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黄姗  杨博  廖炜诺 《云南化工》2021,(7):137-139
为有针对性地进行流体性质识别,从储层岩性、孔隙结构、微幅度构造和地层水矿化度四方面入手,详细探讨了研究区低阻油藏流体性质的主控因素.研究表明,岩性导致的高束缚水、高微孔率是研究区低阻形成的一大控制因素,孔隙结构和微幅度构造也对低阻产生重要影响,而地层水矿化度影响相对较弱.  相似文献   

为了解决化工热力学中流体热力学性质计算量大的问题。利用Visual Basic 600语言编写出计算流体热力学性质课件,并设计成窗体模式,本课件可用纯流体及二元混合流体、采用不同状态方程进行计算,只要将数据输入计算机,经过程序的运行就可以显示计算结果。同时本课件具有查询各种物性参数的功能。程序采用面向对象的编程技术。对流体的物性参数实行数据库操作,界面友好。使用方便。  相似文献   

对硬球三参数状态方程(CSPT)引力参数的温度校正系数α和拟临界压缩因子(?)提出了新的温度关系式.用修正的CSPT方程(MCSPT)计算了105种纯物质的饱和性质.结果表明,新的方程改善了原CSPT方程在低对比温度下物质的饱和性质,以及临界区域内热力学性质的计算精度.并用于计算超临界状态下物质的热力学性质,有良好的外推性.  相似文献   

水平井作为一种非常成熟的钻井技术,已经在油田开发中得到广泛的应用,尤其对一些特殊油气藏更显示出直井所无法比拟的优势。高青油田高10块是通过滚动勘探发现的新区块,是典型的地层油藏,具有油层厚、埋藏浅、易出砂等特点。如何合理、高效地开发该油藏是提高采收率的关键,通过大量分析研究,决定在该块实施水平井开发,在开发过程中使用了一些新技术、新方法,最终完钻了6口水平井,取得了较好的开发效果。  相似文献   

周伟  王立刚 《化工学报》1995,46(4):493-500
描述了纤维Oldroyd-B流体半浓悬浮液的本构方程,计算了定常剪切流动突然开始后的纤维取向和应力的发展过程,并将计算结果与其它本构方程的计算结果和实验结果进行比较,结果表明,本文的本构方程能合理地描述应力的发展过程,尤其能刻划出应力峰值后的弹性增长,这是其它本构方程所不能描述的。  相似文献   

在油气田实际的勘探开发过程中充分利用核磁共振测井能够提供一种不依赖于电性的储层流体评价方法,本文主要针对该方法在实际评价过程中存在的问题进行了分析,并针对不同评价方法下各种影响因素进行了研究。在实际利用核磁共振测井技术的过程中,储层中含有的天然气、原油的黏度、水的局限性等都会对核磁共振技术的储层识别产生一定的影响。  相似文献   

针对油藏构造复杂,砂体发育不稳定的地质特征,注水开发时间长,采出程度较高,剩余油分布零散的开发现状,加强了基础地质研究,重新落实,组合断点,对区块构造再认识,在此基础上,综合参考多种资料,运用油藏工程方法,开展剩余油分布定量化研究,指出了油藏的调整挖潜方向,不仅使区块储稳产,而且也为同类型油藏开发提供了可贵经验。  相似文献   

如何有效的开发低渗透油藏   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
1低渗透油藏基本地质特征1.1储层物性差、孔喉细小、孔隙度低。孔隙主要以中孔和小孔为主,喉道以管状和片状的细喉道为主,喉道的中值半径一般小于1.5,因此采收率低。  相似文献   

套保油田是吉林油田有史以来首次探明的一个稠油油田,该油田的特点是埋藏浅、油层薄、孔渗高、储层地层温度下脱气原油粘度3000-4000mPa.s,属普通稠油油藏。无论是冷采井还是热采井都出现了出水现象,严重地制约着套保油田的开发。世界上稠油开发技术最先进国家,如美国、委内瑞拉、加拿大及前苏联,其开发的油田只有少量有边底水,而且隔层性质较好。我国辽河油田的井深都大于800m,油层温度较高,新疆油田九区和河南南阳油田油藏埋深同吉林油田套保地区相类似,但隔层性质好,而套保油田隔层疏松,且油层温度18℃,在如此条件下,对油水同层或油水层…  相似文献   

通过对濮城油田卫79块异常高压低渗油藏目前存在问题的深入分析,有针对性的提出了切实可行的下步开发建议,以压裂为主的油层改造措施将增加可采储量、减缓老井递减,从而提高该油藏的开发效果。  相似文献   

通过采用旋转回归设计,对影响ABS/硅油混合物力学性能的各种因素进行了研究,通过对比发现,在ABS树脂中加入硅油能大大提高其力学性能;同时考察了滑石粉对ABS/硅油混合物力学性能的影响,并确定了制作轿车门立柱、门内基板等内装饰件的ABS/硅油混合物配方。  相似文献   

针对曙光油田曙1-6-12块的开发现状,通过精细油藏数值模拟,对该区块剩余油分布进行研究,建立了全区油藏数值模型,模拟结果比较正确地反映出实际油藏流体的分布特征,为补充和发展剩余油分布描述技术以及下一步挖潜对策提供了可靠的决策依据。  相似文献   

