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HFV, LV, and several other novel therapies offer promise to adults and children that the mortality associated with respiratory failure may be affected. Although there are several forms of HFV, HFOV is presently gaining favor in the treatment of severe respiratory failure and has generally supplanted HFJV in pediatric critical care. HFOV has the advantage of having an active expiratory phase, which helps to minimize air trapping and better modulate mean lung volume. Ventilators with sufficient power to perform HFOV in adults are currently under investigation, although there is a growing experience in using current ventilators in larger patients. To date, however, demonstration of lowered mortality with HFOV is lacking although intermediate outcome indicators are improved. PLV also offers promise in the treatment of ARF through its drastic ability to improve oxygenation, ventilation, and compliance in many lung injury models. Human trials are presently underway, but the optimal delivery of this novel therapy still necessitates extensive investigation. TLV is likely even more removed from general clinical application given the necessity of developing a new generation of ventilators for the delivery of liquid tidal volumes. How these and other modalities may piece together to improve the condition of our patients who have respiratory failure remains to be seen, but certainly, present and future investigation will be intriguing for years to come.  相似文献   

One of the defining characteristics of the catalytic subunit of the cyclin-dependent protein kinases (cdks) is the so-called PSTAIRE motif. Western blots of fission yeast cytosolic extracts using a monoclonal antibody against the PSTAIRE peptide revealed two bands at 34 kDa (p34cdc2) and 31 kDa (p31). Polyclonal antibodies to the C-terminus of p34cdc2 or to the full-length protein recognized the 34 kDa band but not p31. Overexpression of the cdc2+ gene resulted in the increase of the 34 kDa band but not p31. Like p34cdc2, the level of p31 revealed no obvious cell cycle regulation but the protein was present in spores where p34cdc2 was barely detectable. p31 expression was unaffected by removal of either phosphate or ammonium from the growth medium, although the level of p34cdc2 was reduced in the absence of phosphate. p31 was not associated with cyclin B, nor was it adsorbed to p13suc1 Sepharose beads, two characteristics of p34cdc2. p31 did, however, interact with p15, the starfish homologue of p13suc1. p31 was present in cells in which cdc2+ was replaced by its budding yeast homologue CDC28. When fission yeast cytosolic extracts were subjected to gel filtration chromatography, p31 eluted in two peaks, one at approximately 100 kDa, the other at approximately 30 kDa. We conclude that p31 is a novel fission yeast PSTAIRE protein and therefore, potentially, a new cdk.  相似文献   

Massive stenosis of the larynx may present a potentially life-threatening situation for the patient, requiring immediate measures to ensure a patient's airway. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate potential benefits of Superimposed High Frequency Jet Ventilation (SHFJV) in patients requiring microlaryngeal surgery due to massive stenosis of the larynx. Patients and methods: 23 patients (age range 1.5 to 90 years) with laryngeal stenosis grade 2 and 3 according to the Cotton scale were ventilated using SHFJV. The duration of the SHFJV was 12 to 116 minutes. SHFJV was performed using a Bronchotron Respirator via a jet-laryngoscope. Results: Arterial blood gases demonstrated paO2 between 71 and 295 mmHg and paCO2 of 28 to 81 mmHg. The mean FiO2 applied was 61.75 +/- 19.26. The airway pressure was measured at the tip of the jet-laryngoscope and was between 6 and 15 mmHg, and PEEP was 1 to 5 mmHg. In 13 patients a CO2 laser was utilised during surgery. Discussion: In all patients SHFJV was performed without problems. Since the ventilation is delivered above any possible stenosis the danger of barotrauma is minimised. The surgeon obtains optimal visibility of the larynx and is not obstructed in the surgical procedure. SHFJV enables both the surgeon and the anesthetist to perform their respective duties and therefore increases the safety of the patient in the management of such a difficult problem as massive stenosis of the larynx.  相似文献   

