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A new sampling scheme applicable to the circular ring geometry positron camera is described. The new scheme employs Dichotomic-Ring (two half rings) with linearmotion which allows parallel or fan mode sampling with any desired degree of sampling interval. The parallel and fan data sets obtained by dichotomic motion provide d/4 and d/2 samplings where d is the detector to detector spacing. Computer simulations were made which confirmed the expected performances and results are compared with other conventional schemes such as wobbling and d/2 angular motion sampling schemes for a ring geometry positron camera.  相似文献   

A new system (NEUROECAT) has been designed and built for quantitative positron emission computed tomography (PCT) of the brain. It consists of three octagonal arrays of bismuth germanate detectors (BGO) providing 5 simultaneous image planes. The design utilizes unique shielding and detector geometries which optimize uniformity in image and axial resolution and also minimize scatter and accidental coincidence rates. The basic system image resolution is 11.0±.4 mm FWHM with a total system sensitivity of 270,000 counts/sec/microcurie/cc uniformly dispersed in a 20 cm diameter cylinder.  相似文献   

对乳腺专用PET进行了简单介绍,详细叙述了系统中连续采样电子学系统的设计和性能测试。该电子学采用子母板设计结构,包含了模数转换、时间数字转换和CAN控制等多个模块,具备对前端探测器模拟信号进行连续采样、处理和传输功能。实验表明,该系统能完全满足乳腺专用PET对连续采样的需求。该系统还有集成度高、通用性强、配置灵活等优点。  相似文献   

A design is presented for a positron tomograph having 2.4 mm spatial resolution. This resolution is achieved by using small plastic scintillators in ten detector rings, the light from the scintillators being transmitted to photomultipliers through optical fibers. By proper arrangement of the fibers the light signals are coded so that only 200 photomultipliers are required for the system. By using 10 rings the sensitivity of the tomograph is increased so that it is better than that of present tomographs having design resolutions of 6 mm.  相似文献   

The basic imaging properties of the Donner 280-BGO-Crystal positron tomograph were measured and compared with the same system when it was equipped with 280 NaI(T1) crystals. The NaI(T1) crystals were 8 mm × 30 mm × 50 mm deep, sealed in 10 mm wide stainless steel cans. The BGO crystals are 9.5 mm wide × 32 mm × 32 mm deep and as they are not hygroscopic do not require sealed cans. With a shielding gap of 3 cm (section thickness 1.7 cm FWHM) the sensitivity of the BGO system is 55,000 events per sec for 1 ?Ci per cm3 in a 20 cm cylinder of water, which is 2.3 times higher than the NaI(T1) system. For a 200 ?Ci/cm line source on the ring axis in a 20 cm diameter water cylinder, the BGO system records 86% of the scatter fraction and 66% of the accidental fraction of the NaI(T1) system. The lower light yield and poorer time resolution of BGO requires a wider coincidence timing window than NaI(T1); however, the ability to use full-energy pulse height selection with a 2.3-fold improvement in sensitivity results in an overall reduction in the fraction of accidental events recorded. The in-plane resolution of the BGO system is 9-10 mm FWHM within the central 30 cm diameter field, and the radial elongation at the edge of the field in the NaI(T1) system has been nearly eliminated.  相似文献   

唐刚华  伍光远 《同位素》2007,20(2):114-120
正电子发射断层(PET)显像是鉴别、诊断和指导治疗各种肿瘤(如泌尿系统肿瘤)的先进分子影像学技术1。8F-氟代脱氧葡萄糖(FDG)PET在前列腺癌、膀胱癌、肾癌和睾丸肿瘤中的鉴别诊断和监测治疗方面具有重要的临床价值。但是,FDG PET对这些肿瘤的检测仍有较高的假阴性和假阳性1。1C-胆碱(CH)和11C-乙酸盐(AC)能弥补FDG的某些不足,在前列腺癌和膀胱癌显像方面优于FDG1。8F-氟代胆碱(FCH)和18F-氟代乙酸盐(FAC)能弥补CH和AC中11C半衰期较短的缺点,具有较好的应用前景。3′-脱氧-3′-18F-氟代胸腺嘧啶(FLT)、16β-18F-5α-二氢睾丸甾酮(FDHT)1、8F-羟甲基丁基鸟嘌呤(18F-FHBG)等新型PET显像剂的应用,可能会进一步提高泌尿系统肿瘤PET显像效果,但仍需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

