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The primary purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of cortical anchorage, by comparing two groups of patients with Class II malocclusions that were treated successfully with Class II elastics. One group of 30 previously treated patients had a utility arch used to set up cortical anchorage in the lower arch before Class II elastic wear; the second group was treated with standard edgewise mechanics where anchorage preparation consisted of full appliances, a well-aligned mandibular arch, and a rectangular arch wire. The groups were selected according to age, sex, and the amount of Class II elastic usage. Pretreatment and posttreatment cephalometric radiographs were used to generate 32 variables. A Student's t test was used to evaluate treatment change between the groups and revealed that there were no statistically significant differences. Lower molar teeth extruded and moved mesially equally in both groups. Although cortical anchorage did not retard lower molar movement, it was no less effective in controlling molar movement with a partial appliance than the fully banded standard edgewise appliance.  相似文献   

Research on siblings of children with cancer during the past 40 years has clearly shown that the childhood cancer experience is a stressor that may increase subjective feelings of stress by well siblings and in some cases lead to decreased psychosocial competencies and increased psychopathologies. Research has expanded from identifying psychosocial problems experienced by the sibling after the patient's death to identifying stressors during the illness experience. More recent studies have been targeted at identifying what action siblings take to cope with the stressors imposed since the cancer diagnosis and have addressed what interventions pediatric oncology nurses use in clinical practice to provide support to siblings of children with cancer. The current state of this body of literature, a review of 18 studies, is presented in this article along with a critique of the research studies and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

The relationship between incidence of lung cancer and intake of dietary fats, high-fat foods, fish, and fish products was studied in 25,956 men and 25,496 women aged 16-56 years attending Norwegian health screening between 1977 and 1983. Linkage to the Cancer Registry of Norway and the Central Bureau of Statistics of Norway ensured a complete follow-up until 31 December 1991. Diet was recorded on a semiquantitative food-frequency questionnaire, and 153 cases of lung cancer were identified during follow-up. Mean age at diagnosis was 56 years. After adjusting for smoking status, gender, age at screening, and attained age, significant lower risks were found for cod liver oil supplement (incidence rate ratio (IRR) = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.3-1.0) and for skim milk compared to whole milk (IRR = 0.5, 95% CI = 0.3-0.9)). No association was found with dietary cholesterol and saturated fat. A threshold of increased risk starting at the second quartile was seen for mono- and polyunsaturated fat. The potential protective effect of cod liver oil, a supplement rich in preformed vitamin A, omega-3 fatty acids, and monounsaturated fat, has to our knowledge, not been reported before. Confounding from lifestyle is possible, but the result deserves further investigation.  相似文献   

We are interested in the influence of trabeculectomy (TE) with releasable sutures to corneal curvature in the early postoperative period. 35 eyes of 31 patients were followed after operation. Corneal topography was made on the Topograph Opticon 2000 one day before, 1st day, 1st week, 1st month and during 6-12 months after operation. Astigmatism after operations was the highest on 1st day +3.7 D, which means elevation of about +2.8 D. During 1st month postoperative astigmatism was decreased by about 2.0 D, it is about +0.8 D more than before operation. During 6-12 months after operation temporary astigmatism nearly disappears, it only makes +0.25 D. The axis of astigmatism was without larger alterations. Small temporary changes were seen according to the place of TE. Temporary astigmatism was observed immediately after the extraction of the releasable sutures. Astigmatism after operation was influenced by the rate of filtration during the short postoperative time and also after extraction of the releasable suture.  相似文献   

This study of 689 secondary school students (13-16 years of age) in Sweden investigates the association between alcohol habits, the availability of alcohol and age, gender, socioeconomic status, ethnic origin and family structure. Data were obtained by anonymous questionnaires in 1991. The availability of alcohol increased from the seventh grade to the ninth as did the proportion of alcohol consumers and students with regular alcohol consumption. Boys in the seventh and eighth grades showed somewhat more advanced alcohol habits than girls, but in the ninth grade the opposite was seen. Students with more advanced alcohol habits and a higher availability of alcohol more often belonged to a lower socioeconomic strata and they lived more often with a single parent. Students of foreign background drank alcohol (especially wine) more regularly. An association was also found between the parents' liberal attitude toward offering alcohol at home and frequent intoxication and the students' experience of illicitly produced liquor, especially among the youngest students. In spite of the Swedish alcohol policy the availability of alcohol is rather high among young people. Special attention in alcohol preventive work should be paid to girls, young people living with one parent, young people in lower socioeconomic groups and young people of foreign origin.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Endometrial cancer is associated with overweight, but little is known on its possible relationship with specific aspects of diet. METHODS: The relationship between dietary factors and the risk of endometrial cancer was investigated in a case-control study conducted in Switzerland and Northern Italy on 274 patients with histologically confirmed endometrial cancers and 572 control subjects admitted to the hospital for acute nongynecologic disorders that were not hormone related, metabolic, or neoplastic. RESULTS: Significant direct associations were observed with (1) the total energy intake (odds ratio [OR] for the highest versus the lowest consumption tertile = 2.7) and, after allowance for energy intake, (2) the frequency of consumption of most types of meats, eggs, beans or peas, added fats (OR for total added fat = 2.5), and sugar (OR = 2.5). Significant protection, of the order of 40-60% reduction in the highest versus the lowest consumption tertile, was conferred by elevated intake of most vegetables and fresh fruit and whole grain bread and pasta. This was reflected in the low OR for the highest tertiles of intake of beta-carotene and ascorbic acid (OR for the highest versus the lowest consumption tertile after allowance for energy intake = 0.5). CONCLUSIONS: The current study suggests that, aside from the predictable adverse effects of overeating and consequent overweight, some qualitative aspects of the habitual diet may also be associated with the risk of endometrial cancer, chiefly, the intake of animal proteins and fat (directly) and of fresh fruit, vegetables, and fibers (inversely).  相似文献   