Glutamate-mediated excitotoxicity plays an important role in the degeneration of nigrostriatal dopamine (DA) neurons induced by 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), although the role of the N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor subtype in this process is still uncertain. We studied glutamate receptor subtype agonist-induced ionic currents in acutely dissociated DAergic neurons from the rat substantia nigra zona compacta (SNc) using the nystatin-perforated patch-clamp whole-cell recording technique. The results fall into four main categories. First, single neurons, freshly isolated from SNc, exhibited a large soma and multipolar morphology, responded to DA, and stained positively for tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). Second, rapid application of L-glutamate (> 10(-5) M) induced an inward current with minimal desensitization at a clamp voltage of -60 mV. Third, kainic acid (KA) or alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-isoxazole (AMPA) induced an inward current that was similar to the glutamate-induced current while, in the same neuron, NMDA (10(-4) M) failed to induce any current response in Mg2+-free solution that contained 10(-5) M glycine at a clamp voltage of -60 mV. Under the same experimental conditions, NMDA induced a clear current response in isolated substantia nigra reticulata (SNr) neurons. Fourth, the specific NMDA receptor antagonist DL-2-amino-5-phosphonovaleric acid (APV, 10(-4) M) failed to block 10(-4) M glutamate-induced inward current, while the specific KA/AMPA receptor antagonist 6-cyano-7-nitroguinoxaline-2, 3-dione (CNQX, 10(-5) M) completely blocked the glutamate-induced current. These results indicate that in single SNc DAergic neurons of 2-week-old rats, L-glutamate-induced inward current is mediated by non-NMDA receptors rather than by NMDA receptors.  相似文献   

贾鸿屹 《中国冶金》2017,27(2):57-61
主抽风机作为烧结生产的主要设备,需要根据不同的料层厚度、透气性及漏风率对负荷进行调整,传统的调节方式节流损失大、电耗高,对风压、风量无法精细调节,进而影响烧结矿成品产量与质量,而变频节能改造可以解决以上问题。通过对调速方式的分析,结合某钢厂烧结生产实际,确定了变频调速方式和二拖二切工频运行方式,并针对该方式带来的问题进行有益探索。该方案有效解决了问题及隐患,最终实现以最小的投入,达到提高产量、稳定质量、节能和安全运行的目的。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: To maintain good exposure during major video-assisted thoracic surgery it is necessary to deflate completely the ipsilateral lung. However, little is known about the effects of one-lung ventilation (OLV) on pulmonary function in newborn patients. METHODS: Ten neonatal domestic pigs with a mean age of 6+/-0.6 days were intubated and ventilated in pressure-controlled mode (inspired oxygen fraction=1.0). One-lung ventilation was maintained for 120 minutes. Serial measurements of hemodynamics and gas exchange were done before, during, and until 90 minutes after OLV. Pulmonary function testing was performed before and after OLV for each lung separately. RESULTS: With the inspired oxygen fraction set at 1.0, arterial oxygen saturation remained stable at 100% during OLV. Venous admixture and alveolar-arterial oxygen tension gradient increased slightly from the baseline value of 2.6% +/-0.3% to 3.8%+/-0.3% during OLV (mean+/-standard error of the mean; p=0.02), and from 358+/-28 to 407+/-18 mm Hg (not significant), respectively. Both values returned to baseline during the subsequent ventilation of both lungs. Static compliance and resistance of the ventilated lung did not change. Compliance of the collapsed lung decreased after reexpansion from 0.42+/-0.07 to 0.29+/-0.06 mL x cm H2O(-1) x kg(-1), p=0.008). Resistance remained unchanged (0.22+/-0.02 versus 0.25+/-0.05 cm H2O x L(-1) x s(-1); not significant). CONCLUSIONS: There were only minor effects on pulmonary function during and after OLV in the neonatal piglet. Alterations in gas exchange during OLV were minimal. Prolonged collapse of the lung with subsequent reexpansion was associated with a slight decrease in compliance, indicating some mild lung injury.  相似文献   

