low temperature, is the most efficient system.  相似文献   

The aim of this research work is to describe in qualitative and quantitative form the performance of a micro Combined Heat and Power system for residential application based on Solid Oxide Fuel Cell fueled by natural gas with two different types of pre-reforming systems, namely Steam Reforming and Partial Oxidation and recirculation of anode and cathode gas.The comparative analysis among the different configurations will lead us to conclude that maximum efficiency is achieved when cathode and anode gas recirculation are used along with steam methane reforming. Further Steam Methane Reforming process produces a higher electrical system efficiency compared to Partial oxidation reforming process.Efficiency is affected when running the system in part load mode mainly due to heat loss, additional natural gas supplied to the burner to satisfy the required heat demand inside the system, and ejector efficiency drop in the recirculation system. Due to high temperature of operation heat loss strongly affects the system efficiency especially at part load operation.  相似文献   

Being aware of the needs for clean highly efficient micro combined heat and power (μCHP) systems for single and multifamily households, the Italian Ministry of Industry launched in 2009 the EFESO Project aiming to develop and operate four SOFC prototypes. An imperative part of the project foresaw computational modeling to optimize operating conditions of the power modules and pinpoint potential drawbacks in its design. This article deals with a 3-dimensional thermochemical model of a single SOFC tubular geometry cell comprised in a 1kWel stack operating under similar conditions to the characterized power module. An analysis is presented on the effects of current density distribution, temperature distribution in the cell and pressure drop in the air and fuel channels, being these the most critical variables when operating the SOFC-powered μCHP system. This model will serve as a platform to generate a model of the whole stack which will be further validated by means of experimental activities.  相似文献   

In the municipality of Södertälje two large industries use much of the electricity, district heating (DH) and chilled water in the area. The Södertälje energy system is not isolated, however, but is connected to the DH systems of southern and central Stockholm, and a change in the Södertälje energy system will also influence the connected energy systems in Stockholm. The cooling demand in Södertälje is currently covered by lake water cooling and compression chillers, but in order to reduce the use of electricity, conversion to absorption cooling or increased lake water cooling can be considered. The large combined heat and power (CHP) plant in Södertälje is not used to its full potential today, but investment in absorption cooling and/or a cold condenser unit integrated with the CHP plant could increase the plant’s operation hours. In this paper the system effects of introducing new industrial cooling supply in Södertälje has been investigated through optimizations of a model including both the industries and the district heating supply in Södertälje and Stockholm. The results show that, independently of whether condensing power production is feasible in the CHP plant or not, investments in both increased lake water cooling and absorption cooling are profitable. A sensitivity analysis of how energy market prices affect the results shows that even though the system cost will change depending on energy market prices, the optimum cooling technology mix will remain the same. However, a sensitivity analysis of the transfer DH capacity between the Södertälje and Stockholm energy systems shows that if the transfer DH capacity is increased, absorption cooling will be less profitable since more heat can be sold from Södertälje to Stockholm while at the same time reducing the use of fuel resources.  相似文献   

In this paper, the ability of a micro combined heat and power (mCHP) system to cover the heat and electricity demand of a single-family residence is investigated. A solid oxide fuel cell based mCHP system coupled with a hot water storage tank is analyzed. The energy profiles of single-family households in different European countries are evaluated. The range of Heat-to-Power Ratio for the SOFC-based mCHP System of 0.5–1.5 shows good agreement with the hot water, space heating and electricity demand during the warm seasons across Europe. This suggests that the fuel cell system should be sized according to the summer energy demand. The winter energy demand shows a Heat-to-Power Ratio which cannot be covered by the mCHP unit alone. To ensure that the mCHP system meets both the thermal and electrical energy demand over the entire year, an auxiliary boiler and a hot water storage tank need to be coupled with the mCHP unit. It is further noted that the size of the auxiliary boiler should match the larger winter space heating demand. In contrast, the hot water tank volume should be sized according to the warm season space heating requirement, when space heating is not required but electricity and hot water are still in demand. This maximizes the running time of the fuel cell, and thus the economic and environmental benefit of the system, without wasting produced heat.  相似文献   

