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This paper describes a tool graph originally developed for the Faust environment. Faust is a scientific program development environment being implemented at the Center for Supercomputing Research and Development at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The graph tool comprises two major components: the Graph Manager that implements an abstract graph data type, and the Graph Browser that handles the details of displaying a subgraph of a graph created through the Graph Manager. The Graph Browser displays graph views, where a graph view is a subgraph of its parent graph. The concept of graph views is analogous to the concept of views in the traditional database sense. Several graph views may simultaneously exist for a single parent graph, where each view's subgraph depends on the context of the application requesting the view. Goals of the graph tool, GMB, included providing an abstract graph data type for general use and animating graphs efficiently.  相似文献   

Robert F. Rosin 《Software》1977,7(2):239-250
It is suggested that many important concepts in computer system implementation are more difficult to describe and understand than would be the case were there a suitable graphical notation available. Such a notation, which consists of five elements and two forms for composing these elements, is introduced. It is then used to illustrate some basic techniques in the implementation of programming languages.  相似文献   

An environment for creating user interfaces for embedded systems, called the graphical specification system (GSS), is presented. GSS combines graphical and minimal low-level textual specification with a prototyping capability for rapid user-interface design and evaluation. It is part of a larger embedded systems project at Lockheed, called Express. The user interface components, display components, user-machine interaction, interface-application interaction, and executive component are discussed. Two scenarios, developed with GSS tool prototypes, demonstrate how some GSS tools function. One is the construction of a display with two pairs of gauges, one Cartesian and one polar. The other is the design of a display for submarine tracking  相似文献   

基于知识图谱的保险领域对话系统构建   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在当前人工智能技术发展的热潮中,对话系统已经越来越实用化。与一般的闲聊对话系统不同,特定领域的对话系统是基于知识,带有上下文推理的实用性对话系统。保险领域是典型的特定领域,介绍了一种保险相关领域对话系统的基本构建方法 ,可以帮助用户快速、实用地在某特定领域和场景下构建对话系统,且具有一定的推广性和拓展性。  相似文献   

三维静态军标的实时生成与标绘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨强  陈敏  汤晓安  杨耀明  赵周 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(14):3419-3421,3442
三维静态军标的生成与标绘是军事信息可视化系统的重要内容,生成与标绘方法的优劣直接关系到可视化系统的运行效率和执行效果.在现有方法的基础上提出了一种结合实体模型和公告板技术的实时生成与标绘三维静态军标的方法.难点在于将GDI实时生成的二维军标图像经过提出的一种图像算法的处理产生公告板待显示的具有三维效果的军标图像.实验结果表明该方法的三维军标标绘速度快,占用内存空间小,在应用场景中三维军标的战术意义明确,真实感、立体感强,很好地满足了实际可视化系统的需求.  相似文献   

The authors introduce web structures and their transformations and develop their theory in the framework of category theory. Once a program has been represented as a web structure, software tools, such as a high-level data flow analyzer or other general program transformers, can be written as sets of web structure production rules. An implementation of web structure transformations is in progress. The mathematical theory of web structure transformations allows form proofs of properties both at the metatheoretical and theoretical levels  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time system for human-machine spoken dialogue on the telephone in task-oriented domains. The system has been tested in a large trial with inexperienced users and it has proved robust enough to allow spontaneous interactions even for people with poor recognition performance. The robust behaviour of the system has been achieved by combining the use of specific language models during the recognition phase of analysis, the tolerance toward spontaneous speech phenomena, the activity of a robust parser, and the use of pragmatic-based dialogue knowledge. This integration of the different modules allows the system to deal with partial or total breakdowns at other levels of analysis. We report the field trial data of the system with respect to speech recognition metrics of word accuracy and sentence understanding rate, time-to-completion, time-to-acquisition of crucial parameters, and degree of success of the interactions in providing the speakers with the information they required. The evaluation data show that most of the subjects were able to interact fruitfully with the system. These results suggest that the design choices made to achieve robust behaviour are a promising way to create usable spoken language telephone systems.  相似文献   

PTS is a graphical interface for production and transportation system modeling. It provides a means of creating an economic model of production and transportation activities in a system of plants and markets. The model created by PTS is translated into the GAMS language and is solved using that system. The results are then returned to PTS and are displayed graphically. PTS runs under Windows on IBM PCs and compatibles. PTS is used to (1) provide a graphical interface for knowledge-based model development systems, (2) provide a test-bed for studies of parallel model representations and (3) analyze methods of production and transportation model development which are simpler than the knowledge-based methods. The system is currently implemented for linear programming production and transportation problems. Also, the current implementation provides graphical and GAMS representations of the model.  相似文献   