Lithium administration was used in a patient with a clozapine-induced neutropenia and in another with complete agranulocytosis to assess whether lithium could stimulate neutrophil production. In both cases, following lithium administration, the neutrophil count was increased to the normal range within 6 days. In the patient who had presented a neutropenia, clozapine treatment was then reinstated in the presence of lithium and continued without the neutrophil count dropping into the yellow-alert range thereafter.  相似文献   

The heart rhythmogram was studied which was drawn according to the sphygmogram and R-R peaks of the electrocardiogram. Autocorrelation analysis of the high frequency component of the rhythmogram showed the presence of the rhythm with the period of 2 cardiointervals (27) in it, which is expressed on the autocorrelation function curve by a negative value of the correlation coefficient at the first shift. The calculation of the wave dispersion with period 2T in comparison with the waves of other period showed that their power is rather great and comparable to the show wave power of the I or II orders (with the period 10 + 20 or 30 + 50 s respectively). The rhythm with the period of 2 cardiointervals is probably connected with the governing system of the heart of a lower level.  相似文献   

The six health care regions of Sweden were compared with regard to the frequency of vascular surgery for three diagnoses: chronic lower extremity ischaemia, abdominal aorta aneurysm, and carotid stenosis. In 1995, the frequency of intervention for chronic lower extremity ischaemia varied from 26/100,000 of the population in northern Sweden to 68/100,000 in the southern region, the variation being greater for critical limb ischaemia than for intermittent claudication. In the country as a whole, the frequency of abdominal aorta aneurysm surgery increased five-fold from 1987-89 to 1993-95. During 1995, regional figures varied from 4.7 to 8.4 per 100,000 for elective procedures, and from 3.8 to 5.5 per 100,000 for emergency procedures. Overall surgical mortality varied regionally, and emergency surgery mortality differed between regional and county hospitals. Carotid surgery manifested the greatest regional difference in frequency, which was 7-fold greater in the southern than in the northern region, while its overall mean frequency was 6/100,000.  相似文献   

The micellization process of bovine rod outer segment (ROS) membranes is investigated utilizing a series of neutral detergents. It is found that when alkyl(thio)glucosides with an appropriate hydrophillic-lipophilic balance (e.g. octylthioglucoside) are used in combination with a divalent cation, rhodopsin is selectively extracted from ROS membranes at a specific detergent-to-membrane ratio. This allows remarkable purification of rhodopsin by a single-step solubilization, because the residual membranes are heavily aggregated in the presence of divalent cation and are therefore easily sedimented by low-speed centrifugation. The absorption spectrum of the supernatant reproducibly exhibits an A280/A500 value of 1.6, an excellent value that could rarely be obtained by chromatographic purification. The degree of purification also depends on the type of divalent cation included in the solubilization solution; specific binding of IIB-series cations (Zn2+ and Cd2+) to ROS membranes is suggested to play an important role in the solubilization process. The present result represents a unique example of selective solubilization of a specific membrane protein from highly aggregated membranes.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the characteristics of high frequency (HF) components of the early cortical somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs). METHODS: We recorded 8-channel SEPs from the frontal and left centro-parietal scalp after right median nerve stimulation with a wide band-pass (0.5-2000 Hz) and digitized at 40 kHz sampling rate in 12 healthy subjects. HF components were analyzed after digital band-pass filtering (300-1000 Hz). The power spectrum was obtained by a maximum entropy method. RESULTS: HF oscillations (maximum power at 600-800 Hz) consisting of 5 to 8 peaks were discriminated from the preceding P14 far-field in all cases and their phases were reversed between the frontal and contralateral parietal regions. In addition, in subjects with a high amplitude central P22 potential in original wide-band recordings, a single HF oscillation with a maximum at the central region was present. Furthermore, this component showed no phase reversal over the centro-parietal area. CONCLUSION: We therefore conclude that HF oscillations are superimposed not only on the tangential N20-P20 but on the radial P22 potential, and are generated from both tangential (area 3b) and radial (area 1) current sources.  相似文献   

