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PURPOSE: To examine the results of the phenol red thread tear test in a cross-cultural comparison. METHODS: Two groups of 500 controlled normal subjects who do not wear contact lenses from the United States and Japan were investigated. RESULTS: The mean wet length of the thread for the United States was 23.9 mm (SD 9.5 mm). The mean for Japan was 18.8 mm (SD 8.6 mm). There was a significant difference between the two countries (P < 0.05). Males subjects had significantly longer wet lengths than females for both countries (P < 0.05). There was a moderate correlation between right and left eye results for both countries. CONCLUSIONS: The phenol red thread tear test was found to be easy to administer. Results were in line with current knowledge and theories of the lacrimal system. Results also indicated that this test may disclose subtle differences not previously found with other tear tests.  相似文献   

1. The uptake of various substituted phenolsulphophthalein dyes by cortical slices of rabbit kidney has been studied in detail in order to obtain more information on the secretory system for organic anions. 2. The rate of initial uptake of dyes and the accumulation after incubation for 2 hr under aerobic conditions increased in the order: phenol red (PR) greater than bromophenol blue (BPB) greater than bromocresol green (BCG) greater than bromothymol blue (BTB), while the reverse order of uptake was observed under anaerobic conditions. There was no difference between the uptake of BTB under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. 3. The accumulation of dyes under anaerobic conditions could be accounted for by binding to tissue constituents. In comparison with PR (Sheikh, 1972), the substituted dyes were found to interact extensively with the 700 G (cell membranes) and cytosol fractions of renal homogenates. 4. Low concentrations of the substituted dyes efficiently inhibited the accumulation of rho-aminohippurate (PAH). The concentration of dye resulting in 50% inhibition of PAH accumulation (KI) agreed well with concentrations estimated to sustain 50% of maximal dye transport (KM). On this basis the affinity of the dyes for the transport system increases in the order: PR less than BPB less than BCG less than BTB. 5. Probenecid, 2,4-dinitrophenol, PAH, octanoate and succinate affected to a smaller extent the uptake and binding of BPB and BCG by renal tissue than that previously shown for PR (Sheikh, 1972). No inhibitory effect of these substances on the accumulation of BTB by kidney tissue was observed. 6. The binding of PSP dyes by phospholipid vesicles (liposomes) and a representative binding protein, human serum albumin, exhibited close similarity to that of binding by renal tissue. Partition experiments involving octanol-water phases indicated that the hydrophobicity of the dyes increased in the order: PR less than BPB less than BCG less than BTB. 7. The results indicate that BTB, despite its inhibitory potency, is not transported by the organic anion system. BPB and BCG are transported to a lesser extent, and interact more strongly with the transport system than does PR. It is suggested that the substituted dyes by virtue of hydrophobic interaction with the transport system reduce the movement of the mobile part of the transport system.  相似文献   

Although several phenol sulfotransferases (PSTs) that metabolize hormones and xenobiotics have been purified and examined by steady state kinetic methods, little is known about ligand binding and subunit interactions in these enzymes. Inhibition of a purified recombinant homodimeric bovine PST by 2,6-dichloro-4-nitrophenol (DCNP) and pentachlorophenol (PCP) displayed very sharp titration curves that required modeling with Hill equations with slope factors of 2 and 3, respectively. This observation suggested positive cooperative ligand binding during catalytic turnover. The binding of PCP was also monitored by intrinsic protein fluorescence, which was quenched up to 36% upon saturation with the inhibitor. In the absence of 3'-phosphoadenosine-5'-phosphosulfate (PAPS), quenching curves were fit with the Hill equation and an interaction factor of 1. In contrast, inclusion of PAPS increased the association of PCP and resulted in positive cooperative binding with an interaction factor of 1.6-1.9. Whereas adenosine-3',5'-diphosphate (PAP) also facilitated cooperative binding of PCP, adenosine-5'-monophosphate (AMP) was not effective. This correlated to inhibition of PST by PAP, whereas AMP was not inhibitory up to 1 mM. Therefore, occupation of the PST nucleotide binding site(s) facilitates a subunit interaction that can promote subsequent binding of phenolic ligands.  相似文献   