CHP (combined heat and power) is a technology that allows to provide electrical and thermal energy. CHP is normally used in systems that produce wasted heat at high temperature to recover energy and increase overall system efficiency. The aim of this work is to investigate the possibility to recover heat produced by a 5 kW PEFC system for residential applications (hot water and building heating). As known, PEFCs work at low temperature (60-90 °C) and the experiments have been carried out in order to improve the overall system efficiency by reusing heat that is normally wasted.The work was developed during an Italian National project PNR-FISR “Polymeric and Ceramic Fuel Cell” coordinated by CNR-ITAE. A 5 kW PEFC system, developed with NUVERA Fuel Cells in the framework of the project, was tested in cogeneration configuration recovering wasted heat with a heat exchanger directly connected to cathode out.Tests on PEFC system were carried out in the range 2.5-5 kW, maintaining the working stack temperature at 71 °C. Heat, produced at different power levels, was removed from the system by using a regulated water flow in the heat exchanger. A peculiar feature of the system is the so-called “direct water injection” at the cathode, that allows simultaneous cooling and humidification of the stack. This characteristic permitted the recovery of most of the waste heat produced by the fuel cell.The performance of the PEFC unit was analyzed in terms of electrical, thermal and total efficiency. Tests showed that it is possible to obtain water at about 68 °C under different power levels. Moreover, experimental data showed that heat recovered was maximum when heat exchanger worked at nominal power and, under these conditions, the overall system efficiency increased up to 85%.  相似文献   

Solid oxide fuel cells are suitable for heat and power cogeneration systems for their high electric efficiency and heat to power output ratio. Although commercial solid oxide fuel cells use heat from the exhaust to obtain hydrogen through natural gas reformation, recent progress in hydrogen generation technologies allows us to use pure hydrogen instead of natural gas, and utilize the exhaust heat for other purposes. A residential cogeneration system using a solid oxide fuel cell is proposed in this study, where the heat to power output ratio is varied to match the electric and hot water demands of a residence in Japan. Seasonal fuel consumption of the system is calculated and compared against a similar system without hydrogen addition, and to the conventional system. The proposed system shows a considerable reduction in fuel consumption, while almost reaching complete independence from the power grid.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a one dimensional dynamic model of a PEM fuel cell applied to the design of a mobile backup system for uninterruptable power units. The fuel cell is modeled using a finite difference approach where mass and energy balance equations are applied locally together with the pertinent equations of the electrochemical model yielding the profiles of any relevant thermodynamic and electrochemical cell variable. An accurate analysis of the membrane humidification is included based on state of the art models available in literature.  相似文献   

Several Combined Heat and Power (CHP) system options have been considered for evaluation with respect to the end-user requirements. These included Internal Combustion Engines (Otto and Diesel), Gas Turbines, Steam Turbines and Combined Cycles covering a wide range of electrical output. Data have been obtained from literature and the CHP systems have been evaluated using different criteria such as overall efficiency, investment cost, fuel cost, electricity cost, heat cost, CO2 production and footprint. A multi-criteria method is used with an agglomeration function based on the statistical evaluation of weight factors. The technical, economic and social aspects of each system have been evaluated in an integrated manner and the results have been compared by means of the Sustainability Index. Based on the above criteria and depending on the user requirements, the best CHP system options have been established.  相似文献   

The present study deals with a comprehensive thermodynamic modeling of a combined heat and power (CHP) system in a paper mill, which provides 50 MW of electric power and 100 ton h?1 saturated steam at 13 bars. This CHP plant is composed of air compressor, combustion chamber (CC), Air Preheater, Gas Turbine (GT) and a Heat Recovery Heat Exchanger. The design parameters of this cycle are compressor pressure ratio (rAC), compressor isentropic efficiency (ηAC), GT isentropic efficiency (ηGT), CC inlet temperature (T3), and turbine inlet temperature (T4). In the multi‐objective optimization three objective functions, including CHP exergy efficiency, total cost rate of the system products, and CO2 emission of the whole plant, are considered. The exergoenvironmental objective function is minimized whereas power plant exergy efficiency is maximized using a Genetic algorithm. To have a good insight into this study, a sensitivity analysis of the results to the interest rate as well as fuel cost is performed. The results show that at the lower exergetic efficiency, in which the weight of exergoenvironmental objective is higher, the sensitivity of the optimal solutions to the fuel cost is much higher than the location of the Pareto Frontier with the lower weight of exergoenvironmental objective. In addition, with increasing exergy efficiency, the purchase cost of equipment in the plant is increased as the cost rate of the plant increases. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The energy-system optimization model MODEST is described, especially heat storage and electricity load management. Linear programming is used for minimization of capital and operation costs. MODEST may be used to find the optimal investments and when to make them. The period under study can be divided into several linked subperiods which may consist of an arbitrary number of years. MODEST is here applied to a municipal electricity and district-heating system during three five-year periods. Each year is divided into three seasons. Demand peaks, as well as weekly and diurnal variations of, for example, costs are considered. The electricity demand is divided into the three sectors households, industries, and service. The electricity demand may be reduced by energy conservation, replacement of electric heating and load management. The profitability of load management, as well as cogeneration with and without heat storage at different prices of purchased power is calculated. At traditional Swedish electricity prices, the local utility should build a woodchips-fired steam-cycle CHP (combined heat and power) plant. Consumers would find it beneficial to reduce their electricity use by conservation and switching from electric heating to oil and biofuel. If just marginal power production costs are paid, the utility should introduce biomass-fired heat-only boilers instead. Electricity conservation is smaller at these lower prices. Load management is mainly profitable at the first price scheme which includes output-power-related charges. The heat storage should be used threefold: to cover demand peaks, as well as to enable increased CHP output when it is limited by the heat demand or to run heat pumps at cheap night electricity instead of in the daytime. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Cogeneration allows the optimal use of the primary energy sources and significant reductions in carbon emissions. Its use has great potential for applications in the residential sector. This study aims to develop a methodology for thermal-economic optimisation of small-scale micro-gas turbine for cogeneration purposes, able to fulfil domestic energy needs with a thermal power out of 125?kW. A constrained non-linear optimisation model was built. The objective function is the maximisation of the annual worth from the combined heat and power, representing the balance between the annual incomes and the expenditures subject to physical and economic constraints. A genetic algorithm coded in the java programming language was developed. An optimal micro-gas turbine able to produce 103.5?kW of electrical power with a positive annual profit (i.e. 11,925?€/year) was disclosed. The investment can be recovered in 4 years and 9 months, which is less than half of system lifetime expectancy.  相似文献   

