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La2Ti2O7 powders were prepared using three different techniques. Single-phase material was obtained at 1150°C by calcination of mixed oxides, at 1000°C by molten salt synthesis, and at 850°C by evaporative decomposition of solutions. Particle sizes and morphologies of the powders differed substantially, as did the sintered microstructures and dielectric properties. Very dense (99%), translucent, grain-oriented lanthanum titanate was fabricated by hot-forging at 1300°C under a 200-kg load. Anisotropy was demonstrated by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, thermal expansion, and dielectric measurements.  相似文献   

The Li2O-TiO2 pseudobinary phase diagram was determined from 50 to 100 mol% TiO2 by DTA, microscopy, and X-ray analysis; Li2Ti3O7 effectively melts congruently at 1300° and decomposes eutectoidally at 940°C. A solid solution based on Li2TlO3 from 50 to ∼65 mol% TiO3 was observed to exist at >930°C. A new metastable phase was discovered with a composition of ∼75 mol% TiO2 and with a hexagonal unit cell (8.78 by 69.86 × 10−1nm). Discrepancies in the literature regarding some of these phase equilibria are reconciled.  相似文献   

The compounds SrPu2Ti4O12, Pu2Ti3O8.79, and Pu2Ti2O7, where plutonium is in the (III) oxidation state, were prepared and identified via X-ray diffraction (XRD). The solid solubility limit of Pu2Ti2O7 in Ln2Ti2O7 (Ln = Gd, Er, or Lu) was also studied via XRD; it was determined that the solubility of Pu2Ti2O7 increased as the radius of the lanthanide ion in the host compound decreased. Attempts to synthesize Sr2Pu2 Ti5O16 and Sr2Ce2–yPuyTi5O16 solid solutions, where plutonium is in the (IV) oxidation state, were unsuccessful.  相似文献   

Vertically aligned polycrystalline CaCu3Ti4O12 nanorods were obtained by rf sputtering at low substrate temperatures. The rods grow by electrostatic attraction and aggregation of charged clusters, independently of the substrate used. These nanostructures exhibit a strong nonlinear current × voltage behavior and high losses during cyclic testing, indicating a combination of Schottky's barrier and Joule's heating effects.  相似文献   

Nickel ferrite (NiFe2O4) nanoparticles were successfully synthesized via a hydrothermal process and characterized by X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscope techniques. The effects of reaction temperature, holding time, and RH ratio (isopropyl alcohol/water) were discussed. The NiFe2O4 nanoparticles could be obtained at 60°C within 3 h. The crystallization of the spinel ferrites was promoted by the increase in reaction temperature, holding time, and RH ratio.  相似文献   

Structural evolution in the X-ray amorphous precursors to La2Sn2O7 and La2Ti2O7 is examined using IR and Raman spectroscopy. These precursors are prepared by rapid coprecipitation from mixed aqueous solutions of the corresponding metal chlorides. Rapid coprecipitation from an SnCl2−6 and La3+-containing aqueous solution yields microcrystalline particles of SnO2· n H2O and La(OH)3, which instantaneously interconnect to form an ultimate, complex colloid particle. The Ti(OH)2+2 and La3+ in the other solution system coprecipitate into a different, complex colloid (an unidentified phase), which is definitely not a mixed dispersion of single-component colloids. A comparative examination of the vibrational spectra of the coprecipitates heated to various temperatures indicates that the SnO2 and anatase phases develop in the respective precursors before crystallization of the desired double oxides. Crystallization itself can be attributed to a solid-state reaction among the various microcrystallites of each single-metal oxide in a gel particle of the precursor.  相似文献   

The mechanism of parahydrogen conversion was studied on Gd2O3 and Y2O3 powders and on Gd and Y evaporated metal films at low and high temperatures (77° to 90°K and 298° to 418°K). Absolute rates of conversion are compared to theoretical values for 3 possible reaction mechanisms, and it is concluded that a paramagnetic vibrational mechanism is operative on Gd2O3, Gd, and Y. On Y2O3 the reaction rate is enhanced by additional surface paramagnetic sites. The portion of the surface which is active is ∼1 for the metals and ∼0.01 for the oxides.  相似文献   

Solid solutions in the Gd2(Ti1-yMoy)2O7 pyrochlore system, with y = 0.1, 0.3, 0.5, and 0.7, have been investigated as potential candidates for the anode material of solid-oxide fuel cells. The electrical conductivity, stability range, and optimal synthesis conditions of the pyrochlore phase have been explored by electrical, coulometric titration, and X-ray diffractometry techniques. As the molybdenum content increases, the maximum conductivity increases to a value of 70 S/cm for y = 0.7 at 1000°C, whereas the stability range in the oxygen partial pressure (pO2) decreases to just over two orders of magnitude in pO2 in the temperature range of 600°-1000°C. A decomposition reaction that leads to decreased conductivity in oxidizing atmospheres is proposed.  相似文献   

