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神经工效学已成为人因素/工效学研究的新取向。文章对近十余年的相关文献进行归纳整理,结合当前认知神经科学研究的新成果,全面详尽地论述了神经工效学产生的理论背景、主要的研究方法和相关领域的研究现状,并对未来研究的趋势进行展望。  相似文献   

作业管理与工效学牛雪筠(山东建材学院济南250022)苗建中殷桂芳(山东省德州市第二建材厂253024)目前,国内外企业管理理论和方法都在向着精细化方向发展。随着人们消费观念的变化,企业经营观念已由以产品为中心转向以顾客为中心。为适应这种改变,加之现...  相似文献   

依据再就业工程与管理工效学的关系问题,提出了企业精减人员前后与再就业工程动作中7项基本建设的管理工效学的应用,为人机(岗位)优化结合献计献策。  相似文献   

文章主要探讨建筑施工系统与工效学系统的对应关系。运用工效学的人-机-环境系统原理,把土木建筑工程施工系统分解为施工主体、施工条件、施工环境及施工对象诸因子,继而对每一因子进行三级递阶分解;根据细分因子的特性,研究其与工效学系统的对应关系。最终得出施工主体中的人对应于人因素,施工主体中的组织和主体界面关系、施工对象、施工环境对应于环境因素,施工条件对应于机因素,构建了施工工效学系统,并给出了这个系统的人、机、环境要素之间的关系作用关系。  相似文献   

中国人类工效学学会第八次管理工效学学术会议于1999年8月7日~8月9日在风光怡人的祖国边陲城市丹东召开。本次会议的主题是:跨世纪的管理工效学。出席会议的代表来自全国各地,其中有清华大学、天津大学、北京航天航空大学、东北大学、沈阳大学、中南工学院、山东建材学院、湖北朝工学院等院校的学者,也有研究院所和企业的专家代表,共28人。丹东市委常委、市委宣传部曾武部长到会看望了与会代表。开幕式于8月7日上午举行,丹东纺织专科学校范利敏副校长致欢迎词,丹东市委宣传部刘天驰副部长、市教委石云清主任出席并作了热…  相似文献   

人类工效学标准化建设对国民经济的快速发展和和谐社会的建设具有重要的意义。 在发达国家,自二战以来,人类工效学就被视为工业的重要推动力之一,在资金、政策和舆论导向等各个方面得到政府和企业的极大关注与支持,其研究和实践都取得了丰硕的成果,被广泛应用于国防、制造、交通、信息、安全、能源、环境、建筑、体育和康复等诸多领域,取得了极为显著的经济和社会效益。  相似文献   

王岩  任澎 《人类工效学》1998,4(1):50-51
医院管理与工效学王岩(牡丹江市第一医院157011)任澎(大连医科大学附属二院116023)1972年,A·拉赫曼著《三位一体:科学、技术与社会》,提出在现代条件下,科学技术与社会生活“三位一体”的观点,指出这三者互相渗透、互相作用、互相依存,缺一不...  相似文献   

槽式键盘的工效学特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
该工作采用与对照组比较的方法对槽式键盘进行了初步的工效学评价。实验结果提示,在做英文盲打的操作中,槽式键盘在输入速度、输入正确率和引起疲劳的程度3个方面都显著优于一般标准键盘。文章对槽式键盘的特征及其对操作和疲劳的影响进行了简要的分析  相似文献   

服装工效学初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会生活和科技水平的提高,人们对服装的舒适性、审美性和适体性的要求越来越高,依据服装的这种变化与发展,围绕人、服装、环境之间的相互关系,引入工效学的原理研究方法和成果,构建服装工效学的研究体系,拓展研究领域,已成为服装发展的必然。  相似文献   

李银霞  袁修干 《人类工效学》2007,13(2):63-65,47
综述了国内外现有飞机驾驶舱显控系统的工效学评价技术,并对各种技术的优缺点进行了分析,可为国内该领域的相关工作和工程部门的评价提供借鉴。  相似文献   

To avoid ergonomic problems in the early planning stages of a production line and achieve more satisfactory planning and design, ergonomic simulation is
particularly important in digital production line planning. An ergonomics analysis method is presented by using two theories: Ovako working posture analysis system (OWAS) and Burandt-Schultetus hand-arm force analysis (BSHA). The processes of ergonomics analysis and simulation are discussed based on a platform of process simulation and process designer. As an example, the paper shows how ergonomics problems are considered in production line planning to make a better choice between different production line planning schemes.  相似文献   

Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy - Biochar has caught great attention over the last decade, yielding a large number of publications in a broad range of disciplines. This scientometric...  相似文献   

油井或气井出现载水现象后,不断上升的水柱不仅会降低储层与井筒间的压差影响油气产出,而且改变了井筒中流体介质分布和速度分布,造成生产动态监测方面的困难。提出了依据流量计、密度计、持水率计等曲线判断油井或气井是否载水的新方法,基于对不同井段的流型进行了分析,提出了相应产出剖面测井仪器系列及其测井资料处理解释模型。  相似文献   