The binding (r) of chloramphenicol to serum proteins is significantly lower in patients with chronic renal failure than in normal subjects. Before hemodialysis, the mean r value in patients with chronic renal insufficiency was 0.165 mg/g (+/-0.003) versus 0.188 mg/g (+/-0.004) in healthy individuals. Hemodialysis produced a significant rise in r (to 0.182 mg/g, +/-0.004). Decrease in the serum concentration of albumin in patients with chronic renal insufficiency does not seem to be the sole factor responsible for decreased r.  相似文献   

The effect of polyamines on glutamate deamination has been studied in both isolated tubules and permeabilized kidney cortex mitochondria of rabbit. Spermine, spermidine and putrescine resulted in a decrease of ammonium release in isolated renal tubules incubated with glutamate in the presence of MSO and AOA, inhibitors of glutamine synthetase and aminotransferases, respectively. This was not due to the inhibition of glutamate transport across renal tubular membranes since transport of [14C]glutamate into brush border membranes vesicles was not decreased by polyamines. In contrast, polyamines stimulated glutamate deamination in permeabilized mitochondria. This effect was additive to the action of ADP, an allosteric activator of glutamate dehydrogenase. Since these compounds decreased both glutamate-induced mitochondrial swelling as well as [14C]glutamate accumulation in mitochondria, the inhibitory effect of polyamines on glutamate deamination in renal tubules might be due to a diminished glutamate transport across the mitochondrial membrane.  相似文献   

Eyeblink conditioning involves the pairing of a conditioned stimulus (tone) to an aversive unconditioned stimulus (air puff). Although the circuitry that underlies this form of learning is well defined, synaptic changes in these structures have not been fully investigated. This experiment examined synaptic structural plasticity in the cerebellar cortex, a structure that has been found to modulate the acquisition and timing of the conditioned response. Long-term depression of Purkinje cells (PCs) in the cerebellar cortex has been proposed as a mechanism for releasing inhibition of the interpositus nuclei, a structure critical for the formation of the CR. Adult albino rabbits were randomly allocated to either a paired, unpaired, or exposure-only condition. The results showed a significant decrease in the number of excitatory synapses in the outer layer of the cerebellar cortex in the conditioned rabbits compared with controls. This finding suggests that a reduction in the number of excitatory synapses may contribute to the lasting depression of PC activity that is associated with eyeblink conditioning. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. Proximal tubular cell dysfunction in chronic glomerular disease (CGD) has been ascribed, in part, to reabsorption of transferrin-iron from tubular fluid and subsequent cytosolic peroxidative injury. To investigate a possible role for altered mitochondrial function in tubular cell injury in CGD, renal cortical mitochondrial respiratory function was examined in rats with adriamycin nephrosis. 2. State 4 (resting) respiration was increased in adriamycin nephrosis in comparison with control (51 +/- 2 vs 43 +/- 2 ng atoms oxygen (O)/min per mg protein, respectively; P < 0.02). 3. Mitochondrial iron concentration was increased in nephrotic rats compared with control (9.52 +/- 0.70 vs 5.97 +/- 0.26 nmol Fe/mg protein, respectively; P < 0.001) and rates of state 3, state 4 and uncoupled respiration and the severity of proteinuria correlated with mitochondrial iron concentration. 4. To further define the relationship between mitochondrial iron accumulation and altered respiratory function, rats were loaded with iron. 5. In comparison with control, acute iron loading of normal rats impaired creatinine clearance (1.48 +/- 0.02 vs 0.40 +/- 0.29 mL/min), increased kidney weight (1.33 +/- 0.07 vs 1.74 +/- 0.14 g) and impaired mitochondrial enzyme activity (e.g. cytochrome oxidase 185.0 +/- 46.6 vs 362.0 +/- 32.8 delta log [cytochrome C]/min per mg protein; P < 0.05), but had no significant effect on rates of mitochondrial respiration or on mitochondrial fragility. 6. Mitochondrial iron concentration was not increased by iron loading, despite a similar increment in cytoplasmic iron to that seen in rats with adriamycin nephrosis. 7. In summary, resting mitochondrial respiration is increased in nephrotic rats in proportion to mitochondrial iron accumulation. Changes in mitochondrial oxygen consumption do not appear to be a primary event in the tubular cell injury of iron loading.  相似文献   