In this study, we first consider developing a thermodynamic model of solid oxide fuel cell/gas turbine combined heat and power (SOFC/GT CHP) system under steady-state operation using zero-dimensional approach. Additionally, energetic performance results of the developed model are compared with the literature concerning SOFC/GT hybrid systems for its reliability. Moreover, exergy analysis is carried out based on the developed model to obtain a more efficient system by the determination of irreversibilities. For exergetic performance evaluation, exergy efficiency, exergy output and exergy loss rate of the system are considered as classical criteria. Alternatively, exergetic performance coefficient (EPC) as a new criterion is investigated with regard to main design parameters such as fuel utilization, current density, recuperator effectiveness, compressor pressure ratio and pinch point temperature, aiming at achieving higher exergy output with lower exergy loss in the system. The simulation results of the SOFC/GT CHP system investigated, working at maximum EPC conditions, show that a design based on EPC criterion has considerable advantage in terms of entropy-generation rate.  相似文献   

Methane, a major contributor to global warming, is a greenhouse gas emitted from coal mines. Abundance of coal mines and consequently a considerable amount of methane emission requires drastic measures to mitigate harmful effects of coal mining on the environment. One of the commonly adopted methods is to use emitted methane to fuel power generation systems; however, instability of fuel sources hinders the development of systems using conventional prime movers. To address this, application of Stirling engines may be considered.Here, we develop a techno-economic methodology for conducting an optimisation-based feasibility study on the application of Stirling engines as the prime movers of coal mine CHP systems from an economic and an environmental point of view. To examine the impact of environmental policies on the economics of the system, the two commonly implemented ones (i.e. a carbon tax and emissions trading scheme) are considered. The methodology was applied to a local coal mine. The results indicate that incorporating the modelled system not only leads to a substantial reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, but also to improved economics. Further, due to the heavy economic burden, the carbon tax scheme creates great incentive for coal mine industry to address the methane emissions.  相似文献   

热电联产被公认为2l世纪的清洁能源,工业性的应用已经较为广泛,商业设施和区域供热方面的应用也有很大发展。生产技术上的特殊性造成其发展依然面临着很多困难,需要政策扶持。然而全社会对环保、对能源安全的共识又为其提供了良好的发展机遇。根据联合国亚太经济与社会委员会的相关报告,热电联产事业面临的障碍可以归纳为:1)技术障碍;2)经济激励措施的缺失;3)政策框架尚不完善;4)电力工业的短视;5)对环境保护缺乏重视。另外还有技术和管理人才的缺乏等。这些障碍在中国都不同程度地存在,发展热电联产要从以上各方面共同推进。而西方国家在发展热电联产的过程中,在国家能源结构和供求情况、全球环境政策、电力和燃料市场自由化等国内和国际因素的影响下,能源政策随之变化,热电联产事业也历经起伏。由于他们起步较早,技术和政策方面的基础较强,电力市场化改革也在进行中,它们的经验,会对中国的热电联产事业发展有所启迪。下面我们介绍一些具有代表性的国家发展热电的努力。在文章的最后,我们还将重点讨论热电技术中极有前途的小型分散式热电联产技术。  相似文献   