A solution-derived precursor may be calcined at temperatures >500°C to yield MgNb2O6. Calcining temperatures 800°C result in the familiar, cation-ordered columbite structure type. Calcining temperatures <800°C result in a previously unobserved, cation-disordered α-PbO2 structure type. The low-temperature form of MgNb2O6 is a more reactive material than is obtained by conventional solid-state reaction as evidenced by its small particle size and its ability to react with PbO to form lead magnesium niobate at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

High-performance Ba2Ti9O20 ceramics are attracting great attention, but their formation mechanism still is somewhat unclear. The present investigation shows that the formation of Ba2Ti9O20 can be promoted strikingly by the participation of Bi2O3 and Al2O3. The effect of Bi2O3 on the formation of Ba2Ti9O20 is attributed to the fact that migration of the involved reactants is accelerated by liquid which forms from the melting of Bi2O3 above 830°C. This migration, however, is not the only rate-limiting factor. A high potential-energy barrier, resulting from stress that arises along the crystal-structured layers, also heavily restricts the formation of Ba2Ti9O20. The participation of Al2O3, on the other hand, can reduce the height of this potential-energy barrier and effectively improve the kinetics of the formation of Ba2Ti9O20 by causing the formation of BaAI2Ti6O16 crystals; these crystals intergrow with Ba2Ti9O20 crystals and result in decreased stress.  相似文献   

A kinetic study of the aging behavior of tetragonal zirconia polycrystals (TZPs) from 100° to 500°C suggests that there exists a cricital grain size of 0.52 μm below which the tetragonal symmetry can be retained. Property degradation of TZPs at low temperatures is connected with transformation-induced microcracking. It is reported here that the temperature range of 100° to 400°C in which degradation occurs could be explained by an infinite incubation time for the lower limit and by the martensite starting temperature for the upper limit.  相似文献   

The phase relationships in the CaHfTi2O7-Gd2Ti2O7 (zirconolite-pyrochlore) pseudobinary system were investigated, after heating at 1500°C, because of their importance in the design of pyrochlore-rich titanate ceramics for immobilization of impure surplus plutonium. Up to 15 mol% of MgTi2O5 and Al2TiO5 were added to CaHfTi2O7-Gd2Ti2O7 compositions to elucidate the effects of divalent and trivalent impurities on the phase stability within these systems. From X-ray diffractometry analysis, scanning electron microscopy, and energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry, phase formation and compositional stability limits were evaluated. The main phases observed in these systems were pyrochlore, perovskite, and polytypes of zirconolite. The formation of the 2 M -, 4 M -, and 3 O -zirconolite polytypes was dependent on the amount of aluminum or magnesium present. In the magnesium system, a large area of pyrochlore-only was observed, which indicated that divalent impurities of appropriate ionic size could be readily incorporated in the eightfold site of the pyrochlore. The locations of the tentative phase boundaries are discussed with respect to the chemical composition.  相似文献   

The subsolidus phase equilibrium diagram for the pseudobinary join MgAl2O4-Ga2O3 was determined. The shape of the exsolution boundary was obtained by heat-treating samples pre- equilibrated at 1600°C. Crystalline solubility of Ga2O3 in MgAl2O4 decreased from 73 mole % at 1600°C to 55 mole % at 1200°C. The crystalline solution was formed by the replacement of Mg2+ions by Ga3+ ions to produce a cation defect spinel. The phase precipitated was the mono-clinic δ-Ga2O3 (=δ-Al2O3 structure). Changes in the ratios of relative X-ray diffraction intensities indicated that the crystalline solutions also disorder with temperature.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous phase distribution found in Ba2Ti9O20 ceramic resonators results from a temperature-dependent phase boundary and slow reaction kinetics. When sintered at 1350°C or higher in oxygen the Ba2Ti9O20 phase becomes slightly reduced and barium-rich. Thus a stoichiometric composition forms rutile and "Ba2Ti9O20'phase. On slow cooling the excess barium diffuses to the oxygen-rich surface where it reacts to form an envelope of rutile-free material surrounding a core containing a small amount of rutile.  相似文献   

