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由于大同矿区侏罗纪煤层特有的坚硬项板、坚硬煤层条件的影响,厚煤层综放工作面顶煤回收率偏低一直是大同矿区综放开采的主要难题。受此影响,通过改进工艺强化顶煤破碎程度,提高顶煤回收率。  相似文献   

孙勇 《中国科技博览》2014,(13):372-372
龙煤集团鹤岗分公司益新煤矿15号煤层是厚、松软、易燃煤层,采用BDY型并联顶梁滑移支架放顶煤炮采工艺开采。由于硬帮片帮、抽漏顶严重制约了产量的提高,因此对滑移支架放顶煤工作面防止片帮、抽漏顶方法进行了研究,生产实践证明硬帮浅孔动压注水等方法能够有效地防止硬帮片帮、抽漏顶,从而提高滑放工作面的产量。  相似文献   

针对龙煤股份公司鹤岗分公司兴安矿鳞放工作面开采煤层的特点,根据综放工作面自燃发火治理后,采取了综合防治措施,有效防止了工作面复燃,确保了综放工作面安全生产,对同等条件下采用综兼放顶煤开采的煤层火区启封后防止复燃有着重要意义。  相似文献   

谢平 《中国科技博览》2014,(40):138-138
综放开采煤层都是特厚煤层,平巷沿底板掘进,留有顶煤。由于受采动影响,使得顶煤破碎离层;有些煤层煤质松软,掘进时,时常冒落形成空洞区;有的上分层已采,下分层采用综采放顶煤技术,由于煤层起伏变化,中间煤层破碎等原因,使综放平巷与顶采空区连通;无煤柱开采留小煤皮的沿空巷道与临近层采空区连通。由于上述种种因素,使综放无煤柱开采平巷自然火灾增多,且火源沿巷道顶板及沿空侧(或顶部)采空区发展迅速。  相似文献   

通过对山东能源龙矿集团北皂煤矿海下软岩复杂地质条件下煤层瓦斯赋存状况、采掘工作面瓦斯涌出来源及涌出规律分析,提出了半封闭采空区埋管抽放、低位钻孔(上隅角插管)抽放,全封闭采空区抽放等多种抽放工艺相结合的综合抽放方法。方案实施以来工作面瓦斯抽放率达到60%-70%,从根源上消除了局部积聚的可能性,对三软地层综放回采工作面瓦斯治理工作具有指导意义。  相似文献   

罗飚 《工程爆破》2010,16(2):98-98
兖州矿业(集团)公司鲍店煤矿为了解决1310综放工作面顶煤回收率低的问题,回采前在轨道顺槽中对该面200m范围内进行了深孔预裂爆破,并结合静压注水,提高了顶煤的可放性,从而达到增大顶煤回收率、减少采空区自燃发火的目的。  相似文献   

通过介绍神新发展公司苇湖梁煤矿+579水平B<,4+5>煤层东翼综放工作面的安装方法,为类似条件工作面的安装提供可借鉴的技术经验.  相似文献   

4102综放工作面所采4煤层具有自燃倾向性,工作面及上隅角发生瓦斯超限问题,为避免形成自然发火事故,运用注氮及喷洒阻化剂措施防灭火,并取得了良好的技术经济效益,实现了综放工作面的安全回采。  相似文献   

本文通过对近距离煤层群采用综采放顶煤开采工艺分析研究,得出近距离煤层群采用综采放顶煤开采提高工作面回采率的途径及措施。解决了制约近距离煤层群采用分层开采或联合开采回采率低下的不足,通过对工艺进行研究与改进可以使得近距离煤层群采用综放开采产量得到大幅的提高、煤炭开采的安全性与高效性也得以加强。通过对近距离煤层群综放开采技术进行研究,可以有效地促进综采放顶煤开采的技术发展。  相似文献   