Rabbits with chronically implanted electrodes in olfactory bulb and cortex were classically conditioned to give an increase in relative frequency of sniffing to odor stimuli (CS+) reinforced with mild electric shock. Electroencephalographic high-frequency (35–85 Hz) bursts were recorded from an ensemble of nine bulbar depth electrodes and a second ensemble of 50 cortical surface electrodes. The olfactory cortex responded to the CS+ with sustained elevation of burst amplitude even though the olfactory bulb, from which it receives its primary centripetal input, underwent a marked decline in burst amplitude during the same time period. The amplitude reduction was not spatially uniform: The burst of the bulbar region that declined most in amplitude had the greatest phase lag with respect to the bulbar ensemble average burst. These effects were learning related because they did not occur for CS+ trials at the beginning of conditioning or for unreinforced control trials at any time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Various data suggest that Alzheimer's disease results from the accumulation of amyloid beta (A beta) peptide fibrils and the consequent formation of senile plaques in the cognitive regions of the brain. One approach to lowering senile plaque burden in Alzheimer's disease brain is to identify compounds that will increase the degradation of existing amyloid fibrils. Previous studies have shown that proteoglycans and serum amyloid P (SAP), molecules that localize to senile plaques, bind to A beta fibrils and protect the amyloid peptide from proteolytic breakdown. Therefore, molecules that prevent the binding of SAP and/or proteoglycans to fibrillar A beta might increase plaque degradation and prove useful in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease. The nature of SAP and proteoglycan binding to A beta is defined further in the present study. SAP binds to both fibrillar and nonfibrillar forms of A beta. However, only the former is rendered resistant to proteolysis after SAP association. It is interesting that both SAP and proteoglycan binding to A beta fibrils can be inhibited by glycosaminoglycans and Congo red. Unexpectedly, Congo red protects fibrillar A beta from breakdown, suggesting that this compound and other structurally related molecules are unlikely to be suitable for use in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

The rat D2(long) dopamine receptor has been expressed in the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe at levels of about 1 pmol/mg of protein. The recombinant receptor, analysed in ligand binding experiments, exhibits properties typical of a D2 dopamine receptor and the affinities of antagonists agree with values obtained for the receptor expressed in mammalian systems although the affinities of some antagonists are lower. Substituted benzamide antagonists show lower affinities in the absence of sodium ions whereas clozapine and classical antagonists mostly show higher affinities. Agonist binding is insensitive to the effects of GTP indicating lack of a stable interaction with G-proteins.  相似文献   

An affinity chromatograpy method utilising transferrin liganded agarose has been developed for the partial purification of transferrin binding components from Triton X-100 solubilised rabbit reticulocyte plasma membranes. A protein of molecular weight 30-35 000, shown to be located at the reticulocyte extra-cellular surface by lactoperoxidase 125I labelling, was isolated by the affinity method. The protein appeared to form a dimer of molecular weight 65-70 000 in Triton X-100 solution and was shown to associate with both 125I-labelled and unlabelled rabbit transferrin to form a high molecular weight complex in the same solution. N-[14C]Ethylmaleimide appeared to disrupt this association with transferrin and inhibit the formation of the dimer in Triton X-100 by binding to the protein. The protein appeared as a broad band of molecular weight 40 000 on sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis.  相似文献   