Shape matching is a long-studied problem and lies at the core of many applications in statistical shape analysis, virtual reality and human–computer interaction. This paper presents an automatic dense correspondence method to match the mesh vertices of two 3D shapes under near-isometric and non-rigid deformations. The goal is achieved by combining three types of graphic structure information. The method includes three major steps: first, we describe the vertices based on three types of graphical information, Euclidean structure information, Riemannian structure information, and conformal structure information; second, the match between two shapes is formulated as an optimization problem and a novel objective function is proposed; third, we resolve the optimal solution by using the projected descent optimization procedure to solve the objective function. The method is tested on various shape pairs with different poses, surface details, and topological noises. We demonstrate the performance of our approach through an extensive quantitative and qualitative evaluation on several challenging 3D shape matching datasets where we achieve superior performance to existing methods.  相似文献   

The designer of a relational data base must use dependency structures of data to model semantic situations that arise in data. He must further ensure that these dependencies are not violated during operations on the data base. In this paper we study a subclass of dependencies, namely, root-dependencies and introduce a common graphical picture (S-diagram) for all of them. This effort offers a possible application of graph theory to the study of relational data bases. The S-diagram offers a pictorial insight to all the root-dependencies. We also discuss, briefly, other possible uses of our work such as automatic constraint checking and recovery of data in a damaged data base.  相似文献   

An interactive programming system is described where human speech commands and computer graphic input-output facilities are used for the exchange of information between man and machine. The experimental problem solving environment is one of formulating, specifying, debugging and executing (algebraic) procedures interactively on a small processor. The speech recognition system is a real time, syntax directed, limited vocabulary, highly cost effective scheme specifically tailored to this environment. The data transformation operations of the language are verbally specified and the control flow is specified graphically as a two-dimensional directed graph. The semantics of the latter structure is independent of the time sequence of its input. An input restricted (conditional input) pseudo-finite state machine model is used for the continuous syntax checking of the input on an atomic token basis and for directing the speech recognizer. The system has been successfully implemented on a small processor at the University of California, Berkeley.  相似文献   

A graphics display system utilizing recently available 512 line plasma panels interfaced to a DEC PDP-11 computer will be described. As the panel electronics allow one cell to be turned on or off each 20 μsec the required display processor functions are implemented in software with no loss of performance. This results in a display system with a rich instruction set as the entire PDP-11 instruction set becomes part of the graphics instruction set. Since the plasma panels combine both memory and selective erase, a unique capability has thus been achieved.  相似文献   

Many applications of graphical man-machine interfaces require incremental update of an image, with controllable time granularity, having multiple views of the information, generated by modular, maintainable software having minimal resource overhead. A technique called differential evaluation is presented that addresses these needs. Instead of driving the display from a data structure, it uses an ad-hoc display procedure in conjunction with a FIFO cache to generate and maintain the display. Maintaining displays of variable structure is accomplished through the use of conditional mechanisms in the display procedure. The technique has been extended to meet many different needs, such as the use of graphic contexts, display of overlapping objects, double-buffering, and a variety of user input schemes. The efficiency of the technique, in time and storage, permits its use with modest equipment. It has been used for several years in a number of industrial user interfaces.  相似文献   

M. C. Pong  N. Ng 《Software》1983,13(9):847-855
This paper describes an implementation of a system for programming using structured charts with interactive graphical support. It provides a graphical editor for the user to interactively build and edit programs using Nassi-Shneiderman diagrams (NSD)1 as the structured control constructs of logic flow. It can interpret a program in NSD chart form, and the execution sequence of the NSD is displayed at a graphical terminal. On-line debugging and testing facilities are available which allow the user to examine and modify the program under execution. The system has been designed with the aim of supporting the development, debugging, testing, documentation and maintenance of programs in the same environment.  相似文献   

<正> Sanarus 是一家医疗设备的新兴企业,为开发治疗良性肿瘤的潜在革命性产品制定了计划。医生使用这种设备,能够通过冷冻杀死肿瘤,以一种对病人几乎无痛的方式摘除肿瘤,这与过去使用的快速的手术解决方法或是"等着看"的方法相比有着巨大的变化。利用这种便于  相似文献   

The process visualization system of a manmachine interface is presented. It allows human operator(s) to interact with a dynamic technical system, here a thermal power plant. Also, a graphical editor for designing dynamic pictures of the process visualization system is explained. Both new systems have a common architecture and are based on the computer graphics standard PHIGS-2D with extensions for handling non-graphical and graphical information. The hierarchical information structures are manipulated with lists and pointers in a dynamic visual database. The two menu-driven interfaces for designers and for operators are described with their multi-window display layouts. The software of both systems is highly portable to different hardware and to other application domains.  相似文献   

J. D. Bovey 《Software》1987,17(9):647-662
This paper describes the ups source-level debugger. Ups, which is designed to take advantage of the graphics and mouse available on a workstation, displays the debugged program's current state in the form of a hierarchically structured document in which items of interest can be expanded to show more detail. User interaction is via a system of menus and editable subfields, the intention being to create a debugger which has a lot of functionality but is easy to learn and easy to remember. The paper describes the ups user interface itself and discusses its implementaion, which may be of interest to anyone writing a program with an interface based on menus and editable fields. There is also a discussion of some of the problems that will be encountered by anyone trying to write a new debugger to run in an existing environment.  相似文献   

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