Despite numerous reports of calcium phosphate cement materials, a calcium cement that sets to form a matrix consisting of a pyrophosphate phase has not been reported. The formulation of such a material from the mixture of α-tricalcium phosphate (TCP), β-TCP, or tetracalcium phosphate with a solution containing pyro- and orthophosphoric acid is reported in this study. The effects of liquid and solid compositions on the setting times, compressive strengths and phase compositions of the resultant cements were investigated. It was found that cements could be produced that set to form up to 28 wt% dicalcium pyrophosphate, which appeared by comparison with Rietveld refinement and chemical methods to be entirely amorphous in nature. The solubilities of the different solid components were shown to have a marked effect on the composition of the cements. The strongest cement formulations exhibited compressive strengths comparable with those previously reported in the literature for brushite cements and set within clinically relevant time scales. This class of cement would appear to demonstrate potential as a bone replacement material.  相似文献   

in a recent article of the Journal , Yu et al .1 reported their experimental results on the effect of Al2O3 and Bi2O3 on the formation mechanism of Sn-doped Ba2Ti9O20. They claimed that both Al2O3 and Bi2O3 can dramatically assist the formation of Sn-doped Ba2Ti9O20 but are based on different mechanisms. They concluded that first, Bi2O3 melts above 830°C and accelerates the migration of the involved reactants to form Ba2Ti9O20; second, Al2O3 can reduce the height of the potential energy barrier of the formation of Ba2Ti9O20 due to the intergrowth of BaAl2Ti6O16 phase. They explained their results from a point of view that the formation of Ba2Ti9O20 is controlled by (1) the migration of reactants to the interfaces and (2) the height of the potential-energy barrier of the reaction at the interfaces. However, based on their results, we feel their conclusions are incautious and may be misleading, as will be discussed later.  相似文献   

Preparation of dense and phase-pure Ba2Ti9O20 is generally difficult using solid-state reaction, since there are several thermodynamically stable compounds in the vicinity of the desired composition and a curvature of Ba2Ti9O20 equilibrium phase boundary in the BaO–TiO2 system at high temperatures. In this study, the effects of B2O3 on the densification, microstructural evolution, and phase stability of Ba2Ti9O20 were investigated. It was found that the densification of Ba2Ti9O20 sintered with B2O3 was promoted by the transient liquid phase formed at 840°C. At sintering temperatures higher than 1100°C, the solid-state sintering became dominant because of the evaporation of B2O3. With the addition of 5 wt% B2O3, the ceramic yielded a pure Ba2Ti9O20 phase at sintering temperatures as low as 900°C, without any solid solution additive such as SnO2 or ZrO2. The facilities of B2O3 addition to the stability of Ba2Ti9O20 are apparently due to the eutectic liquid phase which accelerates the migration of reactant species.  相似文献   

This study examined pressure consolidation of amorphous Al2O3–15 mol% Y2O3 powders prepared by co-precipitation and spray pyrolysis. The two amorphous powders had similar true densities and crystallization sequences. Uniaxial hot pressing was carried out at 450°–600°C with a moderate pressure of 750 MPa. The co-precipitated powder could be hot pressed to a maximum relative density of 98% and remained amorphous. Pressure adversely affected the densification of the spray-pyrolyzed powder by favoring an early crystallization of γ-Al2O3 phase at 580°C. Plastic deformation of the amorphous phase is believed to be responsible for the large densification of the amorphous powders.  相似文献   

The oxygen nonstoichiometry in Mn-doped Gd2Ti2O7, Gd2(Ti0.975Mn0.025)2O7+x, was measured electrochemically, as a function of temperature and oxygen partial pressure, with the aid of an oxygen titration cell. The analysis of the data shows that the defect equilibrium can be described by considering the dominant point defects to be neutral oxygen interstitials, doubly charged oxygen vacancies, and trivalent and quadrivalent Mn ions substituted in the Ti sites. The enthalpies for the formation of neutral oxygen interstitials and trivalent Mn are determined.  相似文献   

Effects of excess Bi2O3 content on formation of (Bi3.15Nd0.85)Ti3O12 (BNT) films deposited by RF sputtering were investigated. The microstructures and electrical properties of BNT thin films are strongly dependent on the excess Bi2O3 content and post-sputtering annealing temperature, as examined by XRD, SEM, and P – E hysteresis loops. A small amount of excess bismuth improves the crystallinity and therefore polarization of BNT films, while too much excess bismuth leads to a reduction in polarization and an increase in coercive field. P – E loops of well-established squareness were observed for the BNT films derived from a moderate amount of Bi2O3 excess (5 mol%), where a remanent polarization 2P r of 25.2 μC/cm2 and 2E c of 161.5 kV/cm were shown. A similar change in dielectric constant with increasing excess Bi2O3 content was also observed, with the highest dielectric constant of 304.1 being measured for the BNT film derived from 5 mol% excess Bi2O3.  相似文献   

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