A novel triprenyl phenol, designated staplabin, has been isolated from a culture of Stachybotrys microspora IFO 30018 by solvent extraction and successive chromatographic fractionation using silica gel, Sephadex LH-20 and silica ODS columns. By a combination of spectroscopic analyses, the structure of staplabin is proposed to be 5-(2-(5,7-dihydroxy-8-methyl-8-(4,8-dimethyl-3,7-nonadienyl)-3-oxo -7, 8-dihydro-6H-pyrano[2,3-e][1,3]dihydroisoindolyl)pentanoic acid. Staplabin stimulated the binding of plasminogen, the zymogen of the fibrinolytic serine protease plasmin, to both fibrin and U937 cells. Binding was elevated 2-fold at a concentration of 0.3 approximately 0.5 mM.  相似文献   

We describe a simple and effective procedure to screen for active proteases among a large number of mutants. First, the mutants are genetically tested by the protease activity produced in the periplasm of transformed bacteria which supplies the cells with a nitrogen source by hydrolyzing a protein applied to plates. Then a less sensitive activity staining and an X-ray film digestion assay are used to verify and estimate the activity of the mutants that proved to be positive in the first step. Depending essentially on the level of periplasmic protease activity, the method can detect both the activity and the stability of the expressed enzymes. We calibrated the method with transformants that produce wild-type trypsin, chymotrypsin and trypsin mutants of known activity. Using this method we found two active revertants of the inactive Asn102 trypsin mutant, by screening approximately 4.4 x 10(4) random mutants that were generated by the polymerase chain reaction on a cDNA fragment. This procedure should be useful in searching for proteases of novel specificity and/or reaction chemistry engineered by random mutagenesis, and also for in vitro evolution studies.  相似文献   

The role of angiotensin II, a potent postglomerular vasoconstrictor, in the hypoxemia-induced renal changes is still controversial. The ability of perindoprilat, an angiotensin converting-enzyme inhibitor, to prevent the acute renal effects of hypoxemia was assessed in 22 anesthetized-ventilated rabbits. In 8 untreated rabbits, hypoxemia induced a significant drop in mean blood pressure (MBP) (-12 +/- 2%), glomerular filtration rate (GFR) (-16 +/- 3%) and renal blood flow (RBF) (-12 +/- 3%) with a concomittant increase in renal vascular resistance (RVR) (+18 +/- 5%) and urine flow rate (+33 +/- 14%), and without any changes in filtration fraction (FF) (-4 +/- 2%). This suggests the occurrence of glomerular vasoconstriction during the hypoxemic stress. In 7 normoxemic rabbits, intravenous perindoprilat (20 microg/kg) induced an increase in urine flow rate (+17 +/- 4%) and RBF (+17 +/- 4%), and a decrease in MBP (-6 +/- 1%), RVR (-14 +/- 3%) and FF (-11 +/- 2%) without a significant change in GFR. The drop in FF and the increase in RBF suggests preferential postglomerular vasodilatation. In 7 rabbits, perindoprilat prevented the occurence of the hypoxemia-induced changes in RBF and RVR without improving MBP. FF decreased significantly (-18 +/- 2%), while the drop in GFR (-7 +/- 2%) was partially blunted and the increase in urine flow rate (+25 +/- 9%) was confirmed. These results could be explained by the inhibition of the angiotensin-mediated efferent vasoconstriction and by the inhibition of bradykinin degradation by perindoprilat. These data confirm the ability of converting-enzyme inhibitors to prevent the renal hypoperfusion induced by acute hypoxemia.  相似文献   