Evaluation has become a regular practice in the management of science, technology and innovation (ST&I) programs. Several methods have been developed to identify the results and impacts of programs of this kind. Most evaluations that adopt such an approach conclude that the interventions concerned, in this case ST&I programs, had a positive impact compared with the baseline, but do not control for any effects that might have improved the indicators even in the absence of intervention, such as improvements in the socio-economic context. The quasi-experimental approach therefore arises as an appropriate way to identify the real contributions of a given intervention. This paper describes and discusses the utilization of propensity score (PS) in quasi-experiments as a methodology to evaluate the impact on scientific production of research programs, presenting a case study of the BIOTA Program run by FAPESP, the State of São Paulo Research Foundation (Brazil). Fundamentals of quasi-experiments and causal inference are presented, stressing the need to control for biases due to lack of randomization, also a brief introduction to the PS estimation and weighting technique used to correct for observed bias. The application of the PS methodology is compared to the traditional multivariate analysis usually employed.  相似文献   

Evaluation of findings in ergonomics/human factors (E/HF) research suffers from misconceived assessments in terms of reliability and validity. Evaluation of E/HF studies published after 2000 confirms these observations. With an eye on these misconceived assessments, the present paper focuses on the consequences of various types of human involvement in (co-)shaping the phenomena to be evaluated. Issues addressed include the questionability of the inter-individual equivalence of findings, the defectiveness of the reliability coefficient as dispersion measure and the elusiveness of intended/presumed measurement as a validity criterion. These deficiencies are at odds with the zeal of E/HF authors to flag their findings as ‘reliable’ and ‘valid’. In particular, positive evaluations of findings may show off as rhetoric. An evaluation procedure of consecutive constituents in a flowchart is proposed as an aid for appropriate evaluations. Various conditions are discussed that may encourage the adoption of correct procedures.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to provide an empirical insight into the changes in the basic characteristics of the knowledge production mode and of scientific productivity in the Croatian research system in the transitional period. Empirical analysis is based on the results of two comparable questionnaire studies. The first survey was conducted in 1990 and the sample covered 921 respondents, while the second survey was conducted in 2004 with a sample of 915 respondents. The central characteristics of the knowledge production mode and of productivity confirm an expected duality: the features that accompany the introduction of a competitive system of research funding and evaluation on the one hand, and the anachronistic and newly acquired peculiarity of the research system on the other. Thus, the gap between the improved scientific performance of the researchers and the conditions in which they work has deepened. Scientific productivity still lags behind the productivity of the (developed) countries. Though Croatian researchers publish less, they follow basic global trends in the structure of publications, especially the rise in foreign and co-authored works.  相似文献   

Measurement of research activity still remains a controversial question. The use of the impact factor from the Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) is quite widespread nowadays to carry out evaluations of all kinds; however, the calculation formula employed by ISI in order to construct its impact factors biases the results in favour of knowledge fields which are better represented in the sample, cite more in average and whose citations are concentrated in the early years of the articles. In the present work, we put forward a theoretical proposal regarding how aggregated normalization should be carried out with these biases, which allows comparing scientific production between fields, institutions and/or authors in a neutral manner. The technical complexity of such work, together with data limitations, lead us to propose some adjustments on the impact factor proposed by ISI which — although they do not completely solve the problem — reduce it and allow glimpsing the path towards more neutral evaluations. The proposal is empirically applied to three analysis levels: single journals, knowledge fields and the set of journals from the Journal Citation Report.  相似文献   

The use of indicators based on the analysis of the scientific literature cited in patent documents is proposed for the evaluation of biomedical research. A study carried out on several groups of researchers working in universities, public research centers, and hospitals, has shown that an important percentage of Spanish scientists have authored publications that are cited in US patents in the field of Biotechnology. The study and analysis of those cites allows a evaluation of the flow of knowledge generated by the different groups of scientists towards the development of technologies, and to learn on the relationship between the characteristics of the cited publications and the frequency they are cited in the patents. The results obtained avail the use of new indicators based on the cites in patents to perform a more complete evaluation of the published research related with Biotechnology and Biomedicine, both at the level of research institutions and individual scientists.  相似文献   


Psychology is one of the main disciplines that have been implied in the development of cognitive ergonomics. For a long time, at least from the 1960s, some researchers in psychology have contributed to research in cognitive ergonomics with the aim of elaborating basic psychological knowledge, (a) with high ecological validity, and (b) with clear relevance to application. This paper stresses the value of this perspective for psychology as well as cognitive ergonomics, and evaluates the results of such an enterprise. Ecological validity is considered as a particular aspect of external validity that enables researchers to transfer findings from experimental situations ('artificial' ones or designed for research purpose) to real work situations ('natural' (obviously, in this context 'natural' includes 'cultural') ones or imposed by comprehension needs). This aspect is discussed as regards classical distinctions like basic/applied research and research/practice. Attention is particularly devoted to the necessary (ecological) context needed by expert operators to implement their work expertise, which is the target of the comprehension aim of cognitive ergonomics. Conclusions are drawn in terms of methods to design and evaluate ecological validity, not only to understand cognitive mechanisms, but also to improve cognitive work conditions and the overall performance of human-machine systems.  相似文献   

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