A 43-year-old male and a 39-year-old male presented with multiple pituitary adenomas with two distinct histological types. The first patient who had multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 had developed acromegaly due to a growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH)-producing pancreatic tumor. Both plasma GHRH and growth hormone (GH) levels decreased to normal after resection of the pancreatic tumor. However, the plasma GH level gradually increased again and magnetic resonance imaging revealed pituitary adenoma formation. Histological examination revealed two different histological types of pituitary adenoma: GH cell adenoma and null cell adenoma. The second patient, with no such genetic condition, had a non-functioning pituitary adenoma. Histological examination revealed two different histological types of silent GH cell adenoma and silent gonadotroph adenoma. Careful histological examination is required to exclude the possibility of multiple pituitary adenomas.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To calculate the incidence of surgical treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) in two French departments, Indre-et-Loire and C her, in order to deduce the incidence in France. METHODS: All patients operated for BPH by transurethral resection or transvesical prostatectomy were counted prospectively over a 6-month period by all surgeons of the Indre-et-Loire and Cher departments. Collection of case files was complete and based on BPH resection specimens sent to pathology. 506 patients were included in this survey. RESULTS: The mean age of the patients was 71.8 years. 78% of patients were operated by a private urologist, and 93% by a specialist urologist. The mean postoperative stay was 7.1 days and varied according to the patient's age, the weight of the prostate and the site of the operation (university hospital, private establishment and general hospital). This study allowed calculation of the annual incidence of surgery for BPH in these 2 departments: 822/100,000 men over the age of 50 years. The maximal incidence was observed during the 7th decade of life: 1,742/100,000. In our study, private urologists operated 76 patients for BPH per year. CONCLUSION: Extrapolation of these results to the French population indicates an annual incidence of surgery for benign prostatic hyperplasia in France of 776/100,000 men over the age of 50 years. On the basis of this incidence, an estimated 55,000 to 65,000 men are operated for BPH per year in France.  相似文献   

地铁车站空调通风系统是地铁车站设备的耗能大户,其耗电量约占地铁车站设备总用电量的50%左右。空调通风设备的选型是根据车站最大负荷确定的,而绝大多数时间空调通风设备均在选型负荷60%的情况下运行。因此采用比较经济合理的通风空调设备能更好的节约能源。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Midazolam is used widely as a sedative to facilitate mechanical ventilation. This prospective study investigated the population pharmacokinetics of midazolam in very premature infants. METHODS: Midazolam (100 microg/kg) was administered as a rapid intravenous bolus dose every 4-6 h to 60 very premature neonates with a mean (range) gestational age of 27 weeks (24-31 weeks), a birth weight of 965 g (523-1,470 g), and an age of 4.5 days (2-15 days). A median (range) of four (one to four) blood samples, 0.2 ml each, were drawn at random times after the first dose or during continuous treatment, and concentrations of midazolam in serum were assayed by high-performance liquid chromatography. A population analysis was conducted using a two-compartment pharmacokinetic model using the NONMEM program. RESULTS: Average parameter values (interpatient percent coefficient of variation) for infants with birth weights 1,000 g or less were total systemic clearance (Cl(T)) = 0.783 ml/min (83%), intercompartmental clearance (Cl(Q)) = 6.53 ml/min (116%), volume of distribution of the central compartment (V1) = 473 ml (70%), and volume of distribution of the peripheral compartment (V2) = 513 ml (146%). For infants with birth weights more than 1,000 g they were as follows: Cl(T) = 1.24 ml/min (78%), Cl(Q) = 9.82 ml/min (98%), V1 = 823 ml (43%), and V2 = 1,040 ml (193%). The intrapatient variability (percent coefficient of variation) in the data was 4.5% at the mean concentration midazolam in serum of 121 ng/mL CONCLUSIONS: Serum concentration-time data were used in modeling the population pharmacokinetics of midazolam in very premature, ventilated neonates. Clearance of midazolam was markedly decreased compared with previous data from term infants and older patients. Infants weighing less than 1,000 g at birth had significantly lower clearance than those weighing more than 1,000 g.  相似文献   

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