A TPC-type RICH-counter with a 200 × 200 mm2 quartz window and a 1.27 mm wire pitch MWPC has been tested in a 10 GeV/c ?- beam. The MWPC is equipped with optical screens (called "cloisons") between the anode wires, with the purpose of absorbing the secondary UV-photons emitted from the charge avalanches around the wires. The test results show that the cloisons effectively suppress the noise caused by the photon reemission, without affecting the detection efficiency for single photoelectrons in the MWPC.  相似文献   

符合探测是正电子发射断层扫描仪(PET)的本质,其设计好坏直接影响整个系统的性能。小动物正电子发射断层扫描仪是由中国科学院高能物理所自主研发制造的我国首台动物PET。目前,初步实验结果表明其指标能够应用于核医学的一些基础研究中。本文主要介绍这台动物PET装置的符合系统设计。  相似文献   

利用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)内部延迟链,对正电子发射断层成像(PET)系统中高精度时间数字转换(TDC)进行研究。采用粗时间和精细时间相结合的方式测量时间,粗时间利用时钟计数器实现,精细时间利用FPGA延迟链实现。测试时间测量的微分非线性和积分非线性,并在双探头PET实验平台上通过时间符合,对系统总体时间分辨进行测试。实验结果表明,TDC时间分辨达79.3ps,微分非线性为-0.2LSB/0.2LSB,积分非线性为-0.2LSB/0.3LSB,双探头PET实验系统总体时间分辨达2.1ns,可满足PET系统对时间测量的要求。  相似文献   

本工作采用LYSO晶体阵列和平板型位置灵敏光电倍增管H8500对TOF-PET探测器进行了初步设计,能分辨3.2mm×3.2mm的晶体阵列。与BaF2探测器组成时间谱仪,测量正电子湮没射线的瞬发时间谱,得到379ps的符合时间分辨率。根据已测量的BaF2探测器时间分辨率(159ps),可计算得到所设计的TOF-PET探测器时间分辨率为344ps。预计与此相同的两个TOF-PET探测器对正电子湮没射线的符合时间分辨率可达486ps左右,为新型PET的研究提供了有利条件。  相似文献   

基于单点型硅光电倍增管(Si PM)与LYSO闪烁晶体,研制了一种新型乳腺专用PET探测模块,并对其性能进行研究。该探测模块采用28×28根1.9 mm×1.9 mm×15 mm的LYSO晶体组成阵列,与8×8个单点型Si PM组成的阵列通过光导耦合,所产生的脉冲信号分别经过模拟、定时电路处理后送入高速采样电路完成信号处理。该探测模块能够实现1.9 mm位置分辨,12.73%平均能量分辨以及2.66 ns双探头符合时间分辨,具有较好的分辨性能,能够满足乳腺专用PET成像的设计需求。  相似文献   

依托中国科学院近代物理研究所的HIRFLCSR重离子冷却储存环,研制了肿瘤组织诊断用对扇形正电子断层影像(DPET,doublesectorpositronemissiontomography)探测器。介绍了肿瘤组织诊断用DPET探测器的晶体构形、传输光导选择、信号读出电路设计和电子学获取系统,给出了探测器探测单元的一些测试结果和结果讨论。  相似文献   