赵铁亮 《中国科技博览》2012,(35):592-592,506
文章根据晋城矿区综采放顶煤开采实际情况,从影响顶煤冒放性的煤体裂隙、开采工艺和支架与围岩关系三个方面进行分析,对综放工作面的布置、采放比、放煤步距、支架架型与工作阻力提出了建议。  相似文献   

Mineable coal reserves in thick and extra-thick seams account for 44% of the total deposit in China. Fully-mechanized top-coal caving technology is a new mining method of safe and efficient underground operations in extra-thick seams in China. The development of fully-mechanized top-coal caving technology in China, which was successfully applied in Face 8105 in Tashan Coal Mine, Datong, Shanxi, China, is analyzed in this paper. Studies on movement pattern of top-coal and roof from fully-mechanized top caving face in 14–20 m extra-thick seams have been carried out. A series of key technologies were successfully developed, including strata control technology, equipment for high-efficient and high-recovery top caving operations, and safety guarantee technology for low gas occurrence and high gas emission. As a result, the fully-mechanized top-coal caving Face 8105, with large mining height in Tashan Coal Mine, has achieved a recovery rate of 88.9% and an average equipment operation rate of 92.1%. With coal production of 10.84 Mt in 2011, the demonstration project is a technology and equipment breakthrough for fully-mechanized top-coal caving face in extra-thick coal seams with large mining height.  相似文献   

In underground coal extraction of fully mechanized caving, the overlying hard–thick sandstone main roof could control the failure extent and the movement evolution of the entire overburden strata. The instantaneous failure of the hard–thick sandstone main roof possibly causes strata pressure behaviors, rock-bursts and abnormal gas emissions, which may result in equipment damages and casualties. Tashan coalmine was chosen as a field case study base because of its super great mining height (SGMH) and the overlying hard–thick sandstone roof (HTSR). This mine has experienced a great deal of damaging hydraulic support and abnormal gas emission accidents caused by strata pressure behavior. The fracture failure analysis was analyzed based on “Key Strata Theory” and numerical simulation results. The hard–thick sandstone main roof could perform as a very large double-sided embedded rock beam in the primary fracture and as a cantilever-articulated rock beam in periodic fracture, simultaneously generates a huge hanging space in the gob. The fracture failure of the hard–thick sandstone main roof causes a permeability enhancement in the adjacent rock-coal strata and near face coal seam. The substantial amounts of gas stored in the remaining coal, surrounding rock strata and adjacent coal seams rush out and aggregate in the caved and fissure zone of the gob, thereby forming a huge gas cloud. The disasters due to coupled strata pressure behavior and abnormal gas emissions, which primarily occurred after primary and periodic fracture failure, are predominantly caused by the instantly fracture of main roof. When the main roof reached the ultimate broken span and underwent, rotation and collapse, substantial amounts of gas accumulating in the gob escaped to the working face under the extrusion and impaction of the caving rock strata, which easily produced abnormal gas emissions, some of which exceeded the statutory limit. Shortening the length of the HTSR failure span using hydraulic presplitting and decreasing the gas content of the coal seam using gas drainage technology are recognized as two effective approaches to solve this issue.  相似文献   

淮北矿业股份有限公司朱仙庄煤矿主采煤层8煤,平均9.98m厚,但开采条件复杂,煤层极松软,局部煤层倾角超过40°,通过加强顶煤管理、保证支架及前后刮板输送机稳定性、防止煤炭自燃发火等措施,最大限度提高回收率,实现了大倾角松软特厚易燃煤层综放安全高效开采。  相似文献   

我国综采放顶煤开采技术及其展望   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了20世纪80年代中期以来对我国煤炭工业有重大影响的综采放顶煤开采技术的概况;论述了我国科技人员在该项技术进步中在顶煤可放性评价、岩(煤)运动规律及支架围岩关系、提高回收率的技术和工艺、安全控制、大功率成套设备研制等方面的创造性贡献;对综采放顶煤技术的发展趋势作出了评价。  相似文献   