During a five period (1986-1990) in Katowice province (Upper Silesia) there were 6,140 cases of lung cancer in males and 1,039 females recorded. The standardized (according to age structure of the world population) incidence of lung cancer in both groups, in 93 administrative units (45 cities, 48 communities) significantly vary and are geographically unevenly distributed. The incidence in selected areas in males can be compared with values characterizing regions of the world with highest indices (> 95 per 100,000); whereas in females the incidence of lung cancer is much lower. The prognosis for lung cancer incidence in the Upper Silesia, according to the regression analysis is pessimistic.  相似文献   

The mRNA expression of presenilin-1 (PS1) and beta-amyloid precursor protein (betaAPP) was investigated in the embryonic day 20 rat olfactory bulb, nasal cavity, and inner ear using in situ hybridization histochemistry. In the olfactory bulb, PS1 mRNA was strongly expressed in both olfactory bulb neuroepithelium and the differentiating olfactory bulb. In contrast, betaAPP mRNA was preferentially expressed in differentiating fields. In the nasal cavity, PS1 mRNA was strongly expressed throughout the olfactory epithelium, while betaAPP mRNA expression was concentrated in the middle part of the epithelium. In the membrane labyrinth of the inner ear, although PS1 mRNA was evenly distributed in both sensory epithelium and supporting cells, betaAPP mRNA was exclusively expressed in the sensory epithelium. These data suggest that PS1 is expressed earlier than betaAPP, and that PS1 and betaAPP co-operatively play pivotal roles in the development of the olfactory and vestibulocochlear systems.  相似文献   

In a population-based case-control study of women in Missouri (United States), most of whom were smokers, we obtained information on adult diet to evaluate the effects of dietary fats in relation to lung cancer risk. All newly diagnosed, primary lung cancer cases among women 35 to 84 years of age reported to the Missouri Cancer Registry from 1 January 1993 to 31 January 1994 were invited to participate, as were population-based controls. The analysis focused on interviews obtained from 624 controls and 587 cases. In-person interviews were obtained from 99.0 percent of controls and 60.6 percent of cases. Age and energy-adjusted relative risks suggested a direct relation between risk of lung cancer and intake of dietary fats (e.g., total fat, saturated fat) and frequency of meat consumption. After adjusting for confounders, dietary fats were no longer associated with risk, but the adverse effect of frequent consumption of meat persisted. Risk was elevated about 90 percent (95 percent confidence interval = 1.2-3.0) among women in the highest quintile of red meat intake compared with those in the lowest quintile. Risk estimates associated with red meat consumption, however, were dependent on interview status; the effect was restricted to cases whose dietary information was provided by proxy. In summary, after adjusting for potential confounders and removing data obtained from proxy respondents, dietary fats and consumption of red meat were not associated with lung cancer risk among women in Missouri.  相似文献   

This subject interests the practitioner as it will enable him to predict, at the time of diagnosis, what are the chances for the treatment being successful, how long will the survival be, etc.? Unquestionable factors are the extent of the tumour expressed as stage, the number of metastasis sites and the histological nature of the cancer. Possible factors are: 1) In non-small cell carcinomas: Stage 1: P 53 mutation, satellite nodules found at surgery, tumour size less than 2 cm in diameter. Operated cancers: absence of invaded lymph nodes, small size of the tumour, mutation on P 185 Neu, codon 12 mutation of the cancer ras, mutation of P 53. Effectiveness of chemotherapy: positive NSE labeling. 2) Small cell carcinomas: extent of the lesions, number of metastasis sites and performance index. When these prognostic factors are known, they must be taken into account for the attempted treatments. On the other hand, factors of poor prognosis may influence the therapeutic approach.  相似文献   