Combined heat and power is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat. CHP plants produce energy in an efficient way. A natural gas CHP system based on an internal combustion engine (ICE) is described, which has been set up at the Building Energy Research Center in Beijing, China. The system is composed of an ICE, a flue gas heat exchanger, a jacket water heat exchanger and other assistant facilities. The ICE generates power on-site, and the exhaust of the ICE is recovered by the flue gas heat exchanger, and the heat of the engine jacket is recovered by the jacket water heat exchanger to district heating system. In order to improve the performance of the system, an absorption heat pump (AHP) is adopted. The exhaust of the ICE drives the AHP to recover the sensible and latent heat step by step, and the temperature of the exhaust could be lowered to below 30 °C. In this paper, the performance of the new system were tested and compared with conventional cogeneration systems. The results show that the new CHP system could increase the heat utilization efficiency 10% compared to conventional systems in winter. All the results could be valuable references for the improvement of the CHP system.  相似文献   

燃气-蒸汽联合循环热电冷联产系统优化运行   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以系统的运行费用最低为目标,考虑系统全年的热电冷负荷需求和运行策略,建立了包括蓄能器的燃气-蒸汽联合循环热电冷联产系统优化运行的模型,最后以某区域为例,利用序列二次规划,验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

The current subsidized energy prices in Iran are proposed to be gradually eliminated over the next few years. The objective of this study is to examine the effects of current and future energy price policies on optimal configuration of combined heat and power (CHP) and combined cooling, heating, and power (CCHP) systems in Iran, under the conditions of selling and not-selling electricity to utility. The particle swarm optimization algorithm is used for minimizing the cost function for owning and operating various CHP and CCHP systems in an industrial dairy unit. The results show that with the estimated future unsubsidized utility prices, CHP and CCHP systems operating with reciprocating engine prime mover have total costs of 5.6 and $2.9×106 over useful life of 20 years, respectively, while both systems have the same capital recovery periods of 1.3 years. However, for the same prime mover and with current subsidized prices, CHP and CCHP systems require 4.9 and 5.2 years for capital recovery, respectively. It is concluded that the current energy price policies hinder the promotion of installing CHP and CCHP systems and, the policy of selling electricity to utility as well as eliminating subsidies are prerequisites to successful widespread utilization of such systems.  相似文献   

In recent years, growing attention has been given to new alternative energy sources and exergy analysis since fossil fuels cause emissions that have some negative impacts on earth such as global warming, greenhouse effect etc. New power generation systems have been developed in order to reduce or eliminate these impacts as possible. So that, new alternative energy systems have been taken place instead of fossil fuel based systems with nearly zero emission levels. One of them is solid polymer electrolyte or proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell. Although it has significant advantages, there are some disadvantages such as cost, and hydrogen is not a fuel that can be easily obtained. For these reasons, efficiency of a PEM fuel cell has a great significance. Energy efficiency of a system is the most important parameter for utilization. But, energy analysis does not always show the capacity to do work potential of energy of a system. Exergy analysis must be investigated for a system in order to see available work of the system. Because of disadvantages of the PEM fuel cell, exergy analysis has quite importance. In this paper PEM fuel cell and exergy analysis of PEM fuel cell are combined and investigated. A detailed review of the past and recent research activities has been documented. The review focuses on exergy analysis of both PEM fuel cells and PEM based combined heat and power (CHP) systems at different operating parameters. It is concluded that there are a lot of parameters which effects the exergy efficiencies of systems.  相似文献   

The effects of bioethanol addition to gasoline on an combined heat and power with internal combustion engine (ICECHP) are investigated experimentally and theoretically. In the theoretical study, a multi-zone spark ignition (SI) engine model is developed. This model was initially developed for gasoline fueled SI engine. However, it was adapted for SI engines running on gasoline–bioethanol blend. Experimental applications have been carried out with the gasoline fuel and the model results have been validated. Using the theoretical model, effects of bioethanol addition to gasoline on output temperature, flow availability, and efficiency are investigated. The results have shown when the bioethanol blend increases, the maximum cylinder pressure and temperature increase and carbon monoxide volume percentage reduces. Also, as the bioethanol blend increases, the availability of the flue gas increases as well. It is shown that among the various blends of gasohol, E20 has the maximum availability for heat recovery. The results of the efficiency investigation have shown that the efficiency of CHP is higher than the efficiency of separate heat and power (SHP) production. In fact, if the bioethanol blend in gasohol increases, the efficiency of the CHP system increases as well. It has been shown that E20 has the largest efficiency of ICECHP using gasohol.  相似文献   

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