华北油田的大部分油藏已进入开发中后期,但剩余储量规模仍然相当可观,实施欠平衡钻井技术是提高勘探综合效益的一条行之有效的途径。近两年,华北油田的欠平衡钻井技术发展迅速,欠平衡钻井液的合理设计是欠平衡钻井成功的关键之一,而钻井液的开发和应用必须和现场紧密结合,因此,如何开发适宜的适应本地区地质特征的欠平衡钻井液是今后发展的重点,本文阐明了华北油田地区对欠平衡钻井液的要求,介绍了欠平衡钻井液尤其是无荧光水包白油的现场应用,以及今后面临的挑战。  相似文献   

胡状集油田胡十二块非均质研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
胡十二块属于严重非均质油藏,非均质性严重制约了胡十二块的进一步开发。本文应用了劳伦兹曲线对胡十二块层间、层内宏观及微观非均质进行了研究,并结合油田注水开发,利用产液剖面和吸水剖面对非均质及其变化进一步研究,对引起变化的原因及储层敏感性作了探讨。通过对胡十二块非均质的研究,将有力的指导胡十二块今后的开发。  相似文献   

秦家屯油田SN77-78块位于松辽盆地南部东南隆起区梨树断陷西部,投入注水开发以来,目前出现注采对应关系差,储量动用程度低,储层非均质性严重,平面及层间矛盾突出,部分注水井吸水能力低、注水压力高,油井见水后,含水上升快,产量递减快等一系列问题,文章通过区块开发历程,区块开发现状,区块整体开发效果评价等分析,确定通过压裂、完善注水层位等手段,达到改善水驱开发效果,提高油田采收率的目的,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

Crude rice bran oil (CRBO) with high free fatty acid (FFA) content is not suitable for eating purposes, however, it can be used as a fuel to partially replace or fully replace No.2 diesel. The main objective of the present work was to analyse the effect of FFA content of CRBO on the combustion properties such as viscosity, calorific value, volatility and aniline point. CRBO with different FFAs were collected and mixed with No.2 diesel to prepare CRBO-diesel blends. It was observed that the viscosity of the blends increased with increase in FFA while the calorific value decreased. Significant variations were observed in the distillation curve for the CRBO blends with different FFA. Aniline point of the blends was 10–15% lower than that of diesel and it is indirectly proportional to the FFA of CRBO in the blend. Experimental results showed that the combustion properties of CRBO are the function of the FFA in the oil. As a dilute blend with diesel, CRBO with high FFA content showed comparable combustion properties to that of diesel. The properties differed in magnitude by 10–15% when compared with diesel. From the present investigation it is concluded that in blended form, CRBO with high FFA can be a potential resource to utilize it as an alternative fuel for CI (compression ignition) engines.  相似文献   

The permeation of hydrogen through palladium composite membranes was investigated at temperatures 523-669 K and hydrogen pressures 80-220 kPa. Two pieces of Pd/α-alumina composite membranes prepared by electroless deposition were used in this study. The permeation behavior of hydrogen through the palladium composite membranes was analyzed by a resistance model in order to obtain the permeation parameters of the support and palladium layer. The results demonstrated that the thickness of the Pd layer played an important role in the permeation properties of hydrogen. The hydrogen flux through a Pd/alumina composite membrane, with a palladium film of 7 μm thickness, deviated from Sievert's law. This was due to decreasing the thickness of the Pd film, resulting in a significant surface limiting process contribution. In addition, Sievert's law was in good agreement with the data obtained for thick Pd film (15 μm), and it provided accurate prediction of permeability coefficient, activation energy, and the values of Δ H H 0 and Δ S H 0 . These obtained parameters were in excellent agreement with the literature.  相似文献   

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation was applied to simulate the dilution of undiluted crude oil (UCO) in a dilution tank of a palm oil mill. Fluid flow and mixing characteristics were examined. Considering the mixing behavior, the mixing of dilution water and UCO occurred as soon as these fluids entered the dilution tank, and the oil mass fraction in the mixture decreased gradually towards the outlet of the tank. Meanwhile, the velocity of dilution water and UCO declined as the fluids moved from their respective inlets. The intensity of turbulence flow remained until near the tank outlet. For the parametric study, the oil mass fraction of diluted crude oil (DCO) increased with higher UCO flow rate and oil mass fraction in the UCO but declined with higher dilution water flow rate.  相似文献   

超临界流体的理化性质及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要介绍了常温、常压下为液态的超临界流体的理化性质,包括密度、粘度、离子积、还原性等,并对超临界流体在化工、生物质及环保等领域的应用进行了综述,同时对超临界技术的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

Spouted bed apparatuses are already used in some technical areas for a variety of chemical and metallurgical operations. One of the advantages of spouted beds compared to the fluidized beds is the possibility of achieving better conditions for an intense heat and mass transfer. Spouted beds are characterized by a relatively simple construction and an easy design, which allows the scale‐up of the spouted bed apparatuses and the creation of industrial equipments.  相似文献   

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