硝基咪唑类PET肿瘤乏氧显像剂的研究总结和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乏氧显像剂能选择性的滞留在乏氧组织或细胞中。随着正电子发射计算机断层显像(PET)技术的发展,PET肿瘤乏氧显像可无创性评估实体瘤的乏氧状态,对肿瘤的治疗指导、疗效评价和预后判断具有重要的临床应用价值。~(18)F-硝基咪唑(~(18)F-FMISO)是目前广泛用于临床研究的硝基咪唑类乏氧显像剂,然而其存在某些缺点,新的硝基咪唑类乏氧显像剂正在广泛研究。本文就近年来正电子核素标记的硝基咪唑类肿瘤乏氧显像剂的研究进展进行简要概述。  相似文献   

谢博洽 《同位素》2009,22(4):230-236
随着正电子发射型断层显像仪(PET)及PET/CT在国内外的逐步推广应用,正电子心肌灌注显像剂的研究也备受关注,PET应用的心肌灌注显像剂有^82Rb ^13NH3和H2^16O,但半衰期均较短(t1/2〈10min),或需要^82Sr/^82Rb发生器或加速器等原因限制了其应用。近来长半衰期核素^18F标记的新型灌注类显像剂成为研究热点,报道较多的一类显像剂是以心肌细胞线粒体复合物-I(MC—I)为靶点,该类显像在动物体内外试验中均表现出良好的显像性能:心肌摄取快,血流灌注相关性好,滞留时间长。其中又以^18F-BMS747158—02最为突出,除具备上述特性外,还体现出心室放射性摄取均匀,体内生物分布理想的特点,有望成为较理想的正电子心肌灌注显像剂。  相似文献   

用模拟实验研究了正电子发射断层扫描(PET)部分容积效应与相关影响因素间的关系。依据形成部分容积效应的理论,由计算机模拟PET各种分辨率情况下各种大小热灶的图像。计算图像的最大恢复系数、平均恢复系数及图像热灶半高宽,并用PET实验进行了检验。结果表明:PET实验的结果与模拟结果一致;当热灶直径以PET分辨率为单位时,图像热灶的最大及平均恢复系数随热灶直径的变化与分辨率无关,且热灶半高宽/分辨率与热灶直径的关系不受分辨率影响。  相似文献   

The exact solution of the magnetic field produced by the pulsive current flowing in the coils placed inside the metal vacuum chamber of ERA device in IPP-Nagoya, is calculated to design the compression system of the electron ring. Actual design of the compression coils and installations of power supply systems are also described.  相似文献   

The NSRR programme is in progress in JAERI using a pulsed reactor to evaluate the behavior of reactor fuels under reactivity accident conditions. This report describes briefly the experimental results and preliminary analysis of two cluster tests.

In the cluster configuration of five fuel rods, the power distribution in outer fuel rods are not symmetric due to neutron absorption in central fuel rod. The cladding temperature on the exterior boundaries of the cluster is higher than that in interior. Good agreement was obtained between the calculated and measured cladding temperature histories. In the 3.8$ excess reactivity test, cluster averaged energy deposition of 237 cal/g-UO2, cladding melting and deformation were limited to the portions of the fuel rods that were on the exterior boundaries of the cluster.  相似文献   

总结了6年来我院应用SOPHYDS7型SPECT行心肌断层显像5500余例的临床工作经验,分析了在图像采集过程中开始采集时间,断层体位及在图像处理中本底扣除,心肌以外放射性的干扰等因素对图像质量的影响,提出了如何避免和克服这些因素的建议。  相似文献   

It is suggeted that field radiometry be used for real-time examination of the radioactive contamination of soil. It is shown that the accuracy and representativeness of the measurements performed with a portable 256-channel gamma spectrometer (RKG-09N) using a collimated detector is higher than that the method of extracting and analyzing soil samples. The results of a comparison of measurements of the 137Cs contamination of soil, which were obtained using field radiometry, and soil sampling data for 16 sites at the Scientific and Industrial Association Taifun in Bryansk oblast are presented in detail. The variability of the 137Cs content within the sampling site (~2 m2) in anthropogenic and virgin soil in different landscapes is estimated.  相似文献   

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