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Given a stationary sequence , we are interested in the rate of convergence in the central limit theorem of the empirical quantiles and the empirical distribution function. Under a general notion of weak dependence, we show a Berry–Esseen result with optimal rate n?1/2. The setup includes many prominent time series models, such as functions of ARMA or (augmented) GARCH processes. In this context, optimal Berry–Esseen rates for empirical quantiles appear to be novel.  相似文献   

We studied the limiting spectral distribution of large‐dimensional sample covariance matrices of a stationary and invertible VARMA(p,q) model. Relationship of the power spectral density and limiting spectral distribution of large population dimensional covariance matrices of ARMA(p,q) is established. The equation about Stieltjes transform of large‐dimensional sample covariance matrices is also derived. As applications, the classical M‐P law, VAR(1) and VMA(1) can be regarded as special examples.  相似文献   

Abstract. An approximate likelihood function for panel data with an autoregressive moving‐average (ARMA)(p, q) model remainder disturbance is presented and Whittle's approximate maximum likelihood estimator (MLE) is used to yield an asymptotic estimator. Although an asymptotic approach, the power test is quite successful for estimating and testing. In this approach, we do not need to calculate the transformation matrix in exact form. Through the Riemann sum approach, we can construct a simple approximate concentrated likelihood function. In addition, the model is also extended to the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) function, in which the package of Gilmour, Thompson and Cullis [Biometrics (1995) Vol. 51, pp. 1440–1450] is applied without difficulty. In the case study, we implement the model on the characteristic line for the investment analysis of Taiwanese computer motherboard makers.  相似文献   

We propose outlier a robust and distribution‐free test for the explosive AR(1) model with intercept based on simplicial depth. In this model, simplicial depth reduces to counting the cases where three residuals have alternating signs. The asymptotic distribution of the test statistic is given by a specific Gaussian process. Conditions for the consistency are given, and the power of the test at finite samples is compared with alternative tests. The new test outperforms these tests in the case of skewed errors and outliers. Finally, we apply the method to crack growth data and compare the results with an OLS approach.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of missing observations on the linear prediction of a stationary time series is investigated. Simple bounds for the prediction error variance and asymptotic behaviours for short and long‐memory processes respectively are presented.  相似文献   

In this article, limit theory is established for a general class of generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity models given by ?t = σtηt and σt = f (σt?1, σt?2,…, σt?p, ?t?1, ?t?2,…, ?t?q), when {?t} is a process with just barely infinite variance, that is, {?t} is a process with infinite variance but in the domain of normal attraction. In particular, we show that under some regular conditions, converges weakly to a Gaussian process. Applications of the asymptotic results to statistical inference, such as unit root test and sample autocorrelation, are also investigated. The obtained result fills in a gap between the classical infinite variance and finite variance in the literature. Further, when applying our limiting result to Dickey–Fuller (DF) test in a unit root model with integrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (IGARCH) errors, it just confirms the simulation result of Kourogenis and Pittis (2008) that the DF statistics with IGARCH errors converges in law to the standard DF distribution.  相似文献   

We consider a zero mean discrete time series, and define its discrete Fourier transform (DFT) at the canonical frequencies. It can be shown that the DFT is asymptotically uncorrelated at the canonical frequencies if and only if the time series is second‐order stationary. Exploiting this important property, we construct a Portmanteau type test statistic for testing stationarity of the time series. It is shown that under the null of stationarity, the test statistic has approximately a chi‐square distribution. To examine the power of the test statistic, the asymptotic distribution under the locally stationary alternative is established. It is shown to be a generalized non‐central chi‐square, where the non‐centrality parameter measures the deviation from stationarity. The test is illustrated with simulations, where is it shown to have good power.  相似文献   

This work evaluates the anodic electrochemical behavior of titanium metal in hydrothermal oxidation conditions (up to 400 °C and 28 MPa) in chlorinated media in order to estimate the supercritical water oxidation reactors reliability for the treatment of less than 10% organic-waste waters. The titanium room temperature dissolution mechanism in chlorinated acidic medium (pH<0) is not fundamentally modified by oxygen. Deduced from the ‘current-potential’ and ‘valence-potential’ curves, it is based on four crucial elementary steps leading to two branches: a so-called active branch corresponding to a trivalent dissolution (its effect is inversely proportional to the pH), and a passive branch (TiO2 oxide formation with a very limited tetravalent dissolution). In hydrothermal oxidation (pH>1), only the second branch is effective. The titanium protection is directly related to the oxide stability in high pH systems. The mechanism model is expressed in terms of ‘current-potential’ laws, which provide kinetic parameters using optimization calculations. The different elementary steps reaction rates were estimated as well as the evolution of the reaction intermediates coverage ratios with the potential. The quantification of each elementary step was performed to understand and/or orient the materials behavior according to different factors (pH, chloride ions contents, potentials…).  相似文献   

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