The three-dimensional damage constitutive relationship of coal is established and distribution law of the abutment pressure of the integrated coal beside the road-in packing for gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized caving face under the effect of given deformation of the main roof is analyzed by the damage mechanics theory. And the relationship between distribution of the abutment pressure and thickness of coal seam is explored. The presented result is of great theoretical significance and practical value to the study on stability control of the surrounding rock of road-in packing for gob-side entry retaining in fully-mechanized caving face.  相似文献   

贵州薄煤层储量在全省煤炭储量中占有很大比重,选择一种合适的采煤工艺很有必要,论文介绍了薄煤层螺旋钻采煤工艺方式,结合贵州省地质条件指出了它的地质适应性和应用优缺点,对开采薄煤层时选择合适的采煤工艺方式有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

综放沿空掘巷围岩稳定性分类模型及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了综放沿空掘巷围岩的稳定性,并根据理论分析、实践经验和现场观测数据的整理分析,构造了综放沿空掘巷围岩稳定性影响因素的隶属函数,建立了灰色-模糊分类模型;实际应用表明,该模型准确、可靠,对于综放沿空掘巷的支护设计、施工和管理具有指导作用。  相似文献   

[摘要]矿井事故高发区域是煤矿综采工作面,煤矿环境的特殊在很大程度上增加了确保安全生产的难度系数,矿井生产具有其他行业所不具有的特殊性、复杂性以及多变性,其中发生率较高的矿井事故类型有透水、煤炭自燃、瓦斯或煤尘爆炸以及职业病等。本文首先介绍了综采工作面常见事故类型,其次阐述了构建煤矿综采面安全生产评价指标体系应遵循的原则,最后对确定综采工作面安全生产评价指标权值加以探讨。  相似文献   

针对当前综采工作面虚拟仿真数字化设计程度低、虚拟模型不可控、协同配套运行不匹配不协调的问题,在虚拟现实引擎Unity3D下,对综采工作面三机虚拟协同关键技术进行研究。建立了全景综采虚拟现实场景,重点对三机虚拟模型构建与修补、刮板输送机虚拟弯曲、采煤机虚拟运行行走和采煤机与液压支架相互感知等关键技术进行研究。以端部斜切进刀双向割煤方式为例进行分析,发现原型系统可以非常生动形象且真实地再现综采工作面三机的动态配套关系、姿态和性能等运行状况,并可根据不同的工况对采煤机牵引速度与液压支架跟机距离进行规划。本技术提升了综采虚拟现实的数字化设计水平,可以为综采工作面规划、分析与决策提供足够技术支持。  相似文献   

In view of the three-dimensional dynamic abutment pressure, the influence of the far-field hard stratum (FHS) in deep, thick coal seams is indeterminant. Based on elastic foundation theory, a three-dimensional dynamic prediction model of the abutment pressure was established. Using this model, the dynamic change in the coal seam abutment pressure caused by the movement of the FHS was studied, and a method for determining the dynamic change range of the abutment pressure was developed. The results of the new prediction model of the abutment pressure are slightly higher than the measured values, with an error of 0.51%, which avoids the shortcomings of the results because the Winkler foundation model results are lower than the measured values and have an error of 9.98%. As time progresses, the abutment pressure and its distribution range are affected by the FHS movement, which has the characteristics of gradually increasing dynamic change until the FHS fractures. The peak value of the abutment pressure increases linearly with time, and the influence range increases with time following a power function with an exponent of less than 1. The influence range of the FHS movement on the abutment pressure ahead of the working face, behind the working face, and along the working face is 10 times, 25 times, and 17 times the mining thickness, respectively. According to the actual geological parameters, the dynamic change range of the coal seam abutment pressure was determined by drawing an additional stress curve and by determining the threshold value. These research results are of great significance to the partition optimization of the roadway support design of deep, thick coal seams.  相似文献   

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