We examined associations between lifestyle factors and subsequent risk of prostate cancer in a population-based case-control study. Information on smoking and alcohol habits, socioeconomic factors, marital status, family history, and sexual habits were obtained from a questionnaire and a face-to-face interview with 256 (74.6%) eligible patients and 252 (76.6%) selected controls, frequency matched by age and screened for prostate cancer with negative findings. Unconditional logistic regression was used to estimate the odds ratios (ORs). Risk was elevated among current smokers of cigarettes (OR, 1.8) and current users of hard liquor (OR, 1.4); however, the lack of dose-response trend for both of these exposures argues against a causal association. We found tentative evidence that early first intercourse, a larger number of sexual partners, and other indices of high sexual activity are associated with increased risk. Similarly, adult height, an indicator of nutrition during childhood and adolescence, was weakly positively associated with risk, although larger studies are needed to establish this link. Unmarried men had a lower risk than married men (OR, 0.3), and socioeconomic status did not appear to be strongly associated with prostate cancer. Men with a father who had prostate cancer had a more than 2-fold increased risk of prostate cancer, whereas those with a brother affected had about a 5-folk risk.  相似文献   

Spontaneous EEG was registered under different activity conditions in 26 volunteers. The EEG synchronisation parameters were compared with the geomagnetic and solar activity on the day of experiment. A positive correlation of the EEG data with the geomagnetic activity was revealed, being most obvious in the frontal and central areas. A negative correlation between some local EEG synchronisation parameters and different indices of the solar activity, was also revealed. The degree of synchronisation of the spontaneous EEG seems to reflect sensitivity of the human nervous system to the Earth's magnetic field. A stressor response to strong short-term disturbances in the geomagnetic field reveals itself in the form of enhancement of the EEG global synchronisation. A sedative effect of slow magnetic oscillations is locally revealed in the parameters of the EEG synchronisation within the left hemisphere as well as the interhemisphere synchronisation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine incidence of cancer and cancer mortality in relation to high blood pressure. DESIGN: A longitudinal study of middle-aged men from a random population sample. SETTING: G?teborg, Sweden. SUBJECTS: We studied 7396 men aged 47-55 years without diagnosed cancer at baseline (1970-1973). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Incidence of cancer and mortality from cancer. RESULTS: By the end of December 1992, 1401 men had been diagnosed with cancer at any site and 651 had died from cancer. Of the men in the highest fifth of the systolic blood pressure distribution (above 166 mmHg) 126 per 10000 observation years were diagnosed with cancer at any site, compared with 91 per 10000 in the lowest fifth [below 130 mmHg; relative risk after adjustment for age, smoking, body mass index, treatment for hypertension and leisure time physical activity 1.41 (95% confidence interval 1.19-1.68); P for trend 0.0001]. Of men in the highest fifth, 55 per 10000 observation years died from cancer, compared with 42 in the lowest [adjusted relative risk 1.41 (1.09-1.82); P for trend 0.01]. Several types of tumour tended to be more common among men with hypertension, but only genito-urinary cancers [age-adjusted relative risk 1.39 (1.04-1.85)] and non-melanoma skin cancer [age-adjusted relative risk 1.98 (1.12-3.51)] were significantly so. Findings were similar for diastolic blood pressure and if data for the first 5 years of follow-up were excluded. There was an increase in risk of cancer also during the first 5 years [adjusted relative risk 1.80 (1.10-2.92) for systolic blood pressure and 1.77 (1.05-2.99) for diastolic blood pressure]. CONCLUSIONS: We found an excess risk of cancer and of death from cancer for men with high blood pressure. Although the increase in risk was comparatively modest, the findings are of public health importance, insofar as both hypertension and cancer are common conditions.  相似文献   

AIMS/BACKGROUND: Deep lamellar keratoplasty (DLK) was performed to restore visual acuity in 120 eyes with corneal stromal opacification. DLK is believed to be an effective treatment in eyes in which endothelial cell function had been preserved, and in which there was no epithelial or stromal oedema. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of this treatment. METHODS: The stroma was excised to the extent that only Descemet's membrane remained, at least in the optical zone. Donor corneas of full, or almost full, thickness with Descemet's membrane removed, or which had been lathed to a thickness of 0.4 mm from the endothelial side, were attached by suturing. RESULTS: In 113 eyes which were observed for 6 months or more postoperatively in which average prospective visual acuity was 0.09, average postoperative visual acuity improved to 0.6. Specular microscopy 1 month postoperatively revealed average endothelial cell counts of 2225 (SD 659)/mm2, while 24 months postoperatively this value was 1937 (642)/mm2 (cell loss 13%). Puncturing of Descemet's membrane during surgery occurred in 47 of 120 eyes (39.2%), but after 12 months, there was no difference in visual acuity or number of endothelial cells between these eyes and those in which no puncturing had occurred. CONCLUSIONS: There was no postoperative endothelial rejection reaction with DLK, and restoration of postoperative visual acuity was quite adequate. Compared with penetrating keratoplasty, DLK allows endothelial cell counts to be maintained for a longer period. In addition, results can be expected to be more consistent over the long term with DLK.  相似文献   