The transport of the nephrotoxic mycotoxin ochratoxin A across the renal peritubular membrane was examined in suspensions of rabbit renal proximal tubules. Ochratoxin A transport across the peritubular membrane was a high-affinity, low-capacity carrier-mediated process with a Jmax value of 0.12 +/- 0.4 nmol/mg of protein/min and a Km value of 1.4 +/- 0.1 microM. The apparent Michaelis constants for inhibition of [3H]para-aminohippurate (PAH) uptake by ochratoxin A inhibition was 1.5 microM, which is similar to the Km value for ochratoxin A uptake in tubule suspensions and suggests that ochratoxin A could be a substrate for the organic anion pathway. The capacity and affinity for peritubular ochratoxin A transport were 40-fold lower and > 100-fold greater, respectively, than those measured for the peritubular uptake of [3H]PAH in tubule suspensions. A concentration of 2.5 mM PAH, which reduced the uptake of [3H]PAH by 90%, reduced ochratoxin A uptake by only 40% to 50%, whereas probenecid concentrations of 0.6 to 2 mM reduced ochratoxin A accumulation in tubule suspensions up to approximately 80% to 90%. This probenecid-sensitive, PAH-insensitive uptake of ochratoxin A suggested that at least one mediated pathway other than the organic anion transporter was involved in the peritubular uptake of this mycotoxin. A 2 mM concentration of the fatty acid octanoate and 1.5 mM concentration of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agent piroxicam were as effective as probenecid in blocking ochratoxin A uptake. The apparent Ki values for inhibition of ochratoxin A uptake by probenecid, piroxicam and octanoate were 30.5 +/- 7.9, 23.2 +/- 10.4 and 81.5 +/- 8.7 microM, respectively. The ability of octanoic acid to inhibit ochratoxin A transport to the same extent as probenecid and a greater extent than PAH suggests that a separate fatty acid transport pathway may be involved in the accumulation of ochratoxin A by suspensions of rabbit renal proximal tubules.  相似文献   

The binding of thiopentone to normal and kwashiorkor serum has been investigated. It has been confirmed that thiopentone is bound to albumin predominantly. In kwashiorkor serum, less binding to albumin occurs, but secondary binding sites appear. The significance of these observations is discussed.  相似文献   

Echinomycin is a peptide antibiotic which binds strongly to double-helical DNA up to a limit of approximately one molecule per five base-pairs. There is no detectable interaction with rRNA and only extremely feeble non-specific interaction with poly(rA)-poly(rU). Heat denaturation of DNA greatly decreases the binding, and similarly limited interaction is observed with naturally occurring single-stranded DNA. Association constants for binding to nine double-helical DNA species from different sources are presented; they vary by a factor of approximately 10, but are not simply related to the gross base composition. The interaction with DNA is ionic-strength-dependent, the binding constant falling by a factor of 4 when the ionic strength is raised from 0.01 to 0.10mol/litre. From the effect of temperature on the association constant for calf thymus DNA, the enthalpy of interaction is calculated to be about -13kJ/mol (-3kcal/mol). Binding of echinomycin persists in CsCl gradients and the buoyant density of nicked bacteriophage PM2 DNA is decreased by 25 mg/ml. Echinomycin interacts strongly with certain synthetic poly-deoxynucleotides, the binding constant decreasing in the order poly(dG)-poly(dC) greater than poly(dG-dC) greater than poly(dA-dT). For the latter two polymers the number of base-pairs occluded per bound antibiotic molecule is calculated to be three, whereas for poly(dG)-poly(dC) it is estimated to be four to five. Poly(dA)-poly(dT) and poly(dI)-poly(dC) interact only very weakly with the antibiotic. Poly(dI-dC) interacts to a slightly greater extent, but the binding curve is quite unlike that seen with the three strongly binding synthetic polynucleotides. Echinomycin affects the supercoiling of closed circular duplex bacteriophage PM2 DNA in the characteristic fashion of intercalating drugs. At low ionic strength the unwinding angle is almost twice that of ethidium. Likewise the extension of the helix, determined from changes in the viscosity of rod-like sonicated DNA fragments, is nearly double that expected for a simple (monofunctional) intercalation process. On this basis the interaction process is characterized as bifunctional intercalation. At higher ionic strength the unwinding angle relative to that of ethidium and the helix extension per bound echinomycin molecule fall, indicating a smooth progression towards more nearly monofunctional intercalation. Two simpler compounds which act as analogues of the quinoxaline chromophores of echinomycin, quinoxaline-2-carboxamide and the trypanocidal drug Bayer 7602, interact with DNA very much more weakly than does echinomycin, showing that the peptide portion of the antibiotic plays an essential role in determining the strength and specificity of the interaction.  相似文献   

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