Risk factors for early onset of lung cancer are relatively unknown. In a case-control study, carried out in Germany between 1990 and 1996, the effects of smoking and familial aggregation of cancer were compared in 251 young cases and 280 young controls (< or = 45 years) and in 2,009 older cases and 2,039 older controls (55-69 years). The male/female ratio was 2.6/1 in young patients and 5.6/1 in older patients. Adenocarcinomas were more frequent in young men than in older men (41 % vs. 28%). Duration of smoking and amount smoked showed significantly increased odds ratios for lung cancer in both age groups. Lung cancer in a first degree relative was associated with a 2.6-fold (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1-6.0) increase in the risk of lung cancer in the young age group, but no elevated risk was seen in the older group (OR = 1.2, 95% CI 0.9-1.6). Smoking-related cancer in relatives with the age at diagnosis under 46 years was associated with an increased risk of lung cancer in the young group (OR = 5.6, 95% CI 0.7-46.9) but not in the older group (OR = 0.7, 95% CI 0.3-1.5). Results indicated that lung cancer risk in young and older age groups shows remarkable differences with respect to sex, histologic type, and genetic predisposition.  相似文献   

The survival of patients with bladder cancer has not improved significantly during the past decades in spite of new diagnostic methods and treatment modalities. This observation underlines the need for improved routines to ensure earlier detection of the disease by patients and doctors and thereby start the treatment sooner. The common finding of treatment failures in patients who have shown no sign of local recurrence but have undergone radical cystectomy indicates that subclinical metastases are primarily responsible for the poor outcome in most cases. This indicates that, in addition to radical surgery, effective chemotherapy is needed to counteract the systemic spread of the disease.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis is given of the gastric cancer incidence in the Tjumen Province for a period of 1959--1973. There was noted a direct dependence between the rate and number of risk factors (the complexes of unfavourable factors) in males and females. A conclusion is made that a higher incidence rate (1.7 times more) of gastric cancer among males may be attributed to the complexes of infavourable factors to which they are subject to a greater extent, 1.7 times as often as females, (mainly to bad habits) but not to biological features of the organism. Elimination of these harmful effects on the body would lessen the risk of this affection.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Radon at sufficiently high concentrations is known to cause lung cancer among underground miners and in experimental laboratory animals. PURPOSE: Our aim was to determine whether indoor levels of radon are associated with a detectable increase in lung cancer. Nonsmoking women were selected because they offer the best opportunity to detect radon-related risk while minimizing the potentially confounding influences of cigarette smoking and occupation. METHODS: A population-based, case-control study of incident lung cancer was conducted in Missouri. A total of 538 non-smoking white women diagnosed with lung cancer between 1986 and 1992 and 1183 age-matched control subjects were identified from the Missouri Cancer Registry and from driver's license and Medicare listings, respectively. Information on lung cancer risk factors was obtained by telephone interview. Year-long radon measurements were sought in every dwelling occupied for the previous 5-30 years. RESULTS: Radon measurements covered 78% of the relevant residential period, and women reported being indoors for 84% of this time. The time-weighted average radon concentrations were exactly the same for case subjects and control subjects (1.82 pCi/L of air [pCi L-1]). Radon levels greater than 4 pCi L-1 were experienced by 6.5% of the case subjects and 6.8% of the control subjects. For all data combined, there was little evidence for a trend of lung cancer with increasing radon concentrations (two-tailed trend test, P = .99 continuous data analysis; P = .19 categorical data analysis). A positive dose-response trend was suggested for the adenocarcinoma cell type and among directly interviewed women (two-tailed trend test; P = .31 continuous data analysis; P = .04 categorical data analysis), but not for other histologies or among those who had surrogate interviews. CONCLUSIONS: The possibility of detecting a risk from indoor radon in this study was maximized by (a) including a large number of nonsmoking women with high indoor occupancy, (b) conducting a large number of radon measurements near the time of the diagnosis of cancer, and (c) controlling for known causes of lung cancer. However, an association between lung cancer and the exposure to domestic levels of radon was not convincingly demonstrated. IMPLICATIONS: The magnitude of the lung cancer risk from radon levels commonly found in U.S. dwellings appears low.  相似文献   

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